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1、阅读阅读理解理解 细节理解技巧1.Enjoy English,Enjoy life!2.阅读理解题型3.细节细节理解理解题题的特点的特点4.细节题的类型1.特定特定细节题细节题:what,who,why,when,where,how2.泛指化泛指化细节题细节题:What can you learn from.Which of the following is(Not)true?3.变变相相细节题细节题:计计算,排序算,排序5.解解题出出错之原因:之原因:1.找不到原句,找找不到原句,找错原句原句2.对比原句与比原句与选项出出错6.策略之一:策略之一:搞清文章的搞清文章的结构,快速定位原句构,快

2、速定位原句可能出可能出现的段落的段落找找题干中的关干中的关键词或或选项中的关中的关键词,比,比对原文,原文,定位信息点。定位信息点。7.寻找找题干的关干的关键词8.Tip Tip 1 1:找:找:找:找题题干中的关干中的关干中的关干中的关键词键词来定位信息点来定位信息点来定位信息点来定位信息点9.Tip Tip 2 2:找找找找选项选项中的关中的关中的关中的关键词键词来定位信息点来定位信息点来定位信息点来定位信息点10.策略之二:策略之二:对比原句与比原句与选项表达的表达的信息信息是否是否完全吻合完全吻合11.Tip 1:同同义词转换12.13.Surprisingly,compared wi

3、th those in poor health or who had low incomes,respondents who enjoyed good health or income were associated with expecting a greater decline.Also,the researchers said that higher income was related to a greater risk of disability.5:How do people of higher income see their future?vA.They will earn l

4、ess money.vB.They will become pessimistic.vC.They will suffer mental illness.vD.They will have less time to enjoy life.14.something that you would rather not have anyone else know about15.Last night I was driving from Harrisburg to Lewisburg,distance of about eighty miles.It was late.Several times I

5、 got stuck behind a slow-moving truck on a narrow road with a solid white line on my left,and I became increasingly impatient.7.Why did the author get impatient while driving?A.He was lonely on the road.B.He was slowed down by a truck.C.He got tired of driving too long.D.He came across too many traf

6、fic lights.Practice16.策略之三:策略之三:出出题者往往出一些陷井,做者往往出一些陷井,做题时需需要仔要仔细分辨分辨17.Which of the following is the sign of MS?D.The patient cant speak properly.原句原句 One sign of MS is losing the ability to speak clearly.陷阱陷阱1:选项与原文中形容与原文中形容词、副、副词使用不一致,使用不一致,表达的意思不吻合表达的意思不吻合18.2.Dogsons made-up words _.B.are borrow

7、ed from other languages.原文:原文:Most of these words are combined naturally with more common words in the English language.陷阱陷阱2:扩大大陈述述对象的范象的范围 19.(12,湖北湖北)What can be learnt about Swiss watch industry from the passage?C.It wastes a huge amount of money in advertising.原文原文 with the aid of millions of p

8、ounds worth of advertising 动作被作被偷换wastesaid陷阱陷阱3:偷梁梁换柱(柱(动作、作、发出者、承受者)出者、承受者)20.(12重重庆)What can we conclude from the recent study?选项C.science is getting dangerously out of control.原文:原文:A recent study,while shows positive attitude towards science,also suggests a worry that it may be“getting out of c

9、ontrol.”陷阱陷阱4:作者的作者的语气被改气被改变 21.7.Why would weekend afternoons become dead time without sport programs?A.Because there would be few viewersB.Because the advertisers would be off workC.Because television programs would go slowlyD.Because viewers would pay less for watching television An attraction of

10、 sport programs for the major U.S.media companies is that events are often held on Saturday and Sunday afternoonsthe slowest time periods of the week for general television viewing.Sport events are the most popular weekend programs,especially among male viewers who may not watch much television at other times during the week.无中生有无中生有无中生有无中生有陷阱陷阱5:无中生有:无中生有22.细节理解理解题阅读策略策略I.遵循遵循顺序性原序性原则,正确定位文中信息点,正确定位文中信息点a.a.用用用用题题干中的关干中的关干中的关干中的关键词键词来定位信息来定位信息来定位信息来定位信息b.b.用用用用选项选项中的关中的关中的关中的关键词键词来定位信息来定位信息来定位信息来定位信息II.准确理解文章信息点准确理解文章信息点a.同同义转换b.词性性变化化III.注意陷阱,注意陷阱,选出正确出正确选项C.语言言简化化23.24.25.

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