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1、索 引 词 表中文索引 英文索引 AADR解决方法 Alternative Dispute ResolutionB巴托鲁斯 Bartolus 本地法说 Local Law Theory本国法 lex partriae比较损害方法 comparative-impairment approach并入或采纳 adoption跛脚婚姻 limping marriageBOT投资方式 Build-Operate-Transfer部分裁决 partial award布鲁歇 Brocher不歧视待遇 non-discriminate treatmentC常设仲裁机构 permanent arbitratio

2、n agency场所支配行为 locus regit actum承认与执行外国法院判决 recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments程序规范 procedure rules重叠适用的冲突规范 double conflict rules冲突法 the conflict of laws冲突规范 conflict rules船舶抵押权 ship mortgage船舶留置权 possessors lien on vessel 船舶碰撞 collision船舶所有权 ownership of ship船舶优先权 maritime lien垂直的法律冲突

3、 vertical conflict of lawsD达让特莱 DArgentre代理 agency戴赛 Dicey单边冲突规范 unilateral conflict rules单式运输分合同 sub-contracts单一反致 single renvoi单一破产制 unitary bankruptcy当事人合意选择的法律 lex voluntatis当事人意思自治 autonomy of will德帕涅 Despagnet地理标准 geographic criterion地域效力 territoriality定期租船合同 time charter 定性 qualification东道国法律

4、 law of host country动态连结点 variable point of contact杜摩兰 Dumoulin独任仲裁员 sole arbitrator对人诉讼管辖权 in personam jurisdiction对物诉讼管辖权 in rem jurisdiction多式运输经营人 combined transport operatorE二级识别 secondary characterizationF法定继承 intestate succession法定住所 statutory domicile法定管辖 statutory jurisdiction法官知法 jura novi

5、t curia法律关系本座说 Doctrine of the Seat of Particular Legal Relationships法律规避 evasion of law法律适用规范 rules of application of law法律选择规范 choice-of-law rules法人 legal person法人的国籍 nationality of legal person法人的住所 domicile of legal person法域 law district法院地法 lex fori 法则区别说 Statutist Theory反致 renvoi非当地化 de-locali

6、zation非国内化 de-nationalise非内国裁决标准 non-domestic award test非政府组织 nongovernmental organization非自执行条约 non-self-executing treaty废除豁免论 The Doctrine of Abolishing Immunity分割方法 choosing and picking, depecage分类 classification分析法学与比较法说 the Theory of Analytical Jurisprudence and Comparative Law 附带问题 incidental

7、question复合破产制 pluralism bankruptcy夫妻关系 matrimonial relationship伏特 VoetG个案识别说 qualification case by case公共秩序保留 reservation of public order公共政策 public policy共同海损 general average管辖权选择方法 jurisdiction-selecting rules光船租船合同 bareboat charter国籍的积极冲突 positive conflict of nationality国籍的消极冲突 negative conflict

8、of nationality国际保理 international factoring国际贷款协议 international loan agreement国际法律冲突 international conflict of laws国际股票 international shares国际惯例 International Usages 国际交往互利 Mutual Benefit in International Communication国际礼让说 Comity Theory国际贸易术语解释通则 Incoterms国际民商法 International Civil and commercial Law

9、国际民商事关系 International Civil and commercial legal relations国际民事案件管辖权 international civil jurisdiction国际民事诉讼程序 international civil litigation国际民事诉讼法 International Civil Procedure Law国际破产 international bankruptcy国际商会仲裁院 Court of Arbitration,ICC国际商事仲裁 international commercial arbitration国际私法 Private Int

10、ernational Law国际私法规范 rules of private international law国际司法协助 international judicial assistance国际条约 International Conventions国际统一程序法条约 conventions on international procedure law国际统一冲突法条约 conventions on conflict of laws国际统一实体法条约 conventions on international uniform substantive law 国际债券 international

11、debentures国际证券 international securities国际仲裁 international arbitration国际组织 international organization国家豁免 state immunity国家及其财产豁免 immunities of states and their property国民待遇 National Treatment国有化 nationalizationH海难救助 salvage at sea海事赔偿责任限制 limitation of liability for maritime claims海牙规则 Hague Rules海牙维

12、斯比规则 Hague-Visby Rules汉堡规则 Hamburg Rules航次租船合同 voyage charter合理的方法 rational solution合同 contract合同缔结地法 lex loci contractus合同自体法理论 the proper law of the Contract横向冲突 horizontal conflict胡伯 Huber互惠说 reciprocal汇票 bill of exchange混合法则 statuta mixta婚姻举行地法 lex loci celebrationisJ继承 succession既得权说 the Theory

13、 of Vested or Acquired Rights监护 custody间接代理 indirect agency间接反致 indirect remission间接管辖权 indirect international jurisdiction间接送达 indirect service abroad简易陪审团审判 Summary Jury Trial交互式ODR模式 Interactive ODR Venues结果选择方法 result-selecting rules结婚 Marriage解决投资争端国际中心International Center for the Settlement of

14、 Investment Disputes, ICSID “借用”法规 ”borrowing” statute禁治产制度 interdiction静态连结点 constant point of contact居所 residence绝对豁免论 The Doctrine of Absolute ImmunityK卡弗斯 Cavers康恩 Kahn客观标志原则 the Objective Contacts Doctrine客观连结点 the objective point of contact柯里 Currie肯塔基方法 Kentucky Method空间法律冲突 inter-spatial con

15、flict of laws库克 Cook库恩 KuhnL拉贝尔 Rabel离婚 Divorce 离线仲裁调解机构 National Arbitration and Mediation里斯 Reese立遗嘱能力 capacity连结点 point of contact连结对象 object of connection连结因素 connecting factor临时仲裁、特别仲裁 ad hoc arbitration agency领事裁判权 consular jurisdiction领事代理 consular agency领事途径 consular mechanism领域标准 territoria

16、l testM美国仲裁协会AAA American Arbitration Association孟西尼 Mancini民法施行法 EGBGBN内国裁决 domestic award OODR Online Dispute ResolutionP票据 negotiable instruments 聘请法官 Rent-a-Judge 平等豁免论 The Doctrine of Equal Immunity平面的法律冲突 horizontal conflict of laws破产 bankruptcy普遍的效力 universality普遍优惠待遇 Treatment of Generalized

17、 System of Preference Q旗国法 law of the flag起作用的事实 operative facts戚希尔 Cheshire侵权行为 tort侵权行为地法 law of the place of wrong侵权行为地法 lex loci delicti亲子关系 parent-children relationship区别制 separate system区际私法 private inter-regional law区际法律冲突 inter-regional conflict of lawsR人的法则 statuta personalia人际法律冲突 Inter-personal conflict of laws任意性惯例 non-exclusive usages任意管辖权

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