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1、(完整word)新概念7390课综合测试题新概念7390课综合测试题Name:_Score:_一、找出下列每组单词划线部分读音不同的单词(10分) ( )1.A.have B. make C. take D。 wake ( )2。A。rich B。 bike C. nice D. white( )3。A。cool B。 boot C。 look D。 tooth( )4。A。 city B。 class C。 come D. cake( )5。A。bread B。 heavy C. breakfast D. leave二、词组互译(10分)1. enjoy oneself_ 6。 相信_2.

2、起床 _ 7。answer the phone_3。see a dentist_ 8.漂亮的_4。在回家的路上_ 9.make a shopping list_5.stand on the left _ 10。洗澡_ 三、单项选择(40分)( ) 1.Thats good news _ you.A. of B at C. for D. about ( ) 2. Dont read _bed. Its bad for your eyes.A。 of B。 in C。 on D. for ( ) 3. I_ you for a long time. Where _you_? A. didnt se

3、e; did, go B. didnt see;have, goneC。 havent seen; have, been D。 havent seen; have, gone( )4。Where s Tom ? He _ London with his sister。A. has been to B. has gone to C. comes from D. went to( ) 5。I have finished my work 。-When _you _it ?Two hours ago .A have, finished B do, finish C。 did ,finish D. wi

4、ll finish ( ) 6. Keep the door _, please . A. close B. open C。 opened D。 closing ( ) 7. Tell your brother not _matches. Its dangerous。 A. play with B. to play with C。 playing on D。 to play on ( ) 8。 Some students _ absent _school yesterday。A. are, from B。 are ,at C。 were ,from D. were , for( ) 9。 Th

5、ere are _people there。A。 a hundred of B. hundreds of C. hundred of D。 an hundred( ) 10._my way _school, I met my old friend, John.A. On, to B. In, to C。 On, 不填 D. In, for( ) 11. _ you _ school yesterday?A. Are, at B。 Were, in C. Are, in D. Were, at( ) 12。 I_ her in the street last week。A. was meetin

6、g B. meet C。 met D. meeted( ) 13. These shoes are _ now。A。 in the fashion B. in fashion C. on the fashion D. on fashion( ) 14.We havent got any milk _ coffee。A. and B。 but C. yet D。 or ( ) 15. We have already _this film。A. saw B。 watched C. seen D. watch ( ) 16。 I havent got _money, _.A. much, eithe

7、r B. many, eitherC. much, too D. many, too( ) 17. _you_ Paris ?A。 Have, gone to B. Have, been toC. Do, gone to D。 Do, been to ( ) 18. There _a school meeting tomorrow 。A。 are B. will have C. is going to be D. is going to have( ) 19。 Im busy. I m _a car these days.A。 learn to drive B。 learn driving C

8、. learning driving D. learning to drive( )20。There are two _on the table .A. radio B。 radios C。 radioes D。 radios 四、用所给动词的适当形式填空(10分) 1。 Listen! Who _(sing) in the next room now ? 2。 Lets _ (take) the chairs to the room。 3. He _ (write) four letters to his wife every month。 4。 John _ (study) English

9、 for 2 years。5。 Tom_ (play) basketball with Jack just now.五、句型转换(20分) 1。 She comes from Chinese。(变为否定句和一般疑问句) _2。 He has lived for 6 years。(变为否定句和一般疑问句) _3。 They will come here in five minutes .(变为否定句 )4。 I didnt like this city 。(变为肯定句)- 5。 They are playing football at school.(改为否定句和一般疑问句 )-_六、完形填空(

10、20分)通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的四个选项中选择能填入相应空白的最佳的一项。Peter saved up seven dollars。 He wanted to _1_a model (模型) plane and went to the shop with the money。On the way, Peter saw a little boy _2_on the corner (拐角) of the street. “_3_are you crying ? Peter asked。“Three big boys took _4_my four dollars just

11、now ,”the boy said.“I was on _5_way to buy some books, but now I cant。”Peter thought of the _6_dollars in the pocket。 He thought of the model plane and the poor _7_。Peter wanted to walk away, _8_he didnt。 At last he _9_four dollars to the boy and went home。 Peter _10_happy。 Do you know why? He was h

12、appy because the little boy was happy。( ) 1。 A。 sell B。 buy C. hold D. bring ( ) 2。 A. cries B. to cry C。 crying D. cried( ) 3 A。 Why B. How C。 What D. For ( ) 4. A. out B。 off C. up D. away( ) 5. A。 my B. their C. his D. a ( ) 6。 A. three B. four C. seven D。 little ( ) 7。 A。 books B。 seven dollars C。 three big boys D。 boy( ) 8. A。 and B。 or C. but D。 so ( ) 9 A. lent B。 gave C. borrowed D. took ( ) 10. A. becomes B. looking C。 feels D. felt 。

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