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1、1 译林版小学四年级英语下册 知识点复习总结 Unit 1 Our school subjects 一单词 school 学校 subject 科目,学科 see 看到,看见 Chinese 语文 Maths 数学 Art 美术 Music 音乐 Monday 星期一 lesson 课 二词组 welcome back to 欢迎回到 nice to see you 见到你很高兴 what subject 什么课程 new time table 新的时间表/课程表 our new time table 我们的新的时间表/课程表 like Chinese 喜欢语文 Its time for是做什

2、么的时候到了 go to 去 go to the playground 去操场 this morning 今天上午 this afternoon 今天下午 new subject 新课程 what day 星期几 what lesson 什么课 our school subject 我们的课程 三句型 1.What subjects do you like?你喜欢什么课程?I like Chinese and Maths.我喜欢语文和数学。2.Lets go to the library.让我们一起去图书馆。(Lets=Let us)3.What lessons do we have this

3、 morning?我们今天上午有什么课?We have Music and PE.我们有音乐和体育。4.dont like PE and Music.我不喜欢体育和音乐。(dont=do not)5.Its time for PE.该上体育课了。(for+名词)Its time to go to school.Its time to play basketball.(to+动词/动词词组)6.区别 lesson 和 subject What _ do you have this afternoon?I have eight _ this morning.What _ do you have t

4、his term(学期)?I have eight _ at school.四发音 Aa /ei/cake 蛋糕 grape 葡萄 make 做 skate 滑冰 table 桌子 name 名字 plate 盘子 take 拿,带 wake 醒来 baby 婴儿 五练习(一)、单项选择。1.How many _do you have this term(学期)?We have five.A.subject B.a subject C.subjects D.an subject 2.Its time _ English.Lets go to the classroom(教室).A.at B.f

5、or C.in D.on 2 3.The Science book is _ the bedroom,_ the chair.A on;in B in;on C at;on D in;in 4._ a timetable for you.A.Here B.Heres C.Here are D.It is 5.A:How much is the Art book?B:_ A Its five.B Theyre four yuan.C.Its four yuan.D.They are four 6.What _ do you like?I like English.It is fun.A.subj

6、ect B.subjects C.a subject D.an subject(二).连词成句。1.you what do subjects like(?)_ 2.subjects many have do you how(?)_ _ 3.three I this lessons have morning(.)_ _ 4.do what this lessons have you afternoon(?)_ 5.an how is book much English(?)_ _ _(三).根据中文,翻译句子。1.这个学期你们有多少门学科,有 7 门。_ _ _ do you have this

7、 term(学期)?We have _.2.现在是上数学课的时候,让我们到教室去。Its time _ _ _.Lets go to the classroom(教室).3.你喜欢什么课?我喜欢英语,它是有趣的。What _ do you like?I like _.Its _.4.这是我们的新课程表。is timetable.Unit 2 After school 一、单词 Monday 星期一 Tuesday 星期二 Wednesday 星期三 Thursday 星期三 Friday 星期五 Saturday 星期六 Sunday 星期日 get up 起床 二、词组 play table

8、 tennis 打乒乓球 what day 星期几 a football match 一场足球比赛 a swimming lesson 一节游泳课 all right 好的 get up 起床 every day 每天 good morning 早上好 at five 在五点钟 what lessons 什么课 on Saturday 在星期六 3 play table tennis 打乒乓球 what day is it today?今天星期几?what a pity 真遗憾 come and play table tenn 来打乒乓球 at school 在学校 after school

9、放学后 三句型 1.What day is it today?今天星期几?Its Friday.今天是星期五。拓展:What date it is today?今天是几号?Its August 13th.今天是八月 13 号。What time is it now?现在时几点?Its half past ten.现在时十点半。2.She has a skating lesson.她有一堂溜冰课。3.We dont have any lessons on Wednesday.我们在星期三没有课。4.Lets go and play table tennis.让我们去打乒乓球。5.I have a

10、 basketball match today.今天我有一场篮球比赛。6.When do you get up every day?你每天几点起床?7.I get up at five./At five.我五点钟起床。四、短语 Aa /bag 书包 cap 帽子 hamburger 汉堡包 sandwich 三明治 snack 快餐 dad 爸爸 Maths 数学 match 比赛 Saturday 星期六 apple 苹果 五练习 (一)、单项选择。1.-Can you play ball games _?-Yes,I can.A.good B.nice C.well 2.-Oh,I can

11、t swim.-Dont be sad.I cant swim _.A.too B.either C.good 3.-_?-No,I like Science.Its fun.A.Do you like Science B.Do you like Chinese C.What do you like 4.-Can you _?-No.But I have a lesson.A.swim;swim B.swim;swimming C.swimming;swim 5.-I cant go to play table tennis.-_!A.What a pity B.How nice C.How

12、beautiful(二)根据句意及首字母提示,写出正确的单词。1.Peter is an E boy.He cant speak(说)C .2.John can sing(唱)well.He likes M .4 3.-What d is it today?-Its W .(三)从方框中选择合适的句子完成对话。A:Hi,Liu Tao.Lets go and play basketball.B:A:Its Friday.B:Sorry,I have a swimming lesson today.A:Hi,Wang Bing.Come and play basketball.C:A:C:He

13、has a football match.We dont have any lessons on Sunday.A:Lets play on Sunday.Unit 3 My day 一、单词 usually 通常 常常 homework 家庭作业 lunch 午饭 dinner 晚餐 watch 观看 evening 傍晚;晚上 night 夜;深夜 there 在那里 here 这里 read 阅读;朗读 二、词组 go to school 上学 at seven forty 在七点四十分 in the morning 在早上 have dinner 吃晚饭 have lunch 吃午饭

14、in the afternoon 在下午 do my homework 做家庭作业 every day 每天 what time 什么时间 over there 在那边 a big cake 一块大蛋糕 like cakes 喜欢蛋糕 my day 我的一天 four lessons 四节课 five subjects 四门课程 in the evening 在晚上 at seven 在七点 watch TV 看电视 go to bed 睡觉 play football 踢足球 at night 在夜里 三、句型 1.When do you get up in the morning?你上午什

15、么时候起床?I get up at six oclock.我六点起床。2.I have lunch at twelve fifteen.我在 12 点 15 分吃午饭。3.I usually go to school at seven forty.我通常在 7 点 40 去学校。4.I go to bed at nine on Friday.我星期五九点睡觉。(一句话中如果有两个时间,小时间放在大时间之前。)5.What time is it now?现在几点?Its ten thirty-two A.What a pity!B.Sorry,I have a Music lesson.C.Wh

16、at about Mike?D.What day is it today?E.All right.F.What about Sunday?5 6.What a big cake!多么大的一个蛋糕啊!7.时间的表达。十点三十二分 ten thirty-two 七点五十八分 seven fifty-eight 四.发音 E e /i:/me 我 she 她 green 睡觉 sleep 睡觉 three 三 week 星期,周 see 看到 meet 遇见 evening 晚上 五练习(一)判断下列各组单词划线部分读音是否相同,用“”“”表示。1.cake make()2.cap skate()3

17、.me red()4.tree green ()5.bed pen ()6.desk she()(二)按要求改写句子。1.Its time to go to bed.(改为同义句)Its time _ _.2.I usually do my homework at six thirty.(对画线部分提问)_ _ _ usually do your homework?3.Its twelve oclock now.(对画线部分提问)_ _ is it now?(三)从方框中选择合适的句子完成对话.A:Hello,Billy.This is Tom.B:Im at the snack bar.A:

18、B:At four.A:B:Yes,but I want to watch cartoons at four thirty.A:B:OK.Six thirty?A:All right.Unit 4 Drawing in the park 一、单词 park 公园 draw 画 flower 花 them 他们,她们,它们 boat 小船 easy 简单的 river 河,江 lake 湖,湖泊 boat 小船 G.When do you come home?H.Would you like to swim?I.What about this evening?J.See you at six t

19、hirty.E.Where are you?6 difficult 困难的 try 尝试 hill 小山 again 再次 二、词组 draw some pictures 画一些画 good idea 好主意 over there 那边 some flowers 一些花 draw them 画它们 on the river 在河面上 this big box 这只大盒子 have a look 看一看 on the lake 在湖面上 try again 再试一试 in the park 在公园里 some pictures 一些图画 well done 好样的,干得好 can you dra

20、w 你会画吗?in the boat 在小船里 a tree 一棵树 on the hill 在小山上 drawing in the park 在公园里画画 see a boat 看到一条小船 make a cake 做一个蛋糕 before ten 十点之前 三、句型 1.Lets draw some pictures here.让我们在这里画画。Good idea!好主意!2.What can you see over there?你能看到在那里有什么?3.I can see a lake.我能看见一个湖泊。4.Can you draw them?你会画它们吗?5.Its difficul

21、t,but I can try.这难,但是我可以试一试。6.What can you do?你能做什么?I can draw and I can make a cake.我会画画。四、发音 e/e/bed 床 desk 课桌,书桌 pen 钢笔 red 红色的 ten 十 friend 朋友 them 他们 pencil 铅笔 Wednesday 星期三 welcome 欢迎 五练习(一)根据中文翻译,完成句子,一空一词 1.-你能看见那边的一棵树吗?-能。树上有一些鸟。-Can you a over there?-Yes,I can.Therere some in it.2.-男孩子们会什么

22、?-他们会游泳和打球。-What can the do?-They can and .3.-你能看见多少座小山?-12 座。-How can you see?-.(二)匹配题。()1.What day is it today?A.No,I dont.()2.Do you have an Art lesson today?B.Some fruit trees.7()3.What can you see in the picture?C.Chinese,English,Maths and so on.()4.Cn you make a toy car?D.Its Tuesday.()5.What

23、can you play?E.I can see four.()6.How many kites can you see?F.No,I cant.()7.What time do you have dinner?G.Table tennis.()8.What subjects do you have every day?H.At eleven ten.Unit 5 Seasons 一单词 season 季节 spring 春季 warm 温暖 summer 夏季 hot 热的,炎热的 fly 放(风筝)kite 风筝 hot 热的 autumn 秋天,秋季 picnic 野餐 cool 凉爽的

24、,凉快的 winter 冬天,冬季 cold 冷的 fine 晴朗的 whose 谁的 二词组 in spring 在春天 fly kites 放风筝 go boating 去划船 in summer 在夏天 eat ice cream 吃冰激凌 go swimming 去游泳 in autumn 在秋天 have picnics 举行野餐 go climbing 去爬山 in winter 在冬天 make snowmen 堆雪人 go skating 去滑冰 a fine day 晴朗的一天 your jacket 你的夹克衫 too short 太短了 your trousers 你的裤

25、子 your bag 你的包 whose bag 谁的包 look at 看 my dress 我的连衣裙 too long 太长了 go to the party 去参加聚会 so big 真大 whose gloves 谁的手套 my fathers 我爸爸的 whose dress 谁的连衣裙 in autumn 在秋天 so beautiful 真漂亮 can move 能移动 my hand 我的手 four seasons 四个季节 like spring 喜欢春天 a fine day 一个晴朗的日子 a sunny day 一个晴朗的日子 very cold 非常冷 heres

26、 your jacket 这儿有你的夹克衫 all like the kite 都喜欢这个风筝 三句型 1.In spring,it is warm./It is warm in spring.在春季,天气温暖。2.In summer,it is hot./It is hot in summer.在夏季,天气炎热。3.In autumn,it is cool./It is cool in autumn.在秋季,天气凉爽。4.In winter,it is cold./It is cold in winter.在冬季,天气寒冷。5.季节的前面使用介词 in。in spring/summer/au

27、tumn/winter、6.We fly kites.我们放风筝。We can eat ice creams.我们能吃冰淇淋。8 7.I/We like autumn.我/我们喜欢秋天。8.Its a fine day today.今天是晴朗的一天。9.英语表达中,时间一般放在句末。I go boating in spring.10.如果时间表达放在句首,一定要用逗号和后面的分局隔开。In summer,I go swimming.四、发音 i/ai/Chinese 语文 kite 喜欢 like 喜欢 time 时间 white 白色的 fine 晴朗的 climb 爬 like 喜欢 li

28、on 狮子 rice 米饭 五练习(一)判断下列划线字母读音是否相同,相同写“T”,不同写“F”。1 spring right()2.sleep season()3 like kite ()4 Sunday make()5 we bed()6 very every()(二)词形填空 1、He _(have)a jacket.2、Mike _(have)some flowers.3、Tom and Lily _(have)some trees.4、Would you like _(some)apples?No,_.5、Heres _(he)dress.6、Here _(be)_(we)jacke

29、ts.7、_is the fourth day(第四天)of the week.8、_(who)is she?9、_(who)coat is this?Its _(she)coat.10、We usually go to the park _9:00 _ Sunday.(三)连词成句。1.you,winter,do,like(?)2.can,swimming,we,summer,in,go(.)3.cool,it,in,is,autumn(?)4.picnic,park,the,lets,have,a,go,to,and(.)9 5.I,make,can,and,snowman,climbin

30、g,go(.)Unit 6 Whose dress is this?一单词 dress 连衣裙 party 聚会 coat 外衣,外套 shirt(男士)衬衫 sweater 毛衣 hand 手 二词组 whose dress 谁的连衣裙 look at my sweater 看我的毛衣 try this 试试这个 all right 好的 your long trousers 你的长裤 try these 试试这些 lets go to the party 让我们去参加聚会 look at Su Yangs gloves 看杨玲的手套 my fathers coat 我爸爸的上 whats

31、the matter 怎么了 my cousins dress 我堂姐的连衣裙 so beautiful 如此美丽 youre wrong 你错了 youre right 你对了 can move 能动 so big 如此大 I think so 我认为是这样 listen to some English 听一些英语 before eating fish 在吃鱼之前 lets play 让我们玩吧 eat my cake by the lake 在湖边吃我的蛋糕 read and write 读和写 三句型 1.Whose dress is it/this/that?它是谁的连衣裙?/这是谁的

32、连衣裙?/那是谁的连衣裙?结构:Whose+可数名词单数+is it/this/that?2.Its my sisters.它是我的姐姐的。Its Helens.它是海伦的。(在人名后加上s)3.Whose jeans are they/these/those?它们是谁的牛仔裤?/这/那是谁的牛仔裤?结构:Whose+可数名词复数+are they/these/those?4.Theyre s 5.Look at my dress.Its too short.看我的连衣裙。它太短了。Try this.试试这条。6.Look at my trousers.They are so big.看我的裤

33、子。它们这么大。Try these.试试这些。7.a pair of jeans 一条牛仔裤 two pairs of shorts 两条短裤(在成双成对出现的名词用 a pair of 表示,pair 同音词 pear,whose 同音词 whos)四发音 i /i/English 英语 fish 鱼 him 他(宾格)music 音乐 pig 猪 sixteen 十六 listen 听 picture 野餐 difficult 困难的 五练习(一)根据中文,翻译句子。1.这是杨玲的外套吗?是的,你猜对了。Is this _ coat?Yes.Youre _.10 2.这些是谁的球?它们是我

34、弟弟的。_ _ are these?They are my brothers.3.那个男人是谁?他是我的爷爷。_ that man?_ my grandpa.4.你的手受伤了,怎么办?Your hand_._the matter?5.我不会做蛋糕。再试一次。I cant make_._ again.(二)单项选择题。1.My mothers jeans are too _ for me.A.shorts B.long C.short 2.Whose dress is this?A.Its Su Yang.B.Theyre Su Yangs.C.Its Su Yangs.3.Its a _ da

35、y.Heres your skirt.A.cold B.hot C.sad 4.I can see _ over there.It can _.A.pigs,run B.a pig,runs C.a pig,run 5._the boy under the tree?Hes Tim.A.Whos B.Whose C.Who are 6.Helen is so hungry.She can _ a big sandwich now.A.eat B.eats C.eating 7.Is this an _ _the tree?I think so.A.apple,in B.apples,on C.

36、apple,on 8.Whats the matter?His hands _.A.hurts B.hurt C.hurting 四、连词成句。1.coats,some,over,I,see,there,can(.)2.evening,go,let,party,this,to,us,the(.)3.short,these,too,are,shorts(.)4.would,new,a,I,like,jacket(.)5.you,have,how,do,shirts,many(?)Unit7 Whats the matter?一单词 dad 爸爸 water 水 ill 生病 tired 累的,疲

37、劳的 happy 快乐的,高兴的 speak 说话,讲话 Mrs 夫人,太太 thirsty 口渴的 二词组 have a pie 吃个馅饼 have some water 喝些水 go to bed 睡觉 want to go to bed 想去睡觉 all right 好的 have a cake 吃块蛋糕 Im not hungry 我不饿 whats the matter 怎么了 come and have a pie 来吃一个馅饼 have some water 喝一些水 Im tired 我累了 good night 晚安 good night 晚安 Mum and Dad 妈妈和

38、爸爸 Im thirsty 我渴了 have a cake 吃一个蛋糕 heres some water 这里有水 show Rose your nose 给罗斯看你的鼻子 take this pill 吃这片药 go home 回家 heres a fan 这儿有一把扇子 have some water 喝一些水 heres a hot dog 吃一个热狗 talk about feelings 谈论感觉 三句型 1.Whats the matter?你怎么了?Im tired.我累了。2.Whats the matter with Yang Ling?杨玲怎么了?11 3.Come and

39、 have a cake.来吃一块蛋糕。4.Im not hungry.Im thirsty.我不饿。我渴。5.Can I have some juice?我能喝一些果汁吗?6.Are you ill?你病了吗?Is she tired?她累了吗?Is he hungry?他饿了吗?7.I want to go home.我想回家。8.Heres a chair for you.这里有一把椅子给你。9.Here are some books for you.这里有一些书给你。10.Here is some water for you.(液体类单词不可数,be 动词用 is.)11.Can I

40、have some water?(说话的人表达的是肯定意义)四发音 O /u/close 关 home 家 no 不 nose 鼻子 open 打开 go 去 cold 冷的 old 老的 only 仅仅 boat 船 五练习(一)单项选择 1.-Can I have juice?-Here you are.A.some B.any C.many 2.-Im hungry.-Heres for you.A.a cup of tea B.some noodles C.some orange juice 3.-Whose gloves are those?-Theyre .A.Yang Lings

41、 father B.Mike C.Yang Lings 4.Look at Liu Tao.tired.wants to go to bed.A.His;He B.Hes;Hes C.Hes;He 5.I like summer.We can in the river.A.go skating B.fly kites C.swim 6.-do you do your homework?-At four thirty.A.Whose B.Where C.When 7.-What are in that big tree?-Theyre cats.A.this B.those C.that 8.-

42、Look at my jeans.-Theyre big.A.too B.to C.two 9.My hand .A.hurt B.hurts C.hurting 10.-Are you hungry?-No,I .A.dont B.not C.am not(二).用所给单词的适当形式填空。12 1.This is Mrs Green _.(speak)2.My father _(want)to go fishing this weekend.(周末)3.I_(can)draw pictures,because(因为)my hands _.(hurt)4.Its a _(sun)day.Let

43、s go and make _.(pie)5.Dont be sad.Listen to _(any)music now.Unit 8 How are you?一单词 may 可以 hear 听到,听见 fever 发烧 cough 咳嗽 headache 头疼 take care 保重 二词组 speak to 与交谈 come to school 来学校 have a cold 感冒 take care 保重 see you tomorrow 明天见 see you 再见 at school 在学校 have lessons 有课;上课 on Sunday 在星期日 how are you

44、 你好吗 this is Yang Ling speaking 我是杨玲(电话用语)speak to Miss Li 和李老师通话 cant come to school today 今天不能来学校 not so good 不太好 have a cold and fever 感冒又发烧 Im sorry to hear that 听到这事我很难过 have a headache 头疼 have a cough 咳嗽 make a telephone call 打个电话 talk about some illness 谈论一些疾病 go and see Doctor Wu 去看吴医生 see y

45、ou after school 放学后再见 have a cough and a headache 咳嗽又头疼 dont have any lessons on Sunday 在星期天不上课 三句型 1.Not bad,thank you.还不错,谢谢。2.Hello,this is Yang Ling speaking.我是杨玲。(电话用语)3.May I speak to Miss Li?我找李老师。/我可以和李老师说话吗?(电话用语)4.Who is that?你是谁?(电话用语)5.Is that Helen speaking?你是海伦吗?(电话用语)6.I cant come to

46、school today.今天我不能来学校。7.Im cold.I have a cough.我冷。我咳嗽了。8.hear 同音词 here;come 反义词 go;see you 同义词 bye/goodbye 四发音 O /coffee 咖啡 dog 狗 hot 热 not 不是 sock 袜子 box 盒子 long 长的 orange 橙子 sorry 对不起 clock 钟 五练习 13(一)辨音题(判断读音是否相同,相同的在括号里打 T,不同的在括号里打 F。)1.()clock hot 2.()coffee mother 3.()home sock 4.()no open 5.(

47、)do dog (二)连词成句。1.can I to school come tomorrow.(.)2.Su Hai to may I speak(?)3.want I drink water to some(.)4.that to sorry I am hear(.)5.and come a have of water glass(.)(三)单项选择 1.We have nine _this term.A.subject B.lessons C.subjects 2._are you?Not so good.A.How about B.How C.What about 3.I have a

48、 fever._ A.Thank you B.Great!C.Im sorry to hear that.4.Hello!May I speak to Nancy?_ A.Yes,speaking.B.Yes,Im Nancy.C.No,Im not Nancy.5.Whats the matter?I have _.A.ill B.a cold C.cold 6.Whats the matter with_?Hes got a fever.A.he B.his C.him 7.I cant _ school today.A.go B.come C.come to 8.How are you?_ I have a fever.A.Im fine.B.Not so good.C.Im nine.

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