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1、湖北省部分重点中学20162017学年度上学期新高三起点考试英语试题答案第一部分 听力(共20小题,每小题1。5分,满分30分)15 BCABC 610 CBBAA 1115 CBBAA 1620 CBACC第二部分:阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分,满分40分)第一节A篇:21-23 DAC B篇:2427 BCDD C篇:2831 BCCA D篇:32-35 BABD 第二节36-40 CBFGA第三部分:英语知识运用(共30小题,每小题1.5分,满分45分)第一节 完形填空41-45: BABDC 4650: ACBAC 5155: ADBDA 56-60: CBACD第二节(共10小题

2、;每小题1.5分,满分15分)61。 the 62。 If 63。 looking 64. more 65。 in 66. how 67。 immediately 68. annoyed 69。 is learning 70。 differences 第四部分:写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节:短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)Dear editor,I am writing to you to talk about the heavy traffic. Nowadays, people in many big cities are complaining the heavy tr

3、affic。 It has serious influenced peoples daily life about seriouslyand economic development。 To solve the problem, Id like to put forward some advices. adviceFor one thing, more streets and roads should be built. In this way, we can speed up the flow of buses and cars. For other, the number of bikes

4、 and cars can be limited, anotherthat can decrease the traffic flow。 But the most important thing is what the number of which thatprivate cars should be put under the control。 Meanwhile, buses should have its own theirspecial routes which cannot be using by other vehicles。 Therefore, underground tra

5、in and used Besides/Moreovercity train should be developed quickly.I do hope my suggestions will be taken。Yours,Li Hua第二节 书面表达(满分25分)One Possible Version:Dear Sir or Madam,Im writing this letter to apply for the job as a volunteer that you have advertised on the Internet. In my opinion, not only can

6、 volunteer work help me enrich my knowledge and experience, but also it can help those in need live better and become more confident.I will graduate from senior high school in June。 In the past, I took part in many social activities in which I performed well and gained rich experience. My interest a

7、nd skill in English, communication and teamwork contribute to my application for the job.I would appreciate an interview at your convenience。 Im looking forward to hearing from you in the future。 With all my best regards. Yours sincerely,Li Hua听力文稿 (Text 1) M: Are you from Australia, Miss White?W: N

8、o, my friend Jenny is。 Im from the United States。 Im going to travel to India with her by way of China.(Text 2) M: Im really surprised you got an A on the test. You didnt seem to have done much reading.W: Now you know why I never missed the lectures (Text 3) M: Hi, Susan. Have you got any plans for

9、the weekend?W: No, not really。 Why?M: Well, Bill and I were thinking of having a dance party. Would you like to come?W: I sure would! Just tell me the time and the place, and I will be there. (Text 4) W: Could I have an interview with you about my study program at 10:00 tomorrow morning, Doctor John

10、son?M: Im sorry, Miss Brand. Ill be meeting my students then. What about 30 minutes later?W: OK, well meet then. Thank you。M: Youre welcome. (Text 5) W: Is that you, Tom? Long time no see。 What have you been doing all these years?M: Hi, Lucy. I havent seen you in a million years. I actually worked a

11、broad for a few months and Ive just returned from Canada. How are things with you?W: Everything is fine, except that we have been missing you。M: We really need to get together some time. (Text 6) W: I think my purse was stolen, sir。M: Do you have any reason to believe that your purse was stolen?W: O

12、h, yes。 I left it on the table 20 minutes ago, and then I went to the restroom; but when I came back 15 minutes ago, it was gone.M: Are you sure you left your purse on the table?W: Of course, sir. I planned to pay the bill before I went to the restroom。M: Is this your purse? We found it in the restr

13、oom。W: Oh, yes, it is. I must have left it there and I totally forgot. Sorry。 (Text 7) W: Do you realize its November already? Before you know it, Thanksgiving will be here.M: Gee, youre right. Its time we decided what we are going to do this year. Well, do you feel like inviting your sister and her

14、 family over? Otherwise, Id like to invite my brother and his family.W: Id love to invite my sisters family. After all, they invited us last year.M: Good. Thats settled. Why dont you give your sister a call and see if they can come?W: Sure。 Say, Randy, can you help me with the shopping? We need to g

15、et a turkey。M: Right. Lets get a nice big one, so well have plenty of leftovers to make sandwiches with. (Text 8) W: Do you have any other hobbies besides stamp collecting?M: Yes, fishing.I go fishing twice a week。W: Thats very popular, too. Every time I pass the lake, I see many people sitting ther

16、e with fishing rods in their hands, but Ive never seen anyone catch anything.M: Maybe its because you lack patience.W: Maybe youre right。 I went fishing once。 I sat still about four hours and got nothing。 I broke my rod and decided not to fish any more。M: Oh, you didnt have to do that. Look at that

17、man。 There must be a huge fish on the end of the line. Lets go over and have a look。W: OK。 Wow, what a big fish!M: So it is interesting to fish with a rod sitting at the lake。 Say, what do you often do in your spare time?W: Oh, nothing special. I read, watch TV and go to the movies.M: Dont you have

18、any hobbies, like stamp collecting or things like that?W: No, I dont have any hobbies。 (Text 9) W: Good morning。M: Good morning.W: Mr。 Wang, can you tell me something about your work experience?M: Yes, I worked as a bank clerk for three years in the Bank of China. I must say that it was a good job。W

19、: Why did you leave that job, since it was such a good job?M: I didnt really want to, but my family had to move to another city, so I left the bank.W: What did you do after that?M: I worked for a private company for six months and then I did a oneyear full-time course in Finance and Trade.W: Whats y

20、our best quality?M: Um, my best quality? Well, I think Im a hard-working and responsible person。 I guess those are my best qualities。W: That is good. The position you applied for requires those qualities。M: Yes, a good sales manager should work hard and be responsible.W: Yet we want an experienced p

21、erson! And you havent worked in this position before.M: That is true. However, my advantage is that I am ambitious, and eager to do this job well. I believe I am the most suitable person for the job.W: OK! What are your salary requirements?M: Well, five to six thousand per month。W: OK! We will infor

22、m you when we make a decision. (Text 10) Bob and Don both needed some new clothes for school and they decided to go shopping together in the new department store. First, the two friends went to the mens department to see the suits. The salesman helped them find the right size and they each tried on

23、several suits. Bob found a light gray suit and he bought it。 Don finally chose a blue suit。 The boys also bought two pairs of trousers each。 Next, they went to the shoe department opposite the mens department。 The clerk measured their feet and brought each of them several pairs of shoes to try on。 I

24、t didnt take them very long to get their shoes. They didnt really need socks, but they decided to buy several pairs. While Don went to the shirt department, Bob went to buy a sweater。 It only took Don a few minutes to choose some shirts, and then he went to the sweater department to meet his friend. Bob tried on every sweater in his size, but none of them looked good on him. The boys intended to go to the movies before going home. But after they paid for all their new clothes, they had only enough money to ride home on the bus.

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