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1、(完整word)攀登英语-有趣的字母(中英文_纯文字_26篇全)攀登英语-有趣的字母A: Frank the rat 老鼠弗兰克Frank the rat is in a bag. 大老鼠弗兰克在袋子里.Frank is in a hat。 弗兰克在圆顶帽子里。Frank is in a pan. 弗兰克在平底锅里.Frank is on an apple. 弗兰克在苹果里.Frank is on a bat. 弗兰克在球棒上。“Oh/no!”Frank is on a cat. “哦不!”弗兰克落在了猫身上。B:The Biscuits 饼干“Im hungry! “我饿了!”A biscu

2、it, 块饼干A biscuit can be a bus. 块饼干可以是公共汽车。A biscuit can be a bike。 可以是自行车。A biscuit can be a boat。 可以是船。A biscuit can be a banana。 可以是香蕉.A biscuit can be a bear.可以是小熊。A biscuit can be a butterfly.可以是蝴蝶.But,if birds are nearby,但是,如果鸟儿靠近The biscuits can only be birds。饼干只能是小鸟啦。C: Cool Cat酷猫卡里Cary is a

3、cool cat。卡里是只酷酷的小猫。Cary can cut carrots like this。卡里能像这样切胡萝卜.Cary can climb a coconut tree like this. 卡里能像这样爬树。 Cary can clean a crocodile like this.卡里能像这样淸洁鳄鱼。Cary can catch flies like this。卡里能像这样抓苍蝇。Can Cary color like this? 卡里能像这样涂色吗?Yes!是的Cary is a cool cat。卡里是只酷酷的小猫。D: Dancing Dad爸爸爱跳舞Dad loves

4、 dancing!爸爸爱跳舞!Dad is dancing with the desk。他和桌子一起跳。Dad is dancing with the duck。他和鸭子一起跳Dad is dancing with the door.他和门一起跳。Dad is dancing with the dog。 他和小狗一起跳Dad is dancing with the deer。他和小鹿一起跳。Where is dad? 爸爸在哪儿Wow!哇!What a dancing dad真是个爱跳舞的爸爸E: Red Ben小本的红色世界Ben likes red。本喜欢红色。Ben paints the

5、 eggs red。他把鸡蛋涂成红色。Ben paints the eggplants red。茄子涂成红色Ben paints the lemons red.柠檬涂成红色Ben paints the hen red。母鸡涂成红色Ben paints the elephant red。大象涂成红色“Oh,no!”“哦,不!”The elephant doesnt like red.大象不喜欢红色!They dont like red! 他们都不喜欢红色!“We like red!” “我们喜欢红色!”F: The Frogs Love Story青蛙的爱情故事A frog falls in l

6、ove with a fox.青蛙爱上了狐狸。“Fresh fruits for you, dear fox!”“新鲜的水果给你,亲爱的狐狸!“A fish for you, dear fox!”“鱼给你,亲爱的狐狸!”“Flowers for you, dear fox!”“花给你,亲爱的狐狸!”One day, the foxs house is on fire.一天,狐狸的房子着火了“Help! Help!“救命啊!救命啊!”The fox is frightened。 狐狸害怕极了。The frog saves the fox. 青蛙救出了狐狸。“You are my hero.”“

7、你是我的英雄.”The fox falls in love with the frog. 狐狸爱上了青蛙。G: Wow! A Goat!哇!一只山羊Gaby gives the goat some grass。戈比给山羊一些青草。The goat doesnt like grass. 山羊不喜欢青草。Gaby gives the goat some grapes.戈比给山羊一些葡萄The goat doesnt like grapes。 山羊不喜欢葡萄Gaby gives the goat her glasses. 戈比把自己的眼镜给山羊。The goat doesnt like the gl

8、asses. 山羊不喜欢眼睛Gaby gives the goat her guitar。 戈比把自己的吉他给山羊.The goat loves the guitar. 山羊喜欢吉他H: Hungry Hat饥饿的帽子先生The Hungry Hat is hungry。 饥饿的帽子先生真的很饿“Hi, Ham! Im hungry “嗨,火腿!我饿了。”“Hi, Hot dog! Im hungry” “嗨,热狗!我饿了。“Hi, Hamburger!Im hungry” “嗨,汉堡包!我饿了。“Hi, Hen! Im hungry” “嗨,母鸡!我饿了。”“Hi, Horse! Im hu

9、ngry” “嗨,马!我饿了。“Hi, Hippo! Im hungry” “嗨,河马!我饿了。”“Hi, House! Im hungry” “嗨,房子!我饿了。”“Im hungry too ”“我也饿了.(大家一起向他大喊)I: A Big, Big Day盛大的日子。Today is a big big day。 今天是一个非常非常重要的日子Bill brings a big ship. 比尔带来了一只大船Rita brings a big lollipop. 丽塔带来了一只大棒棒糖Jill brings a big dish。 吉尔带来了一只大盘子Tina brings a big

10、fish。 蒂娜带来了一条大鱼。Lily brings 丽丽带来了A big, big kiss.一个大大的吻! “Happy birthday, Tim!” “蒂姆,生日快乐!J: Jack and Jim杰克和吉姆This is Jack。 这是杰克。This is Jim. 这是吉姆Jack is wearing Jims jeans. 杰克在穿吉姆的牛仔裤。Jim is wearing Jacks jacket。 吉姆在穿杰克的夹克衫。Jack is playing with Jims jigsaw。 杰克在玩吉姆的拼图Jim is playing with Jacks jeep. 吉

11、姆在玩杰克的吉普车Jack is having Jims jam。 杰克在吃吉姆的果酱Jim is having Jacks juice. 吉姆在喝杰克的果汁Jack is listening to jazz。 杰克在听爵士乐Jim is listening to jazz. 吉姆也在听爵士乐K: The kings Is 国王打喷嚏The kings is 国王在 “AHCHOO!”“阿嚏!”A kite flies away。 一只风筝飞起来。A kid flies away. 一个小孩飞起来.A koala flies away. 一只考拉飞起来。A kangaroo flies awa

12、y。 一只袋鼠飞起来The kite is in the tree。 风筝落在了树上The kid is in the tree。 小孩落在了树上.The koala is in the tree. 考拉落在了树上.The kangaroo is in the tree. 袋鼠落在了树上The kings is “AHCHOO!” 国王在,“阿嚏!”L: Look! Look! Look! 看!看!看!Look! A ladybug! 看!一只瓢虫!Look!look!look! 看!看!看The ladybug is looking at a lizard。 瓢虫在看着一只蜥蜴Look!lo

13、ok!look! 看!看!看The lizard is looking at a lamb。 蜥蜴在看着一头小羊Look!look!look! 看!看!看The lamb is looking at a lion。 小羊在看着一头狮子. Look out! The lion is looking at you! 狮子在看着你呢!M: If You Give a Mouse a Mooncake如果你给老鼠吃月饼A monkey gives a mouse a mooncake. 猴子给了老鼠一块月饼“May I have some milk? “我能要点牛奶吗?”老鼠问。The monkey

14、gives the mouse some milk。 猴子给了老鼠一些牛奶.“May I have some music” “我能来点音乐吗?”The monkey gives the mouse a Mozart CD. 猴子给了老鼠一张莫扎特的音乐光盘。“May I send a message?” “ 我能发条信息吗?”The monkey gives the mouse a mobile phone。 给了老鼠一只手机“What a mistake to give a mouse a mooncake!”“给老鼠一块月饼真是一个大错误!”(老鼠叫来许多伙伴折腾猴子家一塌糊涂)N:Mr.

15、 No-Nose没鼻子先生Mr. No-Nose wants a nose. 没鼻子先生想要一个鼻子.“Mr. No-Nose ,how about this nose?” “没鼻子先生想要一个鼻子”“No,no,no! I need a nice nose! “不不不,我想要一个漂亮的鼻子。“Mr。 NoNose, how about this nose?” “ 没鼻子先生,您觉得这个鼻子怎么样”“No,no,no!I need a new nose!” “不不不。我想要一个全新的鼻子。”“Mr. NoNose? how about this nose? “ 没鼻子先生,您觉得这个鼻子怎么样

16、“No,no,no!Its too noisy! “不不不,这个鼻子太吵了.“Mr. No-Nose,how about this nose?” “ 没鼻子先生,您觉得这个鼻子怎么样”“Wow! I love this nose。” “ 哇!我喜欢这个鼻子”But, 但是(做饭被胡椒呛,走过垃圾桶闻到臭味, 刮风打喷嚏。游泳呛水,和女士吃饭鼻子碰到了酒杯)Mr。 No-Nose dosent need nose! 没鼻子先生不需要鼻子O: Whats Going On? 发生什么了?叠罗汉The donkey is on the clock. 驴儿站在时钟上面The dog is on the

17、 donkey. 狗儿站在驴儿的上面.“Ouch!!” “哎呀!”The fox is on the dog. 狐狸站在狗儿的上面.The peacock is on the fox。 孔雀站在狐狸的上面。“Sorry!” “对不起!The doll is on the peacock. 洋娃娃站在孔雀的上面。The frog is on the doll. 青蛙站在洋娃娃的上面。“Shhhh!” “嘘!”“Good night!” “Good night! “晚安!”“晚安!” P: The Pigs Backpack。 小猪的背包The pig。 一只小猪。The pink pig。 一只

18、粉红的小猪。The pink pig in pants。 一只穿着裤子的粉红色小猪.The pig is going for a picnic。 小猪要去野餐了。The pig puts a pear in the backpack。 小猪放一个梨在背包里.The pig puts a peach in the backpack。 小猪放一个桃子在背包里。The pig puts a potato in the backpack。 放一个土豆在背包里.The pig puts some peanuts in the backpack。 再放一些花生在背包里。“Oops!”, “Poor pig

19、! “啊!”,“可怜的小猪(背包破了个洞)Q: A Quiet Duck. 安静的鸭子The queen has a quiet duck. 女王有一个安静的鸭子.“Quack, pleased” “请嘎嘎叫”The duck keeps quiet。 鸭子不吭声。“Quack, pleased” “请嘎嘎叫”The duck keeps quiet. 鸭子不吭声.The queen brings a quacking duck。 女王拿來一只嘎嘎叫的鸭子。Quack! Quack! Quack! 嘎!嘎!嘎!Can you quiet? 你能安静吗?Quack! Quack! Quack!

20、嘎!嘎!嘎!Can you be quiet? 你能安静一点吗?Quack! Quack! Quack! Quack! 嘎!嘎!嘎!嘎!R: Rabbits, Run, Run, Run 兔子快跑The rabbits are running。 兔子们正在赛跑。The rabbits are running down the road. 他们沿着马路跑。The rabbits are running along the river。 沿着小河路。The rabbits are running by a rat。 他们从一只老鼠身边经过。The rabbits are running by a

21、rooster. 又从一只公鸡身边经过。Are the rabits running for a big radish? 他们是为了大萝卜在跑吗?No? Are the rabbits running for carrots? 不是?他们是为了胡萝卜在跑吗?No! The rabbits are running for a rose! 不!兔子们赛跑是为了一朵玫瑰花!S: Sam Wants to Be Strong小蛇山姆Sam is a slim snake. 山姆是条瘦蛇He wants to be strong。 他想要强壮。In spring, Sam runs in the sun

22、。 在春天,山姆在阳光下跑步。In summer, sam swims in the sea。 在夏天,山姆在海里游泳。In autrmn, Sam sweeps the leaves。在秋天,山姆淸扫落叶。Sam eats a sandwich, a sausage and some salad.萨姆吃三明治、香肠和一些沙拉。Winter comes。.Sam is sleepy。 冬天来了,萨姆是昏昏欲睡。I want to be strong。 我想要强壮。Spring comes again.。 春天又来了He is so strong! How strong he is! 他是如此的

23、强壮!多么的强壮! Sam is strong! 山姆是强壮的!T: Tick Tock闹钟嘀嗒响Tick tock。 what time is it? 嘀嗒,现在尼几点啦?It is ten oclock. 这是十点钟。It is tomato time! 该番茄出场了!Tick tock. what time is it? 嘀嗒.现在是几点啦?It is twelve oclock! 十二点了It is T-shirt time! 该T恤出场了Tick tock。 what time is it? 嘀嗒,现在是几点啦?It is two oclock。 二点了It is tea time!

24、 该是喝茶的时间了Now,It is morning 现在是清晨了U: Its Fun to Jump. 开心跳跳跳Its fun to 跳起来真趣!Jump,jump,jump! 跳啊,跳啊,跳啊!Jump over the duck。 跳过鸭子Jump over the drum. 跳过大鼓Jump over the cups. 跳过杯子Jump over the mushroom。 跳过蘑菇Jump over the bus。 跳过公共汽车.Jump over the sun. 跳过太阳。“Oops!” Up! Up! Up! 哎呀! 向上!向上!向上!Its fun to jump。

25、跳起来真有趣。V: Vicky Visits a Village。 维姬拜访村庄Vicky is going to visit a village. 维姬去拜访一个村庄。Vicky brings some vegetables. 维姬带了一些蔬菜。 Vicky brings a violin. 维姬带了把小提琴。Vicky brings a vest。 维姬带了一件背心。Vicky visits the village in a van. 维姬坐着小货车去拜访村庄。Does Vicky visits the vet? “No!” 维姬去拜访兽医?“不!”“Victor,I miss you v

26、ery much! ” 维克托,我好想你啊!W: I Am a Witch。 小巫女I am a witch. 我是一个巫女。“I want to be a wolf。” “我想成为一只狼。”“The wolf is comeing. The wolf is comeing。狼來啦!狼來啦!”“I want to be a beauty。” “我想变美丽些.“Well! What a beauty women!” “哇!多么美丽的女人”“I want to be the wind.” “我想要成为风.”“I want, I want ”“我想,我想”“I want to a watermelo

27、n. ” “我想变成一个西瓜。”“Wait a minute? “请稍等?”“Wait! Wait! “等等!X: The Fox and the Ox。 狐狸和牛A box falls on a ox and a fox。 一个盒子砸在牛和狐狸身上。The ox wants the box。 牛想要这个盒子。The fox wants the box。 狐狸想要这个盒子.The ox sit on the box。 牛坐在盒子上。The fox sit on the box. 狐狸坐在盒子上。The ox push the fox。 牛推开狐狸。The fox kicks the ox。 狐

28、狸踢向牛。The fox and the ox fight for the box。 狐狸和牛为了盒子打起來了。Box is falling。 盒子丢了。Y: Mayas Yoyo 玛雅的悠悠球Maya has a yellow yoyo。 玛雅有个黄色的悠悠球.Look ! Mayas playing with the yo-yo。 看,玛雅在玩悠悠球。 The yo-yo goes up。 悠悠球一会儿上The yoyo goes down. 悠悠球一会儿下。 The yoyo is here。 悠悠球一会儿在这。 The yo-yo is there. 悠悠球一会儿在那。“Oops! T

29、he yo-yo is in the yogo. ” “噢!悠悠球在优格里。”Yarmi ! Yarmi ! 好吃!好吃! Z :Zack the Zebra斑马扎克Zack is a zebra at the zoo。 扎克是动物园里的一匹斑马.Sometimes Zack is crazy.有时候扎克很疯狂。 “AHAA” “哈哈哈 ” He can make you dizzy。 他疯狂起来会让你眩晕。 Sometimes Zack is lazy. 有时候扎克很懒. He is the zebra crossing at the zoo。 懒成了动物园里的斑马线. Zack is an amazing zebra at the zoo。 扎克是一匹了不起的斑马。 He gets many prizes. 他得了很多奖。 Zack is a superstar at the zoo. 扎克是动物园的超级明星。 Everybody loves Zack! 人人都喜欢他!14

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