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14、手法熟练,演员表演真实自然,各种因素和谐完美地组合在一起,发出了强烈的共鸣,为其奠定了巨片的牢固基础。 影片无时无刻不在刺激着人们的神经,影片似乎只是在向世人展示:人性堕落,有罪之人会遭惩罚.这样片子就有种道德劝诫的警世意味,让人看后可能反省自身是否有罪.然而,什么原因让这些人产生罪恶,让凶手不可忍受而以上帝之名以杀戮的方式来进行惩戒,影片好像没有给出一个明确的解释。是因为信仰的缺失吗?在西方,启蒙运动发现了理性,自此,理性被逐渐推上至高无上的地位,人们的自我意识不断膨胀,充分肯定了人类的理智,开始蔑视上帝.到了近代,以科学技术为核心的理性摧毁了宗教信仰精神,认为科学技术万能的人类觉得理性可以

15、实现一切.不错,以科学为代表的理性的确推动了西方社会的飞速进步,促其完成了现代化的过程.可是,理性也越来越成为人们束缚自身的枷锁。依照齐美尔的看法,社会的发展越来越依赖诸如效率、计算、守时这些“理性化”的东西,这样的理性化其实就是一种“物化”,金钱和商业价值成为衡量一切价值的唯一尺度,人与人之间的关系由于金钱的厉害变得日益冷漠。影片中,对现代城市的冷漠现实不断被展示。比如威廉提到遇到强奸犯的女士不要喊救命要喊救火才会有人关注;受到房东欺骗的米尔斯和翠茜住着一栋不断受地铁震颤的房子;房东把被折磨成活鬼的房客当做最好的房客,因为他会定期收到放在邮箱的房租。 如果说身而为人有任何的可悲,莫过于降生之

16、初那一声啼哭的无助.你不仅仅以最原始的状态来到人间,还有随之而来的种种欲望。影片展现了基督教中指名道姓的七种人类欲望,虽然人们所有的欲望远远不止这些,但单单是人哺乳期就天生的食欲,就将所有人毫无例外的介定为欲望的动物。这或许就是影片把贪食作为第一宗罪展开故事的动机所在,沉重如此,乃是七宗罪最为黑暗的人性逻辑最集中的表现。 如果说有人可以撇开七宗罪所有的罪恶,我可以把它奉为神明。影片主题正是要展现一个充满恶之花的世界,在这个世界里,所有可能的美好不过是生活中那海市蜃楼一般的幻象,可望而不可及.是的,没有人能逃脱命运里无处不在的欲望,而更没有人能逃离这世俗生活中随时可能的命中注定.我把这叫做冥冥中

17、黑暗的现实,无处可寻却又无处不在。 最后的画面:黄昏,威廉独自站立。对应最后的台词,就算世界永远不是美好的,也都值得为之奋斗。黄昏以后的黑暗和必然到来的黎明,必然永久对立。正是如此,威廉在黄昏中的身影,犹如黑暗中的守护者,让人可以安心在黑暗中奋斗,前行。这也是七宗罪最后的精华所在,虽然阴郁充斥全片,希望之光在最后一刻却如此的温暖. 七宗罪在无数优秀的电影中不是最好的,但却是我最割舍不下的一部。不仅因为故事的精彩倘若如此,看过几遍就足够了;更不是因为演员和导演虽然参与者都足够优秀。让我最为之动容的还是影片在阴暗的剧情下掩藏的那种悲天悯人。影片用商业性的故事,独到的叙事方式,把一个犯罪故事用情节和

18、影像上升到人性的深度,普通升华为非凡,和片中描绘的罪案一样的震撼,又如此深入人心。 熊 培 湖北第二师范学院The film review of Setting:Seven deadly sins, initially by the Greek theology repair Taoist Pang Yi cutting grass written out of 8 kinds of damage to personal spiritual evil, including binge eating, lust, greed, sadness, anger, lazy, jealousy and

19、 pride. The late 6th century, Catholic Church will be eight crimes reduced to 7, to the love of the contrary degree as criterion, arrogance and attributed to the arrogant, sad, attributed to the lazy, and join the jealousy, the order changed: pride, envy, wrath, sloth, greed, gluttony and lust。Synop

20、sis:The film tells the story of a retired veteran police officer William Somerset (Morgan Freeman ornaments) and a newly appointed new detective David mills (Brand Pitt) jointly cracked criminal John du (Kai Wen Shi Benxi) made by the Catholic Church in the seven deadly sins for serial murder clues。

21、 On Monday morning, a the murder, the murderer in the refrigerator after the words ”gluttony”, Tuesday, is a lawyer at the scene with the words greed, a day, depending on the seven died of sins. In the face of the case, Somerset earned the hearts of many Sapporo, lived in the city for a long time he

22、 had this habit, the darkness of the world, like this is not the case then, after consideration and stay to help Mills, Mills full of sap, impulsive, kick up a cloud of dust killer on his election as a result of the seven deadly sins of the last - angry。 The murderer Mills fortunately because of jea

23、lousy Fus family killed meters harbor pregnant anger his wife, Tracy。 Allow them to be ”jealous, mills became “wrath , John Doe also won the game。Genre:This film is a typical black film。 The first is the overall environment of the film is gloomy, including the gloomy weather, dark room, barren deser

24、t; then is the overall view of movie is gray, the protagonists attitude to life is negative, in this movie, starring William as a senior the police, he saw through the darkness of society at that time, the social evil is always with a negative attitude, he always hopes to be able to rest in peace, t

25、ogether with his wife to pastoral life; finally is the dark side of the theme from the society, the film is produced by criminals John Du serial murder as a clue, and this serial murder victim seven symbol of human nature in the Bible sin, including arrogance, jealousy, anger, laziness, greed, glutt

26、ony and lust, is a reflection of the dark side of society, and the final outcome is black Francis won the light.Characters:There are three main characters in this film: William Somerset, David Mills, and John Du。 Their personalities are very obvious.William is a retiring old officer, decades from th

27、e police career makes him become mature, careful thinking, observation, well he is always dedicated to every case, have a strong sense of responsibility occupation。 Through the investigation, William concluded that the bizarre kill fat is just the beginning of a series of the murder soon retired。 He

28、 did not want to go to track, because he is afraid of not found results during his tenure, thus affecting the detection of the case, but he did not agree with the boss to settle a lawsuit in a simple murder, he urged to check it, even if it is not to examine results at least up to as far as personne

29、l。 ”Their government in the post, William did on their own occupation loyalty and respect. But for decades, have rich experience in handling cases, for human sin, but he felt so do not force, many years of law enforcement, let He felt for peoples indifference and Crime no improvement, even worse。 Wi

30、lliam always break the endless case, every day in the face of blood and death, although it may have been accustomed to, but the reality is always bloody suffocating, as a law enforcement of his dedication, but sin and morality of the in the face of the city. He seems incapable of action is not a cri

31、me, law enforcement, and more like a rehabilitation, wipe the blood on the ground, finishing the investigation report of thick, then another can check the case, with the passage of time was eventually shelved. These are his most heartache what about human nature completely disappointed William feel

32、exhausted, increasingly aging he had left was his last downhearted, choice。The mill is the ambition of a mind of the young police officer and his superior active and strong requirements will he transferred to the city, the high incidence of crime in the city for him is a chance, he will be eager to

33、prove themselves to the world。 So his confidence full came to the sinful city。 But Mir impulsive irritability, forcible feeble, youthful him supercilious, lack of necessary calm and selfcultivation, although he and William have a strong sense of responsibility。 These qualities is decided the he is a

34、 part of the works of Du John sin.Finally, Du John is the soul of this film, although his scenes are relatively small, but the developments of the whole story, the plot progresses are derived from him。 John has a dual identity, one is educated, a devout Catholic, another is the same with ordinary pe

35、ople. This is the original sin ”there are two identities to complete his work. The shock of life in the city he like William for the sins of people hated, so he decided to use their own practical action to give the world a lesson about evil class。 He started with an extremely cruel means to be the m

36、ost representative of the offended the” original sin ”were tortured to death, then he will be very impressive works to show to the world. He is a psycho killer, he is a normal psychological thought was” selected ”, he more than Deli The attitude to punish those sinful people。 He is not happy in doin

37、g this, see so much evil and the evil world are not punished, as a preacher. He actually with deep hatred and resentment he did everything in order to give the world flaunt, he expected that and he also faithful can imitate his behavior, with their own action to clean the dirty world。 This is the fi

38、nal purpose for his followers。 He knows he has original sin, he also is unforgivable, it is precisely because of this sinners” identity he had killed the innocent wife Mir Tracy reason。 As a Christian, sacred doctrine is not allowed to kill, he must obey the hundred-percent such words, and he is una

39、ble to complete this shocking works in the most shocking. But what meaning Everyone, this definition makes John much heavy identity of original sin”, that, as sin burdened, so Du John he extremely proud of martyrdom” mill is in the well design bureau become the most tragic role, his wife a corpse tw

40、o life, the so-called revenge killer is set a trap, he completely lost. William left alone, he really able to believe in this world there is ”good”, he no longer disappointed, because he was desperate.Narrative:The film uses the classic three act narrative structure。First is the meeting of the two p

41、rotagonists of the arrangement in a rainy weather, which lay the foundation for the whole film weather and atmosphere。 Meet for the first time, Muir and Williams relationship is not very good, even at daggers drawn; youthful Mir of Williams attitude is not satisfied. Film so as to lead, let a person

42、 curious then between the two of them will how to get along with, cooperation.Subsequent films in the first act, the first murder surfaced. The same weather of overcast and rainy, tensions between the two detectives, a first arrived here, a retiring and join hands to deal with the case of death. Tha

43、t is the first case in the whole movie fuse。The second case occurred subsequently, in the crack of the second case at the same time, the old detective William found the first case crime scene hidden clues - on the wall of the ”eating”。 Linked to the second case to leave the word ”greed” is, the rich

44、 experience of William decided that it will be a series of serial killings, and these crimes will be with the Catholic seven deadly sins commandment linked。 The judgment of serial murder is the first turning point in the film。At this point, the film was finished three acts in the first act of show。

45、The 24 minutes, an account of the background of the film, viewers cannot help but be attracted to plot, the two detectives how to cooperate to solve the case? Serial murder will be how to start? Who will end is the winner?The film is developing continuously. With the investigation of the case, two q

46、uick witted detectives gradually find clues to and find the murderers house。 A gunshot broke the rhythm of the original investigation, the murderer of John, and attacked the mill, is strange, he didnt kill him。 This is film cannot return to the point。 The audiences were surprised, half of the movie

47、just arrived, and the serial killer case has yet to be completed, how can rush。 Is stranger. Why he didnt kill hot pursuit of his detective Mir。With the five cases ”proud of, two detectives are more and more feel the murderer of smart, the occasion of the helpless, John again, and appeared in the po

48、lice station。 He is from the first, and covered in blood. This is the second film a turning point。 There is no doubt; the hearts of the audience are suspicions. The murderers exactly want to do what? How did he finish the remaining two sins?So far, 98 minutes of the film, the successful completion of the three acts in the second act of the show. Johns surrender came as a surprise to all of us, with complicated cases film becomes more attractive to the audience。In addition, there is a role has been punctuated in the entire m

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