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1、中华人民共和国计算机信息网络国际联网管理暂行规定实施办法中英对照中华人民共和国计算机信息网络国际联网管理暂行规定实施办法Implementation rules for provisional regulations of the administration of international networking of computer information in China第一条 为了加强对计算机信息网络国际联网的管理,保障国际计算机信息交流的健康发展,根据中华人民共和国计算机信息网络国际联网管理暂行规定(以下简称暂行规定),制定本办法。 Article 1 In accordance

2、with Provisional Regulations of the Administration of international networking of Computer Information in the Peoples Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as Provisional Regulations), these Rules are formulated for the purpose of strengthening the administration of the international networking

3、 of computer information and ensuring the healthy development of the exchange of international information through computers. 第二条 中华人民共和国境内的计算机信息网络进行国际联网,依照本办法办理。 Article 2 These Rules shall apply to the connection of computer information networks within the territory of the Peoples Republic of Chin

4、a with international networks. 第三条 本办法下列用语的含义是: Article 3 Following are the definitions of terms used in these Rules: 1.国际联网,是指中华人民共和国境内的计算机互联网络、专业计算机信息网络、企业计算机信息网络,以及其他通过专线进行国际联网的计算机信息网络同外国的计算机信息网络相联接。 (1) International networking refers to the connection of computer inter- connected networks, spec

5、ialized computer information networks, corporate computer information networks and other computer information networks linked by special lines within the territory of Peoples Republic of China with foreign computer information networks. 2.接入网络,是指通过接入互联网络进行国际联网的计算机信息网络;接入网络可以是多级联接的网络。 (2) Access netw

6、orks refer to computer information networks which are connected with international networks through interconnected networks. Access networks can be those connected at multi-levels. 3.国际出入口信道,是指国际联网所使用的物理信道。 (3) International inward and outward channels refer to physical information channels required

7、 for international networking. 4.用户,是指通过接入网络进行国际联网的个人、法人和其他组织;个人用户是指具有联网帐号的个人。 (4) Subscribers refer to individuals, legal persons and other organizations which connect their computers or networks with international networks through access networks. Personal subscribers refer to individuals with acc

8、ount numbers for networking. 5.专业计算机信息网络,是指为行业服务的专用计算机信息网络。 (5) Specialized computer information networks refer to those operated for the exclusive use of certain sectors. 6.企业计算机信息网络,是指企业内部自用的计算机信息网络。 (6) Corporate computer information networks refer to those operated within enterprises for interna

9、l use. 第四条 国家对国际联网的建设布局、资源利用进行统筹规划。际联网采用国家统一制定的技术标准、安全标准、资费政策,以利于提高服务质量和水平。国际联网实行分级管理,即:对互联单位、接入单位、用户实行逐级管理,对国际出入口信道统一管理。国家鼓励在国际联网服务中公平、有序地竞争,提倡资源共享,促进健康发展。 Article 4 The State shall develop an overall plan for the layout of international networking and the utilization of various resources. Internat

10、ional networking shall adopt technical codes, safety standards and policies on service charges set by the State in a unified form so that the quality of the service can be improved. International networking shall subject itself to the administration by level, that is, interconnected units, access un

11、its and subscribers are under the administration by level, and meanwhile international inward and outward channels are subject to the unified administration. The State encourages fair competition in a good order in services related to international networking and advocates resources sharing so as to

12、 promote the healthy development of international networking. 第五条 国务院信息化工作领导小组办公室负责组织、协调有关部门制定国际联网的安全、经营、资费、服务等规定和标准的工作,并对执行情况进行检查监督。 Article 5 The office of Leading Group for Information Technology Advancement under the State Council is responsible for organizing and coordinating relevant departmen

13、ts in the formulation of regulations and standards for safety, operations, charges and services related to international networking. The office shall check and supervise the enforcement of those regulations and standards. 第六条 中国互联网络信息中心提供互联网络地址、域名、网络资源目录管理和有关的信息服务。 Article 6 China Internet Informati

14、on Center is responsible for the management of internet addresses, domain names and catalogues of network resources and shall provide relevant information services. 第七条 我国境内的计算机信息网络直接进行国际联网,必须使用邮电部国家公用电信网提供的国际出入口信道。 Article 7 Computer information networks within the territory of China, when connecte

15、d with international networks, must use international inward and outward channels provided by the national public telecommunication network of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications. 任何单位和个人不得自行建立或者使用其他信道进行国际联网。 No units and individuals are allowed to set up channels by themselves or use other

16、 channels for international networking. 第八条 已经建立的中国公用计算机互联网、中国金桥信息网、中国教育和科研计算机网、中国科学技术网等四个互联网络,分别由邮电部、电子工业部、国家教育委员会和中国科学院管理。 Article 8 China Public Computer Interconnected Network, China Golden Bridge Information Network, China Education and Research Computer Network, China Science and Technology Ne

17、twork are under the administration of Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, Ministry of Electronic Industry, State Education Commission and Chinese Academy of Sciences respectively. 中国公用计算机互联网、中国金桥信息网为经营性互联网络;中国教育和科研计算机网、中国科学技术网为公益性互联网络。 China Public Computer Interconnected Network and China Gol

18、den Bridge Information Network are profit-making networks, while China Education and Research Computer Network and China Science and Technology Network are non-profit-making ones. 经营性互联网络应当享受同等的资费政策和技术支撑条件。 Profit-making networks shall be given equal treatment on service rates and technical support.

19、 公益性互联网络是指为社会提供公益服务的,不以盈利为目的的互联网络。 Non-profit-making networks refer to those serving the public interest which are not operated for making profits. 公益性互联网络所使用信道的资费应当享受优惠政策。 Charges for the channel utilization of non-profit-making networks shall be collected at a preferential rate. 第九条 新建互联网络,必须经部(委)

20、级行政主管部门批准后,向国务院信息化工作领导小组提交互联单位申请书和互联网络可行性报告,由国务院信息化工作领导小组审议提出意见并报国务院批准。 Article 9 With regard to the establishment of new interconnected networks, interconnected units must, after being approved by competent authorities at ministerial level, submit their applications and feasibility reports to Leadi

21、ng Group for Information Technology Advancement under the State Council. After examined by the Leading Group, applications and feasibility reports shall be submitted to the State Council for approval. 互联网络可行性报告的主要内容应当包括:网络服务性质和范围、网络技术方案、经济分析、管理办法和安全措施等。 Feasibility reports on interconnected networks

22、 shall mainly include the nature and scope of networking services, technical programs of networking, economic analyses, management and safety measures, etc. 第十条 接入网络必须通过互联网络进行国际联网,不得以其他方式进行国际联网。 Article 10 Access networks must be connected with international networks through interconnected networks.

23、 International networking conducted in other ways is prohibited. 接入单位必须具备暂行规定第九条规定的条件,并向互联单位主管部门或者主管单位提交接入单位申请书和接入网络可行性报告。 Access units must meet the requirements stipulated in Article 9 of Provisional Regulations. Their applications and feasibility reports on access networks shall be submitted to c

24、ompetent authorities or units charged with the administration of interconnected units. 互联单位主管部门或者主管单位应当在收到接入单位申请书后20个工作日内,将审批意见以书面形式通知申请单位。 The competent authorities or units shall inform applicants of their decision in a written form within 20 working days from the date they receive applications. 接

25、入网络可行性报告的主要内容应当包括:网络服务性质和范围、网络技术方案、经济分析、管理制度和安全措施等。 Feasibility reports on access networks shall mainly include the nature and scope of networking services, technical program of networking, economic analysis, management and safety measures, etc. 第十一条 对从事国际联网经营活动的接入单位(以下简称经营性接入单位)实行国际联网经营许可证(以下简称经营许可

26、证)制度。 Article 11 Access units engaged in profit-making operations concerning international networking (hereinafter referred to as profit-making access units) shall be subject to the administration of the system of international networking business licenses (hereinafter referred to as business licens

27、es). 经营许可证的格式由国务院信息化工作领导小组统一制定。 The pattern of business licenses shall be drawn up by Leading Group for Information Technology Advancement under the State Council in a unified form. 经营许可证由经营性互联单位主管部门颁发,报国务院信息化工作领导小组办公室备案。 Business licenses shall be issued by competent authorities charged with the ad

28、ministration of profit-making interconnected units and shall be reported to Leading Group for Information Technology Advancement under the State Council for the record. 互联单位主管部门对经营性接入单位实行年检制度。 Competent authorities charged with the administration of interconnected units shall carry out the annual ex

29、amination of profit-making access units. 跨省(区)、市经营的接入单位应当向经营性互联单位主管部门申请领取国际联网经营许可证。 Access units engaged in trans-provincial (or regional, municipal) operations shall apply to competent authorities charged with the administration of profit-making interconnected units for international networking bus

30、iness licenses. 在本省(区)、市内经营的接入单位应当向经营性互联单位主管部门或者经其授权的省级主管部门申请领取国际联网经营许可证。 Access units engaged in business operations within their own provinces (or regions, municipalities) shall apply to competent authorities charged with the administration of profit-making interconnected units or other competent

31、authorities at the provincial level under their authorization for international networking business licenses. 经营性接入单位凭经营许可证到国家工商行政管理机关办理登记注册手续,向提供电信服务的企业办理所需通信线路手续。 With business licenses issued by competent authorities, profit-making access units shall perform registration procedures with the State

32、 administrative departments of industry and commerce and go through formalities with enterprises offering telecommunication services for the connection of telecommunication lines. 提供电信服务的企业应当在30个工作日内为接入单位提供通信线路和相关服务。 Those enterprises shall begin to provide telecommunication lines and other related

33、services to access units within 30 working days. 第十二条 个人、法人和其他组织用户使用的计算机或者计算机信息网络必须通过接入网络进行国际联网,不得以其他方式进行国际联网。 Article 12 Computers or computer information networks of individuals, legal persons and other institutional subscribers must be connected with international networks through access networks

34、. International networking conducted in other ways is prohibited. 第十三条 用户向接入单位申请国际联网时,应当提供有效身份证明或者其他证明文件,并填写用户登记表。 Article 13 When applying to access units for international networking, subscribers shall submit valid identification papers and other supporting documents and fill in subscribers regist

35、ration forms. 接入单位应当在收到用户申请后5个工作日内,以书面形式答复用户。 Access units shall send a written reply to subscribers within 5 working days from the date they receive applications. 第十四条 邮电部根据暂行规定和本办法制定国际联网出入口信道管理办法,报国务院信息化工作领导小组备案。 Article 14 In accordance with Provisional Regulations and these Rules, Ministry of Po

36、sts and Telecommunications shall formulate rules on the administration of international networking inward and outward channels which shall be reported to Leading Group for Information Technology Advancement under the State Council for the record. 各互联单位主管部门或者主管单位根据暂行规定和本办法制定互联网络管理办法,报国务院信息化工作领导小组备案。

37、In accordance with Provisional Regulations and these Rules, competent authorities or units charged with the administration of interconnected units shall formulate rules on the administration of interconnected networks which shall be reported to Leading Group for Information Technology Advancement un

38、der the State Council for the record. 第十五条 接入单位申请书、用户登记表的格式由互联单位主管部门按照本办法的要求统一制定。 Article 15 The pattern of application forms and subscribers registration forms shall be drawn up by competent authorities charged with the administration of interconnected units in accordance with these Rules. 第十六条 国际出

39、入口信道提供单位有责任向互联单位提供所需的国际出入口信道和公平、优质、安全的服务,并定期收取信道使用费。 Article 16 Suppliers of international inward and outward channels shall be responsible for offering international inward and outward channels as well as fair, excellent and safe services to interconnected units. They may collect charges for the us

40、e of channels at regular intervals. 互联单位开通或扩充国际出入口信道,应当到国际出入口信道提供单位办理有关信道开通或扩充手续,并报国务院信息化工作领导小组办公室备案。 Interconnected units shall go through relevant formalities with suppliers of international inward and outward channels for the connection or extension of international inward and outward channels wh

41、ich shall be reported to Leading Group for Information Technology Advancement under the State Council for the record. 国际出入口信道提供单位在接到互联单位的申请后,应当在100个工作日内为互联单位开通所需的国际出入口信道。 Suppliers of international inward and outward channels shall provide channels to interconnected units within 100 working days fro

42、m the date they receive applications. 国际出入口信道提供单位与互联单位应当签定相应的协议,严格履行各自的责任和义务。 Suppliers of international inward and outward channels and interconnected units shall sign corresponding agreements and strictly perform their respective duties and commitments. 第十七条 国际出入口信道提供单位、互联单位和接入单位必须建立网络管理中心,健全管理制度,

43、做好网络信息安全管理工作。 Article 17 Suppliers of international inward and outward channels, interconnected units and access units must set up network management centers, strengthen management systems and improve the safety management of network information. 互联单位应当与接入单位签订协议,加强对本网络和接入网络的管理;负责接入单位有关国际联网的技术培训和管理教育

44、工作; Interconnected units shall sign agreements with access units so as to strengthen the management of their own networks and access networks; carry out technical training and management education concerning international networking for access units; 为接入单位提供公平、优质、安全的服务;按照国家有关规定向接入单位收取联网接入费用。 provide

45、 access units with fair, excellent and safe services; and collect charges for networking from access units in accordance with relevant State regulations. 接入单位应当服从互联单位和上级接入单位的管理;与下级接入单位签定协议,与用户签定用户守则,加强对下级接入单位和用户的管理; Access units shall subject themselves to the administration of interconnected units

46、and access units at higher levels; sign agreements with access units at lower levels and make subscription regulations with subscribers so as to strengthen the administration of access units at lower levels and subscribers; 负责下级接入单位和用户的管理教育、技术咨询和培训工作;为下级接入单位和用户提供公平、优质、安全的服务;按照国家有关规定向下级接入单位和用户收取费用。 c

47、arry out management education, technical consulting and training for access units at lower levels and subscribers; provide access units at lower levels and subscribers with fair, excellent and safe services; and collect charges from access units at lower level and subscribers in accordance with rele

48、vant State regulations. 第十八条 用户应当服从接入单位的管理,遵守用户守则; Article 18 Subscribers shall subject themselves to the administration of access units and observe subscription regulations. 不得擅自进入未经许可的计算机系统,篡改他人信息; They are forbidden from entering certain computer systems without permission and illegally changing

49、others information; 不得在网络上散发恶意信息,冒用他人名义发出信息,侵犯他人隐私;不得制造、传播计算机病毒及从事其它侵犯网络和他人合法权益的活动。 distributing malicious information, giving out information in other peoples names and violating others privacy through networks; developing and spreading computer viruses and engaging in other activities in violation of legitimate rights and interests of networks and individuals. 用户有权获得接

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