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1、代词人称物主不定疑问反身指示相互连接关系起代替作用人称代词格排列顺序主格宾格单数231单数复数单数复数Iyouhesheitweyoutheymeyouhimheritusyouthem动介前后复数123than/as后或作表语主宾均可指看不见时人表示时间/天气/温度/距离/情况作形式主语或形式宾语It is +adj.+for sb.+to doIt takes sb. st. to doI find it +adj.+to do译为“某人/物”物主代词形容词性名词性myyourhisheritsouryourtheirmineyourshishersitsoursyourstheirs胆小

2、派:后必跟名词独行侠:后不跟名词双重所有格:of+名代his/its双重身份译为“某人的”疑问代词whowhose宾格whomwhatwhichwhoeverwhat colorwhat aboutwhicheverwhat sizewhat kind构成感叹句“多么”根据句意需要选关系代词whowhomwhichthat引导定从先行词是主语人先行词是宾语人先行词是物先行词特殊情况不定代词常规复合“一些”“任一” “都”“都不”“每个”another (the) other(s)“其它的”“许多”“少量”somethingsomeonesomebodyanythinganyoneanybody

3、nothingno one仅指人注意“数”注意肯否定被视为单数后不接of“敢死队”冲锋在前定语后置nobodyeverythingeveryoneeverybodysome肯定句any否疑句either两者任一any三者任一all 3both2neither2none3不接of可接of加减法加法another确概数确数带themany+复数much+不可数(a)few+复数不加a表否定(a)little+不可不加a表否定little“小的”every3单复数复数带s关onethe other联someotherseach 2oneit“一个”“许多,大量”one同类异物it同类同物lots o

4、f/plenty of+复数/不可数a number of+复数a great deal of+不后可接of反身代词构成考点myselfyourselfhimselfherselfitselfourselvesyourselvesthemselves公式单复数by oneselfhelp oneself toenjoy oneselfteach oneselflearnby oneself译为“某人自己”指示代词构成这/那个/些考点近处远处单数this单数thatthan后代指同类用于打电话时用语复数these复数those单数that复数those“我”this“你”that相互代词构成译为

5、“互相”所有格each other(=2)one another(3)each others one anothers连接代词that引导宾从if/whether引导陈述句,可省略引导一般疑问句特殊疑问词引导特殊疑问句有or(not)时只用whether引导词后用陈述语序代词中考点人称/物主不定代词关系代词近七年河北中考代词真题再现2006年29.On sides of the street are a lot of colourful flowers. A.each B.bothC.either D.all2007年28. My aunt has two children. But _ of

6、 them lives with her. A. each B. neither C. either D. both 41. Do you know the man _ is sitting behind Nancy? A. what B. which C. who D. whom2008年22. Look at the photo. The girl beside_is Nancy. A. IB.myC. me D.mine28. I tried several jackets on, but of them looked good.A.both B.either C.noneD.neith

7、er36. This is the dictionary Mun gave me for my birthday. A.whichB.whatC.whoseD.whom2009年28. Is there any difference between your idea and_?A.he B.his C.she D.her31. Sam looks like his dad. They are _ tall. A. either B. any C. all D. both41. Sorry, we dont have the coat_you need. A.what B.who C.whom

8、 D.which2010年32. Emma, can you introduce_to Alice? I want to meet her. A.him B.his C.me D.My40. She is new here, so we know_ about her.A.nothing B.something C.anything D.everything43. There are lots of things_I need to prepare before the trip.A.who B.that C.whom D.whose2011年27.Wed better wait_more m

9、inutes. A.a few B.few C.a little D.little31.The teachers_came for a visit are foreigners. A.who B.whom C.whose D.which43.George reads the newspaper every morning. Thats _ habit. A.he B.him C.his D.himself81.Betty is a good friend of m . We often help each other.2012年27. Dont worry about me. Im old enough to think for _.A. himselfB. herselfC. yourselfD. myself34. Could you record the football game for me? I can watch _ later.A. itB. oneC. thisD. that5

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