3、在弱化表现和原因:关键表现在税收、社会保障和公共支出在收入分配调整过程弱化,具体原因有:税收上税制结构不合理、收入分配领域税收存在缺点和“缺位”和税收征管工作不力;社会保障上支出比重低、范围窄和统筹层次低;以公共教育支出为例公共支出存在支出比重低和支出结构不合理等问题。最终,针对中国财政收入分配存在弱化问题,在明确强化中国收入分配职能目标和思绪基础上,在税收、社会保障支出和公共教育支出三方面提出对应对策。【英文摘要】With the deepening of reform and open and the establishing and perfecting of the socialist
4、 market economic system in our country, the urban and rural residents income level is made largely. At the same, because of the change of distribution system and incentive mechanism, the income distribution pattern of our countrys residents has been changed largely, the gap of residentsincome level
5、has appeared. The large gap of residentsincome level has become the important problem which is harmful for the socials harmony and stability and the economics development.The public finance in the market economic system has the income distribution function. According to the Chinas practice, but the
6、system of income distribution function is not perfect, even does not have the effect of reducing the income gap. The weakening of the fiscal income distribution function has appeared. This article will put forward some fiscal adjustment measures in order to reduce the income gap of residents in our
7、country from the perfecting and strengthening fiscal income distribution function, which has the important practical significance in adjusting income distribution and achieving socials harmony and stability and the economic development.Based on consulting a number of literature and materials, firstl
8、y this article will elaborate on the reason and means of public finance adjusting income distribution, then will analysis the situation of the income distribution gap of residents in our country and the reason of the weakening of fiscal income distribution function. At last this article will put for
9、ward some fiscal adjustment measures in order to reduce the income gap of residents in our country. Specific content as follows:Firstly, this article will elaborate the theoretical basis of the fiscal income distribution function, including the meaning reason and methods of fiscal income distributio
10、n function. The methodes contains taxation, social security and public expenditure.Secondly, the article will analysis the practice of fiscal income distribution function. It will use gini coefficient to reflect the current income distribution gap which was serious, then will analysis the performanc
11、e which is that taxation, social security and public expenditure are weak in adjusting income distribution function and reason of the weakening of fiscal income distribution function. Detail reasons: taxation structure is unreasonable, the taxation for income distribution is unperfected and absence
12、and the activities of taxation collection is ineffective; the social security is short in expenditure narrow in range and is low overall level. The public expenditure is short and the struction of it is unreason.Finally, according to the problem above, based on clearing the ideas and targets of perf
13、ecting the income distribution functions, this article will put forward some fiscal adjustment measures in taxation, social security and public expenditure.【关键词】收入分配职能 税收 社会保障 公共教育支出【英文关键词】income distribution function taxation social security public education expenditure【目录】中国财政收入分配职能弱化及对策研究摘要3-4Abs
14、tract4-5第一章 绪论8-14第一节 研究背景和意义8-9一、研究背景8二、研究意义8-9第二节 中国外研究综述9-13一、相关收入分配职能内涵研究9-11二、对中国财政收入分配职能弱化原因研究11-12三、完善中国财政收入分配职能提议研究12四、述评12-13第三节 研究内容、思绪和方法13-14一、研究内容和思绪13二、研究方法13-14第二章 财政收入分配职能理论基础14-24第一节 收入分配职能是财政关键职能14-16第二节 财政介入收入分配依据16-17第三节 财政调整收入分配手段和机理17-24一、税收和收入分配17-20二、社会保障和收入分配20-22三、公共支出和收入分配
15、22-23四、财政收入分配职能手段选择和搭配23-24第三章 中国财政收入分配职能弱化现实状况24-43第一节 基尼系数反应收入分配差距24-26第二节 中国财政收入分配职能弱化表现和原因26-43一、税收调整收入分配弱化26-34二、社会保障调整收入分配弱化34-38三、公共支出调整收入分配弱化以公共教育支出为例38-43第四章 强化中国财政收入分配职能对策43-56第一节 强化中国财政收入分配职能目标和思绪43-45一、强化中国财政收入分配职能目标43-44二、强化中国财政收入分配职能思绪44-45第二节 强化税收调整收入分配对策45-50一、转变和优化税制结构45二、完善收入分配领域税收制度45-47三、适时开征含有收入分配效应税收47-49四、提升税收征管工作水平49-50第三节 强化社会保障调整收入分配对策50-52一、加大财政对社会保障支出支持力度50-51二、扩大社会保障制度覆盖面51三、提升社会保障统筹层次51-52第四节 强化公共教育支出调整收入分配对策52-56一、加大财政对教育支出和投资力度52-53二、优化公共教育支出结构53-54三、实施以中央和省级财政投入为主义务教育财政体制54四、完善教育财政转移支付制度54-56结语56-58参考文件58-61致谢61-62攻读硕士学位期间公开发表学术论文62