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1、(完整版)Unit 1What a wonderful time!课题序号1授课班级11施工4、5、6班授课课时2授课形式讲授授课章节名 称Unit 1 Listening and Speaking 使用教具Taperecorder, teachers book教学目的1. Master the important words and expressions in the dialogue.2。 Enable the students to know how to speak travel experiences in English3. Making an outing plan.4。 En

2、able the students to make dialogues by using the useful expressions learned in the dialogue according to the given situation.教学重点 Useful words, phrases and sentence patterns。教学难点1。How to use the useful expressions in the real situations。2.Improve the students speaking ability更新、补充、删节内容1.A dialogue a

3、bout how to ask for and give directions 2. Making an outing plan.课外作业1. Read the dialogues fluently。2. Preview the passage。教学后记授课主要内容或板书设计 Unit 1 Listening and SpeakingStep 1 Review Words and Expressions Step 2 SpeakingI. Lead-in: Warming upTry to finish the two activities on page2.II。 Part A What a

4、 wonderful time!1.Show some expressions on the blackboard, and then ask students to give the responses with the real situations.(Present the useful patterns and expressions in this way)2。Let the students listen the dialogue carefully and finish the exersice above the dialogue3。then explain some diff

5、icult language points in the dialogues。III。 Part B Have A Nice Trip !1. Useful expressions.2。 Listen to the tape carefully, and pay more attention to the pronunciation。 3。 According to the tape, finish the exercises on the book。 4。 Ask students to imitate, and then let some groups read the dialogues

6、 IV。 Practice Pair work.: Let students make a dialogue by using the useful patterns and expressions learned in the model dialogues according to the given situation.Step 3 Assignment1. Read the dialogue fluently 2. Preview the passage.Step 4 Homework Unit 1 Listening and SpeakingContents:Thisisthefir

7、stperiodofUnit1。Thestudentshavelearnedsomewordsaboutkinds of travel. Analysisofthestudents:Thestudentscanusesomesimplesentencestotalkaboutkinds of travel。Inthisclass,theywilllearnmoreaboutintreseting travel plans。 Teaching Aims: 1。 Master the important words and expressions in the dialogue。2。 Enable

8、 the students to know how to speak travel experiences in English3。 Making an outing plan.4. Enable the students to make dialogues by using the useful expressions learned in the dialogue according to the given situation。Teachingaids:multimedia,pictures,computersandsoon。 TeachingProcedures:Step I Warm

9、 upActivity 1: Read the pictures in the box. Where do you think these places? What activities can people do at each place?注:1。新课导入部分可以带领学生学看图,根据图上标明的不同地方做出回答,以便了解一些旅游胜地。Activity 2: Why do you travel? Tick your reasons and add reasons that are not listed below。.注:将学生分成两人或三人小组。确定组内每个成员的任务,通过简单的问答和替换练习

10、,可以让学生熟悉第一个活动中图片上所有的运动。Step II Listening and speakingA What a wonderful time!Activity 1: Where did Lily probably go in the winter vacation?Tick () your guess。 Then listen to the conversation to check your prediction。Activity 2: Listen again。 Then underline the sentences talking about a travel destin

11、ation in the conversation.注:让学生注意听力中的语音语调,基础好的同学可以模仿。Activity 3: Match the instructions with the correct pictures.Activity 4: Work in pairs and complete the conversation below.B Have A nice trip !Activity 5:Which of the following preparations will you make before you start travelling?Tick your answe

12、r.Activity 6:Listen again and circle the best answer.Activity 7: Listen again and tick the information you hear.Activity 8: Talk with your partner. Use the expressions youve learned on break-time activities。课题序号2授课班级11施工4、5、6班授课课时2授课形式讲授授课章节名 称Unit 1 Reading and Writing 使用教具Tape-recorder, teachers b

13、ook教学目的1。 Master the important words and expressions in the text.2. Master some useful words, phrases and sentence structures learned in the passage。3。 Train the students reading ability.教学重点 Useful words, phrases and sentence patterns.教学难点1.How to use the useful expressions in the real situations.2

14、。Improve the students reading ability课外作业1. Read the text fluently.2. Preview the passage.教学后记授课主要内容及设计 Unit 1 Reading and WritingA journey to Hong Kong DisneylandStep 1 Review Words and ExpressionsStep 2 Warm upLeadin: Activity : Read the text and choose the best sparetime activities for yourselvee

15、s。(give 4 mins to discuss and sum up )Step 3 Reading1 Key words and useful expressions( Guess the meaning of the words and learn to prepare for reading)2 Pre reading tasks Ask students to make their own questions Discussions3 while reading explain the language points in text sum up the main idea of

16、each paragraph4 post reading write a short composition about sportStep 4 Consilodation Explain the grammar of text to ss and ask them to learn the new word and expressions.Step 4 Practise Finish the exercises after the text,and ask ss to show their answers to us Step 4 Homework Making compositions,

17、retelling and reading。 Unit 1 Reading and WritingA journey to Hong Kong DisneylandContents:ThisisthefirstperiodofUnit1。Thestudentshavelearnedsomewordsaboutkinds of travel。 Analysisofthestudents:Thestudentscanusesomesimplesentencestotalkaboutkinds of travel.Inthisclass,theywilllearnmoreaboutintreseti

18、ng travel plans and reading abilities。Teaching Aims: 1。 Master the important words and expressions in the text。2。 Master some useful words, phrases and sentence structures learned in the passage.3。 Train the students reading ability。Teachingaids:multimedia,pictures,computersandsoon. TeachingProcedur

19、es:Step I Warm up1. Review the knowledge of introducing in last class。Learn new words in the vocabulary and ask Ss to read them Step II Pre-reading tasks The pre-class tasks are as follows: Activity 1: Read the text and underline the activities the writer and his classmates do on the sparetime activ

20、ities day.(give 4 mins to discuss and sum up )注:可以让学生重点阅读第一段,同时训练学生细致观察的能力.Step III Reading the text。Activity 2: Read the text quickly and try to catch the main idea of the text。 You may use your skills of skimming and scanning and have a discussion with your partner。 Later I will ask two of you to

21、share your opinions.Activity 3:Read the first paragraph again and underline the topic sentence。Activity 4:Choose the best topic sentence for the paragraph below。注:是学生了解段落主要大意,训练学生概括段落大意的能力。Activity 4: Read the text again and find out the grammar。a. At the back of .在。后面 get excited ; become excited。b

22、. 短语“be tired of”后加名词或动名词,表示“厌倦了,厌烦了做某事c. 现在分词做伴随状语的特点是:她所代表的动作或状态是伴随着句子谓语动词的动作而发生或存在的.伴随状语的逻辑主语一般情况下必须是全句的主语.例如:He sat in the armchair, reading an interesting magazine。d. Run around and play with water 是省略了to的动词不定式充当watch的宾语补足语.动词不定式做宾语补足语,补不定式符号to可以省略的动词有:see, watch, hear, observe, feel,look at等感官

23、动词及使役动词.e. Slow down 放慢速度 quality time 黄金时光,珍贵时光f. While 在文中用作并列连词,意思是“但,却,然而”,表示对比或与前面的情况相反。例如:She drinks black coffee while I prefer it with cream.Step IV WritingActivity 7:Read the paragraph below and write a topic sentence for it. Then exchange your topic sentence with others。Step VI Homework课题序

24、号3授课班级11施工4、5、6班授课课时2授课形式讲授授课章节名 称Unit 1 Language in use使用教具Tape-recorder, teachers book教学目的1. Master the phonitics and rules of three phonetics.2。 Enable the students to know how to tell from the three phonetics3. Master the exclamations for ability.4. Train the students grammar ability.教学重点Master

25、the phonitics and rules of four phonetics。教学难点 Master the phonitics and rules of four phonetics。Train the students grammar ability。更新、补充、删节内容Master the exclamations for ability。课外作业 Read the phonetics fluently。 Preview the next lesson.教学后记授课主要内容或板书设计 Unit 1 Language in usePart One1. revision of the

26、last lesson2. Ask and answer:Part Two Grammar 1. 导入:1)复习上册的音标,单元音和双元音.2)观察三个音标 ,自己归纳这些音的区别2。 进行知识点的归纳与总结。3。回忆语法点,总结归纳规则。3. 练习1) Ask the students to complete the exercises。 2) Check the answers。3) Explain the difficult points in this part。4。 巩固Part Three Assignment1). Review the whole unit。2). Recite

27、 the new words and expression。3)。 Finish the exercises。 Unit 1 Language in useContents:ThisisthethreeperiodofUnit1。 Thestudentshavelearnedsomephonetics and grammar。Analysisofthestudents:Thestudentscanusesomesimplesentencestotalkaboutthe phonetics and grammar.Inthisclass,theywilllearnmoreaboutintrese

28、ting knowledge and abilities。 Teaching Aims: 1。 Master the phonitics and rules of three phonetics。2. Enable the students to know how to tell from the three phonetics3。 Master the exclamations for ability。4。 Train the students grammar ability。Teachingaids:multimedia,pictures,computersandsoon。 Teachin

29、gProcedures:Step I Warm up1。Review the knowledge of introducing in last class.2.Review the phonetics and grammar of last book。Step II Language in useA PhoneticsActivity 1: Listen and read the following phonetics and words.注:本活动列出三个音标以及对应的常见单词,让学生掌握辅音发音规则和拼写规则.Activity 2:Read the following words. Put

30、 them in the proper basket according to the pronunciation of the endings.注:可以鼓励学生自己主动尝试纠正发音,掌握发音技巧。Activity 3: Play a game to add more words and ask ss to tell from them。Activity 4: Make up a tongue twister to develop ss interest.B Grammar 感叹句: 感叹句由“How + 形容词 / 副词 和 “What + 名词构成,后面要用“!”。可以省略主语和谓语. 1

31、 How 形容词 / 副词. 1 How + 形容词 主 谓 ! How cold it is today ! How clever the boy is ! 2 How 副词 主 谓 ! How fast she runs ! How hard the girls are working ! 3 How + 形容词 a / an + 名词 主 谓 ! How clever a boy he is ! How funny an elephant it is ! 2What + 名词。 1 What + a / an 形容词 可数名词单数 主 谓 !What a fine day it is t

32、oday ! What an honest man his father is ! 2 What 形容词 可数名词复数 主 谓 ! What tall trees they are ! What good students the boys are ! 3 What 形容词 不可数名词 主 谓 ! What cold water it is ! What delicious milk it is ! C VocabularyActivity 7:Learn the directions on a compas. And then complete the paragraph below wit

33、h the directions.Activity 8:Complete the sentences with the correct words from the box. Change the form if necessary.可以让学生在练习前回顾一下所给单词,并在核对答案时说出整句的含义.Step IV Homework 课题序号4授课班级11施工4、5、6班授课课时2授课形式讲授授课章节名 称Unit 1 Real life skills and Further reading使用教具Taperecorder, teachers book教学目的1。 Master the impo

34、rtant words and expressions in the text。2. Master some useful words, phrases and sentence structures learned in the passage.3。 Train the students practise and reading ability.教学重点Master some useful words, phrases and sentence structures learned in the passage。教学难点Train the students practise and read

35、ing ability.课外作业 Read the phonetics fluently。 Preview the next lesson.教学后记授课主要内容或板书设计 Unit 1 Real life skills and Further readingStep 1 Review Words and ExpressionsStep 2 Warm upLead-in: Activity : Rivew the phonetics and grammar of last lesson.(give 4 mins to discuss and sum up )Step 3 Real life sk

36、illsAsk ss to finish the four activities on the page and find out the rules。Step 4 Reading1 Key words and useful expressions( Guess the meaning of the words and learn to prepare for reading)2 Pre reading tasks Ask students to make their own questions Discussions3 while reading explain the language p

37、oints in text B sum up the main idea of each paragraph4 post reading write a short composition about homeStep 4 Consilodation Explain the grammar of text to ss and ask them to learn the new word and expressions。Step 4 Practise Finish the exercises after the text,and ask ss to show their answers to u

38、sStep 7 Homework Making compositions, retelling and reading.Unit 1 Real life skills and Further readingContents:ThisisthefourperiodofUni1。Thestudentshavelearned abouthow to practise the knowledge into real life and train reading ability. Analysisofthestudents:Thestudentscanusesomesimplesentencestota

39、lkabouthow to practise the knowledge into real life and train reading ability. Inthisclass,theywilllearnmoreaboutintreseting spare-time activities and reading abilities。 Teaching Aims: 1。 Master the important words and expressions in the text.2。 Master some useful words, phrases and sentence structu

40、res learned in the passage。3. Train the students practise and reading ability.TeachingProcedures:Step I Warm upLeadin: Activity : Rivew the phonetics and grammar of last lesson。(give 4 mins to discuss and sum up )Step II Real life skillsActivity 1: Read the four detailed information of the tour pack

41、ages arranged by Spring Tour Agency. Then introduce them to your classmates。 The leaving dates of each tour are marked on the calendar。在活动前要求学生预习,通过网络、图片或书籍杂志等途径查找表格中要求的地名的英文表达.Activity 2: Ask at least three of your classmates about their wishes on a coming spring outing. You may ask the following q

42、uestions and take down the answer in the table.Activity 3: The following are the important school events one shouldnt miss in March。 Mark the dates on the calendar in Activity 1.Activity 4: Finish the following Spring Outing Plan for your class。 Answer the following questions first。Step III Further

43、readingBackpacking1.Pre-reading tasks The preclass tasks are as follows: Activity 1: Discuss the expirence of free entertainment to arouse ss interest。(give 4 mins to discuss and sum up )2.Reading the text。Activity 2: Read the text quickly and try to catch the main idea of the text. You may use your

44、 skills of skimming and scanning and have a discussion with your partner。 Later I will ask two of you to share your opinions.Activity 3:Read the first paragraph again and underline the topic sentence.Activity 4:Choose the best topic sentence for the paragraph below.注:是学生了解段落主要大意,训练学生概括段落大意的能力。Step IV PractiseStep V Homework

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