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1、初一上英语M1-M2模块练习卷一、 单选题。( ) 1. Chinese put the _ first.A. family nameB. given nameC. full name( ) 2. My _ jobs are teachers. A. parentsB. parentsC. parents ( ) 3. -What about _a rest? - OK. Lets go out and have a walk.A. to take B. takes C. taking ( ) 4. Lingling with her mother _ at home now.A. is B.

2、 are C. am( ) 5. - What are these? - _ arms. A. These are B. They are C. Its( ) 6. I have _ aunt and _ uncle. A. an, an B. a, a C. an, a ( ) 7. -What is the woman? -_. A. She is beautifulB. She is a teacherC. She is from Foshan ( ) 8. The driver is driving _ the bus.A. in front of B. at the back ofC

3、. in the front of ( ) 9. Look at our desk. Jack sits _ my right. A. at B. to C. on ( ) 10. - _ ? - She is a nurse. A. Who is she? B. Whats she job?C. Whats her job?( ) 11. There are seven people in this family. _ big family!A. What B. What a C. How ( ) 12. -weather! Its too cold! -Thats terrible! We

4、 cant go climbing todayAWhat badBWhat a badCHow bad ( ) 13. My friend Jenny often helps _ with _ English.A. I; me B. me; myC. my; me ( ) 14. -Is this _notebook? -No, it isnt_.A. theirs; their B. hers; his C. your; mine ( ) 15. - Hello! May I speak to John? - _ John speaking. Who _?A. I am, are you B

5、. This is, is that C. I am, is that 二、首字母单词填空或根据中文提示用正确形式填空。1. My grandfather is _(大约) 88 years old.2. Those _(美国人) came to China last week.3. Those _ (男警察) are standing next to a _(宾馆).4. Sallys brothers are _ (演员).5. Beijing is the _ (首都)of China.6. They have classes f _ Monday to Friday.7. My sis

6、ter is a d_. She w_ in a hospital.8. I want to take a bus. Lets go to the bus s_.9. Her mother is the m_ of a t_.10. Susan has many p_ of her family members. Her u_ is a bus d_. 三、 完成句子。1. 这条蛇不是来自美洲.The snake _ America.2. 广州是广东的省会城市吗?Is Guangzhou _?3. Tony 是我的名,Smith 是我的姓。Tony is my _ and Smith is m

7、y _.4. 这是一张我家庭的照片。This is _.5. Mary 和Peter 在同一个医院上班。Mary and peter work _.6. 他正站在他妈妈的左边。He is standing _his mother.7. Tony的爸爸是一名酒店经理。 Tonys father is_.8. 那些是露西的笔记本吗?_Lucys notebooks?9. 这些树好高呀!What _they are!10. 老师站在教室的前面。The teacher stands_ the classroom.四、翻译句子。1. 我有一个好朋友,我们在同一个班级。_.2. 我们在第十中学上学。_.3

8、. 他每天走路去上学。_.4. 他在班上很友好也很聪明。_. 5. 他经常在家帮他的妈妈做家务。_.6. 班上的每一个人都喜欢他。_.7. 课后我们两个都喜欢打篮球。_.8. 你能告诉我一些关于你的好朋友的事吗?_.五、 阅读回答问题。Do you know the pretty girl? Her name is Tian Wei. She was born on April 5, 1986. She is from Beijing. She has two big eyes and short hair. She is good at Chinese. And she loves writ

9、ing.She was unlucky. When she was in Grade 8, she was seriously ill. Her doctor said she would lose her life anytime. But she wasnt afraid of death. She kept on studying and writing. She died on August 13, 2007. She smiled till the end of her life.Tian Wei has a great dream. She hopes that people co

10、uld read her book in the bookshops. In March, 2009, her only book Hua Tian Ban Mu comes out. It has more than 5 thousand words. In her book she says, Im always aching (疼痛). If possible, Ill let my right eye weep (哭泣) but the other one smile.1. What does Tian Wei do well in?_.2. Does she love writing

11、?_.3. What happened to Tian Wei when she was in Grade 8?_.4. When does the book Hua Tian Ban Mu come out?_.5. How many words does the book Hua Tian Ban Mu have?_.期末复习卷M1-M2答案一、单选题1-5 ABCAB 6-10 ABCCC 11-15 BABCB二、 首字母填空1. about 2. Americans 3. policemen; hotel 4.actors 5. capital 6. from 7. doctor;

12、works 8. stop/station 9. manager; theatre 10. photos/pictures; uncle; driver三、完成句子1. isnt from/doesnt come from2. the capital of Guangdong3. given name; family name 4. a photo/picture of my family5. at/in the same hospital6. on the left of7. the manager of a hotel8. Are those9. tall trees10. in the

13、front of 四、翻译1. I have a good friend and we are in the same class.2. We study in No.10 Middle School.3. He walks to school every day.He goes to school on foot every day.4. He is friendly and smart/clever in class.5. He often helps his mother with housework. He often helps his mother (to) do housewor

14、k.6. Everyone in our class likes him.7. Both of us like playing basketball after class.8. Can you tell me something about your friends?五、阅读1. She is good at Chinese/does well in Chinese.2. Yes, she does.3. When she was in Grade 8, she was seriously ill./ She was seriously ill when she was in Grade 8.4. The book Hua Tian Ban Mu comes out in March, 2009. /It comes out in March, 2009.5. It has more than 5 thousand words.

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