1、(完整版)英语修辞法18种姓名:韩茹月 班级:英语2班 学号:20125061228英语修辞法18种1。 明喻 (Simile)明喻是指为了鲜明地刻画某一事,将具有某种共同特征的两种事物加以对比。它由本体、喻体和比喻词组成。常用的比喻词有as、like、as if、as though、as.。. as、similar to、to bear a resemblance to等等.明喻能使深奥的哲理变得浅显易懂。A man without religion is like a horse without a bridle.人无信仰,犹如马无缰绳.Fire is as hurtful as heal
2、thful。火能成灾,也能造福。Use a book as a bee does flowers.读书如蜜蜂采蜜。Wit without learning is like a tree without fruit.没有学识的机智犹如没有果实的树.Beauty without virtue is like a rose without scent.美而无德犹如花无香味。2。 暗喻 (Metaphor)暗喻亦称为“隐喻”,它同明喻一样,也是在两个不同类对象之间进行比喻,区别在于:明喻把本体和喻体说成是相似的,而暗喻则把两者说成是一致的;明喻中有比喻词,而暗喻中不用比喻词。A good book i
3、s the best of friends, the same today and forever.好书如相伴终生的挚友。A dwarf on a giants shoulders sees the farther of the two.侏儒站在巨人的肩上,会看得更远。Fire is a good servant but a bad master。火是忠仆,用之不慎成灾主。A word spoken is an arrow let fly。出口的话如同离弦的箭。A teacher for a day is a father for a lifetime。一日为师,终身为父.3.类比 (Anal
4、ogy)类比是一种阐述事理的修辞格,即用人们熟悉的事例说明较深的道理,或通过具体形象阐明抽象的概念.它主要是把两种本质上不同的事物之间的共同点加以比较。Judicious praise is to children what the sun is to flowers。明智的赞扬对于孩子的作用,就像阳光对于花朵的作用一样. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush。一鸟在手胜过二鸟在林.Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.读书之于头脑,就像运动之于身体。A bad bush is
5、better than an open field.矮树丛总比空地好(聊胜于无)。4.讽喻 (Allegory)讽喻也叫寓意,是一种比暗喻更为委婉的比喻,其基本形式是以具体形象说明抽象概念,通过具体形象或浅近事实,给人以启发,引导人们去认清事物的本质或深邃的哲理。No rose without a thorn。世上没有无刺的玫瑰(世上没有十全十美的事)。Its time to turn swords into ploughs。铸剑为犁(是应该以和平代替战争的时候了).Laugh and the world laugh with you; weep and you weep alone.笑时万众
6、附和,哭时独自垂泪。5.换喻 (Metonymy)换喻不像明喻、暗喻等比喻形式那样利用不同类对象的相似之处或类同点构成比较,而是借与某事物密切相关的东西来表示该事物以唤起他人的联想,从而避免生硬直说。因此也称为借代或转喻。换喻的主要类型有:用容器替代东西;用地名替代人;用工具替代使用工具的人;用环境替代该环境下的人;用作家替代作品;用具体的事物代替抽象概念等。The pen is mightier than the sword.文比武强(文字的威力强于刀枪)。Life is a battle from cradle to grave.人生是从摇篮到坟墓的一场搏斗.A cat in gloves
7、 catches no mice。戴手套的猫捉不到耗子(四体不勤的人办不好事情)。One swallow does not make a summer.独燕不成夏(一花独放不是春,百花齐放春满园)。One takes on the color of ones company。近朱者赤,近墨者黑。6提喻 (Synecdoche)提喻是指以某事物的局部代表整体,或以整体喻指部分;也可以抽象代具体或以具体代抽象的修辞手法。提喻能使形象具体化,起到言简意赅的作用.Two heads are better than one.三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮。You may know by a handful th
8、e whole sack.见一把而知整袋(一叶知秋)。There is no arguing with a large fist。不能同大拳头争辩(秀才遇见兵,有理说不清)。The brains dont lie in the beard。有智不在年高。An ape is an ape, a varlet is a varlet, though they be clad in silk or scarlet。猴子即使穿上绸缎的衣服也还是猴子(服装无法改变穿衣者的本性)。7。拟人 (Personification)拟人是把无生命的东西或抽象的概念赋予人的个性的一种修辞手法。Facts speak
9、 louder than words。事实胜于雄辩。Fields have eyes, and woods have ears.隔墙有耳。Make money your servant, not your master。要让钱成为你的仆人,而不要成为你的主人。To read a book for the first time is to make the acquaintance of a new friend; to read it a second time is to meet an old one.初读一本书,结识新朋友;再读这本书,会见老朋友。8. 拟物 (Zoosemy)同拟人相反
10、,拟物是把人当成物来描写,包括描写成动物、植物、无生命物、抽象概念等.Being close to the emperor is like being close to a tiger。伴君如伴虎.A man dies the way a lamp goes out。人死如灯灭。A false friend and a shadow attend only when the sun shines.伪善的朋友像阴影,阳光下才能显露出。9。对偶 (Antithesis)对偶是用结构相同字数相等的一对词组或句子来表达相反、相似或相关意思的一种修辞格.它能起到声韵和谐、言简意赅的作用。First th
11、ink, then speak。三思而后言.More haste, less speed.欲速则不达。Once bitten, twice shy.一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。Good to begin well, better to end well。善始才能善终.Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者,事竞成。10.对照 (Contrast)对照是突出差别的一种修辞手段。即把两个不同的事物或同一个事物的两个方面放在一起说,通过匀称工整的对应结构形成巧妙的对仗,以便更鲜明、更透彻、更全面地说明问题。Be slow to promise and quic
12、k to perform。允诺宜缓,履行宜速。Pride hurts, modesty benefits.满招损,谦受益.Handsome women generally fall to the best of ugly men.美妇常配丑夫。Speak is silver, silence is golden。雄辩是银,沉默是金.Great cry and little wool。雷声大,雨点小。11. 重复 (Repetition)重复也叫反复,是指为了强调某个思想,突出某种情感,对重点词、重要概念进行重复,引起读者注意,留下深刻印象,以达到某种效果的修辞格。Never trouble t
13、rouble till trouble troubles you。不要自找麻烦。In for a penny, in for a pound。一不做,二不休.Nothing venture, nothing have.不入虎穴,焉得虎子。Great hopes make great men。伟大的抱负造就伟大的人。Calf love ,half love; old love ,cold love.幼恋不成爱,年老情更深。12. 押韵 (Rhyming)押韵是重复相同的读音或字母进行押韵的修辞手法。谚语中使用押韵读起来朗朗上口,易于记忆,可增强音调的和谐与美感。押韵有头韵、尾韵等。12.1 头韵
14、 (Alliteration)两个或更多的词以相同的辅音字母开始,即在句子的开头重复相同的字母或读音构成头韵。A good fame is better than a good face。美誉胜过俊脸。Death pays all debts.一死了百债.Look before you leap。三思而后行。Practice makes perfect。熟能生巧。12.2 尾韵 (Consonance)在句子的末尾重复相同的字母或读音的押韵构成尾韵.April showers bring May flowers.四月骤雨带来五月鲜花.Friend may meet, but mountains
15、 never greet.山与山不相会,人与人总相逢。A good beginning makes a good ending.善始者善其终.Good health is above wealth.健康胜于财富。There is many a slip between the cup and the lip.功败垂成。13.夸张 (Hyperbole)运用丰富的想象,在数量、形状或程度上Want of wit is worse than want of wealth。缺少才智比缺少财富更糟糕。 加以渲染以增强表达效果,这就是夸张。这种修辞手法能渲染深切的感情,使语言引起人们的想象,给人以深刻的
16、印象。 A thousand years cannot repair a moments loss of honor。一失足成千古恨。Love makes the world go round.爱情威力大,能叫地球翻.Content is more than a kingdom。知足胜似王国.Faith will move mountains。决心大,大山移。An unfortunate man would be drowned in a teacup。人到倒霉时,杯水会淹死.14。 双关 (Pun)双关是巧妙地利用同音异义或同形异义等现象使词或句子具有两种不同含义的一种修辞格。它能使语言活泼
17、生动,或借题发挥,创造一种滑稽幽默的效果.双关可分为语义双关和谐音双关等。14。1 语义双关 (Homograph)语义双关是指利用词语的多义构成的双关.If we dont hang together, we shall hang separately.如果我们不紧紧团结在一起,那就会被一个个地绞死。Measure yourself by your own foot.用自己的脚来量自己。(用自己的标准来衡量自己。)这里foot有两层含义:脚或英尺。构成语义双关。14.2 谐音双关 (Homophone)谐音双关是指利用词语发音相同或相似构成的双关。On Sunday they pray fo
18、r you and on Monday they prey on you!Rue and thyme grow both in one garden。 今天为你祈祷,明天对你敲诈。芸香和麝香长在同一个园子里(悔恨与日俱增)。这里thyme与time发音相同,构成谐音双关。15排比 (Parallelism)排比是以语法结构对称来突出意义的一种修辞手段。使用排比一般是为了反复强调句子意思或为了平衡句子结构. Reading makes a full man, conference a ready man, and writing an exact man.阅读使人完美,讨论使人机敏,写作使人严谨
19、。We gain knowledge by reading, by reflection, by observation or by practice.求知门径颇多,或阅读或思考或观察或实践.Lawsuit consumes time, and money, and rest, and friends。诉讼使人丧失时间,金钱和安宁,也使人失去朋友。You buy land, you buy stones; you buy meat, you buy bones。买地就得买石头,买肉就得买骨头。(有用之物中总会包含无用之物。)16。 蝉联 (Anadiplosis)蝉联是Repetition的一
20、种形式,称“链式反复 或“尾首反复”,即在后一句的开头重复前句末尾的词语的一种修辞手法。You can not seek Lady Luck。 Lady Luck seeks you.你不能寻找运气,运气会来找你。He that is down , down with him。墙倒众人推.Love asks faith, and faith asks firmness.爱情要求忠诚,忠诚要求坚定。If you would be well served, serve yourself。要合自己意就自己动手。If you would be loved, love and be lovable.要想
21、被人爱,就要付出爱,还需要自己可爱.17. 回环 (Regression)回环,亦称作“逆序反复”,指在一个句子或一段文字中以相反的顺序重复前面的词语的一种修辞手法。The seed is in the fruit and the fruit in the seed.果实里有种子,种子里有果实。Better be ill spoken of by one before all than by all before one.宁愿一人在众人前说你的坏话, 不愿众人在一人前说你的坏话。Know something of everything and everything of something。通
22、百艺而专一长。More know Tom Fool than Tom Fool knows。认识傻瓜的人要比傻瓜所知道的多.A place for everything, everything in its place。物物齐备,井井有条。18低调陈述 (Understatement)低调陈述,也叫“含蓄陈述”,是与夸张法对应的一种辞格.其表现形式主要有两种:181曲言法 (Litotes)以反说代替正说,即通常以否定形式表示肯定的内容。There is nothing new under the sun。世上什么事都发生过。Love is never without jealousy。有爱情
23、必有嫉妒.There is no friend so faithful as a good book。好书胜益友。There is nothing which has not been bitter before being ripe.成功之前,必历艰辛。Caesar is not above the grammarians.皇帝也得讲道理。182弱陈法 (Meiosis)以弱说代替强说,即用形容词或副词比较级或用程度副词如almost, hardly, kind of , rather, scarcely, something of, sort of等减弱语气。There is hardly anybody good for everything, and there is scarcely anybody who is absolutely good for nothing.没有人万事皆通,也没有人一无所能.