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1、(完整word)长沙市对口升学英语全真模拟十四长沙市对口升学英语全真模拟试卷十四Part II:知识运用(共三节,50小题,每小题1分;满分50分)第一节:词汇和语法(共15小题,每小题分;满分15分)21Walk straight and turn right of the street, youll see the building. A. in the end B. at the end C. by the end D. to the end22。His grandfather has been for three years.A. died B. dying C. dead D. de

2、ath 23。Its going to rain。 Youd better this raincoat with you.A. take B。 bring C. get D. fetch24。We cant move into the house yet, for it 。A. is getting repair B。 is being repaired C。 has been repaired D。 is repairing25。I some money on the bike and he a lot of money for his house.A。 spentspent B. cost

3、cost C。 spentpaid D. tookpaid26。Is this the school you visited the other day ?A the one B where C one D that27。They have produced steel this year as they did five years ago .A twice as much B twice as many C twice much as D twice many as 28. Is there for one more in the car?A. seat B. situation C. p

4、osition D。 room29。 first of October is National Day。A. The a B. Thethe C。 A / D. The/30.- Is this shortwave radio ? No. It belongs to .A。 yours me B。 yours.his C. her.him D. yours.her31. They are going to build an office building in the west of the city。A. 60 metre high B。 60metrehigh C。 60metres-hi

5、gh D. 60 metres high32。 you do it, it will be.A. The soon the good B。 The sooner the good C. The sooner the better D. Sooner better 33。 He slept well all the windows open。A. on B. with C。 in D. since 34. The reason for his success is he worked hard。A。 why B. for C. because D。 that35.How I wish I tha

6、t yesterday!A. didnt do B. hadnt done C。 wouldnt do D. couldnt do 第二节:交际用语(共25小题,每小题分;满分25分)A. 根据提供的信息,从四个选项中选出一个符合对话情景或含义的答案,回答所提出的问题。(10分)36-How is everything with you? - A。 Its nothing B。 Thats all right C. Im sorry D. Not bad, thanks。37. - -Four years。A. How old is your mother? B. How do you do?

7、C. How long did you study there? D. When did you come here?38。 -Id like to invite you to dinner this Saturday, Mr. Smith. - A。 Oh, no. Lets not. B. Im very sorry, but Ive other plans。C。 Id rather stay at home。 D. Oh, no。 Thatll be too much trouble。39. - Could I talk to Jane, please? - A. Nice talkin

8、g to you. B。 Im afraid youve got the wrong number.C. Who are you? D。 Can I help you?40.- Its so hot. Ive got to have an icecream.。 - 。Lets go to the bar opposite our school, shall we?A。 So do I. B。 So I have C. Id like it D。 Me, too41-Thanks very much for your help. _。A。 Thats right B. Its quite OK

9、C。 Id like to D。 You are welcome第二节:交际用语(共25小题,每小题分;满分25分)A. 根据提供的信息,从四个选项中选出一个符合对话情景或含义的答案,回答所提出的问题。(10分)36-How is everything with you? - A。 Its nothing B。 Thats all right C. Im sorry D。 Not bad, thanks.37. - -Four years。A. How old is your mother? B. How do you do?C。 How long did you study there? D

10、。 When did you come here?43- What do you think of the song ? - _。 A。 It sounds sweet B. I like music very much C。 I dont know what it is about D. It was a pleasure44-Do you know Jim argued with his brother? -I don t know, _ .A、nor don t I care B、nor do I careC、I don t care neither D、I dont care also

11、45。 -Its getting late. Im afraid I must be going now. -OK。 。A。 Take it easy B。 Go slowly C。 See you D。 Stay longerB。补全对话,要求符合对话情景或含义,使对话通顺完整正确:(5分)(BobB,PaulP)B:What are you going to do tomorrow?P: (46) I have three tickets。 Can you go?B: (47) Who will use the third ticket?P: (48) He likes basketbal

12、l. We played basketball together yesterday.B:Will you and John play basketball this afternoon?P:Yes, we will。 (49) B:Can I play, too?P:Of course, you can。 Ill need your help.B: (50) Dont you understand Johns English?P:Of course, I do。 He never speaks English very fast, but he always plays basketball

13、 very fast。 Well play together, and well have fun.A. Why?B。 I can go with you.C。 I am going to ask John。D。 Were going to play at the back of the house.E。 I am glad to.F. Im going to go to a basketball game。G。 Im playing basketball。C。 匹配题:阅读下面的英文告示或指令,找出与中文相匹配的英文表达,对应题号填写正确答案的编号(10分)A.Keep Flat B。 Ho

14、use for SaleC。 Emergency Exit D。 No SpittingE。 Business Hours F。 This Side UpG。 Made in Japan H. EntranceI. Danger J。 Make sure the disk is not write- protectedK。 Cancel printing L。 Sign up for free email51.( )入口 52.( )保持平放53.( )不要随地吐痰 54。( )危险55( )日本制造 56. ) 紧急出口57( )取消打印 58.( )房屋出售59( )此面朝上 60.( )

15、确保磁盘没有写保护第三节:完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从6170每题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。The computer is a wonderful machine。 Today most computers 1 a memory。 That means 2 can be stored in them and 3 out anytime needed. Computers can do 4 work . For example , 5 someone buys 6 in a big shop , information about t

16、he sale is 7 a computer . During the night the computer 8 the information from all 9 that day 。 The next morning , the manager has a report on everything 11 was sold and also on everything that will be soon sold.61. A。 has B. take C。 have D。 got62. A。 informations B. information C. story D. stories6

17、3。 A. take B。 to take C. be taken D. be took64. A. many kinds of B. many kinds C. a little of D。 a few65. A。 because B。 though C. where D。 when66。 A。 everything B。 anything C. nothing D。 something67。 A。 put to B. putted into C. put into D. putting into68。 A。 works at B。 works on C。 work at D. work o

18、n69.A. the sales B. the sale C。 a sale D. the sellers70. A。 which B。 that C. what D. all thatPart III:阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分;满分40分)阅读下面四篇短文, 根据短文内容, 根据要求进行选择或简答。Passage AThe great ship , Titanic , set off for America in April 1912 on its first trip. It was carrying more than 2,000 people。 The Titanic was

19、the largest and finest ship at that time. People thought it was safe to be on the ship because it had 16 compartments (密封舱)with it . Even if four of those were broken , it would still be able to stay on the sea. Four days later , when the Titanic was crossing the sea, the man on watch suddenly saw a

20、 very large iceberg(冰山) ahead. The great ship turned quickly on time, but before long there was a sound from below。 The captain went down to see what the matter was。 To his surprise , he found the ship was sinking (沉)fast because five compartments had been broken ! Hundreds of people jumped out into

21、 the water . As there were not enough lifeboats 。 About 1500 people lost their lives.71.The Titanic set off from England to _。A。 The USA B。 Australia C. Canada D. Europe72. People thought it was safe to be on the ship because _.A。 it had 16compartments B. it would not sink even if 4 compartments wer

22、e brokenC it had more lifeboats than other shipsD。 Both A and B73。 The ship was hit _。A. soon after it had crossed the seaB。 when it started to cross the seaC。 when a very large iceberg was suddenly seen aheadD. soon after it turned quickly on time74。 Which of the following sentences is NOT true?A。

23、The captain went down into the water to see what happenedB. Hundreds of people jumped out into the waterC。 The ship began to sink because 5compartments had been brokenD。 About 1500 people died75. Which of the following sentences is true?A。 The ship could carry less than 2000 peopleB. The ship had en

24、ough lifeboatsC。 The ship could be still safe even if its four compartments were brokenD. The ship was the smallest ship in the world at that time.Passage BThe history of the InternetWe are busy talking about and using the Internet, but how many of us know about the history of the Internet ?Many peo

25、ple are surprised when they find that the Internet was set up in the 1960s。 At that time , computers were large and expensive. Computer networks ( 网络)didnt work well。 If one computer in the network broke down, then the whole network stopped。 So a new network system had to be set up. It should be goo

26、d enough to be used by many different computers. If part of the network was not working, information could be sent through another part。 In this way the computer network system could keep on working all the time.At first the Internet was only used by the government, but in the early 1970s, universit

27、ies, hospitals and banks were allowed to use it too. However, computers were still very expensive and the Internet was difficult to use. By the start of the 1990s, computers became cheaper and easier to use。 Scientists had also developed softwares that made “ surfing ” the Internet more convenient.T

28、oday it is easy to get on-line and it is said that millions of people use the Internet every day. Sending emails is more and more popular among students。The Internet has now become one of the most important parts of everyday life.76.The Internet has a history of more than _ years。A。 sixty B。 ten C。

29、thirty D. twenty77.A new network system was set up to _。A。 make computer cheaper B。 break down the whole networkC. make itself keep on working all the timeD. make computers large and expensive78。At first the Internet was only used by _。A. the government B。 universitiesC. hospitals and banks D。 schoo

30、ls79。_ made “surfing” the Internet more convenient.A。 Computers B. Scientists C. Softwares D。 Information80。Which of the following is true ?A。 In the 1960s, computer networks worked wellB. In the early 1970s , the Internet was easy to use.C。 Sending e-mails is now more popular among students than be

31、fore.D。 Today its still not easy to get onlinePassage CThe day was like any other day in his life。 Tom walked past the shop on the street corner. He stopped to look at the front row of shoes ,and he felt happy to see that the pair of shoes he wanted very much was still there .Looking down, he felt s

32、orry for himself. He really wanted to have them for his birthday. He sadly walked away and thought of what to tell his mother. He knew she would give him anything he liked if she could .But he also knew very well she had little money. He decided not to go home immediately ,as he looked worried and h

33、is mother would notice it 。So he went to the park and sat on the grass,. Then he saw a boy in a wheel chair 。He noticed that the boy moved the wheel with his hands .Tom looked at him carefully and was surprised to see the boy had no feet .He looked at his own feet 。“Its much better to be without sho

34、es than without feet。” He thought .There was no reason for him to feel so sorry and sad 。He went away and smiled, thinking he was happier。81.What do we know about Tom?A. He often walked by the shop which was on the street corner。B。 He was wearing a pair of old shoes when he passed by the shop.C. He

35、had just spent his birthday a few weeks before.D. He wanted to buy the shoes for his mother 82。Tom stopped in front of the shopA. to buy the shoes B。 not wait for his motherC . to look at the shop window D。 to look at the shoes he liked 83.That pair of shoes he liked was.A. disappeared B。 not sold y

36、et C。 for him D. quite cheap 84。Tom went into the park becauseA. he was thinking of what to tell his motherB。 he wanted to help the boy without feetC. he didnt want to make his mother worriedD. he felt sad85.From the story we know thatA。 Tom loved his mother very much B. Toms mother was strict with

37、him C. Tom didnt like staying at home D。 Toms father diedPassage DThe Foreign Department of Xiangjiang College (the engaging party 聘任方) has engaged Mr. Partridge (the engaged party 受聘方) as a teacher of English. The two parties in the spirit of friendship and cooperation have entered into an agreemen

38、t to sign and to comply with the present contract.(1) The term of service is one year, that is, from Sept. 1, 2003, the first day of the term of office, to Sept. 1, 2004, the last day of the term of office.(2) The work of the engaged party is decided as follows:Train teachers of English and research

39、 students;Compiling English textbooks, undertaking tape recording and other work concerned with the language;Having 15 up go 20 teaching periods in a week。(3) The engaged party works five days a week and eight hours a day。 The engaged party will have legal holidays.(4) The engaging party pays the en

40、gaged party a monthly salary of 3000 yuan (Chinese currency) and provided him with benefits.(5) The engaged party must observe the regulations of the Chinese Government and must follow the working system of the engaging party。(6) The present contract comes into effect on the first day of the term of

41、 service and ceases to be effective at its expiration.(7)The present contract is done in Chinese and English, both versions being equally valid。Li Ming (the engaging party)Jack Partridge (the engaged party)June 3, 200386。What sort of contract is signed between the two parties?87.Who should comply wi

42、th the contract?88。When should Mr。 Partridge come to report for work?89.How long should Mr。 Partridge work in a week according to the contract?90.How much should be given go Mr。 Partridge by the college?第四部分:书面表达(共2节,满分30分)第一节:根据所给中文,将下列各句译成通顺的英语(共5小题,每小题3分,满分15分)91孩子们总盼望着过年。Children always the Spri

43、ng Festival。92 我想订一桌晚餐。Id like to for this evening.93. 她急于将所学的知识付诸行动.She try out what she had learned.94直到昨天,我们才知道这件事故。It was that we got to know the accident。95. 我想买这架影碟机,你能打折吗?Id like to buy this VCD player. Can you ?第二节:表格填写(满分15分)根据提示完成下面的申请表:提示:张亚丽,女,年月日出生于北京,已婚,身体健康,爱好计算机,英语流利。年毕业于北京市五中,年在中国外国语大学英语系读书,获文学学士学位毕业后在上海大学任教,擅长

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