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1、附录A 译文脉宽调制技术前面讨论的三相6阶梯逆变器既有其优点也有其局限性。由于在基波频率的每个周期仅开关六次,因此逆变器的控制简单而且开关损耗低。但是6阶梯波电压中的低次谐波会导致电流波形产生极大的畸变,除非使用笨重庞大的不经济的低通滤波器滤波。另外,输出电压靠整流器控制,也不可避免的带有整流器所具有的通常的缺点16。脉宽调制(PWM)工作原理由于逆变器中电子开关的存在,在恒定的直流输入电压作用下,逆变器可以通过自身的多次开关控制输出电压并优化输出谐波。图5-18解释了通过PWM控制输出电压的工作原理。基波电压在方波工作模式下具有最大的幅值(4)。如图示,通过产生俩个凹口,的幅值可以被减小,随

2、着凹口宽度的增加,基波电压将随之减小。图5-18 PWM控制输出电压的工作原理PWM分类在过去的文献中已提出了很多的PWM技术,下面是对这些PWM技术的分类。1) 正弦PWM(SPWM);2) 特定谐波消除PWM(SHEPWM);3) 最小纹波电流PWM;4) 空间矢量PWM(SVW);5) 随机PWM;6) 滞环电流控制PWM;7) 瞬时电流控制正弦PWM;8) Delta调制PWM;9) Sigma Delta调制PWM通常PWM技术可以按电压控制或电流控制来分类,或按前馈方式或反馈方式来分类,也可以按基于斩波或不基于斩波来分类。注意,前面讨论的移相控制PWM也是一种PWM技术。在这一节中


4、给出: (5-33) 图5-19 三相桥式逆变器正弦PWM的工作原理式中,m为调制指数;w为基波频率(rad/s),(与调制频率相同);为输出相位移,取决于调制波的实际位置。图5-20 PWM逆变器的线电压和相电压的波形a)线电压 b)相电压调制指数m被定义 (5-34)式中,为调制波的峰值;为载波的峰值。理想情况下,m可以从0变化到1,并且调制波与输出波形之间将保持着线性关系。逆变器基本上可以被看作是一个线性放大器,根据(5-33)和式(5-34)可以得出这个放大器的增益G为: (5-35)当m=1时,可以得到最大的基波电压峰值0.5,这个数值是方波电压输出时基波电压峰值(4)的78.55%

5、。事实上,通过将某些三次谐波成分加入到调制波中,线性工作范围的最大输出基波电压峰值可以增加到方波输出时的90.7%。当m=0时,是一个频率与载波频率相同,脉冲和凹口宽度上下对称的方波。PWM输出波形中,含有与载波频率相关且边(频)带与调制波频率相关的谐波成分。这些频率成分可以表示为,如式(5-33)所示。式中,M和N均为整数;M+N为一个奇整数。表5-1给出了当载波频率与调制波频率的比值时的输出谐波。表5-1 SPWM在时的输出谐波m谐波成分115w15w2w15w4w230w30w3w30w5w345w45w2w45w4w由上述的输出谐波成分可以推导出,其幅值与载波比P无关,并将随着M和N的


7、作 当调制指数m接近于1时,在正,负半周期中间位置附近的凹口和脉冲将趋于消失。为了使器件能有一个完整的开关操作,应保持一个最小的凹口和脉冲宽度。当这个最小脉宽的凹口和脉冲消失时,负载电流会有一个瞬态跳变。对IGBT逆变器,这个跳变可能是比较小的;但对于电力GTO晶闸管逆变器,由于器件变速的开关,这个跳变会很大。m的数值可以增加到大于1进入准PWM区域,图5-21所示为正半周期操作。图中在正半周期中间附近脉冲向下的凹口不见了,从而给出了一个具有较高的基波成分的准方波输出。如图5-22所示,在过调区,传递特性是非线性的,波形中重新出现了5次和7次谐波成分。随着m数值的增加,即调制信号的增大,最终逆

8、变器将给出一个方波输出,器件在方波的上升沿开关一次,在下降沿开关一次。在这种情况下,输出基波相电压峰值达到4(0.5)/,即达到100%的输出,如图5-22所示。 图5-21 过调制区的波形 图5-22 SPWM过调制输出传递特性 2.载波与调制波频率的关系 对于变速传动,逆变器输出电压和频率应按图2-14所示关系变化。在恒功率区,逆变器以方波模式工作从而可以获得最大电压。在恒转矩区,逆变器输出电压可以采用PWM控制。通常希望逆变器工作时载波与调制波频率比P为一整数,即在整个工作范围内调制波与载波保持同步。但当P保持为一定值,在基波频率下降时,会使载波频率也随之变得很低,就电机的谐波损耗而言,


10、,这是因为对无中线连接的负载,三的倍数次谐波是不需要考虑的。当调制波频率接近于额定频率(f/f=1)时,逆变器转换到方波模式工作,这里假设这是载波频率与基波频率相等。在整个工作范围,控制策略应该仔细的设计,使在载波频率跳变的时刻,不产生电压的跳变,并且为了避免相邻P值之间的抖动,在跳变点应设置一个窄的滞环带。5-23 载波频率f/f的关系 3.死区时间效应及补偿 由于死区(或封锁)效应,实际的PWM逆变器的相电压()波形会在某种程度上偏离5-19所示的理想波形。这种效应可以用图5-24中三相逆变桥中的a相桥臂来解释。电压源型逆变器的一个基本控制原则是要导通的器件应滞后于要关断的器件一个死区时间

11、t(典型值为几微妙)以防止峭壁的直通。这是因为器件的导通是非常快的,而相对来说关断是比较慢的。死区效应会导致输出电压的畸变并减小其幅值。考虑图5-24所示PWM操作,如图示,a相电流i的方向为正。初始状态Q为导通,的幅值为+0.5V。Q在理想的开关点关断后,在Q导通前有一个时间间隔t,在这个间隔,Q和Q都处于关断状态,但+ i的流通使得在理想开关点自然的切换到-0.5 V。现在考虑在理想开关点从Q到Q的带有延迟时间t的开关转换。当QQ两个器件都关断时,+i继续通过D流通,从而造成了如图所示阴影面积的脉冲伏-秒(Vt)面积损失。下面再考虑电流i的极性为负时的情况。仔细的观察图示波形可以看到Q导通

12、的前沿有一个类似的伏-秒面积的增加。注意,上述伏-秒面积的损失或增加仅仅取决于电流的极性,而与电流的幅值无关。图5-25给出了在每一个载波周期T分别对应于+i和-i的伏-秒面 图5-24 半桥逆变器死区效应的波形积(Vt)损失和增加的积累效应对基波电压波形的影响。图中基波电流i滞后于基波电压一个相位角。图5-25中最下面的图解释了死区效应。把由Vt构成的这些面积累加起来并在基波频率的半周期内加以平均可得出方波偏移电压V为 (5-36)式中,P=,f为基波频率,图5-25中最上端的波形给出了V波对理想波的影响。在较低的基波频率下,这种基波电压的损失以及低频谐波畸变会变得很严重。死区效应可以很容易

13、的通过电流反馈或电压反馈方法进行补偿。对于点一种方法,通过对相电流极性的检测,将一个固定量的补偿偏移电压加到调制波上;对后一种方法,将检测的输出相电压与PWM电压参数信号相对比,延后把偏差用于补偿PWM参考调制波。5.5.2 特定谐波消除PWM(SHEPWM)应用特定谐波消除PWM(SHEPWM)可以将方波中不希望有的低次谐波消除,并控制输出基波电压的大小,如图5-26所示。在这种方法中,要在方波电压中开出一些预先确图5-25 输出相电压波形的死区效应定好角度的凹槽。图中所示为四分之一波对称的正半周波形,可以通过控制图中四个凹槽角,和消除三个特定的谐波成分,同时控制输出基波电压。如果图示波形中

14、有更多的凹槽角,责可以消除更多的谐波成分。图5-26 特定谐波消除PWM的相电压波形 任何波形均可用如下傅立叶级数展开形似表示: v(t)= (5-37)式中 (5-38) (5-39)对于四分之一周期对称的波形,波形中将只含有正弦项,并且只含有几次谐波成分。因此有 a=0 (5-40)v(t)= (5-41)式中 (5-42) 假设图示波形具有单位幅值,即v(t)=,则b可以求出如下: (5-43)根据表达式 (5-44)可以得出式(5-43)中的第一项和最后一项为 (5-45) (5-46)将式(5-45),式(5-46)代入式(5-43)并求出式中其它的积分项,可得 (5-47)注意在(

15、5-47)中有k个变量(即,),因此需要有k个方程式去解出这k个变量的数值。通过求解出这k个角度,可以使基波电压得到控制并且消除k-1个频率的特定谐波。图5-37 消除5次和6次谐波时凹槽角与基波输出电压关系考虑下面的例子,消除5次和7次谐波(最低次的特定谐波)并控制基波电压,3次谐波以及三的倍数次谐波在无中线连接的电机负载中不可以不考虑。在这种情况下,k=3.根据式(5-47),可以得到如下方程:基波: (5-48)5次谐波: (5-49)7次谐波: (5-50)对于一个指定的基波电压幅值,可以通过计算机程序用数值算法求解上面这组非线性超越方程组,算出、和的数值,如图5-27所示。例如,给定

16、50%的基波电压(=0.5),可得到数值为=20.9 =35.8 =51.2从图5-27还可以看到由于低次谐波的消除,较低次的其他特定谐波(如11次和13次)被显著的增加了,但由于这些特定谐波的频率比基波频率高出很多,因此他们的影响不大。从图5-27还可以看出,在输出基波电压幅值从0变化到93.34%时(100%对应于方波电压输出),5次和7次谐波都可以完全消除。在输出电压为93.34%时,=0后,在半周期外侧的单一凹槽可以通过减小角度而对称的变窄,最后跳变为完整的方波。表5-2给出了输出基波电压以1%步距变化时的角度的变化。图5-28给出了输出电压为98%时的典型波形。注意,基波电压的方向与

17、角的整个变化范围无关,输出基波电压在93.3%100%的范围内变化时,会有某种程度的5次和7次谐波成分重新出现,但与限制电压跳变所得的益处相比这是微不足道的。表5-2 电压在93.3%100%范围内变化时的角变化93025.9422.0294016.1721.5695016.4120.8696016.8820.3997017.3419.9298011.0213.599904.697.27100000通过预先设置凹槽角的查寻表格,特定的谐波消除法可以很方便的用微机实现。图5-29所示简单框图给出了这种方法的而实现策略。对于一个给定的指令电压,可以在查寻表格中得到相应的凹槽角度,然后在时域里应用一

18、个减法计算器就可以产生相应的电压脉冲宽度。这里,计算器的脉冲为。例如,k=360,则可以产生分辨率为1的波形。图5-28 输出电压为98%时的典型波形随着基波频率的下降,可以使凹槽的数量增多,这样就可以消除更多的特定谐波,但是如前所述,每周期凹槽角的数量或者开关频率本身是受到逆变器的开关损耗限制的。这种方法的一个明显缺点就是当基波频率比较低时,查寻表会变得非常的大,因此,一种混合PWM方法成为一种非常具有吸引力的选择,在这种方法中,在低频、低电压区域中使用SPWM方法;而在高频区,使用特定谐波消除法。图5-29 特定谐波消除法的实现框图最小纹波电流PWM特定谐波消除PWM法的一个明显缺点是当较

19、低次的谐波被消除时,与其相邻的下一个较高次的谐波却被增值了,如图5-27所示。由于电机中谐波损耗是由纹波电流的有效值确定的,因此,应该减小的是纹波电流有效值而不是某些个别的谐波。在前面已指出,与各次谐波电压相对应的谐波电压值本质上取决于断崖的有效漏电感。因此纹波电流有效值可以表示如下: (5-51)式中,为谐波电流有效值;L为电机每相的等效漏感,,为谐波电流的峰值;n为谐波次数;为n次谐波电压峰值;为基波频率。相应的谐波铜损为 (5-52)式中,R为电机每相的有效电阻。对于一组确定的凹槽角,从式(5-47)可以得到的表达式,将此式代入到式(5-51)中,就可以得到作为角函数的。对于一个确定基波

20、幅值,通过计算机程序对角迭代运算可以求出最小化的。与谐波消除法相比,基于谐波损耗最小化修改的角查寻表是一种更理想的选择。附录B 外文文献5.5 PULSE WIDTH MODULATION TECHNIQUES The three-phase, six-step inverter discussed before has several advantages and limitations. The inverter control is simple and the switching loss is low because there are only six switching per

21、cycle of fundamental frequency .Unfortunately, the lower order harmonics of the six-step voltage wave will cause large distortions of the current wave unless filtered by bulky and uneconomical low-pass filters. Besides, the voltage control by the line-side rectifier has the usual disadvantages17.5.5

22、.1 PWM PrincipleBecause an inverter contains electronic switches ,it is possible to control the output voltage as well as optimize the harmonics by performing multiple switching within the inverter with the constant dc input voltage .The PWM principle to control the output voltage is explained in Fi

23、gure 5.18.The fundamental voltage has the maximum amplitude(4/)at square wave, but by creating two notches as shown ,the magnitude can be reduced. If the notch widths are increased, the fundamental voltage will be reduced. PWM ClassificationThere are many possible PWM techniques proposed in t

24、he literature. The classification of PWM techniques can be given as follows:Sinusoidal PWM (SPMW)Selected harmonic elimination (SHE)PWMMinimum ripple current PWMSpace-Vector PWM(SVM)Random PWMHysteresis band current control PWMSinusoidal PWM with instantaneous current controlDelta modulationSigma-de

25、lta modulation Figure 5.17 PWM principle to control output voltageOften, PWM techniques are classified on the basis of voltage or current control, feed-forward or feedback methods, carrier-or non-carrier-based control, etc. Note that the phase-shirt PWM discussed before can also be classified as a P

26、WM technique. In this section, we will briefly review the principle PWM techniques. Sinusoidal PWMThe sinusoidal PWM technique is very popular for industrial converters and is discussed extensively in the literate. Figure 5.19 explains the general principle of SPWM, where an isosceles trian

27、gle carrier wave of frequency is compared with the fundamental frequency sinusodal modulating wave, and the points of intersection determine the switching points of power devices. For example, fabrication by switching and of half-bridge inverter, is shown in the figure. The lock-out time between and

28、 to prevent a shoot-through fault is ignored in the figure .This method is also known as the triangulation, subharmonic, or suboscillation method. The notch and pulse widths of wave vary in a sinusoidal manner so that the average or fundamental component frequency is the same as f and its amplitude

29、is proportional to the command modulating voltage .The same carrier wave can be used for all three phases, as shown The typical wave shape of line and phase voltages for an isolated neutral load can be plotted graphically as shown to be of the following form: (5-33)Where m=modulation index,=fundamen

30、tal frequency in r/s(same as the modulating frequency)and =phase shift of output, depending on the position of the modulating wave. The modulating index m is defined as (5-34)Figure 5.18 Principle of sinusoidal PWM for three-phase bridge inverterFigure 5.19 Line and phase voltage waves of PWM invert

31、erWhere =peck value of the modulating wave and = peck value of the carrier wave. Ideally, m can be varied between 0 and 1 to give a linear relation between the modulating and output wave. The inverter basically acts as a linear amplifier. Combining Equations(5.33)and(5.34),the amplifier gain G is gi

32、ven as (5-35)At m=1,the maximum value of fundamental peak voltage is 0.5 ,which is 78.55percent of the peak voltage(4/2)of the square wave. In fact, the maximum value in the linear range can be increased to 90.7 percent of that of the square wave by mixing the appropriate values of triplen harmonics

33、 with the modulating wave. At m=0, is a square wave at carrier frequency with symmetrical pulse and notch widths. The PWM output wave contains carrier frequency-related harmonics with modulating frequency-related sidebands in the form,which are shown in Equation(5.33),where M and N are integer and M

34、+N=an odd integer. For a carrier-to-modulating frequency ratio ,Table 5.1 gives a summary of output harmonics.Table 5.1 Family of Output Harmonics for Sinusoidal PWM with mHarmonics115w15w2w15w4w230w30w3w30w5w345w45w2w45w4wIt can be shown that the amplitude of the harmonics is independent of P and d

35、iminishes with higher values of M and N. With higher carrier frequency ratio P, the inverter line current harmonics will be well-filter by nominal leakage inductance of the machine and will practically approach a sine wave. The selection of a carrier frequency depends on the trade-off between the in

36、verter loss and the machine loss. Higher carrier frequency(same as switching frequency)increases inverter switching loss but decrease machine harmonic loss. An optimal carrier frequency should be selected such that the total system loss in minimal. An important effect of PWM switching frequency is t

37、he generation of acoustic noise(known as magnetic noise)by the magnetostriction effect when the inverter supplies power to machine. The effect can be alleviated by randomly varying the switching frequency(radom SPWM),or it can be completely eliminated by increasing the switching frequency above the

38、audio range. Modern high-speed IGBTs easily permit such acoustically noise-free variable-frequency drives. Low-pass line filter can also eliminate this problem.Overmodulation Region As the modulation index m approaches 1,the notch and pulse widths near the center of positive and negative half-cycles

39、,respectively, tend to vanish. To complete switching operation of device, minimum notch and pulse widths must be maintained. When minimum-width notches and pulses are dropped, there will be some transient jump of load current. The jump may be small for IGBT inverters, but it is substantial for high-

40、power GTO inverter because of the slow switching of the devices. The value of m can be increased beyond the value of 1 to enter into the quasi-PWM region, shown in Figure 5.21 for positive half-cycle only. The wave indicates that the notches near the center part have disappeared, giving a quasi-squa

41、re-wave out-put with a higher fundamental component. The transfer characteristics in the overmodulation region are nonlinear in Figure 5.22,and the harmonics ,etc.reappear. Ultimately, with a high m value, that is, a large modulating signal, there will be one switching at the leading edge and anther

42、 switching at the trailing edge, giving square-wave output. At this condition, the fundamental phase voltage peak value is 4(0.5)/,which is 100 percent, as indicated in Figure 5.22.Frequency RelationFor variable-speed drive applications, the inverter output voltage and frequency are to be varied in

43、the relation shown in Figure2.14.In the constant power region, the maximum voltage can be obtained by operating the inverter in square-wave mode, but in the constant torque region, the voltage can be controlled using the PWM principle. It is usually desirable to operate the inverter with an integral

44、 ratio P of carrier-to-modulating frequency, where the modulating wave remains synchronized with the carrier wave in entire region. A fixed value of P cause a low carrier frequency as the fundamental frequency goes down, which is not desirable from the machine harmonic loss point of view. A practica

45、l carrier-to- fundamental frequency relation of a GTO inverter is shown in Figure 5.23.At a low fundamental frequency, the carrier frequency is maintained constant and the inverter operates in the freerunning, or asynchronous, mode. In this region, the ratio P may be nonintegral, and the phase may continually drift. This gives rise to a unharmonic problem with drifting dc offset (beating effect), which tends to be worse as the r

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