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1、.48个国际音标表元音12个单元音长元音i:u:a:短元音iue8个双元音aieiiiuuau辅音10对清辅音ptkfs ttrts浊辅音bdgvzddrdz3个鼻音mn3个似拼音hrl2个半元音wj一、长元音i:1、疯狂外号:穿针引线长衣音,简称“长衣音”.发音要领的是:舌尖抵下齿,舌前部抬高,舌两侧抵上齿两侧,口形偏平。e:Chinese ee:feeling 感情 ei:receive ea:please 请 ie:believe 2、词汇拓展: we、she 、meet 、sixteen 、each 、please3、实用操练:(1)Speaking English is a piec

2、e of cake. (2)Seeing is believing. 4、额外奉献:Please feel free to .(请尽管./请随时.)这是一个非常好用的句型。 (1)Please feel free to visit anytime. (2)Please feel free to ask for any help anytime.二、短元音i1、疯狂外号:经典收小腹减肥短衣音,简称“短衣音” 发音要领是发音时舌尖抵下齿,前舌尽量抬高,口形扁平。i: visit e: English u: busy ee: been y: pretty ui: build2、词汇拓展:six 、e

3、leven 、trip 、list、movie3、实用操练:(1)Where there is a will, there is a way.(2)Im pretty busy. 三、元音e1、疯狂外号:“小开口45度”音,简称为“45度”音。发音时舌尖抵下齿,舌前部稍抬起,舌位比i:低;唇形中常,开口度比i:大。e: remember question ea:weather pleasant 2、词汇拓展:pen、 yes、 bed、 let、every、 egg 3、实用操练:(1)Better late than never. (2)East or west, home is best.

4、 (3). Lets get together when the weather is better.四、音标 1、疯狂外号:“大开口夸张90度音”,简称“90度大嘴音”。 发音时舌尖抵下齿;舌前部稍抬高,舌位比/e/更低;双唇成扁平形。a: practice passion relax 2、词汇拓展:that、 bag、 hat、 apple、 cat3、实用操练:(1)I have a happy family. (2)As a matter of fact , I think he is outstanding.五、音标 : 1、疯狂外号:重读卷舌音发音时舌中部比发/ e /音时略高。双

5、唇扁平。 er : prefer ir:dirty ere: were or:world ur: hurt urgent 2、词汇拓展:her 、first、 shirt、 thirty、 learn3、实际操练:(1)Nobody is perfect. (2)The early bird catches the worm.六、音标 1、疯狂外号:“轻读卷舌音” 简称“短鹅音” 发音时舌身平放,舌中部略隆起,双唇扁平。er:together or:actor dinner doctor u:suppose ea:oceana:alone o:introduce e:open i:possib

6、le 2、词汇拓展:sister、about、actor、brother3、实际操练:(1)Whats the matter with you? (2)The faster, the better. (3)Allow me to introduce myself. 七、音标 a: 1、疯狂外号:“感叹祖国大好山河音” 发音时口张大,舌身压低并后缩,后舌稍隆起,舌尖不抵下齿,双唇稍收圆。a:watch ear:heart ar:far uar:guard2、词汇拓展:card 、 father、 star、 farm 、half3、实际操练:(1)It takes a lot of hard w

7、ork. (2)So far ,so good, (3)Dont break my heart. (4)Times are hard. 八、音标 1、疯狂外号:“经典收小腹减肥急促短啊音。”简称“短啊音”。 发音时舌尖和舌端两侧轻触下齿,舌后部靠前部分稍抬起,唇形稍扁,开口度较大。o: money u:fun oo:blood ou:enough 2、词汇拓展:us、mother、some 、club、fun3、实用操练:(1)Seven is my lucky number. (2) Something is better than nothing. 九、音标 1、 疯狂外号:“中嘴长元音”

8、发音时口张大,舌身尽量降低并后缩,双唇稍稍收圆。a :always o:long au: fault augh :daughter aw: awful ough:thought oa:abroad2、词汇拓展: boss、 dog、shop、hot、nod3、实际操练:(1)Its all my fault. Im awfully sorry. (2)You talk too much. Shut up! 十、音标: 1、疯狂外号:“中嘴卷舌长元音”简称“中嘴卷舌音” 发音时舌后部抬高,双唇收得圆而小,并向前突出。or:order ar:warm our:fourth ore:more oor

9、:door 2、词汇拓展:call 、fourth、 floor 、sport、 boring 、afford3、实际操练:(1) Its important for us to practice more. (2)Force yourself to do more.4、超级句型:Im looking forward to. 我盼望着.(1) Im looking forward to meeting you. (2)Im looking forward to working with you.十一、音标u1、疯狂外号:“经典收小腹减肥圆唇短乌音” 发音时舌后部抬起,舌身后缩,舌尖离开下齿。双

10、唇收圆,稍突出。u:push o:woman oo:cook ou:could 2、词汇拓展:July、 foot、 good、 should 、full 、cook3、实际操练:(1)Your mother is a wonderful woman.(2)Too much television is not good for children. 十二、音标 u: 1、疯狂外号:“小圆唇长乌音”,简称“长乌音”。 发音时舌后部尽量抬起,双唇收圆并突出。口形比/u/稍小。u:rude o:improve ue:blue oe:shoe oo:soon ui:fruit ou:route 2、词汇

11、拓展:you、 room 、fruit 、blue、 shoe、 June3、实际操练(1)Thats cool! / You look cool! (2)Who can tell me the truth? 十三、音标 ei 1、疯狂外号:“嘴角咧到耳朵上音”。 先发/e/音,然后滑向/i/音。双唇稍扁,口形从半开到合。a: amazing ai:afraid ea:great eigh:neighbor ay: pay 2、词汇拓展:age、game、table、tape、eight3、实际操练: (1)Dont make the same mistake. (2)No pain, no

12、gain. (3)The more mistakes you make, the more progress you make. 十四、音标ai1、疯狂外号:“超级大嘴饱满阿姨合口双元音”,简称“大嘴阿姨音” 先发a音,然后滑向i音。舌尖抵住下齿。发此音的关键是要把/a/音发足,注意从开到合的滑动。i:china y:cry ey: eye ie:pie ui:guide uy:buy igh:flight eigh:height 2、词汇拓展:my、nine、like、ice、white、find3、实际操练:(1)Never say die! Try ! Try! Try! (2) Don

13、t be shy. Just try. (3) That sounds like a good idea. (4) I cant believe my eyes. 十五、合口双元音 i 1、疯狂外号:“中嘴短衣合口双元音”,简称“中嘴短衣音”。 发音时双唇从圆到扁,口形从开到合。发好这个音的关键是首先要把元音发足,然后滑向i音。oi:join choice point oy: enjoy employ 2、词汇拓展:boy、join、toy、noise、 coin3、实际操练:(1)I hope you enjoy your stay here. (2)You have to enjoy lo

14、sing face. 十六、合口双元音u1、疯狂外号:“疯狂舀水合口双元音”,简称“舀水音”。它由元音滑向后元音u,舌位由半低到 高,口形由半开到小,注意将音发足。o: hope oa: goal ou:soul ow: know 2、词汇拓展:zero、telephone、photo、old、also3、实际操练:(1)Youre my only hope. (2)There is no place like home. 十七、合口双元音 au1、疯狂外号:“鬼哭狼嚎合口双元音” 由a滑向u。舌位由低到高,口形由大到小,注意将音发足。ou:about ow:allow 2、词汇拓展:foun

15、d、house、how、about、hour3、实际操练:(1)Theres no doubt about it.(2)Get out of my house right now! 十八、音标 i 1、疯狂外号:“短衣集中卷舌音”,简称“短衣卷舌音”。ear: hear ere:here eer: beer 2、词汇拓展:ear、clear、idea3、实际操练:(1)That year was the best in my life. 十九、音标 1、疯狂外号:“咧嘴集中卷舌音”,简称“咧嘴卷舌音”。 从音滑向音。发音时舌端抵下齿,前舌略抬起,双唇半开,此音中的/ /有似于e音。air:ai

16、r are:share ear:wear eir:their ere: there2、词汇拓展:fair、 hair、 fair、 chair3、实际操练:(1)Where there is a will, theres a way. (2)Where are you from? 二十、音标 u 1、疯狂外号:“短乌集中卷舌音”,简称“短乌卷舌音”。 发音时,嘴唇从收圆到半开。发好这个音的关键是首先要把u音发足,然后滑向音。oor: poor our: tour ure: cure pure sure 2、词汇拓展:sure poor pure3、实际操练:(1)Im not sure. Yo

17、u could ask her. (2)Im not sure. 二十一、双唇爆破辅音p 1、疯狂外号:“气破双唇音”。Polite people hope help keep happen picture person 2、词汇拓展:pen、pencil、please、plant、people3、实际操练:(1)You have made a lot of progress with your English. (2)Practice makes perfect.(3)Lets try to make the impossible possible. 二十二、双唇爆破辅音b 1、疯狂外号:“

18、气破双元音”。Become brother break Trouble public breakfast 2、词汇拓展:boy、book、bed、bag、ball、bring3、实际操练:(1)I have to find a better job.4、特别注意-不发音的b出现在字母m后时,b通常不发音。climb 爬 comb 梳子;梳 dumb 哑的 thumb 拇指 bomb 炸弹 二十三、音标/t/ 1、疯狂外号:“舌尖齿龈弹气音”。Talk tomato twelve pretty little 2、词汇拓展:meet、last、aunt、table、sport、difficult3

19、、实际操练:(1)What are you talking about? (2)I feel a little bit better today. (3)Try harder next time. 二十四、音标/d/1、疯狂外号:“舌尖齿龈弹气音”。Difficult death order add advice 2、词汇拓展:and、friend、bed、kind、good3、实际操练:(1)Ill keep that in mind. (2) A friend in need is a friend indeed. 二十五、音标/k/ 1、疯狂外号:“气破舌根软腭音”kiss quiet

20、music lock2、词汇拓展:clock、book、take、desk、basketball、sock3、实际操练:(1)You must be kidding! (2)There is no question about it. (3)Practice speaking English whenever you have time. Practice makes perfect, you know. 二十六、音标 g1、疯狂外号:“气魄舌根软腭音” glad forget egg 2、词汇拓展:game、girl、grandmother、great、get3、实际操练:(1)Lets g

21、ive him a big hand. (2)Thats a good idea. (3)He gives a good example to all the students.。二十七、音标m1、疯狂外号:“双唇闭嘴鼻音”Market master mobile famous 2、词汇拓展:meet、math、more、many、month3、实际操练: (1) Men make mistakes. (2) What seems to be the problem? (3) Nothing is impossible. (4) Money will come and go. =Easy co

22、me, easy go.二十八、音标n1、疯狂外号:“舌尖齿龈开口鼻音”。 Person annoy design knowledge2、词汇拓展:name、number、need、ninth、new、night3、实际操练: (1) No news is good news. (2) He sure is a pain in the neck. 二十九、音标 /1、疯狂外号:“舌后软腭撒娇鼻音”thank language angry English singer2、词汇拓展:ring、thing、bring、evening、interesting、morning3、实际操练:(1)Than

23、k you for everything. 三十、音标f 1、疯狂外号:“唇齿相依摩擦音”俗称“咬唇音”。fun fresh phone enough laugh 2、词汇拓展:phone、found、father、fruit、floor3、实际操练:(1)Life is beautiful, but its not always sweet.(2)Enjoy losing face! Just forget about your face. 三十一、音标【v】1、疯狂外号:“唇齿相依摩擦音”,俗称“咬唇音”。voice over clever love 2、词汇拓展:video、volley

24、ball、give、movie3、实际操练:(1)Can you give me some advice? (2) He lives a very active life. 三十二、半元音 【w】1、疯狂外号:“圆唇突出短我音” Whatever 2、词汇拓展:what、want、where、when、with、well3、实际操练(1)Where there is a will, there is a way.(2)Dont give up. Well always be with you. 三十三、音标【s】1、疯狂外号:“气通舌尖齿龈音”silly decide fix scene mi

25、ss success2、词汇拓展:sister、nice、school、sun、class、star 3、实际操练:(1)Relax! Dont be so tense. (2)Thats impossible! 三十四、音标【z】1、疯狂外号:“气通舌尖齿龈音”crazy present business exercise 2、词汇拓展:is、those、zero、busy、because3、实际操练(1) Business is business. 4、特别训练:-s/ -es的发音A:清辅音结尾的词后读 /s/ (1) I bought a lot of English books to

26、day.(2)She often helps me with my work.B:浊辅音结尾的词后读 /z/ (1)Most girls like window-shopping.(2)Toms in New York right now.C.元音结尾的词后读 /z/ I took a lot of photos in Beijing.三十五、音标【】1、疯狂外号:“舌端齿龈气擦音” tension ocean social machine 2、词汇拓展:English、fish、shirt、shoes、short、wish3、实际操练:(1)You should be patient wit

27、h your parents.(2)Its nothing. Dont mention it.三十六、音标【】1、疯狂外号:“咬舌音”thank Thursday healthy nothing breath2、词汇拓展:three、thank、birthday、thing、tenth、think3、实际操练:(1)A thousand thanks for your kindness. (2)What did you think of it? (3) Nothing is more important than staying healthy. 三十七、音标【】1、疯狂外号:“咬舌音”tha

28、n that there weather gather 2、词汇拓展:this、these、the、father、other3、实际操练:(1)Can I bother you with another question? 、4、混合操练:/和/ (1) I have trouble with math. (2) I think both of them told the truth.三十八、音标【ts】1、疯狂外号:舌端齿龈破擦辅音。舌端先贴住齿龈,堵住气流,然后略下降,气流送出口腔。Facts accounts attracts 2、实际操练:(1)I just want to know

29、the facts. 三十九、音标【dz】1、疯狂外号:舌端齿龈破擦辅音。舌端先贴住齿龈,堵住气流,然后略下降,气流送出口腔。 Hands words besides 2、实际操练:(1) Great minds think alike (2) His deeds dont agree with his words 四十、音标【h】1、疯狂外号:“大口喘气音”handsome hope holiday happy 2、实际操练:(1) We have a happy home. (2) Dont hurt yourself. 四十一、半元音 【j】1、疯狂外号:“双唇扁平短爷音”young y

30、esterday lawyer2、实际操练:(1)Your baby is so cute. 四十二、半元音 【r】1、疯狂外号:“四指卷舌音”.respect break carry wrong 2、词汇拓展:ruler、ring、red、room、run、rock3、实际操练:(1)Youre right. Im wrong. (2)Are you ready? (3)Pretty good. 四十三、舌边辅音【l】 1、疯狂外号:舌端齿龈边辅音。Leading popular lately follow 2、实际操练:(1)Would you like some coffee or te

31、a? (2)A: Hows life? B: Couldnt be better.四十五、音标【tr】1、疯狂外号:齿龈后部破擦辅音。trade trick introduce trip 2、词汇拓展:true、trip、travel、try、trust、treat3、实际操练:(1)Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you. (2)Relax! Dont stress yourself out. 四十六、音标【dr】1、 疯狂外号:齿龈后部破擦辅音。drive dry dream drink drop children 2、词汇拓展: d

32、ream、driver、draw、dry3、实际操练:(1)Drop by whenever you like. (2)My biggest dream is to speak good English. 四十七、音标【】1、疯狂外号:“舌端齿龈气擦音”。usually pleasure decision measure2、实际操练:(1)Im sure youll make the right decision. (2)I take pleasure in learning foreign languages. 四十八、音标【t】1、疯狂外号:“气冲舌尖齿龈音”culture questio

33、n change church catch touch2、词汇拓展:each、march、much、chair、chicken、lunch3、实际操练:(1)Oh, dont be so childish! Cheer up! (2)I didnt catch what you said. 四十九、音标【d】1、疯狂外号:“气冲舌尖齿龈音” Joke January genius imagine large age 2、词汇拓展:orange、vegetable、age、large、change 3、实际操练:(1)Good job! (2)I want to go to college! (3)Im just looking. 26个英语字母发音表.

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