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1、闽教版英语六年级下册重点内容归纳(Unit 2) 班级 姓名 词组e to school 来上学2.break-broke 摔断,摔坏 break his leg摔断他的腿 beak her arm摔断她的胳膊 break the cup摔碎杯子3.in hospital在医院4.go to see him去看他5.take with 随身携带. take some fruits with us 带些水果6.help with 在.(方面)帮助.(人) help sb. with ones lesson 帮.(人)补课7.carry the basket 提篮子8.ready to go 准备

2、好出发9.do well in 在.(方面)做得很好10.feel better 感觉好多了11.for you 给你12.be worried about 对感到担心13.go back to school 回到学校14. help Mom with her housework 帮助妈妈做家务15. be nice to 对很好16. be good at 擅长于17. other people 其他人18. on the bus 在公交车上19. give ones seat to old people 给老人让座20. carry bags 提包/袋子21. help each othe

3、r 互相帮助句子:1. Wang Tao didnt come to school today. 王涛今天没来上学。2. Hes in hospital now. 他现在在医院。3. He broke his leg. 他摔断了腿。Im sorry to hear that. 听到这个消息我很难过。4. What can we do to help him? 我们能做什么来帮助他?5. Lets go to see him. 让我们去看他吧。6. We can take some fruits with us. 我们可以带点水果去。7. Let me carry it. 让我来提。8. He

4、didnt do well in high jump. 他跳高不好。9. How are you today? 你今天感觉怎么样? I feel better. 我感觉好多了。10. Im worried about my lessons/English. 我为我的功课感到担心。学科: Chinese math English PE music science art computer11. I hope I can go back to school soon. 我希望我很快就能回到学校。12. On the bus I can give my seat to old people. 在公交车上我可以给老人让座。13. I can help other carry bags. 我可以帮别人提袋子。主格: I you he she it we they宾格: me you him her it us them物主代词:my your his her its our their

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