1、 (本页打印)学科分类号 函授(专升本)学生毕业论文(设计)论文化差异与英语教学中的文化导入 姓 名 周艳凤 学 号 院 (系) 专业、年级 指导教师 年 月 日湖南师范大学本科毕业论文诚信声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的本科毕业论文,是本人在指导老师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果,成果不存在知识产权争议,除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品成果。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体均已在文中以明确方式标明。本人完全意识到本声明的法律结果由本人承担。 函授(专升本)毕业论文作者签名:(亲笔签名) 二 年 月 日(打印)一、湖南师范大学函授(专升本)毕
2、业论文开题报告书 (本页全打印)论 文 题 目论文化差异与英语教学中的文化导入战略意义及注意事项作 者 姓 名周艳凤所属院、专业、年级 院 专业 年级指导教师姓名、职称预计字数开题日期选题的根据:1)说明本选题的理论、实际意义语言既是文化的组成部分,又是文化的载体,而文化的传播必须依靠语言。由于地理、历史、生活习俗、价值观念、宗教信仰等方面的差异,各国的文化背景差异甚大,其语言也体现出文化差异。由此可见,在学习语言的同时,还必须研究其语言的文化背景。英语教学是语言教学,所以不能离开文化教育。 2)综述国内外有关本选题的研究动态和自己的见解语言教育家拉多R.Lado在语言教学:科学的方法中指出:
3、“我们不掌握文化背景就不可能教我语言。不懂得文化的模式和准则就不可能真正学到语言。”因此国外还有To be bilingual, one must be bicultural(掌握两种语言,必须掌握两种文化)的说法。国内一些专家和教师已注意到这个问题,关于文化教育的论文已有不少,并且介绍了很多文化教育的方法。主要内容:语言既是文化的组成部分,又是文化的载体,而文化的传播必须依靠语言。语言与文化是两个重合的圈,要学语言就要学文化。我们常常把语言比作文化的镜子,通过语言可以认识文化。另一个比喻是将语言与文化比作冰山,可见部分主要是语言,它只是冰山的一角,隐藏在水下的巨大主体是文化,如价值观、社会规
4、范、传统、习俗和生活方式等。研究方法: 举例法,文献法,比较分析法,总结归纳法 完成期限和采取的主要措施:2015年11月8日前 提交开题报告定稿2015年11月11日前 参加开题答辩 2016年1月3月 交论文初稿及修改论文2016年3月1日前 交论文定稿主要参考资料:1 Brown, H.D.Learning a Second Culture in Culture BoundM.Joyce Merrill Valdes Cambridge University Press,1986.2 Fu Qiongcheng.Cultural Differences and English Teach
5、ingN.Journal of Southeast Guizhou National Teachers College,Aug.2001 (101-106).指导教师意见: (指导教师手写)签 名: (亲笔签名) 年 月 日 二、湖南师范大学函授(专升本)毕业论文评审表 (本页打印)论文题目论文化差异与英语教学中的文化导入作者姓名周艳凤所属院、专业、年级 院 专业 年级指导教师姓名、职称字 数定稿日期中文摘要语言是文化的组成部分,文化的传播也需要语言。由于地理、历史、生活习俗、价值观念、宗教信仰等方面的差异,各国的文化背景差异甚大,其语言也体现出文化差异。英语教学是一种语言教学,它的文化背景无
6、法被忽视。关键词(3-5个)英语教学;中英差异;文化背景英文摘要Not only is language a part of culture, but also the spread of culture needs language. Due to geography, history, life style, value and religion, cultural background of each country is very different, so is its language. English teaching is a kind of language teaching
7、,关键词(3-5个)English teaching; cultural differences; cultural background 毕业论文指导教师评定成绩(本页由指导教师手写)评审基元评审要素评审内涵满分实评分选题质量30%目的明确符合要求选题符合专业培养目标,体现学科、专业特点和综合训练的基本要求10理论意义或实际价值符合本学科的理论发展,有一定的学术意义;对经济建设和社会发展的应用性研究中的某个理论或方法问题进行研究,具有一定的实际价值10选题恰当题目规模适当5难易度适中5能力水平35%查阅文献资料能力能独立查阅相关文献资料,归纳总结本论文所涉及的有关研究状况及成果,并恰当运用5
9、发200768号)要求5成果的理论或实际价值成果富有一定的理论深度和实际运用价值 5正文部分成绩(上表):总成绩:评定等级:外文资料译文成绩:指导教师评审意见: 指导教师签名: 说明:此表指标部分为正文部分计分表,正文部分成绩实评总分0.9,外文资料译文成绩满分为10分。总成绩正文部分成绩外文资料译文成绩。评定成绩分为优秀、良好、中等、及格、不及格五个等级,总成绩90100分记为优秀,8089分记为良好,7079分记为中等,6069分记为及格,60分以下记为不及格。若译文成绩为零,则不计总成绩,评定等级记为不及格。毕业论文评阅教师评定成绩(本页由评阅教师手写)评审基元评审要素评审内涵满分实评分
11、仪器设备等)进行实验、实践并加工处理、总结信息10外文应用能力能阅读、翻译一定量的本专业外文资料、外文摘要和外文参考书目(特殊专业除外)体现一定的外语水平5论文质量35%文题相符较好地完成论文选题的目的要求5写作水平论点鲜明;论据充分;条理清晰;语言流畅10写作规范符合学术论文的基本要求。用语、格式、图表、数据、量和单位、各种资料引用规范化、符合标准10论文篇幅符合学校文件(处发200768号)要求5成果的理论或实际价值成果富有一定的理论深度和实际运用价值 5正文部分成绩(上表):总成绩:评定等级:外文资料译文成绩:评阅教师评审意见: 评阅教师签名: 说明:此表指标部分为正文部分计分表,正文部
12、分成绩实评总分0.9,外文资料译文成绩满分为10分。总成绩正文部分成绩外文资料译文成绩。评定成绩分为优秀、良好、中等、及格、不及格五个等级,总成绩90100分记为优秀,8089分记为良好,7079分记为中等,6069分记为及格,60分以下记为不及格。若译文成绩为零,则不计总成绩,评定等级记为不及格。OUTLINEAbstractKey WordsI. IntroductionII. Culture and Language2.1. Definitions of Culture and Language2.2. Relationship Between Culture and Language2
13、.3. Some Differences in Cultures Between Chinese and EnglishIII. Cultural Education3.1. Importance and Necessity of Cultural Education3.1.1. Influences on Vocabulary3.1.2. Influences on Communication3.2. Present Situation of Cultural EducationIV. Culture Leading4.1. Principles of Culture Leading4.1.
14、1. Practical Applicability4.1.2. Stagy Principle4.1.3. Adaptability Principle4.1.4. Flexibility Principle4.2. Ways of Cultural Leading4.2.1. Guiding Reading4.2.2. Contrastive Analysis4.2.3. Situational Conversation4.2.4. Audio-visual AidsV. ConclusionBibliography中文标题、摘要、关键词The Discussion of Culture
15、Differences and Leading in English TeachingAuthor: Zhou yan feng Abstract: Not only is language a part of culture, but also the spread of culture needs language. Due to geography, history, life style, value and religion, cultural background of each country is very different, so is its language. Engl
16、ish teaching is a kind of language teaching, so its cultural background cannot be left alone. This paper, first, has given some definitions of culture and language, and explained the relationship between them. Second, the paper has presented the cultural difference from aspects of greeting, addressi
17、ng, complement, taboo, value, etiquette, body language and thinking mode. Third, the paper has discussed the importance and necessity of cultural education from the effects on vocabulary and daily communication. Moreover, it has pointed out the current situation with lack of English cultural teachin
18、g. At last, it has explored some principles and methods of cultural leading in order to expand students knowledge of cultural background and cast off the frame of high scores with low qualities.Key Words: English teaching; cultural differences; cultural background I. IntroductionLanguage is an instr
19、ument for communication, which reflects the culture of a country. It is hard to master a kind of language without social culture. Since the differences in history development, living environment and values among all the countries, their cultures are also diverse. Knowing the diverse cultural backgro
20、und is the essential premise for language learning. Kramsch stated that culture in language learning is not an expendable fifth skill, to speak, teaching of speaking, listening, reading, and writing. In a long-term English teaching, a great majority of teachers and students in China think that they
21、can learn English well as long as mastering basic grammars, a certain amount of words, voice and intonation, so English teachers always stress on the language teaching, but ignore the cultural knowledge playing an important role to language. Although students trained in this way have a large vocabul
22、ary, a sound knowledge of grammar, they have a big obstacle in communication practice, even making a serious pragmatic error. The ignorance of culture in learning and teaching has not only affected students abilities of learning a foreign language well, but also cause misunderstanding at communicati
23、on level. Therefore, English teaching not only need practicality, but also emphasize the training of culture. To solve this problem, leading cultural background in English teaching has become an effective way. Chinese culture is quite different from that of English-speaking countries, which is a big
24、 problem for Chinese learners. This thesis has started from the relation between language and culture, pointed out the necessity and principles of cultural leading, to expand students knowledge of cultural background and cast off the frame of high scores with low qualities.II. Language and Culture2.
25、1. Definitions of Culture and Language Culture may be one of the words that are most frequently talked about by the majority of people in the present world, to which attributes the significance of culture in people life. Some scholars remarked that culture is everything and everywhere, and nearly ev
26、ery aspect of people life is affected and changed by culture in some ways. In the field of anthropology, culture means the total life way of a people, the social legacy and the individual acquires from his group. In the field of linguistics, culture dictates who talk to whom, about what, when and fo
27、r how long (Luo Yanfeng,2006). Some scholars have given their definition of culture as follows. “Culture may be defined as what a society does and think (Kohls, 1978).”“A culture is a configuration of learned behaviors and results of behaviors whose component elements are shared and transmitted by t
28、he members of a particular society (Linton,1945).” “Culture is a collection of beliefs, habits, living patterns and behaviors which are held more or less in common by people who occupy particular geographic areas (Brown,1978).” As we all know, language is a social phenomenon. Then what is language?
29、For some people, language may not even be a worthy subject for academic study. They take it as just a tool for communication rather than a subject for studying. But different scholars have viewed language from different angles and have offered different definitions of language. The sociolinguists ha
30、ve regarded it as an activity which consists of listening, speaking, reading and writing. The linguists have stated that language is a system of arbitrary at first sight, but each word in it has chosen with care to capture an important aspect of language. For example, language must be a system, sinc
31、e elements in it are arranged according to certain rules; they can be combined at will. Language is a system of communication by written or spoken words, which is used by the people of a particular country area. Language is such an integral part of our life and humanity that too much about it has be
32、en taken for granted. Anyway, the commonly accepted definition of language is by Wardhaugh, language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication. Language is the vehicle that enables us to share our experience with others. Deprived of communication, society would have never c
33、ome into existence or would have ceased to exist. Deprived of society, the need for language is also hardly justified. It is the blossom of society and individuals determine the growth and development of language (Wei Shaohua, 2006).2.2. Relationship Between Culture and LanguageThere is a close rela
34、tionship in language and culture. “A language is a part of culture, and a culture is a part of language. It acts as a mirror of culture and society; the two are intricately interwoven so that one can not separate the two without losing the significance of either language or culture (Brown, 1994).” L
35、anguage gives people a means of communicating with others of their culture and a means of thinking. Without language, culture would be broken and closed. On the other hand, the impact of culture on a given language is something intrinsic and indispensable. If culture is an iceberg, the visible part
36、is language, but the huge invisible part is other part of culture, such as value, tradition, custom, social regulation and life style, etc. As the famous American linguist Worf said: “All observers are not led by the same physical evidence to the same picture of the universe, unless their linguistic
37、 backgrounds are similar, or can in some way be calibrated.” As Juri Lotman, from Soviet Union, said, “no language can exist unless it is steeped in the context of culture; no culture can exist which does not have its corner the structure of natural language.” Some social scientists have considered
38、language the keystone of culture. Therefore, English teachers, the dominant factor, must reflect such perspectives in their teaching; helping students to be observant and conscious of the differences between Chinese culture and English culture; letting students join practice and real communicative a
39、ctivities. Only in this way can students use English properly and correctly. So from the angle of teaching, a language can not be taught separated from its culture. 2.3. Some Differences in Cultures Between Chinese and EnglishPeople from China or western countries have a tremendous difference in val
40、ue, thinking mode and daily habits because of different cultural backgrounds. Once people from different cultures meet, their communicative practices differ from those of people in the same culture, which leads to communicative problems, such as pragmatic mistakes, even legal problem.2.3.1. Greeting
41、 and AddressingChinese greeting generally take the opposite party as a starting point. “Where are you going?”, “Have you eaten?” But they are asked randomly as privacy in western, so they usually say” Hello!”, “Good morning.” Its a lovely day, isnt it?” as greeting.In English-speaking countries, peo
42、ple address one anther by calling the name, i.e. Mandy, Tom, etc., more than calling one person Mr. Smith, Mrs. Hill. This applies not only to people of roughly the same age, but also of different ages. In China, the custom of addressing members of ones family, relatives or close neighbors as “Da Sh
43、u, Da Ye, Lao Wang” etc., should not be carried over into English directly.2.3.2. Compliment To English-speaking people, praise is to be accepted, generally with a remark like “Thank you”. It is assumed that the compliment is sincere, that the praise is for some worthy achievement. Therefore, there
44、should be no show of false humility, no pretended modesty. For instance, if someone say “your singing is very good.” a westerner will reply “thank you very much.” To Chinese, however, the customary reply to a compliment would be claim that one is not worthy of the praise, that what one has done is hardly enough, or that success is more a matter of luck or some other circumstance. Acceptance of a compliment would im