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1、Proud of youlove in your eyes爱在你的眼睛里sitting silent by my side静静地坐在我身边going on holding hands手牵着手walking through the nights走过夜晚hold me up hold me tight紧紧抓住我lift me up to touch the sky举起我去触摸天空teaching me to love with heart教我爱与心helping me open my mind帮我打开我的心i can fly我能飞im proud that i can fly我为我能飞而骄傲to

2、give the best of mine给我最好的till the end of the time直到时间的尽头believe me i can fly相信我,我能飞im proud that i can fly我为我能飞而骄傲to give the best of mine给我最好的the heaven in the sky天空中的天堂stars in the sky天上的星星wishing once upon a time一次一次的祝福give me love make me smile给我爱让我微笑till the end of life直到生命的尽头hold me up hold m

3、e tight紧紧抓住我lift me up to touch the sky举起我去触摸天空teaching me to love with heart教我爱与心helping me open my mind帮我打开我的心i can fly我能飞im proud that i can fly我为我能飞而骄傲to give the best of mine给我最好的till the end of the time直到时间的尽头believe me i can fly相信我,我能飞im proud that i can fly我为我能飞而骄傲to give the best of mine给我最

4、好的the heaven in the sky天空中的天堂cant you believe that you light up my way你不能相信你照亮我的路no matter how dark is my path不管我的路有多黑暗ill never lose my faith我永远不会失去我的信仰see me fly看见我飞im proud to fly up high我骄傲地飞了起来show you the best of mine给你最好的我till the end of the time直到时间的尽头believe me i can fly相信我,我能飞im singing in the sky我在天空中歌唱show you the best of mine给你最好的我the heaven in the sky天空中的天堂nothing can stop me没有什么能阻挡我spread my wings so wide把我的翅膀张开what does the story tell us? 这个故事告诉我们什么?a. where there is a will, there is a way.有志者事竟成。b. no pain no gain.不劳无获。c. seeing is believing.眼见为实。

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