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1、(完整word)投稿信 Cover Letter 和Highlights 模板模板1Dear Prof。 XXXXX, Here within enclosed is our paper for consideration to be published on “(Journal name)。 The further information about the paper is in the following: The Title: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX The Authors: XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX and XXXXXXX

2、XXX The authors claim that none of the material in the paper has been published or is under consideration for publication elsewhere。 I am the corresponding author and my address and other information is as follows, Address: Department of XXXXXXXXX, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 10084, P.R.China Emai

3、l:XXXXXmail。tsinghua。edu。cn Tel: 8610-62785001 Fax: 861062785001 Thank you very much for consideration! Sincerely Yours, Dr。 XXXXXXXXXXX模板2Dear XX (Editor):Here is our paper submitted to ”(XX Journal).The Title: XXXXThe Authors: XXX XXX and XXXIn this paper, we 。.The authors claim that none of the m

4、aterial in the paper has been published or is under consideration for publication elsewhere。The corresponding author is Dr。 XXX and his address and other information is as following:Address: Department of XXX, XX University, 。, P.R.ChinaEmail:XXXXXxxx。Tel: +86-xxx-xxxxxxxxFax: +86xxxxxxxxxxxThank yo

5、u very much for consideration!Sincerely Yours,Dr. xxx模板3Dear Mr。 *We believe the paper may be of particular interest to the readers of your journal as it .。.1。 The work described has not been submitted elsewhere for publication, in whole or in part, and all the authors listed have approved the manus

6、cript that is enclosed.2。 I have read and have abided by the statement of ethical standards for manuscripts submitted to Neuroscience。kind regards.Your sincerely,通讯作者Dear Prof. Gil:This is a manuscript byand *entitled “.。.。”。 It is submitted to be considered for publication as a “。.” in your journal

7、. This paper is new。 Neither the entire paper nor any part of its content has been published or has been accepted elsewhere. It is not being submitted to any other journal。Correspondence should be addressed to *at the following address, phone and fax number, and email address:.。Thanks very much for

8、your attention to our paper.Sincerely yours,*投稿信模版四(实例)Case 1Dear Editor,We would like to submit the enclosed manuscript entitled ”GDNF Acutely Modulates Neuronal Excitability and A-type Potassium Channels in Midbrain Dopaminergic Neurons, which we wish to be considered for publication in Nature Neu

9、roscience.GDNF has long been thought to be a potent neurotrophic factor for the survival of midbrain dopaminergic neurons, which are degenerated in Parkinsons disease。 In this paper, we report an unexpected, acute effect of GDNF on A-type potassium channels, leading to a potentiation of neuronal exc

10、itability, in the dopaminergic neurons in culture as well as in adult brain slices. Further, we show that GDNF regulates the K+ channels through a mechanism that involves activation of MAP kinase。 Thus, this study has revealed, for the first time, an acute modulation of ion channels by GDNF。 Our fin

11、dings challenge the classic view of GDNF as a long-term survival factor for midbrain dopaminergic neurons, and suggest that the normal function of GDNF is to regulate neuronal excitability, and consequently dopamine release。 These results may also have implications in the treatment of Parkinsons dis

12、ease.Due to a direct competition and conflict of interest, we request that Drs。 XXX of Harvard Univ., and YY of Yale Univ。 not be considered as reviewers. With thanks for your consideration, I amSincerely yours,case2Dear Editor,We would like to submit the enclosed manuscript entitled ”Ca2+-binding p

13、rotein frequenin mediates GDNFinduced potentiation of Ca2+ channels and transmitter release”, which we wish to be considered for publication in Neuron.We believe that two aspects of this manuscript will make it interesting to general readers of Neuron. First, we report that GDNF has a longterm regul

14、atory effect on neurotransmitter release at the neuromuscular synapses。 This provides the first physiological evidence for a role of this new family of neurotrophic factors in functional synaptic transmission. Second, we show that the GDNF effect is mediated by enhancing the expression of the Ca2+bi

15、nding protein frequenin。 Further, GDNF and frequenin facilitate synaptic transmission by enhancing Ca2+ channel activity, leading to an enhancement of Ca2+ influx。 Thus, this study has identified, for the first time, a molecular target that mediates the longterm, synaptic action of a neurotrophic fa

16、ctor. Our findings may also have general implications in the cell biology of neurotransmitter release.HighlightsHighlights are a short collection of bullet points that convey the core findings and provide readers with a quick textual overview of the article。 These three to five bullet points describ

17、e the essence of the research (e.g. results or conclusions) and highlight what is distinctive about it.Highlights will be displayed in online search result lists, the contents list and in the online article, but will not (yet) appear in the article PDF file or print。Author instructions:Highlights sh

18、ould be submitted as a separate file in EES by selecting Highlights from the dropdown list when uploading files. Please adhere to the specifications below.Specifications: Include3 to 5 highlights。 There should be a maximum of85 characters, including spaces, per highlight。 Only thecore resultsof the

19、paper should be covered.ExamplesJournal of Health Economics, Volume 29, Issue 4, July 2010, 524-535Highlights We model two hospitals which have regulated prices and compete on quality。 We examine changes in the level of information about hospital quality. Increasing information will increase quality

20、 if hospital costs are similar. Increasing information will decrease quality if hospital costs are very different。 Welfare effects depend on ex-ante or ex-post assumptions about quality information。Applied Catalysis A, General, Volumes 411412, 16 January 2012, 7-14Highlights Highlyc-axis oriented Zn

21、O nanowires were grown on glass using aqueous solutions. The growth temperature does not exceed 95 C in any step of the synthesis. The photocatalytic and wetting properties were studied upon UV irradiation. ZnO nanowires show superior photocatalytic activity。 We report a reversible photo-induced tra

22、nsition from hydrophobic to superhydrophilic.Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA), Bioenergetics, Volume 1807, Issue 10, October 2011, 1364-1369Highlights A conformational twostate mechanism for proton pumping complex I is proposed. The mechanism relies on stabilization changes of anionic ubiquinone

23、intermediates。 Electron-transfer and protonation should be strictly controlled during turnover. The mechanism explains the full reversibility of complex I。Learning and Instruction, Volume 21, Issue 6, December 2011, 746-756Highlights Fading of a script alone does not foster domaingeneral strategy kn

24、owledge。 Performance of the strategy declines during the fading of a script。 Monitoring by a peer keeps performance of the strategy up during script fading. Performance of a strategy after fading fosters domaingeneral strategy knowledge. Fading and monitoring by a peer combined foster domaingeneral strategy knowledge。

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