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1、RADISSON PLAZA HOTEL HANGZHOU F & B WORKING PLANYEAR 杭州国大雷迪森广场酒店餐饮部年度工作计划11月10日TABLE OF CONTENT目 录1、OVERALL SUMMARY 总述 - 32、DEPARTMENTAL OBJECTIVES & STRATEGIES 各部门目标和策略 - 63、Food & Beverage Outlets & Bars Operation Subject餐饮部各餐厅及酒吧经营专题 - 144、F&B Promotion Plan 餐饮部美食推广计划 - 205、F&B Training Plan 餐饮部培

2、训计划 - 316、F&B Competitor Form 餐饮部关键竞争对手 - 451.1 Food and Beverage MISSION STATEMENT 餐饮部任务总述Our Food and Beverage outlets are in an extremely competitive market, both from other International Hotels and local freestanding restaurants. Creativity and strong marketing sense will be of utmost importance

3、 in .我们餐厅正处于一个竞争十分猛烈市场,这些竞争来自于其它国际性饭店和当地酒店。发明性和强烈市场感知力在餐饮经营中极其关键。雷迪森餐饮部经营目标是:经过有个性餐饮推广活动让雷迪森餐饮品牌走向成熟,经过经营运作,雷迪森酒店餐饮部各经营区域,全部业已形成自已经营专题和品牌,伴随杭州深入开放,多种国际品牌酒店纷至沓来,索菲特、东方豪生、利星凯悦、皇冠假日等全部已登陆杭城,而且现在杭州餐饮经营外部条件、市场条件也日趋成熟。对雷迪森酒店餐饮业而言,是深入巩固品牌,不停进取、面向市场时候了。在新十二个月开始之际,我们经营务必需立足于勇于创新,开拓进取、不停总结经验,向着发明优质产品、满足用户需求、发

4、明餐饮名品精品企业方向去努力。整年关键工作为三个方面: 确立各餐厅关键产品,明确其产品特点,具体特点为: 夏宫餐厅:在酒店四楼“夏宫”,一直以正宗地道潮州菜肴著名杭城,尤其擅长制作潮汕特色鲜明高级海鲜菜肴。新千年年初首家邀请香港大厨在杭州推出“鲍翅参肚”豪华菜式,掀起“鲍翅风潮”引得杭州和周围无数同行跟风;,“夏宫”又在杭城首家引进著名北京官府“谭家菜”系列,再次在杭州掀起“官府菜”风潮。品位尊贵“夏宫”尤其重视高贵菜式品质,不仅一直坚持聘用香港厨师主理,全部高级材料全部是从指定翅鲍商行中直接采购,四年多年来苦心经营,最终使得“吃鲍翅,到夏宫”成为杭州高级食客共识。特色菜肴:尾牙全新引进登场“

5、碳火鲍鱼”,由号称“王子鲍鱼”香港大厨阿福最新研制开发。这款菜肴原料必需用“梁记”老师傅仔细挑拣出来极品十头鲍鱼,然后在尤其配方汤料里以炭炉煨制48小时,成品鲍鱼金黄饱满,自然香味很流畅。这道菜肴上桌前,大厨现场以抹油利刃将鲍鱼开片为5份,完全展现职业烹鲍大师刀功魅力,同时也填补了极品南非鲍鱼肉炙偏硬美中不足。这道菜肴同期在香港由阿福师弟在某著名海鲜酒楼上市时,媒体绘声绘色包装使这道菜肴充满了传奇色彩。所以餐厅以适合杭州市场价格推出这道菜肴后,使前来用餐几位香港客人竟然激动大呼小叫。 花港餐厅:这个餐厅被分为两个部分,在二楼是风格清新雅致大厅和雅座,在三楼是装修时尚豪华包厢区域。“花港”餐厅一


7、。 绿荫咖啡厅:在酒店二楼“绿荫”咖啡厅气氛幽雅,空间宽广,充斥了多种新款厨具半开放厨房更是杭州一绝。“绿荫”除了聘用欧洲著名艺术家对餐厅装饰、部署和情调进行专业设计外,还尤其邀请经验丰富英国餐饮名师担任行政大厨,还得到过很多外籍专业“美食家”交口称赞。“绿荫”咖啡厅还有一个最大特色;每个月全部有不一样专题自助大餐。尤其推荐:淹渍72小时古式烧烤牛排、传统德克萨斯秘方猪排、美国西南古老烧烤菜肴系列,是该餐厅拿手好戏,也引得很多固定用户驻足长留。 华伦天奴餐厅:杭城罕见一家传统式意大利零点餐厅,关键提供口味地道,品质正宗意大利菜肴,同时提供世界各地丰盛美食。这个设计精巧、气氛独特小西餐厅里,比食

8、物愈加出名是风格独特用餐环境:餐厅就在曲线流畅室内游泳池边,既时尚又浪漫。尤其推荐:尤其意式菜肴和红酒系列以金牌美国牛肉尤其制作多种牛排系列。 云海料理厅:在当地拥有极为响亮口碑日本料理厅,由60岁日本老厨师素手料理多种日本菜肴和食品,不仅口感素雅鲜美,更含有独特美感,几乎吸引了在杭州工作全部日本人前来光顾,也是推崇健康美食主张时尚大家用餐手选。最新登场:充满北海道风情叁间“榻榻米包厢”日本冬日原味火锅料理多种时季刺身和天妇罗 大堂酒吧:在宏伟气派雷迪森广场酒店大堂里,你仍然能够感觉到家通常温情;大堂中心“魔鬼钢琴”富有魅力和动感乐声生动在空气里飘扬,让你一步入大堂便感觉到了扑面而来舒适和浪漫


10、富“雪茄收藏馆”,即使只是看看坐坐全部是一个享受。 对重大节日和杭州市有重大活动时,主动度参与,烘托市场气氛。如:传统中国新年夜,2月14日情人节,2月26日元霄节,劳动节,母亲节、父亲节、夏日圣诞节、国庆节、万圣节、圣诞节等。 做好整年培训工作,记住:培训很贵,但不培训更贵。培养职员自觉酒店意识和服务意识,加大亲情服务力度,让殷切主动、热情奔放服务,充盈整个雷迪森餐饮服务中。a.- Primary Objective: 关键目标Reach total RMB 61,896,311.20 - Food and Beverage revenue for the whole year.餐饮整年营业

11、收入达成人民币61,896,311.20元。b.- Strategy: 策略The Food & Beverage management will put greater emphasis on Sales & Marketing aspects of Food & Beverage. The management has to be sales driven, and constantly developing new ways of marketing our products to in-house guests as well as to the local community.餐饮经

12、营会将关键放在品牌经营理念上,把雷迪森酒店餐饮“贵”字化为舒适、合理,让用户来雷迪森每一次消费,变成一次愉悦经历。重视质量管理,做好每期餐饮推广促销,以销售为导向,立即了解全球销售新概念,满足用户日益增加消费欲望和消费期望值,并不停采取新方法面向住店客人和当地居民促销我们餐饮产品。Numerous “Sales Partners” will be involved:我们销售队伍包含: . Internal: All F&B staff 内部合作者:全部餐饮部职员Public Relations Manager公关经理Sales Team销售人员Rooms Division (Bell Staf

13、f, Reception, Reservations房务部(行李员、接待、预订The service Staff contains the largest number of sales partners therefore we will stress the following:其中服务人员在销售工作中饰演着极为关键角色,所以我们要强调以下几点: Clearly make the staff understand their role as a “Sales Person”确保全部些人员明白她们作为“销售者”角色 Training in product knowledge进行产品知识培训

14、Exercise effective sales techniques有效销售技巧训练We strongly believe that a confident staff will enjoy selling the product.我们相信一个自信职员会愿意进行这种产品销售,并作得很好。 . External: Travel Agents 外部合作者:旅行社Department Stores百货商场 Advertisement Layout Company广告企划企业Bridal shops, retail shops婚礼用具商店,零售商店Hotel suppliers饭店供给商Touris

15、t information centers旅游咨询中心Tour operators旅游经营者Surrounding Buildings/Offices 周围写字楼Secretaries企业秘书News media新闻媒体Furthermore, we will use as much communications tools as possible such as:另外,我们将尽可能利用更多宣传促销手段: Coupons/Flyers优惠券/广告传单 Inserts/brochures/Cards每期雷迪森新闻、各经营部门宣传卡片 Vouchers优惠凭单 Posters/Tend Cards

16、宣传海报 Miniature menus模型菜单 Telephone电话 Sales Newsletter促销新闻信函 Internal Newsletter内部新闻传单 Staff bulletin board职员宣传栏 Radio station, Television广播,电视 Newspaper, Magazines报纸,杂志 Gifts, Giveaway赠品,无偿品尝 Displays陈列展示 Guest room collateral客房宣传品 Merchandising folder宣传样品夹2、DEPARTMENTAL OBJECTIVES & STRATEGIES各部门目标

17、和策略2.1 LE RENDEZVOUS CAF 绿荫咖啡厅a.- Objectives: 目标Reach total revenue of RMB 13,420,236.97指标13,420,236.97元b.- Strategy: 策略 Mainly geared towards local office business, a consumption card will be developed for repeat clients.关键面向当地商务客人,针对常客推出消费卡。 Incentive program will be organized to entice staff to s

18、ell.实施职员销售奖励方法。 Termly visit guest. Pay attention to the appearance to please the guests. 定时走访本餐厅用户,以良好对客交流服务形象,取悦客人。 Regular wine training and encouragement incentive to up-sell.定时进行酒品知识培训,激励销售高级酒品饮料。 Promotions will be held as per attached promotion plan.依据所附促销计划进行餐饮促销。 As all our outlets, the Ren

19、dezvous Caf will be marketed as a free standing restaurant像我们全部其它餐厅一样,咖啡厅将作为一个同时面向当地市场餐厅来进行促销。 Booklet of vouchers of 10 meals with the buffet value minus 10% will be sold to the corporate market. Each company can then distribute the vouchers to their own selected accounts, or give to their own exec

20、utives.每套可享用十餐自助午、晚餐消费券将以免服务费价格出售给企业,企业可将这些消费券分发给她们用户或职员。 The Sunday business will be further promoted as the “in-place for families” by offering a family Brunch geared toward children a children play room with various activities will be organized on the back area of the Cafe.深入搞好星期天家庭消费促销,尤其针对小孩提供家

21、庭式早午餐,在咖啡厅后面开辟一处游戏室提供多种游乐活动。2.2 FLOWER HARBOR花港餐厅a.- Objectives: 目标Reach total revenue of RMB 10,019,360.00指标10,019,360.00元b.- Strategy: 策略 A sense of activity will be given to the Restaurant by using the show kitchen and the entrance display.利用开放式厨房操作展示和门口陈列展示增加餐厅动感气氛。 Termly visit guest. Pay atten

22、tion to the appearance to please the guests.定时走访本餐厅用户,以良好对客交流服务形象,取悦客人。 The extremely good opportunity like Chinese Festival (Moon Festival) to generate revenue with the moon cakes will be taken one step ahead by contacting companies will in advance to propose to supply personalized moon cakes (with

23、 their name on the packaging)针对中国传统节日,尤其是中秋节这么极好销售时期,提前和各企业联络,促销我们生产含有个性特色月饼(将客人姓名印在包装上)。 Booklet of vouchers of 10 meals with the buffet value minus 10% will be sold to the corporate market. Each company can then distribute the vouchers to their own selected accounts, or give to their own executive

24、s.每套可享用十餐花港大厅零点自助午晚餐消费券将以免服务费价格出售给企业,企业可将这些消费券分发给她们用户或职员。 Incentive program will be organized to entice staff to sell.实施职员销售奖励方法。 As all our outlets, the Flower Haubour will be marketed as a free standing restaurant像我们全部其它餐厅一样,花港餐厅将作为一个同时面向当地市场餐厅来进行促销。 Promotions will be held as per attached plan依据所

25、附促销计划进行餐饮促销。2.3 SUMMER PALACE夏宫潮洲餐厅a.- Objectives: 目标Reach total revenue of RMB 18,347,716.04指标18,347,716.04元b.- Strategy 策略 Elegant atmosphere and unique decoration can attract the guests. 以优雅夏宫餐厅气氛及其独特装饰风格,来吸引用户。 Promote the Summer Palace sharks fin, abalone and birds nest set menu: 998rmb per per

26、son. Adjust the presentation and spec. of sharks fin, abalone and birds nest dishes. After meal, men guests can be presented the mini wine and cigar; and women guests can be presented the lip stick and mini perfume. 推出夏宫翅鲍燕豪华套餐:998元/位,调整翅鲍燕出品和规格,男士餐后赠小红酒和雪茄烟,女士餐后赠口红和迷你香水。 Termly visit guest. Pay att

27、ention to the appearance to please the guests.定时走访本餐厅用户,以良好对客交流服务形象,取悦客人。 Incentive program will be organized to entice staff to sell.实施职员销售奖励方法。 Booklet of vouchers of 10 meals with the buffet value minus 10% will be sold to the corporate market. Each company can then distribute the vouchers to the

28、ir own selected accounts, or give to their own executives.每套可供二位享用鱼翅、鲍鱼商务套餐消费券将以免服务费价格出售给企业,企业可将这些消费券分发给她们用户或职员。 As all our outlets, the Summer Palace Caf will be marketed as a free standing restaurant像我们全部其它餐厅一样,夏宫餐厅将作为一个同时面向当地市场餐厅来进行促销。 Promotions will be held as per attached plan.依据所附促销计划进行餐饮促销。2

29、.4 VALENTINO华伦天奴意大利餐厅a.- Objectives: 目标Reach total revenue of RMB 1,669,182.20指标:1,669,182.20元b.- Strategy 策略 Valentino Restaurant will make the Italian trip in . Guests can taste every interlocal food of Italian. 意大利国在亚平宁半岛,直插入亚得里亚海,而意大利佛罗伦萨又是欧洲文艺复兴发祥地。雷迪森华伦天奴意大利餐厅,在充足发挥意大利丰富美食文化背景,做出这一餐厅特点。 Termly

30、 visit guest in foreign enterprises. Pay attention to the appearance to please the guests.定时走访外资企业在杭机构,以良好对客交流服务形象,取悦客人。 Incentive program will be organized to entice staff to sell.实施职员销售奖励方法。 As all our outlets, the Valentino Restaurant will be marketed as a free standing restaurant像我们全部其它餐厅一样,华伦天奴

31、餐厅将作为一个同时面向当地市场餐厅来进行促销。 Promotions will be held as per attached plan依据所附促销计划进行餐饮促销。2.5 UNKAI云海日本料理餐厅a.- Objectives: 目标Reach revenue of RMB 3,486,960.00指标:3,486,960.00元b.- Strategy 策略 Wooden decoration for creating the atmosphere.以全原木装饰风格营造日式餐厅气氛,来吸引用户。 Tepanyaki and Sushi Bar are the main spot to at

32、tract the guests. 以良好日式铁板烧、寿司吧料理出品形象,做好品牌经营。 Termly visit guest. Pay attention to the appearance to please the guests.定时走访日资企业,以良好对客交流服务形象,取悦客人。 Incentive program will be organized to entice staff to sell.实施职员销售奖励方法。 Promotions will be held as per attached plan依据所附促销计划进行餐饮促销。2.6 BANQUET宴会部a.- Object

33、ives: 目标Reach a total revenue of RMB 7,443,262.00指标:7,443,262.00元b.- Strategy策略 Creative seminar packages including theme coffee breaks will be developed推出尤其会议包价,其中包含会议中途休息专题咖啡时间。 Termly visit guest. Establish the filling system. Pay attention to the appearance to please the guests.定时走访用户,建立信息销售管理模式

34、,依据用户消费需求,建立有效用户档案。以良好对客交流服务形象,取悦客人。 We will offer attractive room rates to local banquet guests at the time of negotiation. (such as social functions where people do not wish to drive home)以优惠价格向当地客人提供在会议谈判期间用房。(比如在些社会活动期间,大家不愿意花时间驾车回家。) We will explore the development of outside catering services.

35、 Because it is good for our revenue and reputation.深入拓展餐饮外送服务业务,扩大雷迪森餐饮品牌影响力。 We will improve our wedding packages in cooperation with bridal, jewelry and cosmetic shops for special deals including wedding cakes, floral decorations, photo/video shooting and limousine service和婚礼用具商店、珠宝店、化妆品店、婚纱摄影企业等和

36、婚庆相关企业合作,以满足用户要求,提供完善婚宴服务,如婚宴蛋糕、婚礼装饰、拍照和录像及婚礼用车服务。 A complimentary dinner for two will be given to the host of a large function as a thank you for booking the function. This will be offered with the thank you letter and will help the banquet to support repeat business as well as to promote the resta

37、urant.向大型宴会活动主办者提供两人享用无偿用餐以表谢意,并附上一封感谢信,以此争取回头客并推销我们餐厅。 Termly visit guest. Pay attention to the appearance to please the guests.定时走访客史档案中用户,以良好对客交流服务形象,取悦客人,为酒店培育一批忠诚用户。 We will regularly get names of companies from competitor hotels sign boards and follow-up with direct mail in order to attract th

38、em to book their next meeting at the Radisson Hangzhou.定时从同类竞争饭店那里获取在她们饭店举行会议企业名称,并以邮件方法和她们取得联络,争取吸引她们将下次会议放在我们酒店进行。2.7 BARS 凯泉吧琴韵廊a.- Objectives: 目标Reach total revenue of RMB 1,382,906.37.- in the Cascade Lounge and RMB 1,172,990.43.- in the Ivory Bar.指标:凯泉吧1,382,906.37元,琴韵廊1,172,990.43元b.- Strateg

39、y策略 We will produce attractive tend cards to introduce higher priced specialty drinks用制作精良卡片来介绍推销高价饮品。 Live entertainment will be improved提升吧员现场演出水准,以吸引用户,提升鸡尾酒、调酒制作观赏性。 Termly visit guest. Pay attention to the appearance to please the guests.建立雪茄客俱乐部,并定时走访交流,以良好对客交流服务形象,取悦客人。 Each company can then

40、distribute the vouchers to their own selected accounts, or give to their own executives.和专业红酒供给商合作,定时举行葡萄酒知识培训,每个月做好酒推广工作,这是增加酒吧收入最好捷径。 Booklet of vouchers of 10 meals with the buffet value minus 10% will be sold to the corporate market. Each company can then distribute the vouchers to their own sel

41、ected accounts, or give to their own executives.每套可享用十次咖啡消费券、红酒消费券将以免服务费价格出售给企业,企业可将这些消费券分发给她们用户或职员。 Incentive program will be organized to entice staff to sell.实施职员销售奖励方法。 Promotions will be featured as per attached plan依据所附促销计划进行餐饮促销。2.8 ROOM SERVICE 送餐服务a.- Objectives:目标Reach revenue of RMB 837,2

42、95.32指标:837,295.32元b.- Strategy 策略 We will introduce a “Dine in your room and watch the movie” concept. A choice of special set menu card will offered.宣传“房内边用餐边享受电影电视”餐饮理念,客人可依据特制菜单来进行选择。 The Front Desk will inform the Food & Beverage department when a guest has a birthday during his stay. The guest

43、 will be offered a cake and a voucher offering a 假如客人在住店期间正值生日,前台将通知餐饮部。客人将得到一个生日蛋糕或来餐厅举行生日餐,仍赠予生日蛋糕且免收服务费。 Restaurants will be promoted on the Room Service trolleys. A card will be placed on the trolley informing the guest that the order taker will be glad to make a reservation for him in one of ou

44、r restaurant. This will be combined with an incentive offering the guest a drink or dessert to eat in the outlet.利用送餐小推车进行餐厅推销。一张通知客人订餐员愿意为她们在我们任一餐厅订餐卡片将放置在小推车上。同时,各餐厅提供给客人无偿品尝饮料或甜点来吸引客人。2.9 PATISSERIE雷迪森饼房a.- Objectives: 目标Reach a total revenue of RMB 532,401.87指标:532,401.87元b.- Strategy策略 Sales st

45、aff in Patisserie will promote our pastries to guests companies. 饼房销售人员上门推销我们蛋糕及西饼,向客人进行展示。 Termly visit guest. Establish own guest resource. Pay attention to the appearance to please the guests.定时走访用户,建立企业用户销售渠道,如生日蛋糕,西饼外卖等。以良好对客交流服务形象,取悦客人。 Booklet of vouchers of 10 meals with the buffet value minus 10% will be sold

部分上传会员的收益排行 01、路***(¥15400+),02、曲****(¥15300+),
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