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1、Touch the WorldUnit 2 Great People第1页课前自主预习课前自主预习单词闯关1.作家_(v.)_2.失明;瞎_3.失聪;聋_4.能力_ writeblinddeafabilityLesson 10 Touch the Worldwrite第2页单词闯关5.进步;进展_munity_7.illness_8.greatly_ progress小区;社会疾病非常;很Lesson 10 Touch the World第3页短语互译1.丧失能力_ 2.取得很大进步_3.at the age of _4.be filled with _ 5.learn to do sth._

2、 lose the ability tomake a lot of progress在岁时充满学会做某事Lesson 10 Touch the World第4页句型在线1.她发高烧使得她失明而且丧失听力。She had a high fever _ _ _ _ _2.在丧失了视觉和听觉之后,她变得难以相处而且急躁。After she _ _ _ _ see andhear,she became difficult and wild.made blinddeafthatherandlostherabilityLesson 10 Touch the Worldto第5页句型在线3.伴随年纪增加,海

3、伦取得了很大进步并学会了阅读。_ Helen _ _,she _ _ _ _ and learned to read.4.她尽全力帮助小区里其它失聪或失明人。She_ _ _ _ help others in thecommunity who were deaf or blind.5.她将被深深地思念。She will _ _ _.AsagrewoldermadelotprogressofLesson 10 Touch the Worldtobestdidhermissedgreatlybe第6页课文初探()1.Helen Keller was born in _.Athe UK.Bthe U

4、S.CCanada DIndia()2.Anne Sullivan was Helens _ Asister Bcousin Cteacher DmotherBCLesson 10 Touch the World第7页课文初探()3.The first word Helen understood was_ Awater Bflower Cmother Dfather()4.Helen was famous for her _ Aillness Bcourage and hard work Cfamily D.progress ABLesson 10 Touch the World第8页课堂互动

5、探究课堂互动探究词汇点睛 1 illness n.疾病观察 Before her illness,Helen was a bright and happy girl.在生病之前,海伦是一个聪明、高兴女孩。Lesson 10 Touch the World第9页 探究 illness 是由_加后缀_组成合成词,意为“疾病”,用作_名词,多指生病状态,和health相对;illness强调疾病种类时,用作可数名词,其复数形式为illnesses。ill不可数-nessLesson 10 Touch the World第10页活学活用 1About 90 percent of these _(疾病)

6、can be cured.illnessLesson 10 Touch the World第11页2 ability n.能力观察 After she lost her ability to see and hear,she became difficult and wild.在丧失了视觉和听觉之后,她变得难以相处而且急躁。She has great ability in playing the piano.她在弹钢琴方面很有才能。Lesson 10 Touch the World第12页探究 ability能够指体力方面能力,也能够指智力方面能力。表示“在某方面有能力”时,可用_;lose

7、the ability to do sth.意为“_”。have ability in doing/to do sth.丧失做某事能力Lesson 10 Touch the World第13页2(1)海南 Keeping an English diary can help us improve our writing_(能力)(2)阜康 He has a special _(能力)to write with two hands at the same time.abilityabilityLesson 10 Touch the World第14页3 progress n.进步;进展观察 As

8、Helen grew older,she made a lot of progress and learned to read.伴随年纪增加,海伦取得了很大进步并学会了阅读。If you work hard,youll make progress.假如你努力学习,你将会取得进步。Lesson 10 Touch the World第15页探究 progress是_名词,前面不能加不定冠词_,如要表示“取得很大/快进步”,能够用make a lot of/great/much/rapid progress。不可数aLesson 10 Touch the World拓展 make progress(

9、in)意为“(在方面)取得进步”。He made rapid progress in his studies.他在功课上进步很快。第16页3.(1)_ youve made!But you should still work harder.Thank you,I will.AWhat a big mistake BHow big mistakes CWhat great progress DHow great progressCLesson 10 Touch the World第17页(2)眉山 在老师帮助下,约翰取得了很大进步。With the teachers help,John_ gre

10、at_madeprogressLesson 10 Touch the World第18页句型透视1Anne was filled with pride.安妮充满了自豪。安妮充满了自豪。Lesson 10 Touch the World第19页 探究 be filled with为固定短语,意为“_”,主语通常为物,其同义短语为_。The glass is filled with/is full of orange juice.玻璃杯里满是橙汁。充满be full ofLesson 10 Touch the World第20页活学活用 1The box is too heavy for me t

11、o carry.Whats in it?Oh,it is _ books.Afilled with Bcovered with Cused for Dasked forALesson 10 Touch the World第21页2As Helen grew older,she made a lot of progress and learned to read.伴随年纪增加,海伦取得了很大进步并学会伴随年纪增加,海伦取得了很大进步并学会了阅读。了阅读。Lesson 10 Touch the World第22页 探究 as 引导_状语从句,表示一个动作紧接着另一个动作发生,有“_”含义。时间伴随

12、Lesson 10 Touch the World第23页 拓展(1)as还能够表示“_”,此时其使用方法与when和while 类似,多表示从句与主句动作_进行。当as 作“_”讲时,普通不与表状态动词连用。He shouted aloud as he ran along.他一边往前跑,一边大声地呼叫。Lesson 10 Touch the World当时候同时一边一边第24页(2)as还有“_”意思,相当于because,引导原因状语从句,惯用来表示已经为人们所知或显而易见原因或理由。As you are not feeling well,you may stay at home.因为你感

13、觉不舒适,你能够待在家里。Lesson 10 Touch the World因为,因为第25页2(1)_ the days went on,the weather got worse.AUntilBSince CWhile DAsD【解析】【解析】“the days went on”与与“the weather got worse”是是两个相互伴伴随发生改变动作,故选两个相互伴伴随发生改变动作,故选D。Lesson 10 Touch the World第26页(2)沈阳 _ it is often cold in the mountains,you need to wear warm clot

14、hes.AThough BUnless CAs DUntilLesson 10 Touch the WorldC【解析】【解析】句意:因为山里天气通常很冷,你需要穿着暖和衣服。句意:因为山里天气通常很冷,你需要穿着暖和衣服。though意意为为“即使即使”;unless意为意为“假如不,除非假如不,除非”;as意为意为“因为,因为因为,因为”;until意为意为“直到直到为止为止”。依据常识可知,前句是后句原因,故使用。依据常识可知,前句是后句原因,故使用as来引来引导原因状语从句。故选导原因状语从句。故选C。第27页课文回顾 the United States/the U.S.Lesson

15、10 Touch the WorldHellen KellerIn 1880:She was born in 1._.When she was 19months old:She became 2._ and 3._.In 1887:Her 4._ Anne Sullivan came into her life and helped her.As she grew older:She learned more and more and she also studied at 5._.After she finished university:She 6._ to help others and she was well-known for her 7._ and 8._.blind/deafdeaf/blindhard work/couragecourage/hard workdid/tried her bestuniversityteacher第28页

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