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1、1英语作文 学习英语的经历My experience of learning English(我的英语学习经验) When I was at primary school, I was not interested in English at all. At that time, my English was very poor. When I became a middle school student, my mother asked me to watch English movies and TV programs, listen to English songs and practi

2、se speaking English with her. I had some problems while I was learning English. I was good at spoken English, but poor in written English. I used to make mistakes in spelling. Then, I learned seven words by heart every day by going over them five times within a dayearly in the morning, after lunch,

3、after school, after dinner, before going to bed. As a result, I dont often make mistakes now. Besides, my grammar was poor, so when I had time, I would read my grammar book now and then. Although it was boring to me, after thinking of the goodness it would bring, I didnt feel bored any longer.Englis

4、h is one of my best subjects and I started learning English when I was ten years old. But at the very beginning, listening seemed a little difficultto me. So I have been doing a lot of listening practice, such as listening to tapes, watching English TV programs. And I found it really helped a lot. I

5、n fact, there are some more helpful ways to learn English well. For example, I enjoy singing English songs and I want to join an English club or find a pen pal from English-speaking countries. I believe that nothing is impossible if you put your heart into it. 英语是我最喜欢的科目之一,我十岁就开始学习英语了。但是,一开始听力对我来说似乎

6、有点难,所以我做了很多听力练习,比如听录音,看英语电视节目等等。而且我发现这些方法真的很有用。事实上,还有更多学好英语的有用方法。例如,我喜欢唱英文歌,我想加入英语俱乐部或者找一个英语国家的笔友。我相信如果你用心没有什么的不可能的。2英语作文how头relax myself120As for Grade 9 students,we get much stress from studing for too long.So it is important for us to relax after class.Most of girls like shopping to relax.And mos

7、t of boys like playing basketball and playing computer games to relax.In my opinion,I think shopping and playing computer games are bad ways to relax.Because shopping can waste a lot of money,and playing computer games can make us short sight.I usually relax by playing basketball.I think it not only

8、 can build my body but also can keep fit.Whats more,it can make me concentrate on my study better.So,I think playing basketball is a good way to relax after class.2, In current society, people have known the importance of keeping healthy and good life habit. In the past, people ate three meals at ho

9、me, and they ate more vegetables and less meat and fish. They were very strong and seldom went to see doctors.Now life is better, people eat more meat, fish, eggs and other food with more fat. They often go out for good meals with their families and friends. But they get easy to be ill, Why?I think

10、more meat and fish, less exercise are bad for health. Good rest, less meat and fish, more vegetables and enough exercise are good for health. So I exercise every day. My eating habits are pretty good. I eat a lot of vegetables. I eat fruit and drink milk every day. I drink a cup of water 15 minutes

11、before each meal and eat much vegetables and fruit. Of course, I love junk food, too, and I eat it once a week. And I sleep nine hours every day.The better we get into good eating habits, the happier our life becomes, 3英语作文 body language01Body language is one of the most powerful means of communicat

12、ion,ofen even more powerful than spoken language.People around the world show all kinds of feelings,wishes and attitudes that they might never speak aloud.With so many cultural differences between people,it is great to have some similarities in body language.We can often be wrong about each other,so

13、 it is an amazing thing that we understand each other as well as we do.Not all cultures greet each other the same way,nor are thay comfortable in the same way with touching or distance between people.These actions are not good or bad,but are simply ways in which cultures have developed.Ihave seen,ho

14、wever,that cultural customs for body language are very general-nor all members of a culture behave in the same way.In general,though,studing international customs can certainly help avoid difficulties in todays world of cultural cressroads.02 Body language is used by people for sending messages to o

15、ne another. It is very useful because it can help you make yourself easily understood. When you are talking with others,you are not just using words, but also using expressions and gestures. For example, waving ones hand is to say Good-bye. A smile and handshake show welcome, and clapping hands mean

16、s congratulations. Nodding the head means agreement, but shaking the head means disagreement. The gestures are accepted both by Chinese and foreigners as having the same meanings. Different countries have different body language. For example, men in Russia, France and Arab countries kiss each other

17、when they meet, but men in China or Australia shake hands instead of kissing. People in Puerto Rio like touching each other, but people from English speaking countries do not touth each other. If you touch an English person, you should say Sorry. People in Arab countries like standing close to one a

18、nother when they are talking, but English people must keep a distance away when they are talking. In some Asian countries, you must not touch the head of another person. In Arab countries, you eat using the fingers of your right land;the left hand is not used at all. In parts of Asia you must not si

19、t with your feet pointing at another person. When you use a foreign language, it is very important to know the meanings of gestures and movements in the foreign country. Following the customs will help you communicate with people and make your stay there much more pleasant and comfortable.“身势语”英语作文译

20、文 身势语是用来帮人们传递信息的,身势语非常有用,因为它可以使对方很容易地明白你自己的意思。我们同别人谈话时,并不仅限于用言语来表达,我们还用表情和身体的动作来向对方表达要传递的信息。例如:挥手表示“再见”,微笑和握手表示,拍手表示祝贺,点头表示同意,摇 头表示不同意。这些手势对说汉语的人和说英语的人来说,都具有相同的意思。 对于不同的国家来说,身势语也不同。例如,在俄罗斯、法国、阿拉伯国家里,男人们会晤时彼此亲吻。然而,在中国或澳大利亚男人不是亲吻 而是握手。在波多黎哥,人们喜欢彼此触碰,而英语国家的人不大这么做。如果你碰了一下英国人,你应该说声“对不起”。阿拉伯人喜欢在交谈时彼此站得很近,

21、而英语国家的人则乐意保持一定的距离。在有些亚洲国家里,你不可以触摸别人的头。在阿拉伯国家,吃饭用右手的手指,根本不用左手。在亚洲的某些地方,你不可以坐着把脚跷起对着别人。 当你学一门外语时,了解这个国家的身势语很重要。遵守他们国家的习俗会助你与人交流,也会使你在此很愉快舒适。4 How to Make A Good Impression作文It is important to make a good impression on the other peoples mind whatever occasions you are in. A good impression may bring yo

22、u with a lot of surprises,such as a promotion in your job, a chance of meeting some great people. So making a good impression is rather crucial.Howerver,how to make a good impression? There are some ways,in my opinion, can take effect when you need to show yourself.First of all,you should dress clea

23、n and tidy. Good appearance is vital in any public meetings.People will first catch a short glimpse of your appearance.After finding that you are a neat guy,they will then be glad to talk to you.Although a book cant be judged by its cover,to a certain degree,a person can be told whether he is good o

24、r not by his appearance.02 .Making a good impression has become more ang more important to everyone in such a society full of competition.Thus we should be aware of it.When you have a chat with your friends, you should make an eye-contact, listen to what they are saying carefully,it shows that you respect them, as a result,you can enjoy a comfortable and wonderfull talk.Smiling is also very important.Not only can it reduce stress of an astomosphere, but it also can let you make friends easily even though he or she is a

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