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1、(word完整版)上海市普陀区英语一模卷及答案2015上海市普陀区2014-15学年度第一学期初三质量调研英语试卷II. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案)(共20分)( )26。Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others?A. May I take your order? B. Monitors were used in the exam。C. Luckily, I can afford the trip. D。 Please wait fo

2、r me in the corner。27。Which of the following words matches the sound /pl/?A. poleB。 paleC. poorD. pull28.Are you in _ favour of using an iPad in class?A。 aB. anC。 /D。 the29.Our family celebrated Thanksgiving Day _ November 28th, 2014.A。 for B。 atC. inD。 on30。Each shop has _ own way to attract custom

3、ers.A. his B。 her C. itsD。 My31.Here are _ different methods to help you fall asleep.A. few B. littleC. muchD. several32._ my opinion, kids should learn to do some housework。A。 On B. In C. OfD. With33.Now I know your decision。 Please ask _ in your class about their ideas。A othersB the othersC otherD

4、 the other34。Although Jack is _ manager in the company, he is popular.A seriousB more seriousC most seriousD the most serious35.The brave firemen didnt stop working _ all people were saved.A untilB becauseC sinceD if36。Years later, Sheldon, my cousin, realized the _ of being a teacher。A happinessB h

5、appilyC happyD happier37.The invention of Wechat(微信)makes it easier _ in touch with friends。A keeping B keepC to keepD keeps38。More and more parents expect their children _ on computers less。A dependB to dependC dependingD depends39。My father denies _ my mother, but I can see love in his eyes.A to m

6、issB missC missesD missing40.- Am I late? Dont worry. Your favourite broadcast _ yet.A doesnt startB didnt startC wont startD hasnt started41.Those wounded soldiers _ in a cave and waited for help。A hideB are hidingC hidD will hide42.- _ are you leaving for the airport? In about half an hour。A How s

7、oonB How oftenC How farD How long43. Must I put on my coat, Mum? Yes, you _. Its freezing outside.A mayB canC mustD need44.- You dont have to sing so loudly in the middle of the night, do you?- _.A Im sorryB My pleasureC Not at allD Thats right45。 Alice is not in. May I take a message for you?- _。A

8、Never mindB No, thanks。 Ill ring back。C Youre welcomeD No, you may notIII。 Complete the following passage with the words in the box. Each word can only be used once(将下列单词填入空格,每空格限填一词,每个单词只能填一次)A thoughtsB ready C common D easilyE createWhen you meet some new people, youll keep silent, or speak like

9、a fool。 When a friend stops talking to you for a day or two, your mind will get crazy with the _46_ that perhaps you did something wrong。 Is this your life? Are you getting nervous _47_? If you are suffering from any of the above, its because you care too much about what others think of you.Although

10、 this is not good enough, its still a _48_ thing that happens among us。 After all, we are human and we just want to be happy。 We want to be wellliked by those around us and not to _49_ any unnecessary trouble。 More importantly, what will happen to us if we dont care about others? Sometimes it is a t

11、hing out of our control。A B effects C various D rudeE considerWhen we pay high attention to others, we begin to worry about others opinions and even try to be someone else. It will have had _50_ on you as you start to focus your energy on others but not yourself. When caring about others opinions is

12、 taking control of your life, maybe its time for you to stop and _51_ what you really want and make some changes.IV. Complete the sentences with the given words in their suitable form(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子。每空格限填一词)54.The new CEO has already given three _ in public。 (speech)55.Jane said she enjoyed _ v

13、ery much during the Art Festival。 (she)56。My sister is on the left and Im the _ one on the right。(ten)57。He was quite _ in how to draw funny cartoon faces. (interest)58。Damin hopes his son would like to be a _ like him. (fish)59。The story is _ told in pictures instead of with words. (main)60。The fan

14、s all felt very sad about the _ of the famous actor. (dead)61.Father warns me that _ people always find excuses for their mistakes。 (honest)V. Rewrite the following sentences as required。 (根据所给要求,改写下列句子。每空格限填一词)62。At last, the case developed into a disaster. (改为否定句)At last, the case _ _ into a disas

15、ter.63。The seat with a red sign is for the old only. (对划线部分提问)_ _is for the old only?64。Lind has a pretty wooden horse。 (改为感叹句)_ _ pretty wooden horse Linda has!65。The new chemistry lab cant be used for the time being。 (保持句意基本不变)The new chemistry lab cant be used _ _。66.The students have performed t

16、he play “Sound of Music for years. (改为被动语态)The play “Sound of Music” _ _ performed by the students for years。67.“Is the school library open at the weekends?” the visitor asked me. (改为宾语从句)The visitor asked us _ the school library _ open at the weekend?68.me, the, showed, to, they, operate, how, mach

17、ine (连词成句)_Part 3 Reading and Writing (第三部分 读写)Reading comprehensionA。 Choose the best answer.Share Flat Happy Village big flat, 1 room ready for use immediately, with all necessary furniture and appliances。 3 minutes walk to underground station, 2 blocks from shopping center, park view, $2100 inclu

18、ding bills, female nonsmoker, no pet。Sara 25720836 or 10077809Moving Sale 2 armchairs, red/brown at 400 each; coffee table, black, wood, 800; oil painting, big, 900; Tianjin carpet, green, 3*7, $600; double bed, $500 , mirror, big, square, $500, fridge, big double-door, $1000; old pictures, $140 eac

19、h.Mr. Brown, Tel Weekend, 25216011, Weekday, 25245867Parttime Lab Assistant Wanted Required by busy electronics company to help with development of computer, should have an electronic degree and some experience of working in an electronic lab. Hours 9:00am1:00pm, Monday Friday Salary 6,598 10,230 de

20、pendent on experienceLetter of application to Mrs。 G Chan NOVA ELECTRONICS, 45 Shanxi RD, Shanghai69. Sara wants to _. A. sell a flatB. find a roommateC. buy a petD。 decorate a room70。 From the above we can learn that the Happy Village flat _。 A。 is near a parkB. is beside the seaC。 has no furniture

21、D. cant be used now.71. Mr. Brown wants to sell these things because _. A。 they are too old or brokenB。 he has bought many new things。 C. he is moving to a new placeD。 he doesnt have enough money。72。 If you want to contact Mr., Brown on Sunday, you should call _。A. 25245867B。 10077809C。 25720826D. 2

22、521601173. The salary for the part-time lab assistant depends on _. A. his experience of working in an electronics lab B。 the variety of part-time jobs he has done. C. his ability of applying for different jobs。 D。 the degree he has got。74。 The above information can be found in _。 A. novelsB。 letter

23、sC。 dictionariesD. advertisementsB。 Choose words and phrases and complete the passage(12)The word moblog is becoming familiar to more and more people。 It is made up of _(75)words。 The first word is mobile, which means a mobile camera phone or camera. The second word is blog, a website for posting wo

24、rds and pictures。 Mobloggers are people who take photos and or videos with their phones and put them_(76). Moblogging has caused a lot of excitement and attention.With a picture phone and a moblog, anyone can be a reporter。 Moblogging first got the worlds attention during a terrorist attack on four

25、London buses。 People were posting photos online many minutes before_(77)reporters could get there。 Similarly, information about car accidents has been broardcasted right away.Moblogging is done just for fun, too. Posted on some moblogs you can find_(78)photos of friends making funny faces, or photos

26、 from people travelling and photos of new babies. Other moblogs might be food in restaurants or new clothes.However, moblogs can be dangerous, too。 Not long ago in Korea, a womans dog made a mess on the train。 But when she was asked to clean it up, she_(79),become angry, and left。 Her picture was ta

27、ken and posted online, along with the story, of what she did. People all around the country were angry with her. Imagine how she felt! Moblogging can be wonderful, but its really impolite to post another persons picture online without asking for permission。 One idea from Japan may help people can no

28、 longer _(80)take pictures with their mobile phones。 Japanese mobile phones make “click sounds like a real camera when you take a picture.( )75. A. two B。 three C。 four D。 five( )76。 A. in the magazine B. on the notice board C. on the Internet D。 in the newspaper( )77。 A。 new B. real C. foreign D。 m

29、ale( )78。 A. useful B. historical C。 amusing D。 famous( )79。 A。 forgot B。 refused C. escaped D. suffered( )80。 A。 immediately B. successfully C. carefully D. quietlyC. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words。 (14)This month in Travellers Corner read about three peoples experiences

30、in yearabroad program:A-TokyoMy year abroad in the Unite States was truly awesome experience。 Im not a (81)s_ person. I was very comfortable speaking to everyone, so I got lots of chances to (82)p_ my spoken English. I also learned lots of interesting things about American culture. When I got home,

31、my friends couldnt believe how much I had (83)i _ in English! They were especially surprised at my spoken English. I hope to go back again in the future.B-Rio de JaneireI spent last year studying in London. I m from a small town, and London is a very big city. Sometimes I felt it was too big. There

32、were so many people to talk to, but I never felt (84) c_ enough when I spoke English。 I was always afraid I couldnt make myself clear。 I missed my family, and I terribly missed my two cats. My roommate was always using our (85)r_, so I almost had no chance for a nice long talk with my parents. I thi

33、nk it was a good experience for me, but I m glad to be home.C-Hong KongStudying in New Zealand was a fun experience for me, but it was also lots of hard work! I (86)r_ had spare time from Monday to Friday。 I had English classes six hours a day with lots of homework。 Our English teacher asked us to w

34、rite more in English, so I wrote one or two pages about my experience in my (87)d_ every day. On Saturday, my home stay family took me to lots of interesting places and showed me so many awesome things about New Zealand culture. I m very glad I went!D。 Answer the questions。 (12)Hi Geoff, Dont be sho

35、cked about what Im going to tell you. Last week, I became a parent! Calm down, Geoff. This was only a project we did at school, but let me explain。 Every week, our teacher gives us a new topic to discuss in class。 Last Monday, however, he asked us a very interesting question Do you think it is diffi

36、cult to be a parent? Some of the students said they thought it was easy, as parents never have to do any homework! Our teacher said he wouldnt tell us the answer。 He said he would let us be a parent for a week。 He was sure we would have the answer by the end of the week。 The rest of the lesson was s

37、pent making flour babies。 We first took some bags and filled them with flour in order to make the babies as heavy as real ones. We then tied the bay very tight, so the flour would not fall out。 After that, we used cardboard to make some arms, legs and a face for our flour babies, and then dressed th

38、em in old pieces of clothing. My baby looked so strange, as I am not very good at art, but it was great fun。 When we had finished, our teacher gave us all notebooks and told us we had to write down our experience with the babies for the whole week. We were told we had to carry them round with us eve

39、ry day, and look after them like real babies! That was really difficult. For example, one of my friends has quite a bad memory, and left his flour baby on the bus by accident. Another of my friends carried the baby upside down (we are supposed to carry them like real babies, with our arms under thei

40、r necks at all times。) We also had to take the flour babies home with us, as well。 My parents found it quite funny, as I was supposed to feed the baby in the evening, and then get it ready for bed。 After doing that and finishing my homework, there was no time to chat with my friends on the phone, no

41、r watch my favorite television programmes。 Every evening, I was so tired that I fell asleep very quickly。 Yet only a few hours later my alarm clock woke me up. For that week, I had to get up three times every night to feed the flour baby! In the end, I got so little sleep that I had black bags under

42、 my eyes. It was a difficult time, but now the project is finished。 I feel I have learnt that _。 I think it also gave me a new perspective on what my parents have done for me。 Let me know your news and hope to hear from you soon.All the bestRick88. Did Rick take part in a project of being a parent?8

43、9。 Why did the students make the babies by filling the bags with flour?90。 What did Rick think of the process of making the flour baby?91. What happened to the forgetful students flour baby?92。 How did Rick look after his flour baby like a real one at night?93。 Complete the sentence in the last para

44、graph according to the contest。Writing94。 Write a composition in at least 60 words on “ An important first in life for me” (写一篇题为“对我来说非常重要的第一次”的短文,字数不得少于60词)提示:每个人生活中都会有难忘的第一次, 例如;第一次参与某项活动,第一次尝试做某件事情,第一次获得某种荣誉等等, 请按题目要求写出对你来说非常重要的第一次。Part IIII。 26。 B 27。 A 28。 C 29。 D 30。 C 31. D32. B 33。 B 34. D 35。 A36. A 37。 C 38. B 39。 D 40. D 41。 C42. A 43。 C 44。 A 45. BIII. 46. A 47。 D 48. C 49。 E 50。 B 51. E 52。 A 53. DIV. 54。 speeches 55. herself 56。 tenth 57。interested58. fisherman 59. mainly 60。 death 61. dishonestV. 62. didnt de

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