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1、(完整版)英美文学选读试题详解3英美文学选读-阶段测评3成绩: 87。5 分一、Multiple Choice 共 40 题题号: 1 本题分数:2.5 分D。H.Lawrences novels( )are generally regarded as his masterpieces。A、The Rainbow,Women in LoveB、The Rainbow,Sons and LoversC、Sons and Lovers,Lady Chatterleys LoverD、Women in Love,Lady Chatterleys Lover(P370.para2)劳伦斯的成名作是儿子

2、和情人,而其代表作是虹和恋爱中的女人标准答案:A考生答案:A本题得分:2。5 分题号: 2 本题分数:2.5 分T。S.Eliots poem( )is heavily indebted to James Joyce in terms of the stream of consciousness technique,also a prelude to The Waste Land。A、“Prufrock” B、“GerontionC、The Hollow Men D、Lyrical Ballads(P358。para3)“Gerontion”是一部用戏剧式独白写成的诗歌,是荒原的前奏曲,也采用

3、了意识流派的文风.标准答案:B考生答案:B本题得分:2。5 分题号: 3 本题分数:2。5 分D。H。Lawrences autobiographical novel is( )。A、The Rainbow B、Women in LoveC、Sons and Lovers D、Lady Chatterleys Lover(P369.para1)劳伦斯的作品大多都是从心理上去探求让人的本能的,同时也反映人性中最内在的东西。其作品儿子和情人真实地反映了自己在童年时期的家庭状况,被视为其半自传体小说.标准答案:C考生答案:C本题得分:2。5 分题号: 4 本题分数:2。5 分The typical

4、representatives of G。B。Shaw s early plays are( )。A、Man and Superman,The Apple CartB、Widowers House,Mrs. Warren s ProfessionC、Candida,Mrs。 Warren s ProfessionD、The Apple Cart,Widowers House(P321322)。萧伯纳的第一步剧作是Widowers House,写于1892年;第二部剧作是Mrs. Warren s Profession,写于1893年.标准答案:B考生答案:B本题得分:2。5 分题号: 5 本题

5、分数:2。5 分It was only after the publication of( )that D。H.Lawrence was recognized as a prominent novelist.A、The Trespasser B、The White PeacockC、Sons and Lovers D、The Rainbow(P370。para3)儿子和情人是劳伦斯的第三部作品,也是他的成名作。标准答案:C考生答案:C本题得分:2。5 分题号: 6 本题分数:2。5 分The major concern of( )fiction lies in the tracing of t

6、he psychological development of his characters and in his energetic criticism of the dehumanizing effect of the capitalist industrialization on human nature.A、John Galsworthys B、Thomas HardysC、D.H。Lawrences D、Charles Dickens(P370。para.2)文学常识综合分析题型。劳伦斯的作品中,心理描写和心理分析是一个很重要的组成部分,作者也是通过这样的手段,来抨击资本主义工业革命

7、的非人性化。 标准答案:C考生答案:C本题得分:2。5 分题号: 7 本题分数:2.5 分Symbolism and complex narrative are employed more richly in D.H。Lawrences( ),which are generally regarded as his masterpieces.A、Women in Love,Sons and LoversB、The Rainbow,Women in LoveC、Sons and Lovers,Lady Chatterleys LoverD、Lady Chatterley s Lover,The R

8、ainbow(P370。para2)劳伦斯的象征手法和叙事手法在其代表作中充分应用,而他的代表作是虹和恋爱中得女人。标准答案:B考生答案:B本题得分:2。5 分题号: 8 本题分数:2。5 分T。S.Eliots most important single poem( )has been hailed as a landmark and a model of the 20thcentury English poetry.A、The Hollow Men B、The Waste LandC、Murder in the Cathedral D、Ash Wednesday(P359。para2)艾略

9、特的荒原的地位在文学史上可以和华兹华斯的抒情民谣相媲美,被看做是20世纪英国诗歌的里程碑.标准答案:B考生答案:B本题得分:2.5 分题号: 9 本题分数:2.5 分Which of the following poems by T。S.Eliot is hailed as a landmark and a model of the 20th century English poetry? A、Poems 19091925 B、The Hollow Man C、Prufrock and Other Observations D、The Waste Land(P357.para.2)T。S.El

10、iot的荒原的出版,可以看作是英国文学现代主义时期的开端,所以具有划时代的意义.标准答案:D考生答案:D本题得分:2.5 分题号: 10 本题分数:2.5 分George Bernard Shaws play( )established his position as the leading playwright of his time.A、Widowers Houses B、Too True to Be GoodC、Mrs.Warrens Profession D、Candida (P321.para4)英国文学史上,有三位剧作家值得一提,他们是莎士比亚,谢尔丹和肖伯纳,其中肖伯纳是现代时期

11、最有名的一位剧作家。他的成名作品康蒂妲成书于纽约。标准答案:D考生答案:D本题得分:2.5 分题号: 11 本题分数:2.5 分The plays known as “the Lawrence trilogy” are all the following EXCEPT( ).A、A Collier s Friday Night B、Lady Chatterley s LoverC、The Daughter - in Law D、The Widowing of Mrs。Holroyed(P373。Para3)劳伦斯三部曲指的是戏剧作品标准答案:B考生答案:B本题得分:2。5 分题号: 12 本题

12、分数:2。5 分George Bernard Shaws play( )shows his almost nihilistic bitterness on the subjects of the cruelty and madness of World War I and the aimlessness and disillusion of the young。A、Getting Married B、Too True to Be GoodC、Widowers Houses D、The Apple Cart(P323。para1)萧伯纳的Too True to Be Good是其后期创作中较为上

13、乘的作品,谴责的是一战的残酷和其给年轻人带来的迷茫。标准答案:B考生答案:B本题得分:2.5 分题号: 13 本题分数:2.5 分G.B.Shaw s play( )established his position as the leading playwright of his time.A、Widowers Houses B、Too True to Be GoodC、Mrs.Warren s Profession D、Candida(P321.para3)萧伯纳先期是写小说,从1892年开始从事戏剧创作,1903年,他的戏剧阚迪达在纽约上演,从此,他在剧作家界名声鹊起,称为了时代的领跑者。

14、标准答案:D考生答案:D本题得分:2.5 分题号: 14 本题分数:2.5 分George Bernard Shaws( )explored his idea of “Life Force,the power that would create superior beings to be equal to God and to solve all the social,moral,and metaphysical problems of human society。A、Man and Superman B、The Apple CartC、Pygmalion D、Too True to Be G

15、ood(P322.para1)萧伯纳是一个有着社会主义思想的作家,但他又发对暴力革命和武装斗争,并且不相信工人阶级的能力,所以,他解决资本主义弊端的理论是“超人理论”就是“英雄造时事”理论,这一理论在他的两部作品得以很好的体现,其中一部就是“Man and Superman”标准答案:A考生答案:A本题得分:2。5 分题号: 15 本题分数:2.5 分T.S。Eliot s( )not only presents a panorama of physical disorder and spiritual desolation in the modern Western world,but al

16、so reflects the prevalent mood of disillusionment and despair of a whole post war generation。A、The Hollow Men B、The Waste LandC、Murder in the Cathedral D、Ash Wednesday这是一个理解性试题。涉及对艾略特诗歌荒原的主题的理解。荒原不仅全景式地展现了现代西方文明的物质紊乱和精神荒芜,也反映了战后整个一代人的理想幻灭的普遍心境和绝望情绪.标准答案:B考生答案:B本题得分:2。5 分题号: 16 本题分数:2。5 分D。H。Lawrence

17、s artistic tendency is mainly( ),which combines dramatic scenes with an authoritative commentary。A、romanticism B、realismC、naturalism D、modernism(P375。para2)劳伦斯的写作风格是通过现实主义下的心理描写,来展示人物的性格特征的,所以,他的总体艺术风格是属于现实主义流派的。标准答案:B考生答案:B本题得分:2.5 分题号: 17 本题分数:2.5 分Among the following writers( )is considered to be

18、 the best - known English dramatist since Shakespeare。A、Oscar Wilde B、John Galsworthy C、W.B。Yeats D、George Bernard Shaw (P317。para3)十九世纪晚期的主要剧作家有王尔德和萧伯纳,其中后者被认为是莎士比亚后的最杰出的剧作家。标准答案:D考生答案:D本题得分:2。5 分题号: 18 本题分数:2。5 分T.S。Eliot won the Nobel Prize of Literature in( )。A、1945 B、1948C、1952 D、1956(P358.para

19、2)艾略特获得了多种荣誉,在1948年,他同时获得诺贝尔奖和女王授予的功绩勋位。标准答案:B考生答案:B本题得分:2.5 分题号: 19 本题分数:2。5 分All of the following are stream of consciousness novels EXCEPT( ).A、Pilgrimage B、UlyssesC、Mrs.Dalloway D、Tess of the D Urbervilles 这是一道跨章节的考题,但是并不是难题.我们知道,“意识流”小说,是英国文学发展的现代时期的产物,而德伯家德苔丝的作者托马斯.哈代,是英国十九世纪的作家,他应该属于现实主义流派的作家

20、。标准答案:D考生答案:D本题得分:2.5 分题号: 20 本题分数:2。5 分In Young Goodman Brown by Hawthorne,the name of Goodman Browns wife is( ),which also contains many symbolic meanings。A、Ruth B、Hester C、Faith D、Mary(P434。selected reading)霍桑是象征主义大师,他的作品中的人物或是其他大多都有象征意义,如:红字中的字母 “A”,好人歌德曼。布朗中的 “Goodman “Faith等.标准答案:C考生答案:C本题得分:2

21、。5 分题号: 21 本题分数:2。5 分Melvilles semi- autobiographical novel,( ),concerns the sufferings of a genteel youth among brutal sailors.A、Moby-DickB、RedburnC、MardiD、Typee(P459。para2)梅尔维尔的作品都与海洋为主题,其中的Redburn是其半自传体小说,讲述的是在残暴的水手中生活的善良的年轻人的不解,困惑和苦难。标准答案:B考生答案:A本题得分:0 分题号: 22 本题分数:2。5 分“The Birthmark” drives ho

22、me symbolically Hawthornes point that( )is mans birthmark,something he is born with。A、purity B、generosityC、evil D、love(P432。para1)霍桑的人性观点就是“人之初,性本恶”但这种恶是被隐藏起来的,在一定的条件下才被激发出来。霍桑的作品都体现了他的这一观点.标准答案:C考生答案:C本题得分:2。5 分题号: 23 本题分数:2.5 分Walt Whitman,whose( )established him as the most popular American poet

23、of the 19th century。A、Leaves of Grass B、Go Down,Moses C、The Marble Faun D、As I Lay Dying (P447。para。1)草叶集是惠特曼的诗歌集,是美国式民主在文学领域的集中体现,是一部具有划时代意义的诗集。B答案去吧,摩西是现代主义诗人福克纳的作品;C答案大理石牧神霍桑和福克纳都有过的作品;D答案在我弥留之际是现实主义诗人迪金森的作品。标准答案:A考生答案:A本题得分:2。5 分题号: 24 本题分数:2。5 分In 1841,( )went to the South Seas on a whaling shi

24、p,where he gained the first hand information about whaling that he used later in Moby Dick。A、Herman Melville B、Nathaniel HawthorneC、Robert Lee Frost D、T.S.Eliot(P458。Para2)梅尔维尔的代表作白鲸莫比迪克描写的是捕鲸船上得生活,而这一小说的写作素材正是来源于他1941年在捕鲸船上的体验。标准答案:A考生答案:A本题得分:2。5 分题号: 25 本题分数:2.5 分( )has always been regarded as a

25、writer who “perfected the best classic style that American Literature ever produced”。A、Edgar Ellen Poe B、Walt Whitman C、Henry David Thoreau D、Washington Irving (P406.oara。2)华盛顿。欧文被誉为是“美国文学之父”,是第一位享誉全球的美国本土作家,他所开辟的文学时代,是美国文学的古典主义时代。所以答案是D.A,B,艾伦。坡和惠特曼是美国浪漫主义时期的作家;亨利.大卫。梭罗和爱默生一起属于美国超验主义作家。标准答案:D考生答案:B

26、本题得分:0 分题号: 26 本题分数:2.5 分The theme of Washington Irvings Rip Van Winkle is( )。A、the conflict of human psyche B、the fight against racial discrimination C、the familial conflict D、the nostalgia for the unrecoverable past (P407.selected reading)瑞普.凡.温科尔讲述的是主人公长睡20年后,返乡时的所见所闻,处处流露出主人公对革命后的变化的不适应,怀旧之情是显而易

27、见的。标准答案:D考生答案:A本题得分:0 分题号: 27 本题分数:2。5 分Walt Whitman is a poet with a strong sense of mission,having devoted all his life to the creation of the “single poem,( )。A、The Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock B、The Waste LandC、Murder in the Cathedral D、Leaves of Grass (P448。para。2)本题属于文学常识题,大家都知道,惠特曼的诗集是草叶集,而

28、其他三部既不是诗集,也不是惠特曼的作品。标准答案:D考生答案:B本题得分:0 分题号: 28 本题分数:2。5 分The Blithedale Romance is a novel( )wrote to reveal his own experiences on the Brook Farm and his own methods as a psychological novelist.A、Herman Melville B、Nathaniel HawthorneC、Washington Irving D、Walt Whitman(P431。para1)霍桑在写作中善用象征手法,也善用心里分析

29、,所以他的作品都有着大量的心理描写,而唯一写其在布鲁克农场的经历的作品也只有这一部。标准答案:B考生答案:本题得分:0 分题号: 29 本题分数:2.5 分As( )saw it,poetry could play a vital part in the process of creating a new nation。It could enable Americans to celebrate their release from the Old World and the colonial rule。A、Wordsworth Longfellow B、William BryantC、Wal

30、t Whitman D、Robert Frost (P448。para.3)惠特曼的草叶集集中体现和颂扬了美国式的民主,同时,惠特曼也认为,诗歌在增强民族凝聚力和培养人们的革命精神中,起着不可替代的作用.标准答案:C考生答案:C本题得分:2.5 分题号: 30 本题分数:2.5 分Walt Whitman believed,by means of “( ),” he has turned poetry into an open field,an area of vital possibility where the reader can allow his own imagination to

31、 play.A、free verse B、strict verseC、regular rhyming D、standardized rhyming(P450.para1)用“自由体”去创作诗歌,是惠特曼的首创,在惠特曼看来,“自由体”不会束缚读者的想象力。标准答案:A考生答案:A本题得分:2.5 分题号: 31 本题分数:2。5 分Herman Melvilles second famous work,( ),was not published until 1924,33 years after his death。A、Pierre B、RedburnC、Moby-Dick D、Billy B

32、udd(P459。para1)梅尔维尔一生两部巨著,第一部在1851年出版,而第二部的出版却是1924年,也就是他离世33年后。标准答案:D考生答案:D本题得分:2。5 分题号: 32 本题分数:2。5 分Nathaniel Hawthorne was affected by( )s transcendentalist theory and struck up a very intimate relationship with him。A、H.W.Longfellow B、Walt WhitmanC、R.W.Emerson D、Washington Irving(P430.para3)先验主义

33、,是美国文学史上有艾默生和梭罗发起的,霍桑是深受其影响的作家.标准答案:C考生答案:C本题得分:2.5 分题号: 33 本题分数:2.5 分Hawthorne intended to( )in The Scarlet Letter.A、tell a story of parental love B、tell a story of sin and bloody violenceC、call the readers back to the plantation way of living D、reveal the human psyche after they sinned (P433。para.

34、2)霍桑的红字的目的并不在于去讲述一个爱情故事,也不是要去讲述一个悔罪的故事,而是想通过这样一个故事,去反映罪恶对人在道德,情感和心理上的影响。标准答案:D考生答案:D本题得分:2。5 分题号: 34 本题分数:2.5 分Nathaniel Hawthorne held an unceasing interest in the “interior of the heart ”of mans being.So in almost every book he wrote,Hawthorne discusses( ).A、love and hatred B、sin and evil C、frustr

35、ation and self-denial D、balance and selfdiscipline(P429。para1;P433.para。2 and 3) 霍桑是美国浪漫主义文学时期的一个怪才,认为“人之初,性本恶”,所以在他的作品中“人性的罪恶是他探讨的主题。标准答案:B考生答案:B本题得分:2.5 分题号: 35 本题分数:2.5 分In MobyDick,the white whale symbolizes( )for Melville,for it is complex,unfathomable,malignant,and beautiful as well。A、nature B

36、、human society C、whaling industry D、Truth(P461.para.1)白鲸 莫比。迪克是梅尔维尔的代表作,在作者眼里,它就是深不可测的自然,给人以力量和向往。 标准答案:A考生答案:A本题得分:2。5 分题号: 36 本题分数:2。5 分Which of the following statements is NOT true of American Transcendentalism? A、It can be clearly defined as a part of American Romantic literary movement。B、It can

37、 be defined philosophically as “the recognition in man of the capacity of knowing truth intuitively”.C、Ralph Waldo Emerson was the chief advocate of this spiritual movement.D、It sprang from South America in the late 19th century.(P420421)先验主义是美国浪漫主义文学运动的一个插曲,由爱默生,梭罗等人在新英格兰地区发起,这一流派主张的是:“回归自然,相信人具有认知

38、自然的本能直觉”标准答案:D考生答案:D本题得分:2。5 分题号: 37 本题分数:2.5 分The Romantic Period,one of the most important periods in the history of American literature,stretches from the end of( )to the outbreak of( ).A、the 17th centurythe American War of Independence B、the 18th centurythe American Civil War C、the 17th centuryt

39、he American Civil War D、the 18th centurythe U。S。 Mexican War (P399.para.1)美国文学的浪漫主义时期开始于十八世纪晚期,标志性的出版物是欧文的 “Sketch Book,结束于美国内战的爆发,标志性的出版物是惠特曼的 “Leaves of Grass”,这一时期被成为“美国的文艺复兴标准答案:B考生答案:B本题得分:2。5 分题号: 38 本题分数:2。5 分Two people could be “twain yet one” : their paths could be different,and yet they co

40、uld achieve a kind of transcendent contact,( )believed。A、Walt Whitman B、Ezra PoundC、Washington Irving D、Nathaniel Hawthorne(P448。para2)惠特曼颂扬的是美国民主,他坚信人可以合二为一,意在鼓励美国人民参与到国家大事中,这样才可能实现个人价值.标准答案:A考生答案:A本题得分:2.5 分题号: 39 本题分数:2。5 分Which of the following statements might be true of the theme of Song of My

41、self by Whitman? A、This poem describes the growth of a child who learned about the world around him and improved himself accordingly。B、This poem shows the authors cynical sentiments against the American Civil War.C、This poem reflects the authors belief in Unitarianism or Deism.D、This poem reflects t

42、he authors belief in the singularity and equality of all beings in value。(P457.selected reading)A答案是有个天天向前走的孩子一诗的主题;B答案的观点与惠特曼的革命精神相悖;C答案的表述是一个宗教观点。标准答案:D考生答案:D本题得分:2。5 分题号: 40 本题分数:2.5 分Herman Melville wrote his semiautobiographical novel( )concerning the sufferings of a genteel youth among brutal sailors。A、Typee B、RedburnC、Moby-Dick D、Mardi(P459。para.2)梅尔维尔早期小说的主题是海洋冒险,除了莫比。迪克外,主要的海洋冒险小说就是以上四部,其中以 Redburn的艺术成就最高。标准答案:B考生答案:B本题得分:2。5 分

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