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1、特殊疑问词专项练习意思用法例句who谁问人的身份,姓名等_is he ? He is LiLei _ is he ? He is my brother. what什么问人的职业或事物是什么,具体的动作_ is he? He is a worker. _does he have ? He has a book. _does he do in the evening? He watches TV in the evening.which哪一个问定语_ box is yours? The big box is mine._ girl is Ann? The girl at the door is A

2、nn. whose谁的问所属关系_ book is this ? This is her book. _ is this book? This book is hers. when什么时候问时间_ do you play games? We play games in the afternoon ?where什么地方问地点(状语)_do you play games on Sunday? We play games at home on Sunday .how怎样问健康状况、做事的方式等_ is he ? He is fine/strong._do you go home? I go home

3、 by bike.why为什么问原因_ isnt he at school today ?He isnt at school today because he is ill.What day 问星期几 What time 问几点了 Whats the weather like? 问天气What colour 问颜色 What date 问具体日期 How many 问多少(可数名词)How much 问多少(不可数名词) How old 问年龄 Exercise 1 1.- _ is the boy under the tree? - He is my friend. A. What B. H

4、ow C. Who D. Which2.-_ is your dad? -He is a policeman.A. How B.Who C. What D. Where3.-_ do you go to school every day? -On foot. A. How B.Who C. What D. Where 4.-Dad, _ is my MP3? -I put it in your desk?A. What B.How C.Whose D. Where5._ do you prefer(更喜欢), coffee or tea? A. What B. Which C.How D.Wh

5、ose6.-_ do you have breakfast? -At 8 a.m. A. How B.When C. What D. Where Exercise 21、A: _ is the boy in blue?B:Hes Mike.2、A: _ pen is it? B:Its mine.3、A: _ is the diary? B:Its under the chair.4、A: _ is the Chirstmas Day? B: Its on the 25th of December.5、A: _ _are the earphones?B:They are 25 yuan.6、A

6、: _ _ is the hairdryer?B:Its blue.7、A: _ _ is it today?B:Its Sunday.8、A: _ _ was it yesterday? B: It was the 13th of October.12、A:_ one is fatter, the blue one or the red one? B: The blue one.13、A:_ is your cousin?B: Hes 15 years old.14、A:_ do you have dinner? B: At 6 oclock.Exercise 3 Challenges (挑战一下), Change theses sentences into special questions.(把下列句子改为特殊疑问句)1. It was September 9th yesterday. 2. They have supper at six in the evening.3. He works in the library. 4. He is under the tree.5. The boy under the tree is his friend. 6. The girl in a red coat is her sister.

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