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1、英语毕业论文论白象似的群山中海明威独特的写作风格AbstractBeing distinguished from many great American writers, Hemingway is famous for his unique writing style. He changes the traditional literary works from tedious style into a kind of concise “telegraph style”. As a matter of fact, his short story- Hills like White Elepha

2、nts fully reflects his unique and classic writing style. The story seems simple, but actually artful. Hemingway captures the essence of the plain dialogue of usual life, so a reader may be under an illusion that he was present at the site of the story. And he adds sentiment into concise language. In

3、 Hills like White Elephants, the perfect symbolism about “white elephant” and the characteristic ending constructed by Hemingway further gives prominence to his ability in language. Especially, his famous Iceberg Theory is employed perfectly in this story. Hemingway creates a unique writing style th

4、at brings a great influence to American letters, even to Europe and all over the world.Key WordsDialogue; conciseness; symbolism; writing style; Iceberg Theory 摘要在众多伟大的美国作家中,海明威以其独特的写作风格而著称。他改变了传统文学作品冗长、沉闷的风格,创造了一种简洁的电报式文体。而他的短篇小说白象似的群山完全体现了他的这种独特而经典的写作风格。小说虽看似简单,却极富艺术性。他抓住了人们日常对话结构的精髓,给读者创造了一种身临其境的

5、感觉。而其简洁的文字后面也蕴藏了丰富的情感。小说中关于白象的完美象征以及海明威式的经典结尾,突出了海明威在语言方面的能力。尤其是他的著名的冰山原则,在此小说中发挥到了极致。海明威创造了一种独特的写作风格,而他的这种风格对美国,以至于欧洲,乃至整个世界文坛都产生了重要影响。关键词对话;简洁;象征;写作风格;冰山原则 IntroductionHemingway, who is very famous for his creation of a new and unique writing style, is one of the most influential writers in Americ

6、an literary history during the 20th century, so he is undoubtedly to be the focus of the researchers all over the world. But from all the researches on him, it is easy to find that authors are always focusing on his several long-novels and his The Old Man and the Sea to show his unique writing style

7、. As a matter of fact, his unique writing style is fully and exactly reflected by his short stories, which are drawing more peoples attentions. So this essay takes Hemingways short story-Hills Like White Elephants as the focus to give a brief introduction on his unique writing style.Hills Like White

8、 Elephants is one of the most classic short stories of Hemingway. Among all the comments on it, the one by Milan Kundera, a famous Czech writer, is surely attractive and profound. He specifically makes an analysis about the hidden elements of the story, the different characters of the two and so on,

9、 especially the real dialogue structure which is simple, clear and beautiful in his minds, contrasting with the drama dialogue structure. And in Researches on Hemingway, edited by Dong Hengxun, the English critic H. O. Bates in his works mainly refers to Hemingways concise writing style.But to sum u

10、p, most of the researches on Hemingways unique writing style are systematic and theoretical. And the analysis about Hills Like White Elephants although are profound, but not all-round. Accordingly, this essay is based on the purpose that fully shows all the Hemingways unique writing style in Hills L

11、ike White Elephants and to deepen the readers understanding on Hemingways unique writing style and his short stories. . A Brief Introduction to the Author and the StoryDating back to American literary history, Hemingway is considered as one of the most celebrated and influential writers in the 20th

12、century. Being distinguished from other famous American writers, Hemingway, who was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1954 for his mastery of the art of modern narration, helps to accomplish a reformation in the literary circles. As a great language master who had contributed a great deal to the American l

13、iterature, Hemingway had a legendary life experience: He came into being a journalist for the Kansas City Star after school and then being a soldier in the First World War, which provided him with a serious physical wound. Actually, he also took part in the Second World War and the Spanish Civil War

14、, again wounded physically and spiritually. That is why his works are usually related to the subject of war. And then he went to Paris where he met some famous writers who helped him a lot in his writing. With such rich personal experience, Hemingway wrote out many excellent works which fully reflec

15、ted his unique writing style and his unique writing style gradually came into being. Gabriel Garcia Marquez, a famous Colombian writer, who had ever said that he was greatly affected by Hemingway, held that Hemingway builds up a reputation for himself just for his short stories. As a matter of fact,

16、 contrasting with Hemingways long fictions, such as The Sun Also Rises(1926), A Farewell to Arms(1929), For Whom the Bell Tolls (1940)and his The Old Man and the Sea(1952) which are well-known today, his short stories are not very familiar to readers as his fictions mentioned above. However, it does

17、nt mean that his short stories are less artful than his long fictions. They are also highly estimated. And among all of Hemingways short stories, Hills Like White Elephants is undoubtedly to be a classic one, which was quite worth reading and one of the most typical short stories in the 20th century

18、.As we all know, Hills Like White Elephants was written in 1927 and was an important piece in Hemingways second collection of short stories-Men Without Women. It is a simple but artful story and the content of it just can be condensed to one sentence that an American man tries to persuade a girl to

19、have an operation when they are waiting for the train at a station. The whole story consists of the simple and usual dialogues of the two figures, and the focus of them are just roused by a metaphor that “the hills like white elephants”, made by the girl. But obviously, the man doesnt pay his attent

20、ion to such focus, for he is fully occupied in persuading the girl to have the operation. Obviously, tense conversation ensues between the man and the girl, and the story ends without any clear resolution, leaving the reader to find the possible outcomes. In general, that is the feature of Hemingway

21、s writing style.For the Hills Like White Elephants, many comments had been made upon it, but the one from Milan Kundera, a famous Czech writer, is undoubtedly profound and perfect. In Milan Kunderas Les testaments trahis, he spends many words to talk about the Hills Like White Elephants, especially

22、make a striking contrast between the plain dialogue structure of Hemingway and the dialogue structure in the drama to give prominence to the simplicity, the clarity, the lucidity, the beauty and the melody of Hemingways plain dialogue. And his explanation of the figures characters and the hidden sto

23、ry is penetrating. Of course, the dialogue structure emphasized by Kundera is just one aspect of Hemingways unique writing style, but the other styles arent mentioned. Apart from Milan Kundera, there are many other critics that give different narratives of the Hills Like White Elephants from one or

24、more than one aspects of Hemingways writing style, the relationship between the male and female basing on the females views, etc. However, if taking the writing style in Hills Like White Elephants as the focus, the comments on it are not all-round. So this essay aims at introducing the Hemingways wr

25、iting style in his Hills Like White Elephants comprehensively, including his plain dialogue, concise language, perfect symbolism, characteristic ending and the deliberate hiding which is the so-called “Iceberg Theory”. It is just such unique style that makes Hemingway win a high reputation in the li

26、terary circles that has accomplished a reformation on the traditional literature. But before expounding the views on the unique writing style of Hemingway, it is absolutely necessary to talk about his development to a new writing style so as to let the reader deeply understand the uniqueness of his

27、writing style.Hemingways Development to a New Writing StyleA. The Writing Style of Modern European Literature During 19th CenturyThe 19th century is the century of greatest change in the European literary circles in that this is the period when a new colloquial writing style was born which was creat

28、ed by Mark Twain, whose use of vernacular speech revolutionized he language of American fiction. But obviously, it is only Ernest Hemingway that inherited and developed his colloquial style. As Milan Kundera said, in the early 19th century the novels were carefully structured with a series of scenes

29、 by Scott, Balzac (Milan Kundera 134). In his opinion, their novels were full of specific description, scenes, dialogues and plots which are usually seen in the drama. Looking back to the European literary history in the 19th century, a fact is evident to readers that the novels of all the writers,

30、excepting Mark Twain, were full of long and complex sentences, blooded adjectives and adverbs, etc. In fact, the one who had read the novels of Balzac or Henry James, who were the representative writers of that century, will get the fact that Balzac tends to portray the outer actuality and the image

31、 of the figures carefully and Henry James likes to show his ability in superposing the modifiers. Their descriptions are undoubtedly specific and elaborate, but to some extent, tedious and boring. The novels in the 19th century are inclined to describing specifically and deeply with rich elaborate d

32、etails about the outside or objective environment. It seemsthat if a novel lacks of any of the elements mentioned above, it would not be considered as a successful one. Therefore, after narrating a whole story, a novel with hundreds of thousands of words even millions of words is born. In fact, such

33、 writing style is very popular in the literary circles at that time when reading novels to be certainly a good method to amuse people. But with time goes on, literature also needs new blood to fill in to keep up with the development of the society and to meet the needs of people, who are gradually b

34、usy in pursuing wealth and have no enough time and spirit to spend in reading the too long and too difficult novels. With such time coming, the style of conciseness is asked forto meet the needs of new times. It is just Hemingway that has changed the traditional tedious writing style into a type of

35、new concise style, purifying the literary language.B. The Formation of Hemingways New and Unique Writing StyleHemingways style is characterized by short and simple real-life dialogues, concise language with very few adjectives and adverbs, deliberate omission and so on, instead of the tedious style

36、of the 19th century. Among so many writers, Hemingway becomes the only one person who has successfully developed a new writing style in Modern European Literature; there are several reasons for it. First of all, as mentioned before, in 1917, Hemingway worked as a journalist for the Kansas City Star,

37、 which is one of the best newspapers in American at that time. This newspaper asks for using short sentences, vivid and active language and reporting directly, so Hemingway learned that writing style should be trained as life. Of course, this experience benefits the formation of his so-called “teleg

38、raph style” greatly. Secondly, being under the illusion that the war is fine and attractive, Hemingway began his experience as a soldier in the First World War, even later in other wars, but in the battlefields, he was seriously hit. Bloody war shatters his dream; meanwhile, it provides him not just

39、 a wounded body and a hurt heart, but the rich sources of writing. So, for what he usually expresses in his works, he was viewed as the representative of the “lost generation”. Therefore, as a spokesman of the “lost generation”, Hemingway has already had a kind of unique style of his own. And, Hemin

40、gways success is related to the helps from other famous writers. Such as, Ezra Pound, Gertrude Stein, Fitzgerald and so on, who give much indications and guidance on his writing. Furthermore, he absorbed the colloquial language of Mark Twain. Because of all the elements, the feature of Hemingways wr

41、iting style is gradually appearing.It is Hemingway that changes the traditional Modern European literary style of tediousness into a writing style of simplicity. In his the Hills Like White Elephants his unique writing style is absolutely reflected.C. The Influence of Hemingways Writing StyleNoted f

42、or his unique writing style and devotion to the literature, Hemingway has exerted considerable influence on the later novelists. The writer, Wu Xiaodong, reckons him as a writer who deeply affected other writers. His concise language, short and simple sentences purify the American literature, and hi

43、s colloquial style is very popular in European and American literary circles since the late 20th century. John OHara, who made a memorial speech for Hemingway on the New York Times of July3, 1961, held that in history no one else can directly affected so many writers,especially the young writers( Do

44、ng Hengxun 383). Hemingway is considered as an author who deeply affects the writing style of both the long novels and the short stories of American. Now that the influence of Hemingways writing style which brings a big reputation to him is so great, it is quite worth discussing it from his works-Hi

45、lls Like White Elephants.Discussion on the Writing Style in Hills Like White ElephantsA. Real-life DialogueMilan Kundera pays a compliment to Hemingway in his Les testaments trahis that Hemingway captures the real dialogue structure. Assuredly, being different from such writers who structure their w

46、orks in absolutely literary language, Hemingway creates a kind of real-life dialogue style, the obvious feature of which is that it goes on face to face without narrating by the third party. Actually, the dialogue in Hills Like White Elephants is just a fragment of the dialogue in actual life so tha

47、t the first impression the reader gets when he starts reading it is that he were listening. Looking at the following dialogue chosen from it:And if I do it youll be happy and things will be like they were and youll love me?I love you now. You know I love you.I know. But if I do it, then it will be n

48、ice again if I say things are like white elephants, and youll like it?Ill love it. I love it now but I just cant think about it. You know how I getwhen I worry.If I do it you wont ever worry?I wont worry about that because its perfectly simple.Then Ill do it. Because I dont care about me.What do you

49、 mean? I dont care about me.Well, I care about you.Oh, yes. But I dont care about me. And Ill do it and then everything will be fine.I dont want you to do it if you feel that way. (qtd. in Long Maozhong, Yan Jinglan and Wang Hui 386 )Omitting all the description on the speaking tone, facial expression and actions, the dialogue with the form of only answers between the two figures comes to the reader as

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