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1、(完整word)短文填空代词练习代词:单复数、人称代词、反身代词、指示代词、 关系代词、 不定代词等的用法关系代词 which 、that、who、whom 、what、when、while、how反身代词 myself、yourself, themselves、ourselves 指示代词 this、that、those、these 不定代词 some,any,all ,none,both,either,neither,each, every,other,another,much,many,few,little,one1 about 350 million Chinese smoke. Am

2、ong 79 , 50 million are teenagers. 2 Whenever I got angry or sad, he would help _82_ to cool down。3 Here are some ideas about 77 to eat healthily. 4 In a western restaurant,each person usually asks for their 82 food or dishes and eats 83 they ask for5 Most American parents let their sons or daughter

3、s make friends by 85 。6 American like to spend 79 than they have。7 I believe you can find 86 other ways besides these.8 I intended to compare notes with a friend, but unfortunately _couldnt spare me even one minute. 9 My grandma still treats me like a child。 She cant imagine _ grown up. 10 The boy p

4、romised _mother never to lie to _again. 11 Jim sold most of his things. He has hardly _ left in the house。 12 We havent enough books for _; some of you will have to share. 13 Id appreciate(感谢) _ if you would like to teach me how to use the computer。 14 One day, when Zeng Zis wife was going out, her

5、child began to cry, begging to go with 1_。“Stay home, the mother said to him。 “When2_return, well kill a pig for 3_ dinner!“15 When she came back, 4_ found Zeng Zi preparing to slaughter a pig for the childs meal. She hurried over to stop 5_: “What are you doing? Youre not really going to kill a pig, are you? I was just kidding him!”

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