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1、14物流专业英语PPTUnit14Characteristicsofvariousmodesoftransport授课日期_年_月_日授课教师授课专业/班级_专业_班级讲授单元Unit 14单元讲授时长二学时讲授内容物流术语、课文、课堂练习第二页,共47页。2021/2/212教学任务:p掌握本单元的物流专业术语p掌握本单元的核心概念p熟悉本单元的常用物流英语表达法p熟悉本单元的物流流程第三页,共47页。2021/2/213第一部分 Section 1本单元核心术语Core terms 第四页,共47页。2021/2/214u passenger traffic 客运u freight tra

2、ffic 货运u infrastructure 基础设施u time-sensitive traffic 里间敏感性强的运输第五页,共47页。2021/2/215第二部分 Section 2本单元核心概念Core concepts 第六页,共47页。2021/2/216What are the five modes of transport五种运输模式是什么?五种运输模式是什么?第七页,共47页。2021/2/217Logistics Generally speaking,there are five modes of transport:road,rail,air,waterways(sea

3、,inland river or lake)and pipelines,though other modes of transport also exist.This unit focuses on the four major modes:road,rail,air and sea.第八页,共47页。2021/2/218一般来说,有五种运输方式:公路、铁路、航空、水路(海运及内陆河运或湖运)和管道,虽然也存在有其它的运输方式。本单元重点讨论四种主要模式:公路、铁路、航空及海运。第九页,共47页。2021/2/219课堂教学之Step 1 单词领读单词领读由教师当堂领读生词由教师当堂领读生词纠

4、正学生的发音纠正学生的发音领读完之后给学生留出领读完之后给学生留出5分钟的时分钟的时间来温习单词。间来温习单词。第十页,共47页。2021/2/2110课堂教学之Step 2 重点内容重点内容掌握核心术语掌握核心术语学习时间学习时间5分钟分钟第十一页,共47页。2021/2/2111课堂教学之Step 3 难点学习难点学习理解并背诵核心概念理解并背诵核心概念学习时间学习时间5分钟分钟第十二页,共47页。2021/2/2112课堂教学之Step 4 课文学习课文学习理解课文的意思理解课文的意思对难句进行语法和结构讲解对难句进行语法和结构讲解学习时间学习时间30分钟分钟第十三页,共47页。2021

5、/2/2113课文学习提示:教师在讲解课文时,除对课文进行教师在讲解课文时,除对课文进行翻译之外,还要顺带讲解一下难句翻译之外,还要顺带讲解一下难句的语法结构。的语法结构。第十四页,共47页。2021/2/2114Characteristics of various modes of transport不同运输模式的特征第十五页,共47页。2021/2/2115Generally speaking,there are five modes of transport:road,rail,air,waterways(sea,inland river or lake)and pipelines,th

6、ough other modes of transport also exist.This unit focuses on the four major modes:road,rail,air and sea.一般来说,有五种运输方式:公路、铁路、航空、水路(海运及内陆河运或湖运)和管道,虽然也存在有其它的运输方式。本单元重点讨论四种主要模式:公路、铁路、航空及海运。Road Transport第十六页,共47页。2021/2/2116Road The main advantage of road transport is its facility for door-to-door colle

7、ction and delivery,often in the same vehicle.With few exceptions,all other modes must use road transport,at one or both ends of the trip,so that the link between a seaport,airport or railway station and the final destination is complete.Road transport also includes pedestrians.公路运输公路运输公路运输的主要优势是它具有“

8、门到门”取货和交货的便利,经常是用同一辆车就行。除了为数不多的例外情况,所有的其它运输方式都要在行程的一端或两端使用公路运输,这样,就可完成在海港、机场或火车站与最终目的地之间的联接。公路运输也包括行人。第十七页,共47页。2021/2/2117This open access to roads has its disadvantages.The most obvious one is traffic congestion at peat times.This results in extended journey times for both passenger and freight tr

9、affic,and ultimately adds to the costs of both operators and users.这种对公路的“公开使用”有其劣势。最明显的劣势是高峰时段的交通拥堵。这导致客运及货运行程时间的延长,并且最终增加了运营商和用户的成本。第十八页,共47页。2021/2/2118RailThe railway system includes permanent structures such as rails,signals,safety equipment,stations and goods depot.Construction of such facilit

10、ies is costly,but essential to the operation of railways.Owing to its high costs in the construction of the infrastructure,the railway transport is normally suitable for carrying bulk cargo,and better over long distances.(to be continued)铁路运输铁路运输铁路系统包括永久性的结构,如铁轨、信号、安全设备、车站和货站。建造此类设施是昂贵的,但是对于铁路的运营却是必

11、要的。由于建造基础设施的高成本,铁路运输通常适合于运送散装货,并且以长途运输为佳。(待续)第十九页,共47页。2021/2/2119(续)然而,在高峰时段可能会出现巨大的客流。在这种情况下,短途运送“人类散装货物”也可以是经济的方式。自然,要让公路运输来取代铁路运输是非常不切实际的,尤其是在高峰时段,因为前者远远缺乏所需的运能。第二十页,共47页。2021/2/2120AirThe way for air transport is natural,and thus,costs nothing to maintain.In addition,air travel has the advantag

12、e of speed.航空运输航空运输航空运输的“道路”是自然的,因而也就不需要任何费用维护。再者,航空运输具有速度方面的优势。第二十一页,共47页。2021/2/2121An airport occupies large areas of land and needs extensive facilities for the efficient and secure handling of both passengers and freight.The airport infrastructure,like the railway system,also involves high cost

13、s for operation and maintenance.The operator charges take-off and landing fees to airlines and recovers the costs in this way.Some operators also charge airport taxes to all departing and/or arriving passengers.机场占地面积很大,并需要庞大的设施来确保客货高效、安全的办理。和铁路系统一样,机场的基础设施也涉及到高昂的运营及维护费用。运营商向航空公司收取机场起降费,并以此方式来回收成本。一

14、些运营商也向所有离港和/或进港的旅客收取机场费。第二十二页,共47页。2021/2/2122For long-distance journeys,air transport has a clear advantage for time-sensitive traffic.对于长途航程来说,空运对“时间性较强的”运输来讲有着明显的优势。第二十三页,共47页。2021/2/2123SeaAs with rail and air transport,large sums of money have to be spent on maintenance and control of traffic t

15、hrough the seaway.These costs have to be added to the operators own high costs.Cargo liners and super tankers are hugely expensive,and sea travel for these ships is slow.海运海运和铁路及航空运输一样,海上航道的交通维护及控制也需要花费巨额资金,这些成本都要加在运营商自身的高昂成本里。货轮和超级油轮都是巨额昂贵,且这些轮船的海上航程是缓慢的。第二十四页,共47页。2021/2/2124Despite the high costs

16、,ships have large capacity and are good for heavy and bulk cargoes.Sea transport outdoes other forms of transport in terms of safety and cost-efficiency.Smaller non-urgent goods can be put into containers for shipping in bulk.虽然其成本高昂,但轮船容量大,且适用于重型货物及散装货的运输。就安全性和成本效率性而言,海运优于其它运输形式,一些数量较少的非紧急货物也可以装入集装

17、箱内以散装货托运。第二十五页,共47页。2021/2/2125以上内容为第一学时第一学时内所应完成的内容第二十六页,共47页。2021/2/2126课堂教学之Step 5 阅读材料阅读材料提示:这部分内容由教师指:这部分内容由教师指导,学生自学。以提高学生的自导,学生自学。以提高学生的自主学能力。主学能力。第二十七页,共47页。2021/2/2127Intermodal and combined transport operations跨式及联运实务第二十八页,共47页。2021/2/2128“Intermodal”transport is the transport of unit load

18、s in such a way that they can be transferred between two or more modes with the minimum of rehandling.For example,a standard shipping freight container can be transferred with one lift from a road vehicle to a rail wagon.In this category we must also include the intermodal transfer of liquids such a

19、s petroleum from a pipeline to a road or rail vehicle.“跨式”运输是指单位装载量在运输时,可以在两个或两个以上的运输模式之间转移,使搬运最小化。譬如,一只标准的海运集装箱可以用公路车辆的一程转移到铁路车箱里。在这个类别里,我们也必须包括液体的跨式转移,比如石油从管道转移到公路或铁路车辆上。第二十九页,共47页。2021/2/2129“Combined transport”involves the carriage of freight by two or more successive modes where the vehicle,or

20、part of it,is transferred along with the freight on to another vehicle for part of the journey.For example,a tractor unit and trailer,containing cargo,can be transported on a rail wagon,or a road vehicle can be carried across the Channel on a ro/ro vessel.“联运”涉及到由两个或两个以上的连续运输方式所进行的货物运载,在这种方式下,车辆或车辆的

21、一部分,连同货物一道在一段行程中被转移到另一个车辆上。比如,一节装有货物的拖拉机单元和拖车可以运输到一节火车车厢上,或者一个公路车辆可以由滚装船运送而跨越海峡。注释:滚装船的英文名字叫“roll on/roll off ship”简称“ro/ro”,是指可以通过踏板,使车辆或者轮式设备等自行驶上/驶下的船舶。第三十页,共47页。2021/2/2130课堂教学之Step 6 课堂练习课堂练习提示:这部分内容由教师指:这部分内容由教师指导,学生自学。以提高学生的自导,学生自学。以提高学生的自主学能力。主学能力。第三十一页,共47页。2021/2/2131 1.Answer the followin

22、g questions in English:第三十二页,共47页。2021/2/21321.Generally speaking,what are the common modes of transportGenerally speaking,there are five modes of transport:road,rail,air,waterways(sea,inland river or lake)and pipelines,though other modes of transport also exist.第三十三页,共47页。2021/2/21332.What are the

23、advantages and disadvantages of road transportThe main advantage of road transport is its facility for door-to-door collection and delivery,often in the same vehicle.The most obvious disadvantage is traffic congestion at peat times.第三十四页,共47页。2021/2/21343.What are the problems caused by open access

24、to roadsThis open access to roads has its disadvantages.The most obvious one is traffic congestion at peat times.This results in extended journey times for both passenger and freight traffic,and ultimately adds to the costs of both operators and users.第三十五页,共47页。2021/2/21354.What are the permanent s

25、tructures that a railway system may includeThe railway system includes permanent structures such as rails,signals,safety equipment,stations and goods depot and so on.第三十六页,共47页。2021/2/21365.Why is it impractical for road transport to replace rail transportIt would be highly impractical for road tran

26、sport to replace railway transport,especially during peak times,because the former,by far,lacks the capacity needed.第三十七页,共47页。2021/2/21376.Can you explain in English what time-sensitive traffic is“Time-sensitive”traffic means that cargo carriage must reach the destination before a predetermined or

27、agreed deadline.Time sensitive traffic is normally for delivery of urgent goods and,and often,though not always,by air.第三十八页,共47页。2021/2/21387.What kinds of freight are suitable for sea transportSea transport is good for heavy and bulk cargoes.第三十九页,共47页。2021/2/2139 2.Put the following words or phra

28、ses into Chinese:第四十页,共47页。2021/2/21401.operators and users2.inland water3.passenger traffic4.freight traffic5.extended journey times6.at peat times7.traffic congestion8.open access to roads9.at one or both ends of the trip10.door-to-door collection and delivery1.运营商和用户2.内陆水域3.客运4.货运5.延长的行车时间6.在高峰期7

29、.交通堵塞8.对公路的“开放式使用”9.在行程的一端或两端10.门到门的取货和送货第四十一页,共47页。2021/2/2141 3.Put the following words or phrases into English:第四十二页,共47页。2021/2/21421.永久性结构2.货物库房3.基础设施4.客流5.在高峰期6.前者和后者 7.缺乏所需的运能8.具有速度方面的优势9.高效和平稳的办理10.收回成本11.离港旅客12.进港旅客13.时间性强的交通14.机场税1.permanent structure2.goods depot3.infrastructure4.passenge

30、r flow5.at peak hours6.the former and the latter7.to lack the capacity needed8.to have the advantage of speed9.efficient and secure handling of10.to recover the cost11.departing passengers12.arriving passengers13.time-sensitive traffic14.airport tax第四十三页,共47页。2021/2/2143第四十四页,共47页。2021/2/2144图1.Hand

31、le with care 小心轻放(组合图)图2.Fragile 易碎品图3.This side up 此面向上,或请勿倒置图4.Fragile 易碎品(文字标识)图5.Keep dry 小心防潮,或保持干燥图6.Inflammables 易燃品图7.Keep away from heat 请勿直晒,或远离热源图8.Handle with care 小心轻放图9.Use no hooks 请勿勾挂图10.Do not stack 请勿堆放第四十五页,共47页。2021/2/2145以上内容为第二学时第二学时内所应完成的内容第四十六页,共47页。2021/2/2146The End第四十七页,共47页。2021/2/2147教学资料整理仅供参考,

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