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1、(完整版)必修五单句改错必修五单句改错 原创1. There is some doubt that he is honest。2。 Morning or afternoon, it makes no difference on me。3。 Only a small number of people is against the plan。4。 If burns are on arms or legs, keep them higher than the heart, if it possible。5。 Anyone, once testing positive for H7N9 flu , w

2、ill receive free medical treatment from our government。1。What they do in later life depend on the habits they formed when they were young. 2.It is no doubt that hell take part in the sports.3。He lay in the bed,with his eyes opened.4.If I am you,I would take an umbrella with me today。5。I wish that al

3、l the students can finish the homework.1。I am so delight to return home, for I miss my family very much。2。He was accused for stealing a car by the police。3.Last weekend, we did a thoroughly cleaning。4。Mr.Wang is one of my fathers colleague。5.Your composition needs polish.1. I felt very nervous at ev

4、ery time I climbed onto the wall。2. Neithermyparentsnormysisterhavedinnerathome。3. Only then he realize the importance of English4. She had a worrying look on her face when she knew that bad news.5。 There is no cure of the disease nowadays so it can only be prevented.1。In spite of the heavy rain,the

5、 boy remained stood outside.2.On our way home,we found a boy lay by the road,dying.3。Can you imagine a situation that the word can be used?4.Hehad great problems made himself understood。5.The problems he referred to requiring careful discussion。6.His brother is said to be connected to the robbery。7.

6、To our great surprised,the boy failed in the exam again.8。His brother with a red jacket got his leg broken in the match。9.There is no doubt whether he will win the match.10.Its high time that you get rid of such a bad habit。11。He is supposed to comingto the meeting.1. The house is comfortable to liv

7、e.2. I had visited the Queen 3 times previous。3. Encouraging by the speech, the young people made up their minds to take up the struggle.4。 Who can think of a situation which this idiom can be used?5。 He is so greedy to knowledge that he reads every book available.6。 On the top of the hill stand a t

8、emple。1。 My money for this month has been run out.2. Youd beeter get the work finish by night。3. Although he is busy, but he often helps us with housework。4。 If I was you, I would donate most of my money to the poor。5. I was impressed by the way which she did it.1。 That is easy to become addicted to

9、 drugs。2. It was in the shop where his sister worked he met a foreigner。 3。 I dont think that possible for a student to master a language without much memory work。4. I am not accustomed to be told what to do.5。 It was the first time that he visited it.7.It was at the theatre where Mr。Black was shot.

10、8.It was the theatre that Mr. Black was shot。9.I am opposed to drive while drunk.10。Under no circumstance do you lend him money. 1。 If you want to make your way to this field, you must work hard while you are still young。2. We began to climb the mountain, that took us about two hours.3。 We really appreciate it if she offered to help.4。 Judged by his accent, he must be from the north。5. Under no circumstances you should lend him money.6。 Does this matter so much if I cant finish the job on time?

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