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1、(完整版)非谓语动词句子改写 Word 文档 非谓语动词系列训练(二)一:在句子意思不变的情况下用分词或不定式改写下列句子:1。When he saw from the top of the mountain, he viewed a beautiful city。-_from the top of the mountain, he viewed a beautiful city.(用分词)2When it was seen from the of the mountain, the city looks like a garden. (用分词)-_from the of the mounta

2、in, the city looks like a garden. city. (用分词)3.When he was asked why he went there, he said he was sent there to be trained for a space flight. -When _ why he went there, he said he was sent there to be trained for a space flight。 (用分词)4. Do you know the boy who knows Japanese? - Do you know the boy

3、 _ Japanese? (用分词)5。 Do you know the boy who is called Tom. - Do you know the boy _Tom。 (用分词)6. This is the man who organized the activity.This is the man_ the activity. (用分词)7。 He followed his students and came in. - He came in, _ his students(用分词)8。 He came in and was followed by his students - He

4、 came in ,_by his students(用分词)9。The woman who was dressed in a blue skirt delivered a speech to us. - The woman _ in a blue skirt delivered a speech to us. (用分词)10. Because he is a physicist, he could well explained how to do the research。 - _ a physicist, he could well explained how to do the rese

5、arch. (用分词)11。 He was born on the 18th of January, 1979 in Taiwan, and he was raised by his mother and was shy and quiet during his childhood。 - _on the 18th of January, 1979 in Taiwan, and he was raised by his mother and was shy and quiet during his childhood。 (用分词) 12. The flowers his friend gave

6、him will die unless it is watered every day. -The flowers his friend gave him will die unless _ every day。 (用分词)13When we were walking dogs, we came across a famous professor。 - When _ dogs, we came across a famous professor。 (用分词)14. He donated over 10 billion dollars in order that he could sponsor

7、 education, culture, sports, and public welfare in the earth-stricken area. - He donated over 10 billion dollars _education, culture, sports, and public welfare in the earth-stricken area。(用不定式)15 After he had finished his homework, he played the piano。 - _ his homework, he played the piano。16. Afte

8、r the bridge had been completed, it went through a hard time because of the bad weather。 -_, it went through a hard time because of the bad weather.17 It is said that Bell invented the telephone.18。 Bell is said _ the telephone. (用不定式) 19. I dont decide what I should do。 I dont decide what_(用不定式) 20

9、。 It happened that he had been invited- He happened _21。He was so young that he could not go to school. He was too young _ to school。22。 When the test was finished, we began our holiday.- The test _, we began our holiday.(用独立主格结构)23. As time goes by ,he becoms aware of it. With time _ by, he becomes

10、 aware of the significant of it.24. The moon, which travels round the earth once every month, is a natural satellite of the earth。 - The moon, _ round the earth once every month, is a natural satellite of the earth. 25。 Though he had been told several times, he didnt understand me.-_ several times,

11、he didnt understand me. 26. After the problem was solved,he took a rest。With the problem _, he took a rest.27。 If time permits, we will 28He lay there, his hand clenched, his eyes looking straight up.-He lay there, his hand_, his eyes looking straight up29。I once read a book called Man, Woman and Ch

12、ild, which enabled me to understand the love in a family。 -I once read a book called Man, Woman and Child, _ me to understand the love in a family. (用分词)30。There are many places of interest, among which is the Yunji mountain,whose scenery is very beautiful, which attracts lots of tourists from diffe

13、rent places every year.-There are many places of interest, among which is the Yunji mountain,whose scenery is very beautiful, _ lots of tourists from different places every year. (用分词)二:非谓语动词完成句子练习1。 I rushed to the phone at the reception desk, (却被告知)there was no doctor available。 (only)2. Which do

14、you enjoy (度过你的业余时间), playing cards at home or taking a walk in the park? (spend)3。 This matter is well worth (考虑)。 (think)4。 Twenty passengers were killed in the accident, (包括三名儿童). (child)5. (根据他的话判断), he did well in his exam。 (judge)6. This is a story (追溯到)the Tang Dynasty。 (date)7. This is an ar

15、ticle (由五部分组成)five parts。 (consist)8. This is an article (由五部分组成)five parts。(make)9. Do tell me the ways you think of (解决这个问题)as soon as possible. (solve)10。 The speech which he made (关于足球比赛的)bored a lot of fans to death。 (concern)11。 (就我个人而言), l cannot object to your marriage。 (concern)12。 Do you k

16、now his difficulty he had (养活五个孩子)at school? (keep)13. We looked for the thief everywhere, and at last we found him (躲在木箱里)behind the door. (hide)14. (没有公共汽车),we had to walk home last night。 (be)。15。 The bank is reported in the local newspaper (被抢了)in the broad daylight yesterday。 (rob)16。 He saw a

17、dirt road (满是脚印). (mark)17. With (石油价格上涨), the economy of that country is slowing down。 (go)18。 When the national flag is being hoisted, all the students stand at attention, their eyes (注视着国旗)。 (fix)19。 (没收到他的信)him, I decided to write again。 (hear)20。 He doesnt seem to mind (被取笑)by others. (make)21.

18、 The sports meet (举行)next week is of great importance. (hold)22。 The sports meet (正在举行)is very important. (hold)23. The sports meet (上星期举行)is of great importance. (hold)24。 China is a country (属于)the Third World. (belong)25. his research(致力于研究), the professor paid little attention to his surrounding

19、s. (devote)26。 He is always the first (到校)in the morning. (come)27. recovery(为了确保那孩子尽快康复),five doctors took turns looking after him day and night。 (ensure)28. (在两位护士的帮助下),the old man struggled to his feet。 (help)29。 (参观完图书馆), the parents were taken to the dining room。 (show)30. Such being the case,

20、l have no choice (只有支持他).(support)31. Without money, he has nothing to do but (辍学). (drop)32。 (说实话), I am not familiar with this kill. (tell)33. He dressed up so as (为了不被注意)by others . (notice)三:合并下列句子1. The annual school sports meeting was held yesterday. It presented a marvelous opening ceremony._

21、2. After the opening ceremony, we sat in the base of our class。 We waited patiently for the beginning of the race。_3. Some of my classmates work very hard, and they hope to fulfill their dream._4. .My friend Christine took part in the 800-meter race. She had received training many times, so she kept

22、 calm before the race。 After 400 meters, though she looked tired, she still tried her best to run。 We screamed and beat the drum when we saw she passed by. She won the medal, and we were proud of it。 (把短文中的从句或并列句改成非谓语动词)_四:语篇填空 用所给动词的适当形式填空。(一) Freud was one of the first scientists 1_(make)serious r

23、esearch of the mind. The mind is the collection of activities 2_(base) in the brain that involve how we act, think, feel and reason. He used long talks with patients and the study of dreams 3_(search) for the causes of mental and emotional problems. He also tried hypnosis(催眠). He wanted to see if 4_

24、(put)patients into a sleeplike condition would help ease 5_(trouble) minds。 In most cases he found the effects only temporary. Freud worked hard, although what he did might sound easy. His method involved 6_ (sit) with his patients and 7_(listen)to them talk. He had them 8_(talk)about whatever they

25、were thinking。 All ideas, thoughts and anything that entered their mind had to 9_(express)。 There could be no10_(hold)back because of fear or guilt. 基础写作 :最近,你就读的学校-广东实验中学高中部将举办开放日. 你将作为学校的学生代表向前来参观的英语老师介绍高中校区的基本情况,请准备好你的解说词,文章的开头和结尾已为你写好。(学会用非谓语动词表达)位置交通:位于广州市西部,荔湾区;出行便利,步行到地铁站约10分钟。学校历史:逾120年的悠久历史

26、;现高中校区于2004年 竣工并投入使用.校园环境:占地面积约125,000平方米;植物繁茂,绿树成荫,环境优美。校园设施:课室宽敞明亮,配备齐全;拥有标准运动 设施, 其中综合体育馆可用于举办比赛、会议和典礼。师生情况:目前学生约3000人,教师约200人;全体师生正在 为学校更美好的明天共同奋斗。【写作要求】 只能用5个句子表达全部内容。【评分标准】句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章结构连贯。Good morning, teachers! Welcome to Guangdong Experimental High School!.。._非谓语动词练习答案1Seeing 2。Seen (原句

27、有误,请改成When it was seen from the top of the mountain,the city is beautiful (用分词) 3。 asked 4。 knowing 5. called 6. organizing 7. following 8. followed 9。 dressed 10。 Being 11. Born 12. watered 13。 walking 14。 to sponsor 15. Having finished 16。 Having been completed 17 18。. to have invented19。to do 20。

28、 to have been invited 21。 to go 22 finished 23. going 24. travelling 25. Having been toldTold 26。 solved 27。permitting 28. clenched 29。enabling 30。 attracting 二:非谓语动词完成句子练习Keys:1. only to be told (that) 2。 to spend your spare/free time3。 thinking about 4. including three children/ three children inc

29、luded5. Judging from / by his words/what he said6。 dating back to/from (which dates back to/from)7. consisting of / which consists of 8. made up of/which is made up of 9. to solve the problem 10。 concerning the football match 11. As/So far as I am concerned 12. (in) keeping five children 13。 hidden

30、in a wooden box 14。 There being no bus 15. to have been robbed 16. Seen from the top of 17. Seeing from the top of 18。 To see 19. marked with footprints 20. the price of oil going up 21。 fixed on/upon the national flag 22. with (both) his hands tied 23. Not having heard from 24。 (his) being made fun

31、 of 25. to be held 26。 being held now 27. held last week 28。 belonging to 29. Devoted to/ Devoting himself to 30. to come to school 31. To ensure the childs quick 32。 Helped by two nurses 33. Having been shown around the library 34。 but to support him 35。 drop out of school 36。 To tell (you) the tru

32、th 37。 not to be noticed 38。 stealing jewels from the supermarket 39. surrounding the island 40. taken into consideration/account三:合并下列句子1.The annual school sports meeting held yesterday presented a marvelous opening ceremony. The annual school sports meeting was held yesterday ,presenting a marvelo

33、us opening ceremony.2。 After the opening ceremony, we sat in the base of our class,waiting patiently for the beginning of the race._3. Some of my classmates work very hard, hoping to fulfill their dream._4.。My friend Christine took part in the 800meter race。 Having received training many times, she

34、kept calm before the race. After 400 meters, looking tired, she still tried her best to run. We screamed and beat the drum when seeing her passing by. She won the medal, and we were proud of it. 5.(对不起试题重复了)四、语篇填空 1,to make 2, based 3, to search 4, putting 5, troubled 6, sitting 7, listening 8, talk

35、 9, be expressed 10. holding五/;写作: Situated in Liwan District, in the west of Guangzhou, Guangdong Experimental High School enjoys the convenient transportation because it merely takes us about 10 minutes to walk to the metro station. While the new campus was completed and put to use in 2004, the hi

36、story of our school dates back to 120 years ago. Covering an area of 125,000 square metres, our school provides students and teachers with a graceful environment with lots of trees making pleasant shade and other plants flourishing。 In addition, not only are there spacious, bright and wellequipped c

37、lassrooms in our school, but it also owns large quantities of sports facilities, among which the comprehensive gymnasium can be used to hold great sports events, meetings and ceremonies。 Worth mentioning, we all hold the belief that our school is heading for a better tomorrow with the joint efforts made by about 3000 students and 200 teachers. Thank you!6

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