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初中英语新目标八年级(下册)Unit 8 词汇专练+答案.docx

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1、一、根据句意和汉语提示写出所缺的单词A:1.English is a useful _(工具) if you want to know more about the world.2.We are attracted by the_(美) of the mountains.3.His first_(唱片) will come out next week.4.Zhao Zhe, a Chinese boy, has studied_(在国外) for six years.5.Please write on every other_(行).B:1.Which is your favorite_(乐队

2、)?Its The Beatles.2.We will be good friends_(永远).3.The young man is going to study_(到国外).4.Their_(笑声) makes me nervous. I want to go now.5.The man runs very fast and he wants to break the_(纪录).C:1.She likes some different kinds of pets_(比如) dogs and cats.2.The ruler isnt mine.It_(属于) my sister.3.The

3、y are_(做研究) in the science lab.4.The boy enjoys_(听音乐) very much.5.Dont make too much noise.You may_(吵醒) the baby.6.Guilin is a_(美丽的) city.二、用所给单词的适当形式填空A:1._(actual),she likes classical music instead of pop music.2.My hometown is in the_(south) part of China.3.I think you have no feeling for the_(be

4、autiful) of my paintings.4.His new book was a great_(successful). Many people like it.5.He gave us a brief_(introduce) about his company.6.Qiannan is in the_(south) part of Guizhou Province.7.The road to_(succeed) is to work honestly.B:1.I think this new wallet_(belong) to Jenny.2.Chen Xiao is a fam

5、ous actor, and many_(fan) like him.3.I cant imagine how well Li Feng speaks_(France).4.Shantou is a beautiful place in the_(south) part of China.5.Which is one of your favorite music_(band)?三、根据句意和首字母提示写出所缺的单词A:1.We are going to travel to Hainan I_.2.Who e_did you go to Hong Kong with?3.She dreamed

6、of studying in France.Now she is learning to speak F_.4.The house b_to my uncle. He bought it two years ago.5.Id like to i_ my good friend to you all.B:1.Please turn to p_5 and read the text.2.H_up, or you will be late for class.3.What e_did you do last night?4.The animal cant live in the sea.It can

7、 only live on l_.5.She is from France and she can speak F_.6.Deng Ziqi is so famous that she has lots of f_.7.The poor boy wants to live in the m_city.四、用方框中所给单词填空(其中两项多余)southern, rock, modern, introduce,beauty,because, with, relax, feelingsDo you like reading? In the 1_life, reading is becoming mo

8、re and more important, 2_it is one of the greatest ways to get success. Im a middle school student and I live in the 3_part of Shandong Province with my mother. She always 4_many kinds of books to me, but my favorite kind is fiction.I think reading is magical. If you sit down with a good book to rea

9、d, you will go into a different world. If you like reading something about nature, you can enjoy the 5_of it. If you love reading stories, you will experience different 6_when reading. If you enjoy reading books about music, you may learn more about pop or rock. Most importantly, when you are readin

10、g, you can not only 7_yourself but also learn more things. Certainly, I will keep my reading habit. 五、先阅读短文,然后用括号中所给单词或适当单词填空(1)When Sarah was a teenager, she used 1_(fight) with her family. But five years ago, while she 2_(study) abroad in England, she heard a song full of feelings about 3_(return)

11、 home on the radio. It made Sarah 4_(think) about her family and friends back in the US. She came to realize how much she actually missed all of them. Ever since then, she 5_(be) a fan of American country music.(2)Country is a 6_(tradition) kind of music from the 7_(south) states of America. Nashvil

12、le, Tennessee is the home of country music. Many songs these days are just about modern life in the US, such as the importance of money and 8_(succeed), but not about belonging to a group. However, country music brings us back to the “good old days” when people were kind 9_each other and trusted one

13、 another. It reminds us that the best things in life are free-laughter, friends, family and the 10_(beautiful) of nature and the countryside.答案:一、A:1.tool2.beauty3.record4.abroad5.lineB:1.band2.forever3.abroad4.laughter5.recordC:1.such as2.belongs to3.doing research4.listening to music5.wake up 6.be

14、autiful二、A:1.Actually2.southern3.beauty4.success5.introduction6.southern7.successB:1.belongs 2.fans 3.French 4.southern5.bands三、A:1.Island2.else3.French4.belongs5.introduceB:1.page2.Hurry3.else4.land5.French 6.fans7.modern四、选词填空1. modern 2. because 3. southern4. introduces 5. beauty6. feelings 7. Relax五、语法填空1. to fight 2. was studying3. returning 4. think 5. has been6. traditional 7. southern 8. success9. to 10. beauty

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