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1、Module 5 Unit 1 Your bag is broken!1-How much 多少多少钱钱_ _ is the bag?_ _is the pencil?_ _ is the book?2-_ _(多少多少钱)is that bag?3-Its only thirty yuan.Its very _(便宜便宜).4-But it looks _(脏).5-Linglings bag is .broken6-broken破了破了7-The is broken.bikepencilCDkite8-This black bag is _.Its _.But its very _.nic

2、ebigheavy9-Look at this green one.Its_.A.heavy B.light10-light 轻的的The _ is light.The _ is light.The_ are light11-light 轻的的night 夜晚夜晚might 可能可能 fight 打架,争吵,打架,争吵,奋斗斗12-I like the one.Because its .13-What has this black one got?14-What has this black one got?This black bag has got _ .wheels15-wheels16

3、-ABCWhich one will Lingling take?Why?17-ABCBecause it will be easy for her to carry.Which one will Lingling take?Why?18-19-20-21-Linglings bag is _.So Ms Smart will buy Lingling a new one.The black bag is nice and big.But its very _.The green one is _.But its very small.This black bag has got wheels

4、.It will be _ for her.They will take it.heavylighteasy broken22-23-blue bigred small 24-white dirtyyellow clean25-green heavyred light26-A:Its _.B:Its the _ _.27-A:Its heavy.B:Its the _ _.28-A:Its heavy.B:Its the green bag.29-A:Its light.B:Its the _ _.30-A:Its light.B:Its the red bag.31-A:Its _.B:It

5、s the _ _.32-A:Theyre _.B:Theyre the _ _.33-A:Theyre dirty.B:Theyre the _ _.34-A:Theyre dirty.B:Theyre the white shoes.35-A:Theyre clean.B:Theyre the _ _.36-A:Theyre clean.B:Theyre the orange shoes.37-A:Theyre B:Theyre the 38-The tiger is thin and scary.The dogs are small and cute.39-The _ is The _

6、are long fat thin heavy light beautiful big small cute scary40-Her birthday is coming.Ill buy her a new computer.Here are three computers.Its difficult to choose.Can you help me?41-Its(small,big,red,powerful,expensive,cheap,light,heavy,beautiful,perfect,easy to use)It has got a big/small screen.Its good for computer games.¥3688¥5560¥358042-Homework:1.Listen and read the dialogue.2.Write down your suggestions.43-44-

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