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1、1. Good morning, Conifer Hotel.早晨好,康年酒店。2. Good morning, Mr. Smiths office.早晨好,史密斯先生办公室。3. Good afternoon, Cynthia speaking.下午好,我是辛西娅。4. Im sorry, but hes not in right now.对不起,她现在不在。5. Hes in a meeting right now.她现在正在开会。6. Mr. Blake stepped out for a few minutes.布莱克先生几分钟前出去了.7. Mr. Williams is out o

2、f town and is expected back in three days.威廉姆先生出镇了,她估计三天后回来。8. Shall (May) I have him call you back?是否让她给您回电话?9. Would you like to (care to) leave a message?您愿留下口信吗?10. May I take a Message?我能够为您带信吗?11. Hes on another line. Would you care to wait or shall I have him call you back?她在接电话,您愿意等一会儿吗?或我让她

3、给您回电话?12. Would you like to speak to someone else instead?您愿意同别其它人通话吗?13. Today is Mr. Wades day off. Would you like to speak to his assistant?今天伟得先生修班,您愿意同她助手讲话吗?14. May I have you name (telephone number, contact)?我能知道您姓名吗?15. Would you mind spelling your name (the name of your company), sir?先生,您不介

4、意拼出您名字吗?16. Could you speak a little slower (louder), sir?先生,您能讲得慢些吗?17. Im sorry, but I dont speak English well, Just a moment please.对不起,我英语讲得不好,请等一下。18 .Im sorry, this is not Banquet Sales Department. Ill try to transfer your call, if youre calling from outside.对不起,这不是宴会销售部,假如您是在外面打电话,我将尽力给您转过去。1

5、9. Im sorry but I cannot transfer your call (have your call transferred).对不起,我无法将您电话转过去。20. The number is: 2223433.号码是2223433。21. Im not the regular secretary for this department. May I take a message?我不是这个部门秘书,我能为您记下口信吗?22. Ill give him your message.我一定把口信带到。24. Thank you for calling.谢谢您打来电话。1. Hot

6、el: Good Morning, Conifer Hotel.早晨好, 康年酒店. Guest: Id like to speak to Mr. Yang.请找杨先生. H-: May I have your name please?请问您姓名: G-: Brock Well. John Brock Well.布莱克威尔,约翰 布莱克威尔 H-: Thank you. Just a moment, please.谢谢,请等一下。 H-: Good afternoon. Sales Department.下午好,销售部。G-: May I speak to Mr. Arnold?请阿诺得先生听

7、电话。 H-: Im sorry. Hes not in right now.对不起,她现在不在。 G-: Oh, what time do you expect him back:噢,她将何时回来? H-: Around 4 oclock.4点左右。 G-: Ill call again.我再打电话给她。 H-: Thank you for calling.谢谢您来电。2. H-: Good afternoon. Conifer Hotel.下午好,康年酒店。 G-: Id like to make a Chinese Restaurant reservation.我想在中餐厅订个位子。 H

8、-: Pardon me, sir, but could you speak a little louder? 对不起先生,您能说得大声些吗? G-: Oh, Id like to make a Chinese Restaurant reservation.噢,我想在中餐厅订个位子. H: Just a moment, please. Ill connect you with the Restaurant Hospitality Department. 请您等一下,我给您联络餐厅服务处. G-: Thank you.谢谢. 3. H-: Good Morning, Tea lounge.早餐好

9、, 咖啡厅. G-: Would you please page Mr. Robinson.请您帮助寻呼罗宾逊先生好吗? H-: Certainly, sir. Would you please spell the name?当然了,先生。您能拼出她名字吗? G-: Yes. R-O-B-I-N-S-O-N.好,R-O-B-I-N-S-O-N。 H-: R-O-B-I-N-S-O-N.R-O-B-I-N-S-O-N。 G-: Yes.是。 H-: Thank you. Just a moment, please. Thank you for waiting. Im sorry, but Mr.

10、 Robinson does not answer the paging.谢谢您, 请您稍等。谢谢您等候, 但对不起, 罗宾逊先生没有回复寻呼。1Good Morning. Would you like a taxi?早晨好,您需要出租车吗?2. Good afternoon. Shall I call you car?下午好, 让我叫您车吗?3. Where are you going sir?先生,您要去哪儿?4. Shall I give directions to the driver?让我给司机指明方向吗?5. Would you like me to tell your desti

11、nation to the driver?您愿意我告诉司机您目标地吗?6. It takes about 10 minutes by taxi.坐出租车要用10分钟.7. It costs about 260.车费是260元.8. Taxi fare to the airport is about 1200, including the too charge.到机场出租费, 包含道路费大约是1200元.9. This card explains how to get back to the Conifer Hotel.这卡片上说是您怎样能回到康年酒店.10. When you are read

12、y to return to the hotel, show this card to the taxi driver.当您准备返回饭店时, 把这张卡片给司机看看.11. Just a moment, please. Im sure a Taxi will be available in a few minutes.请稍等先生,我肯定几分钟后能找到出租车.12. Im sorry, taxis are very difficult to get on rainy nights.对不起,在这么雨夜出租车是极难找。13. Parking space is available in the gara

13、ge.停车场有停车地方。14. The garage is on the other side, please make a right turn at that small road. At the bottom, turn right again and youll see the entrance to the garage.停车场在另一边,在那条小路右拐。到了尽头再右拐,您能看见停车场入口。15. Parking is free for guests of the hotel.饭店客人停车是无偿。16. Parking here is limited to thirty minutes

14、.在这停车限时30分钟。17. Good afternoon, sir. Welcome to the Conifer Hotel.下午好,先生,欢迎光临康年酒店。18. Good morning, sir. Are you checking in ?早晨好,先生,您要登记入住吗?19. Please leave you bags here, sir. The bellman will take care of them.先生,请把您行李放这,行李生会照看她们。20. Please check at the information counter.请在大堂问讯台。21. The Coffee

15、House is to the right as you go into the lobby.您走进大堂右边既是咖啡厅。22. The Speciality Restaurant is located on the Restaurant floor, one floor below. The stairs are straight ahead as you enter the lobby. 风味餐厅在楼下餐厅楼层,当您步入大堂,楼梯就在正前方。23. The weather forecast says it will be cloudy (rainy, sunny, etc) today.天气

16、预报说今天多云(有雨、晴)。24. Have a pleasant trip, sir.先生,路途愉快。25. To get to the Subway, walk down this hill and turn right. Follow the road to this hill and street and turn right again. The subway is on the left side. It takes about 10 minutes.到铁西地铁,走下这座小山右拐,顺路直走到主街再右拐,地铁就在右边,大约要花10分钟。G-: How do I get to the

17、subway?去地铁车站我该怎么走?H-: Go down the hill and turn right. At the traffic light, turn right and walk to the Red Rose hotel. The subway entrance is across the street.走下这座小山然后右拐,在交通指示灯那右拐, 一直走到红玫瑰饭店, 地铁入口就在街对面.G-: Thank you, what station is it?谢谢,这是什么站?H-: Anshan Dao.鞍山道站.G-: What?什么?H-: (slowly) An-shan-

18、Dao.(慢慢地) 鞍山道站.G-: Thank you.谢谢G-: Beg you pardon, but wheres the mens room?请原谅, 男洗手间在哪?H-: Its to the right as you enter the lobby.您走进大厅向右.G-: Thank you.谢谢G-: Pardon, but wheres the information desk.请原谅,问询处于哪?H-: Its in the lobby, on your left as you enter.在大厅正门左侧.G-: Thank you.多谢.1. Welcome to the

19、 Conifer Hotel.欢迎光临康年大酒店.2. Are these all your bags, sir?先生, 这些全部是您行李吗?3. This way please.请这边走.4. To the left, sir.请左拐,先生.5. This is the air conditioning control.这是空调开关.6. This panel controls the air conditioning.这个小盒控制空调机.7. The buttons control the temperature at high, medium, and low.这些按钮控制温度高、中、低

20、。8.This is the control panel这是控制板。9. Here is the room light.这是房间照明灯。10. There is no central switch-system for the light. Each light is turned on individually.这些灯没有中央开关系统,每盏灯独自开关。11. This knob is for chilled drinking water.这个把手是冰镇水开关。12. The towels are over head here.毛巾在这上面。13. The shopping arcades a

21、re located on the lobby floor, to the right as you leave the elevator.商场在大厅, 下了电梯向右拐。14. There is another arcade to the left in the Tea Lounge.还有另外一个商场是在茶廊左边。15. The Chinese Restaurant, Western Restaurant and Coffee shop are on the Restaurant floor, one floor below the lobby.中餐厅、西餐厅和咖啡厅是在下一楼层餐厅楼层。16

22、. Two-hour Pressing Service is available by dialing “4” on your phone.用您电话拨“4”号,能得到2小时熨烫服务。17. Shall I hang your suits in the closet, sir?先生,我能够把您西装挂在壁橱里吗?18. The limousine for the airport does not come on a regular schedule. We must reserve it for you.到机场汽车不按正常时间表来,我们必需给您预订。19. It usually takes 20

23、minutes, but during the rush hour it is better to plan a little extra time.通常要花20分钟, 在高峰时间最好打出写充裕时间。20. Im sorry, sir , but we cannot arrange for that kind of service.对不起,先生, 但我们不能安排那种服务。22. This is the bellman, sir. I have a telegram for you.我是行李生,我这有您电报。23. May I have your signature, sir?先生,请您署名好吗

24、?24. For complete information on our restaurants, May I suggest you contact the Restaurant Hospitality desk in the lobby.相关我们饭店餐厅完整信息,我提议您同大堂餐厅接待处联络。25. Your door locks automatically. Please take your key with you when you go out.您门自动锁门,当您外出时请带好您钥匙。26. This is the bell section, sir. Would you please

25、 dial “2” for Room Service.先生,这是行李部,请您拨“2”号到“送餐服务”。27. To get to the Conifer Hotel, walk past the Coffee House to the end of the hall. Go through the doors on the right, where you will see the elevator turn left and walk straight ahead to the back door. You will see the entrance to the Conifer Hotel

26、 to your left.去大酒店,走过咖啡屋到大厅尽头,走进这个门并沿走廊走到右边第一个门,在那您能够看见电梯,按“B2”钮,走出电梯左拐一直向前走到后门,在左边,您将看见康年酒店。 A. Rooms and Reservations房间和预订1. Good evening, sir. May I help you?晚上,先生我能为您做些什么?2. The room rate is 6800 plus service charge.房间价格包含服务费是6800元.3. How long would you like to (are you planning to) stay with us

27、, sir?先生,您要在我们这住多久?4. Im sorry, sir, but the hotel is full right now, we cannot accept any more reservation.先生,对不起,现在饭店已经满了,我们不能再接收任何预订了。 5. Im sorry, but we can not accept reservations on that day due to over booking.因为超额预订我们不能接收预订了。6. May we ask for a deposit of 15000?我们预收15000元定金能够吗?7. We can con

28、firm a room for you for three days.我们能够为您确定三天订房。8. May I suggest another hotel, sir?先生,许可我介绍另家饭店好吗?9. How did you make your reservation, sir?先生,您怎样预订?10. May I see (have) your confirmation slip, sir?先生,我能够看11. Would you please fill out this registration card, sir?先生, 请您填上这张登记卡好吗?12. What is the flig

29、ht number of the party, sir?先生,你们团体航班号?13. What time will your party be checking in, sir?先生, 你们团体什么时候入住?14. Please check in any time after 12 noon.中午12点后任何时候全部可入住.15. Check out is before 12 noon.结帐时间为中午12点前.16. There is an extra charge for the room after 12 noon. Up to 3 oclock, its 1/3 of the room

30、rate; up to 6p.m. Its 1/2 and after 6 p.m. the full rate will be charged.12点以后房间要额外收费,到3点前收房价1/3, 到6点收房价1/2,6点后收全价.17. May I have your forward address in case any mail comes for you?我能够知道您去向地址吗?以防有您信件寄来.B. Information问 讯1. Good morning, sir. May I help you?早晨好,先生, 能为您做些什么?2. For tour reservation, pl

31、ease contact the travel agencies in the arcade, around the corner.对于旅行团预订,请同旅行社代理机构联络, 它就在商场内角落里.3.You can buy stamps at that counter.您能够在那个柜台买邮票.4. There is another arcade in the Tea Lounge.在茶廊还有一个商场.5.Here is the current movie schedule.这是现在录像节目表.6. The cable desk is on the other side of the lobby,

32、 over there.电报服务台在大厅另一边,就在那边。7.Yes, sir. Mr. Brown is in Room 625. Shall I have the operator ring his room?是先生。布朗先生住在625房, 我能够让总台服务员给她房间挂电话吗?8.The house phone are right there, sir.饭店内部电话就在那边,先生。9. Im sorry, but Mr. Brown is not registered at the Conifer Hotel.对不起,但布朗先生没在康年酒店登记入住。10.Ill check to see

33、if he is registered.让我查一下看看她是否登记了。11.We have checked the registration-card, but we have no record of his staying with us.我们已经查过了入住登记卡,我们没有她入住统计。12.Yes, he is expected to arrive on Sunday.是,她估计星期日抵达。13. No, we have no record of his reservation.不, 我们没有她预订统计。14.I checked his reservation but he is not l

34、isted on the arrival list.我已查过了预定表,她没有被列在抵达客人名单上。15.Yes, he is expected this evening, but the plane has been delayed about 3 hours.是,她估计今晚到,但飞机已经被推迟大约3小时。16. To make a reservation at the Conifer Hotel please see our Assistant Manager, Mr. Brawn.在康年酒店预订, 请见我们助理经理布朗先生。Registration登记H-: Good morning, s

35、ir. May I help you?早晨好,先生。需要帮忙吗?G-: Yes. Id like a room.是,我想要一间房。H-: Do you have a reservation?您有预订吗?G-: I think so.是。H-: How do you make it?您是怎么预订?G-: Through my travel agent.经过旅行社。H-: Do you have a confirmation slip?您有确定单?G-: No, I didnt get one from him.不,没有,我没拿过确定单。H-: Your name, please and Ill

36、check.请告诉我您姓名,我来查查。G-: Samuel Albert山姆,爱尔伯特。H-: Just a minute please(pause) Mr. Albert from Honolulu?请等一下(停顿), 从火奴鲁鲁来爱尔伯特先生吗?Information问讯H-: Good morning sir. May I help you?早晨好先生,我能够帮您吗?G-: Eh, yes. Where can I buy some stamps?噢,是。在哪儿我能买到邮票?H-: At that counter, over there.在那边那个柜台。G-: Thank you.谢谢你

37、。G-: How can I go to Tokyo?我怎样能去东京。H-: The travel agencies can take care of you, alone or on a tour. Theyre in the arcade around the corner.旅行社能帮您安排单独或团体旅行,她们在商场内拐角处。G-: Thank you.多谢。G-: Are there any good movies this evening?今晚有什么好录相吗?H-: Here is the current movie guide.这是现在录相节目单。G-: How do we get

38、to the theater?我们怎样去戏院?H-: Tell the doorman where you want to go, and hell take care of it.告诉门僮您想去哪,她会给您安排。G-: Thank you.谢谢。 1Good evening. A table for two, sir?晚上好,要一张双人桌子吗, 先生?2. Would you like(prefer) a table near the garden(window, etc)?您愿意要张靠近花园(窗户)桌子吗?3.How is this table, sir?先生,这张桌子怎么样?4. Wou

39、ld you care for a drink before ordering?在点菜前你喜爱喝点什么?5.How much water would you like with your drink, sir? 先生,您饮料中要加多少水?6.Would you like to order now?您现在想点菜吗?7. Have you ordered (been waited on), sir?您已经点完菜吗?(等菜)8. Would you like a high chair for the baby?您愿意给孩子一把高椅吗?9.Will this be separate check, si

40、r?先生,这要分开付帐吗?10. Im sorry but there is no table(are no seats) available just now. Would you care to wait?对不起,现在没有桌子了, 您愿意等吗?11. May I suggest our Japanese Restaurant over there?我能够向您推荐我们日本餐厅吗?12. Im sorry, this is not available right now, its out of season.对不起,现在没有这种菜,已经过了季节了.13. Im sorry, sir, we a

41、re out of this item. May I suggest_ instead?对不起先生,我们已经卖完了这菜.14.What kind of beer would you like, sir?先生, 您想喝哪种啤酒.15.Would you like your coffee now, or with your meal?您想现在就喝咖啡还是餐中喝?16.Would you care for a white wine or a red wine with your meal?您想要白葡萄酒还是红葡萄酒来配您菜?17.Its not on our menu, but Ill check

42、to see if we can prepare it for you.我们菜单上没有这菜,但我查查看能否为您准备.18.How would you like your steak (eggs)?您牛排(鸡蛋)要做到什么程度?19.Which soup would you like?您喜爱喝什么汤?20.Please be careful, sir, this plate is hot.先生, 请小心, 这个盘子很热。21.We have a self-service buffet. Wont you step this way please?我们有一个自助餐会, 请这边走。22.Is the

43、re anything wrong with your steak, sir?先生, 您牛排有什么问题吗?23.Some more coffee, sir? (Would you care for some more coffee, sir?先生, 愿意再加些咖啡吗?24.This will take about twenty minutes to prepare.这菜需要20分钟准备。25. May I ask for cash in advance for your cigarettes, sir?先生,我能够请求您预先用现金付香烟钱吗?26.Tthis restaurant remain

44、s open until 11p.m.这餐厅一直开到晚上11点。27. This coupon may be used only in the coffee shop, sir?这张餐劵可能只能在咖啡厅用,先生。28.Will there be anything else, sir?先生,还需要别什么吗?29.Have you finished, sir?先生,您用完了吗?30. May I take this?我能够把这些拿走吗?31. Excuse me, sir, would you please print your name and room number?对不起先生, 请您写上您3

45、2.Im sorry , sir, but we cannot accept JCB credit cards.对不起先生,我们不接收JCB信用卡。33.Thank you, sir, hope you enjoyed your meal.谢谢您,先生期望您享受了34. H-: A table for two, sir?先生,要二个人桌子吗? G-: Four please. My friends will be here soon.4个人, 我好友立即就到.35.H-: A table for four, sir?先生, 要4个人桌子吗? G-: Yes.是. H-:Im sorry, si

46、r. But could you please wait for a few minutes?对不起先生, 您能等几分钟吗? G-: All right.好吧.36. H-: A table for three, sir?先生, 是三位吗? G-: Yes.是。 H-: Im sorry, sir, but would you mind waiting about fifteen minutes.对不起先生, 您不介意等15分钟吧。 G-: Oh. Well wait in the bar. Please call us.噢, 我们在酒吧等, 请叫我们。 H-: Certainly, sir.当然,先生。37.

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