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高考英语之中国传统文化 -- 节日.docx

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1、春节Chinese Spring Festival is the most important traditional festival in China. It is also called the Chinese Lunar New Year, which usually falls on the first day of the first lunar month.Before the Spring Festival, people will clean their houses and buy new clothes to welcome the coming of the New Y

2、ear. On the eve of the Spring Festival, family members will get together and have a big dinner. After dinner, people will stay up late to watch the Spring Festival Gala on TV.On the first day of the Spring Festival, people will get up early and stick red couplets on the doors. Then they will visit t

3、heir relatives and friends to give them best wishes for the New Year. During the festival, people will eat dumplings, fish and other delicious food. Children will receive red envelopes with money from their parents and grandparents.The Spring Festival is a time for family reunion and celebration. Pe

4、ople will enjoy the holiday and wish each other a happy and prosperous New Year.元宵节The Lantern Festival, also known as the Yuanxiao Festival, is a traditional Chinese festival celebrated on the fifteenth day of the first month of the Chinese lunar calendar. It is one of the most important festivals

5、in China.The Lantern Festival has a long history. It is said that the festival originated from the Han Dynasty, when people used to hang lanterns in front of their houses to ward off evil spirits. Over time, the festival has evolved into a celebration of the end of the Chinese New Year.On the day of

6、 the Lantern Festival, people will gather in the streets and parks to admire the beautiful lanterns. There are many different kinds of lanterns, from traditional paper lanterns to modern LED lanterns. People also enjoy eating tangyuan, a traditional Chinese dessert made of glutinous rice flour.The L

7、antern Festival is also a time for family reunions. People will gather together to enjoy the festive atmosphere and exchange gifts. It is a time for people to come together and celebrate the end of the Chinese New Year.The Lantern Festival is an important part of Chinese culture. It is a time for pe

8、ople to come together and celebrate the end of the Chinese New Year. It is a time for people to enjoy the beauty of the lanterns and the delicious tangyuan. It is a time for family reunions and for people to share the joy of the festival.清明节Qingming Festival, also known as Tomb-Sweeping Day, is a tr

9、aditional Chinese festival. It falls on the 104th day after the winter solstice, usually in April.The festival has a history of more than 2,500 years. It is a time for people to remember and honor their ancestors. On this day, people usually go to the cemetery to sweep the tombs of their ancestors,

10、burn incense and paper money, and offer food and wine.In addition to ancestor worship, people also take part in other activities. For example, they fly kites, go on picnics, and plant trees.Qingming Festival is an important part of Chinese culture. It is a time for people to remember their ancestors

11、 and to appreciate the beauty of nature.端午节The Dragon Boat Festival, also known as the Duanwu Festival, is a traditional Chinese festival celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth month of the Chinese lunar calendar. It is one of the most important festivals in China.The Dragon Boat Festival has a lo

12、ng history. It is said that the festival originated from the ancient Chinese poet Qu Yuan. Qu Yuan was a loyal minister of the State of Chu during the Warring States Period. He was slandered by jealous court officials and banished from the court. In despair, he committed suicide by drowning himself

13、in the Miluo River.On the day of Qu Yuans death, the local people, in order to save him, paddled their boats out onto the river to search for him. They also threw rice dumplings into the river to feed the fish so that they would not eat Qu Yuans body.Today, the Dragon Boat Festival is celebrated wit

14、h dragon boat races, eating zongzi (rice dumplings), drinking realgar wine, and hanging mugwort and calamus. People also wear perfumed pouches and hang them on their doors to ward off evil spirits.The Dragon Boat Festival is a time for family reunions and for remembering the past. It is a time for p

15、eople to come together and celebrate the spirit of unity and harmony.七夕Qixi Festival, also known as the Double Seventh Festival, is a traditional Chinese festival celebrated on the seventh day of the seventh month of the Chinese lunar calendar. It is one of the most romantic festivals in China.The f

16、estival has a long history. According to legend, the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl, two lovers who were separated by the Milky Way, were allowed to meet once a year on the seventh day of the seventh month. Therefore, the festival is also known as the Chinese Valentines Day.On this day, people usually

17、express their love for each other by giving gifts such as flowers, chocolates, and jewelry. Some people also write love letters to their beloved ones.In addition, people also celebrate the festival by eating traditional food such as Tanghulu, a type of candy made of hawthorn fruit, and Zongzi, a typ

18、e of sticky rice dumpling.Moreover, people also enjoy various activities such as watching the Qixi Festival Gala on TV, playing the Qixi Festival game, and making wishes for a better future.In conclusion, Qixi Festival is a special day for Chinese people to express their love and appreciation for ea

19、ch other. It is a day full of joy and happiness.中秋节The Mid-Autumn Festival, also known as the Moon Festival, is a traditional Chinese festival celebrated on the 15th day of the 8th month of the lunar calendar. It is one of the most important festivals in China.The Mid-Autumn Festival is a time for f

20、amily reunion. On this day, family members gather together to enjoy the full moon, eat mooncakes and share their best wishes. People also light lanterns and set off fireworks to celebrate the festival.The most popular food for the Mid-Autumn Festival is the mooncake. It is a round pastry filled with

21、 sweet fillings such as lotus seed paste, red bean paste, and sesame paste. People also eat other traditional foods such as pomelos, taro, and sweet potatoes.The Mid-Autumn Festival is a time for people to express their love and appreciation for their family and friends. People exchange gifts such a

22、s mooncakes, pomelos, and lanterns to show their love and care.The Mid-Autumn Festival is a time for people to come together and celebrate the harvest. It is a time for people to appreciate the beauty of the full moon and share their best wishes for the future.重阳节The Double Ninth Festival, also know

23、n as Chongyang Festival, is a traditional Chinese festival celebrated on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month. It is a day to appreciate the beauty of chrysanthemums and to climb mountains.The Double Ninth Festival has a long history. According to legend, the festival originated from the story of

24、a brave man named Huan Jing. He saved people from a plague by climbing a mountain and burning incense to pray for good luck. Since then, people have celebrated the festival by climbing mountains and eating chrysanthemum cakes.On the Double Ninth Festival, people usually go out to appreciate the beau

25、ty of chrysanthemums and climb mountains. Chrysanthemums are a symbol of longevity and are believed to bring good luck. People also drink chrysanthemum wine and eat chrysanthemum cakes.In addition, people also wear a special type of flower called the cornelian cherry on the Double Ninth Festival. It

26、 is believed that wearing this flower can ward off evil spirits and bring good luck.The Double Ninth Festival is a day to appreciate the beauty of nature and to pray for good luck. It is a day to enjoy the company of family and friends and to celebrate the joy of life.腊八The Laba Festival, also known

27、 as the Laba Rice Porridge Festival, is a traditional Chinese festival celebrated on the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month. It is usually celebrated on the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, which is usually in late January or early February in the Gregorian calendar.The Laba Festival has a

28、long history. It is said that the festival originated from the Han Dynasty and was originally a memorial ceremony for the ancestors. Later, it was gradually developed into a festival to celebrate the harvest.On the Laba Festival, people usually eat Laba porridge, which is made of eight different gra

29、ins, such as rice, millet, beans, peanuts, sesame, walnuts, dates and lotus seeds. Eating Laba porridge is believed to bring good luck and health.In addition to eating Laba porridge, people also visit temples to pray for good luck and health. People also make Laba garlic, which is a kind of pickled garlic. It is believed that eating Laba garlic can ward off evil and bring good luck.The Laba Festival is an important traditional festival in China. It is a time for people to get together, enjoy delicious food and celebrate the harvest.

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