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1、大学英语听说课程教学大纲课程名称:大学英语听说课英文名称:College English (Listening and Spoken) 学 时 数: 96学时课程编号:050202B学 分 数:6学分适用专业:非英语专业的本科各专业一、 一、 课程的性质、目的和任务“大学英语听说课”是我校依据高教部颁发的大学英语课程教学要求中提出的培养学生的英语综合能力, 特别是听说能力的教学目标,以及社会对大学生英语应用能力要求不断提高的形势下, 面向全校非英语专业大学本科生开设的一门公共必修课。使学生在今后工作和社会交往中能用英语有效地进行口头和书面的信息交流,以适应我国社会发展和国际交流的需要。该课程分

2、为英语听力和口语两部分,在大学本科第一学期、第二学期和第三学期开设。通过本课程的学习,使基础较好的学生能够达到该大纲的较高要求,一般基础的学生能够达到该大纲的基本要求。二、课程教学内容的基本要求、重点和难点等级教学任务主要内容主要教学方式学时分配辅导答疑比例CE1听基本要求能听懂英语讲课及简短会话和谈话,抓住中心大意和要点。语速为100wpm。讲课32学时一次/周较高要求能听懂英语讲课及简短会话、谈话和讲座,抓住中心大意、要点和有关细节,领会作者观点和态度。语速为120wpm。具体内容1、新视野听说教程 (1册)2、大学英语听力分级教程(上)Unit 1-Unit 10说基本要求能进行简单的日

3、常会话,能就教材内容作简短回答和复述,能就熟悉的话题做简短发言。表达思想基本清楚。较高要求能进行日常会话,能就教材内容展开讨论和复述,能就熟悉的话题展开谈话。表达思想基本清楚。具体内容大学英语口语分级教程Unit 1 My familyUnit 2 HometownUnit 3 Sports Activities Unit 4 Leisure TimeUnit 5 Plans For FutureUnit 6 Language StudyUnit 7 Festivals and Special OccasionsUnit 8 Food and Eating HabitsUnit 9 Perso

4、nal DescriptionUnit 10 Campus LifeCE2听基本要求能听懂英语讲课及简短会话、谈话和讲座,抓住中心大意、要点和有关细节,领会作者观点和态度。语速为120wpm。讲课32学时一次/周较高要求能大概听懂英语国家人士讲话和讲座,能基本听懂题材熟悉、篇幅较长的国内广播或电视节目,语速为每分钟135词左右,能掌握中心大意抓住要点。具体内容1、新视野听说教程 (2册)2、大学英语听力分级教程(上)Unit11-Unit 20说基本要求能进行日常会话,能就教材内容展开讨论和复述,能就熟悉的话题展开谈话。表达思想基本清楚。较高要求能和英语国家人士进行一定程度的交流,能够掌握一定

5、的会话策略,能基本表达个人意见、情感、观点等,能基本陈述事实、事件、理由等,语音、语调基本正确。 具体内容大学英语口语分级教程Unit 11 Job HuntingUnit 12 TripUnit 13 WeatherUnit 14 ShoppingUnit 15 MusicUnit 16 My Gift and Meaningful ObjectsUnit 17 EnvironmentUnit 18 Modern TechnologyUnit 19 MediaUnit 20 EducationCE3听基本要求能大概听懂英语国家人士讲话和讲座,能基本听懂题材熟悉、篇幅较长的国内广播或电视节目,

6、语速为每分钟130词左右,能掌握中心大意抓住要点。讲课32学时一次/周较高要求能基本听懂英语国家人士的谈话和讲座,能听懂题材熟悉、篇幅较长的国内英语广播或电视节目,语速为每分钟150词左右,能掌握其中心大意,抓住要点和相关细节。能基本听懂外国专家用英语讲授的专业课程。 具体内容1、新视野听说教程(3册)2、大学英语听力分级教程(下)Unit 21-Unit 30说基本要求能和英语国家人士进行一定程度的交流,能够掌握一定的会话策略,能基本表达个人意见、情感、观点等,能基本陈述事实、事件、理由等,语音、语调基本正确。 较高要求能就一般或专业性话题较为流利、准确地进行对话或讨论,能用简练的语言概括内

7、容较长、语言稍难的文本或讲话,能在国际会议和专业交流中宣读论文并参加讨论。 具体内容大学英语口语分级教程Unit 21 Changes Unit 22 TransportationUnit 23 Friendship and RelationshipUnit 24 InternetUnit 25 Wild Life in My CountryUnit 26 ClothingUnit 27 Social ProblemsUnit 28 Wealth and HealthUnit 29 Part-Time JobUnit 30 Going AbroadUnit 31 Steps to Succes

8、sUnit 32 Unforgettable Experience四、课程各教学环节的要求要求听说课在语音室上,每周一次两学时。学生在课后参加学校组织的周英语角活动、各种英语晚会,每个班级每周组织一次英语角;学生上网做网上听说练习。五、本课程与其他课程的联系本课程的后续课程是高年级的高级英语听说选修课。六、考核方式大学英语听说课是考试课,考试形式是(1)由主考教师对学生进行小组面试;(2)组织听力考试;(3)通过网络测试手段,检查学生完成指定的网络测试项目。评分标准:口试占40%,听力占60%,合计100分。七、教学参考书目1、新视野大学英语听说教程1-4外语教学与研究出版社 2001年底1版

9、2、大学英语听力分级教程上、下册。孙力主编。吉林科学技术出版社出版。2002年3、新编大学英语1、2、3、4册。浙江大学编著。外语教学与研究出版社。1999年4月第一版。2004 至2005 学年度第 一 学期 04级各 班 大 学 英 语 听力 课程授课计划 一、 一、 说明1 1课程的教学目的要求通过这一学期的英语教学,培养学生具有一定的听、说能力。重点提高学生的听力水平使学生达到大学英语一级水平,进一步提高学生运用英语的综合能力。2 2学时数分配情况: 教学计划规定的总学 时上学期已进行的学时数本 学 期 的 学 时 分 配下学期尚余的学时数课内外比例总 计理论教学实 验习题课测 验设

10、计21640323221631:33 3主要教学参考书及资料:新视野大学英语听说教程第一册大学英语听力分级教程新视野大学英语教师用书大学英语口语分级教程现代英语用法词典柯林斯精选英语辞典等。4 4成绩考核方式和及格标准:成绩考核方式:听力为闭卷考试。及 格 标 准: 听力+ 口语=100分,60分为及格。5 5学生学习本课程的要求:要求学生课上认真听讲,课后复习以便巩固知识,按要求完成各项作业,保证课外自己每天练习听力。6提高教学质量的措施:l l 在教学中不断探索教学规律,推广教改成果,坚持集体备课,细致批改作业,及时进行讲评,定期对学生进行阶段水平考试。l l 进行听力、口语训练,注意与学

11、生互动。l l 开展丰富多彩的第二课堂活动,完善教学效果二、授课计划总教学周15周。 “十一”放假一周。周别课 堂 教 学课外作业完成情况星期时数教 学 内 容教学方式布置作业题数复习及作业所需时间一听力2听力 Unit 1及口语训练讲授做听力课后练习,预习Unit 1 Section A3小时二听力2听力 Unit 1Unit 2及口语训练讲授做听力课后练习,3小时三听力2听力Unit 2 及口语训练讲授做听力课后练习,3小时四听力2听力 Unit 3及口语训练讲授做听力课后练习,预习Unit 3 Section A3小时五听力2听力 Unit3-Unit 4及口语训练讲授做听力课后练习,3

12、小时六听力2听力Unit 4及口语训练讲授做听力课后练习,3小时七听力2听力 Unit 5及口语训练讲授做听力课后练习,预习Unit 5 Section A3小时八听力2听力 Unit5-Unit 6及口语训练讲授做听力课后练习,3小时九听力2听力 Unit 6及口语训练讲授做听力课后练习,3小时十听力2听力Unit 7及口语训练讲授做听力课后练习,预习Unit 7 Section A3小时十一听力2听力 Unit 7-unit 8及口语训练讲授做听力课后练习,3小时十二听力2听力 Unit 8及口语训练讲授做听力课后练习,3小时十三听力2听力 Unit 9及口语训练讲授做听力课后练习,预习u

13、nit 9 Section A3小时十四听力2听力课 Unit 9-及口语训练讲授做听力课后练习,3小时十五听力2总复习答疑总复习3小时院(系)院长(主任): 课程负责人: 任课教师: Lesson Plan Unit 1Lesson Plan Designer: Xv XiaoyingType of the lesson: Listening and SpeakingClass: Student entry level: Students at the level of Senior Middle SchoolTime available of the whole unit : 2 peri

14、ods(100 min) in totalInstructional goals: Help students reach the level of CE1 described in the Teaching Syllabus of the Course for Listening and Speaking of College English, Anshan University of Science and Technology, which is displayed at the beginning of the Lesson Planning Notes. (达到鞍山科技大学大学英语听

15、说课程教学大纲规定的CE1级别的课程教学内容的基本要求, 参见教案首页: 听力:听力:能大概听懂英语国家人士讲话和讲座,能基本听懂题材熟悉、篇幅较长的国内广播或电视节目,语速为每分钟130词左右,能掌握中心大意抓住要点。口语:能和英语国家人士进行一定程度的交流,能够掌握一定的会话策略,能基本表达个人意见、情感、观点等,能基本陈述事实、事件、理由等,语音、语调基本正确。).Objectives: After learning this unit, students are expected to make progress in the following two aspects. 1. 1.

16、Listening: Students should learn to be accustomed to college listening class, for example, how to understand a conversation, get used to long passages. After learning the article, they can put their knowledge into listening. 2. 2. Speaking: Students learn to describe his or her own family, about his

17、 or her father, mother and about themselves. They will learn to use simple and understandable English to express himself or herself.Teaching Content: 1. 1. Listening: Unit 1, Listing Text Book 11) 1) Learning New Words2) 2) Listening practices2. 2. Speaking: Unit 1, Spoken English for College Studen

18、ts1) 1) Learning New Words 2) Learning useful sentences and paragraphs needed for describing ones family.Teaching Methods: Under the guidance of student-centered principle, apply communicative and heuristic teaching methods, stimulate students interest in learning English and get students involved i

19、n class participation.Facilities or resources:Sound lab.Instructional procedures and time allocation: The lesson will be divided into two parts. Part one is Listening and part two is Speaking. Each part will take 50 minutes.I. The first period: Listening comprehension, (50 min).a) New words at page

20、5.b) Section A: 20 words in our articlec) Section B: 20 sentences. Students will answer the question after what they have heard.d) Section C: 3 passages and followed by 15 true or false questions. e) section D: 3 passages and followed by 15 questions.2.The second period: Speaking practice, (50 min).

21、a) Section One: Essential Vocabularyb) Section Two: Useful Sentences1. 1. I love my family very much and I get along well with my family members.2. 2. I have an extended family.3. 3. My great parents live together with us.4. 4. My gather is a worker/ farmer/doctor/engineer/factory director/manager d

22、irector5. 5. My mother works in a hospital/railway station/factory/supermarket6. 6. We live together.7. 7. Our relatives live inand I miss them very much.8. 8. My mother has retired. My father is due to retire this year.9. 9. My elder sister works, but she is still single.c) Section Three: Possible

23、Questions and AnswersA: where were you born?B: I was born in which is beautiful seaside city.A: When did you move toB:I moved to in 1991when my parents transferred their jobA: Who are the members of your family?B: My parents, a younger sister, and i.A: What are your parents doing?B: They are farmers

24、 and still work to support our family.A: What did your parents do before they were retired?B: My father was a businessman and my mother was an accountant.A: Do you have any brothers or sisters? What are their jobs?B: Yes, I have a brother who works in a shoe factory and a sister who is a primary sch

25、ool student.d) Section Four: Example ParagraphsExample I I have a medium-sized family, my parents, my elder brother, a younger sister, and I. My father and my mother are both retired. Now they run a broth in down town area. My younger sister is a senior school student, who works hard. My elder broth

26、er who has graduated from Beijing University is now working in a big company as a department manager. He is very sociable and popular with his colleagues. He usually sends money to me. Every member of my family cooperates well. We love each other.Example 2 I was born in,but moved towhen I was 16. my

27、 parents are both doctors, and were assigned to work in a hospital there. They are both retired now. I came to Shanghai in 1993 to study economic at Fudan University, where I met my girlfriend. We got married after we graduated, and still lived there. I also have an elder brother who lives inwith hi

28、s wife and a younger sister who still lives inwith our parents.Example3I dream of a large family, because I believe that I can find more advantages. Among brothers and sisters, I can earn about the true intellectual of understanding people: patience, forgiveness, sharing, receiving, trust , faithful

29、ness, prudence and friendship. The family is the building block of society. When I have matured within the home, I am ready to go out into the world.e) Section Five: Partnership ActivityWork with your partner to talk about your family according to the following subtopics:1. 1. One of your family mem

30、bers who has had the most influence in your life.2. 2. One of your family members whom you love most.3. 3. How the family environments shape a persons character and future.4. 4. The pressure you might feel from your family.5. 5. The generation gap between you and your parents.f) Section Six: Debate

31、ActivityDivide the class into two groups and argue the following matter pro and con: Family environment is essential to our success in the future.G) Section seven: picture TalkingDescribe the picture and then give your comment on what you see in the picture. The words given below are for your refere

32、nce.h) Section eight: language tipsOffering suggestionsA: whats wrong?B:I am bored. What can I do?A: Why dont you watch TV?B:I cant. it is broken. Anyway, there is nothing good on tonight.A: Oh dear. Well, how about coming to the cinema with me, then? We can go to the Odeon.B: That is not a bad idea

33、. Ok If you pay for me.A: Oh! Well, in that case, what about going to a disco?B: Good idea! And I will pay for you ! lets go!A: Right then! Assignment Projects: Ask students to attend the English corner of the campus.Reflection/Teaching Diary:( Omit) (After class)Lesson Plan Unit 2Lesson Plan Design

34、er: Huang XuemeiType of the lesson: Listening and SpeakingClass: Class1,2 of Law2004, Mineral Resources Engineering2004, Measurement and Survey Engineering2004Student entry level: Students at the level of Senior Middle SchoolTime available of the whole unit : 2 periods(100 min) in total?Instructiona

35、l goals: Help students reach the level of CE1 described in the Teaching Syllabus of the Course for Listening and Speaking of College English, Anshan University of Science and Technology, which is displayed at the beginning of the Lesson Planning Notes. (达到鞍山科技大学大学英语听说课程教学大纲规定的CE1级别的课程教学内容的基本要求, 参见教案

36、首页: 听力:能大概听懂英语国家人士讲话和讲座,能基本听懂题材熟悉、篇幅较长的国内广播或电视节目,语速为每分钟130词左右,能掌握中心大意抓住要点。口语:能和英语国家人士进行一定程度的交流,能够掌握一定的会话策略,能基本表达个人意见、情感、观点等,能基本陈述事实、事件、理由等,语音、语调基本正确。).Objectives: After learning this unit, students are expected to make progress in the following three aspects. 3. 3. Listening: Students should master

37、some skills in listening, for example, how to grasp the key words in listening to the conversation between two or more people. Usually the key words are the subject nouns and the predicate verbs.4. 4. Speaking: Students learn to describe various changes in our hometown, transportation, our way of li

38、fe, technology and about themselves. They will learn to use comparative degree and superlative degree to describe the changes.Teaching Content: 3. 3. Listening: Unit 2, Listing Text Book 11) 1) Understanding Words 2) 2) Understanding sentences3) 3) Understanding passages4. 4. Speaking: Unit 2, Spoke

39、n English for College Students1) 1) Learning New Words 2) Learning useful sentences and paragraphs needed for describing hometown.Teaching Methods: Under the guidance of student-centered principle, apply communicative and heuristic teaching methods, stimulate students interest in learning English an

40、d get students involved in class participation.Facilities or resources:Sound lab.Instructional procedures and time allocation: The lesson will be divided into two parts. Part One is listening and Part Two is speaking. Each part will take 50 minutes.I. The first period: Listening comprehension, (Unit

41、2 A Busy Weekday Morning )(50 min).a) Understanding Words: Listening Task1b) Understanding Words: Listening Task2c) Understanding sentences: Listening Task1d) Understanding sentences: Listening Task2e) Understanding passages: Listening Task1f) Understanding passages: Listening Task22.The second peri

42、od: Speaking practice, (50 min).a) Section One: Essential Vocabularyb) Section Two: Useful Sentences1. 1. My hometown is a beautiful ancient city.2. 2. My hometown is located in the northeast of China.3. 3. There are many historical sites. 4. 4. My hometown is famous for its parks.5. 5. My hometown

43、is surrounded by beautiful hills.6. 6. My hometown is near the sea, in a bay.7. 7. The major industries are oil and automobile manufacturing.8. 8. There are many opportunities in my hometown.9. 9. It stands beside a wide beautiful river at the foot of low green hills.10. 10. My hometown is a small v

44、illage deep in mountains.11. 11. After an absence of one year I find my hometown completely changed.12. 12. Tourism is our new business. We are planning to develop this smokeless industry.13. 13. Though I am far from it now, I often think of my hometown. 14. 14. Well its clean but maybe its too quiet.15. 15. My hometown hasnt experienced too many changes. Its stayed the same.c) Sec

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