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1、( )1. Excuse me. _ is the post office, please? Its behind the library.A.Which B. What C. Where( )2. _ is the bookstore, please? Its next to the library.A.Which B. What C. Where( )3. _ Its near the hospital.A.Where is the cinema? B. Is there a cinema?C. Where is the hospital?( )1. Excuse me. _ is the

2、 Zhangshan Park,please? Its behind the library.A. Which B. What C. Where( )4. Is there a shop near here? _ Its next to the school.A.Yes, there is. B. No, it isnt. C. Sorry, I dont know.( )1. The cinema is _ the bookstore.A. next at B. next to C. next( )2. This is _ interesting story.A. an B. a C. /

3、( )3. Mun, I am _. I want eat some pizza.A. nice B. full C. hungry( )4. Where is the cinema? _ Zhongshan street.A. in B.on C. to( )5. Tum right _ the hospital. You can see the science museum.A. on B. in C. at( )1. Is it far? _, its not far.A. No B. Yes C. Sorry( )2. Is there a bookstore near here? _

4、A.Yes, there is. B.Youre welcome. C. Look at the bookstore.( )3. How can I _ the museum?A. get B. to C. get to( )2. How can you get there from the hospital? _ A. Its in front of the park. B. Turn left at the park. C. Yes, there is.( )3. Lets _ right at the bookstore.A. turn B. turns C. turning三、选词填空

5、。1.(Go/Wait)_ at a green light.2. Look at the _(traffic rules/traffic lights).3.(Stop and wait/Wait)_ at a red light.4.(Slow down and stop/Go)_ at a yellow light三、选择合适的地点完成句子。( )1. You can see a film(电影)at the _.( )2. If you are sick, you should see a doctor in the _.( )3. You can buy some books in

6、the _. ( )4. You can watch the dinosaur(恐龙)show in the _.( )5. You can send a letter in the _. A. cinema B. hospital C. post officeD. bookstore E. science museum 三、阅读对话,判断正(T)误(F)。(Sarah is asking a policeman for help )Sarah: Excuse me. Where is the Zhongbai Supermarket, please?Policeman: Its next t

7、o the hospital over there.( )1. The post office is next to the supermarket.( )2. The supermarket is next to the hospital.( )3. Sarah goes to the supermarket on foot.( )4. Sarah asks a policeman for help.( )5. Sarah knows the supermarket.Sarah: Is it far from here?Policeman: No.Sarah: How can I get t

8、here?Policeman: You can walk there.Sarah: Thank you.Policeman: Youre welcome.三、选择正确的单词补全对话。please there not next walkA: Excuse me.Is there a bookstore near here?B: Yes, _ is.A: Where is it, _?B: Its _ to the science museum.A: Is it far from here?B: No, its _.You can _ there.一、看图连线。1. 2. 3. 4. 5.A. hospital B. cinema C. post office D. science museum E. bookstore

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