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1、旅游顾问职位描述文件职位识别信息职位名称Travel Consultant所属部门Contact Center职位编号所在城市工作地点Contact Center出差要求无偶然常常常驻版本号V1.0生效日期工作网络关系直接上级职位Lead Travel Consultant, Operations汇报职位直接下级职位人员管理权限薪酬无提议权 决定权直接下级人数绩效无 提议权 决定权直接管辖团体配置无 提议权 决定权业务指导职位Sr. VP, Contact Center; General Managers of other departments对职位产生影响外部机构受到职位影响外部机构任职资

2、格教育程度Post-secondary专业方向travel, aviation, hospitality or business or social science related subjects工作经验 Min. 1/2 year or above in Customer Care or Call Centre Operation experience行业经验培训经历管理技能专业技能 provide quality sales and services to customer通用技能 Communication职位目标和职责职位目标(存在理由,限制和目标)To responsible to

3、 provide quality sales and services to CTII potential customer and members to support efficient operations of the contact center as well as various business lines of the company as a whole.职责范围(名称、定义、该职责所要达成结果/目标)责任等级(全部/部分/帮助)衡量标准(数量、质量)业务类Operational level To responsible to handle inbound calls, e

4、-mails or fax in regarding to the sales or inquires of HOTEL, AIRTICKETS or PACKAGES. To meet the individual Key Performance Indicators (KPI) and constantly improve service qualities To handle any customers complaints. To feedback any process issues or customer dissatisfaction to team leaders or Quality Assurance Section. To handle any follow up request or bookings with internal department, airlines or partner hotels.All KPIs for sales and customer service Internal customer satisfaction External customer satisfaction Staff attrition

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