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1、PEP英语五上Unit 1练习卷 班级:姓名:一、选择正确的选项。()1. He is art teacher. A. a B. an C. /()2. 一Whos your English teacher? - -i-i.A. Miss White. B. Shes kind. C. Yes, she is.()3. Is Miss White kind? .A. Yes, she is. B. Yes, he is. C. No, she isnt.()4. 一Do you know Chen Jie? 一.A. Yes, I dont. B. Yes, I do. C. No, I do

2、.()5. Mrs Smith is head teacher. A. a B. an C. the()6. 一Is strict? 一Yes, he is. A. she B. he C. it()7. Ms Wang is Chinese teacher. A. we B. us C. our()8.name is Li Dongliang. A. He B. Him C. His()9. She kind. A .am B. is C. are()10. They friendly. A. are B. am C. is()11.is your art teacher? -Mr. Cat

3、er. A. Who B. What C. How二、句型转换1. do know Mr Young you ? 连词成句strict he is ? 连词成句2. art your who、 teacher ? 连词成句He5s young.般疑问句,肯定回答3. My art teacher is Mr Young.对戈U线提 问 三、用口号里词的正确形式填空He is science teacher. (we)1. maths teacher is Mr Li.(I)3.1 like football.(play)4. Chen Jie is my good . She is .(friend)5.1 like teachers.(fun)6.1 have some .(candy)have two .(toy)8. The boy happy. His parents happy, too.(be)Do you know .(I)9. Whos English teacher.(you)四、填写人称代词表。/表示不填人称代词物主代词人称主格宾格所有格(形容性物主代词)名词性物主代词单数第一人称我/第二人称你/第三人称他/她/它/复 数第一人称我们/第二人称你们/第三人称他(她它)们/

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