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4、0级无菌区、100级区人员手套、袖口、肘部、额头、口罩表面微生物进行20批次检测数据汇总,利用统计工具休哈特控制图进行作图分析。计算平均值X:10000级无菌区分别为1.50、1.25、1.55、1.15、1.15CFU/碟,100级区分别为0.70、0.55、0.60、0.50、0.45 CFU/碟;标准偏差:10000级无菌区分别为0.51、0.44、0.51、0.59、0.37 CFU/碟,100级区分别为0.47、0.51、0.50、0.51、0.51 CFU/碟,从休哈特控制图和计算数据看100级检测结果显著好于10000级无菌区,口罩好于其它部位,各检测结果均在控制线内。3.物料微



7、生物和悬浮粒子平均值X均为OCFU(个)/m3,最大值为0 CFU(个)/m3,最小值为0 CFU(个)/m3。标准偏差均为0 CFU(个)/m3,X3均为0 CFU(个)/m3,从计算结果和监测数据趋势分析各使用点微生物和悬浮粒子数值稳定。6.各原因微生物监控数据平均结果汇总分析对无菌生产工艺中影响药品微生物质量洁净区环境、人员污染、物料、注射用水、压缩空气、氮气所监控微生物数据进行平均汇总,然后做出饼图进行分析后得出:人员动态微生物污染所占百分比最大是46%(包含10000级无菌区和100级区),其次是药液中所含微生物百分比占42%,环境中微生物所占百分比是9%,注射用水中微生物占3%,压


9、:物料、压缩空气、氮气为低风险原因;10000级无菌区空气、100级空气和注射用水为中等风险原因:人员污染为高风险原因。采取无菌隔离系统对降低人员微生物污染能起到很好效果;采取风险管理程序、工具和方法能有效地控制无菌工艺注射剂生产过程中微生物风险,使药品生产由过程控制转为主动预防,很好填补GMP条款在质量控制方法和工具等方面不足。【英文摘要】Injection is a dosage form of injecting directly into human, which is usually with larger dosage. Injection can be classified in

10、to terminally sterilised processes and aseptic preparerations according to the productive technology. The sterile guarantee level of the aseptic preparerations is only 1/103-/109 of that of the terminally sterilised processes. Since there are many microbiological contamination factors during the pro

11、duction of the aseptic preparerations, therefore, high quality risks exist in the clinical practice.The current study takes the 5ml injection produced by aseptic preparerations as an example, and uses Shewhart Control Chart, Pie Chart and Histograms to monitor the microbiological contaminations intr

12、oduced by environments, personnel, materials, water for injection, compressed air, nitrogen during production. We hope to find a high microbiological risk factor by performing risk assessment on each factor through Failure Mode Effects Analysis, Risk ranking and filtering. We then perform risk contr

13、ol by taking measures,The validity of the measures is sufficent to further decrease the risk of the quality of the aseptic preparerations and ensure the secure pharmacy of patients.This article was composed of the following eight parts:The results analysis of the microbiological and airborne particu

14、late monitoring in clean zone; The results analysis of the personal microbiological monitoring; The results analysis of microbiological monitoring in materials; The results analysis of microbiological monitoring in water for injection; The results analysis of the microbiological and airborne particu

15、late monitoring in the compressed and nitrogen; The Meta-analysis of the average results of monitoring data of the microbes in each factor; The risk analysis of microbes in each factor; Suggestions and measures.1. The results analysis of the microbiological and airborne particulate monitoring in cle

16、an zoneBy the microbiological and airborne particulate monitoring at rest in different room include a grade 100000 zone, a grade 10000 zone, a aseptic grade 10000 zone, a grade 100 zone, and by the microbiological monitoring in operation in different room in a aseptic grade 10000 zone and a grade 10

17、0 zone.The results are then analyzed according their grades through Shewhart Control Chart to calculated the average value of X, the standard deviation 8 and the control line X38 of the static microbes and airborne particles at rest in different rooms in different clean zones, respectively, and thos

18、e of microbes in operation in different rooms in a aseptic grade 10000 zone and a grade 100 zone. We find that each testing result is fall within the control line from the Shewhart Control Chart.We then perform a comparative analysis through Histograms of the microbes and airborne particles at rest

19、in the critical rooms in each clean grades and find thatthe testing results of the static the microbes and airborne particles have correspondence with the grades of the clean zones;the testing results in different grades of clean zones have large differences:the best result is in a grade 100 zone, f

20、ollowed by the aseptic grade 10000 zone and grade 100000 zone.2. The results analysis of the personal microbiological monitoringBy microbiological monitoring on the surface of the personal gloves, sleeves, elbows, forehead and a face mask by successive 20 batchs of production in a aseptic grade 1000

21、0 zone and a grade 100 zone. The results are then summarized and analyzed by Shewhart Control Charts. The average values of x are calculated to be 1.50、1.25、1.55、1.15、1.15 CFU/plate for a aseptic grade 10000 zone,0.70、0.55、0.60、0.50、0.45 CFU/plate for a grade 100 zone, while the standard deviation 8

22、 are calculated to be 0.51、0.44、0.51、0.59、0.37 CFU/plate for a aseptic grade 10000 zone and 0.47、0.51、0.50、0.51、0.51 CFU/plate for a grade 100 zone. We find that the testing result in a grade 100 zone is obviously better than that in a aseptic grade 10000 zone, and the face mask is better than other

23、s. Each testing result in within the control line.3. The results analysis of microbiological monitoring in materialsBy microbiological monitoring in A, B and C injections in successive 30 batchs, The results are analysis by using Shewhart Control chart. The average values of X, the standard deviatio

24、n 8, and x+3for A, B and C injections are calculated to be 1.57、1.31、2.37 CFU/100ml,1.01、0.81、1.03 CFU/100ml and 4.59、3.73、5.47 CFU/100ml, respectively. We find difference of the quantity of microbes between the A, B and C injections:the testing data of A is best while C is worst. All testing result

25、s fall within the control line except several points in A and C injections.4. The results analysis of microbiological monitoring in water for injectionWe firstly monitor the microbes in the outlet, point of use 1,2,3 and inlet of the system of the water for injection weekly and then summarized and a

26、nalysis the data obtained in a whole year by Shewhart Control Chart. For the outlet, point of use 1,2 3 and inlet, the average values of X, the standard deviation, and X+3are calculated to be 0.10、0.12、0.12、0.14、0.18 CFU/100ml,0.31、0.33、0.33、0.35、0.39 CFU/100ml and 1.02、1.12、1.12、1.20、1.36 CFU/100ml

27、, respectively. The testing result obtained (from the outlet in the best while that obtained from the inlet is the worst from the calculated results and the variation trend of data.5. The results analysis of the microbiological and airborne particulate monitoring in the compressed and nitrogenWe fir

28、stly monitor the microbes and airborne particles in the using points of washing bottle 1,2, filling 1,2, filtration of the compressed air and monitor the microbes and airborne particles in the using points of filling 1,2 of the nitrogen monthly, and then summarize and analysis the data obtained in a

29、 whole year by Shewhart Control Chart. We find that the values of the average X, standard deviationand X+3are all calculated to be 0 CFU/m3, indicating that the values of the microbes and airborne particles in each using point are stable.6. The Meta-analysis of the average results of monitoring data

30、 of the microbes in each factorThe monitoring data of microbes introduced by the environment of the clean zones, personnel contamination, materials, water for injection, compressed air and nitrogen during the aseptic prepareration firstly averaged and summarized. We then analyze the data by pie char

31、t and conclude that the proportions of the microbes introduced by personnel contamination in operation (in containing a aseptic grade 10000 zone and a grade 100 zone), materials, the environments and water for injection are 46%,42%,9% and 3%, respectively, while that of the compressed air and nitrog

32、en is zero.7. The risk analysis of microbes in each factorThe Risk ranking and filtering are performed on the collected data by Failure Mode Effects Analysis and conclude that the influence of each risk factor on the microbes in injections produced by aseptic preparations from small to large is comp

33、ressed air, nitrogen, materials, water for injection, air in a aseptic grade 10000 zone, air in a grade 100 zone, personnel contamination with according Risk Priority Number of 2,3,8,9,19,32 and 252.8. Suggestions and measuresIn order to minimize risks of microbiological contamination of aseptic pre

34、parerations. Much depends on the skills, training and attitudes of personnel involved. The measures should be adopted as follows:Setting personnel rules in aseptic room and training the aseptic operating skill and consciousness;Adopting aseptic isolator technology;Validation of aseptic processing ne

35、ed a process simulation test using a nutrient medium to verify the measures for reducing the contamination introduced by personnel.ConclutionAmong various microbiological risk factors in the production of aseptic preparations of injection, materials, compressed air and nitrogen belong to low risk fa

36、ctors, air in a aseptic grade 10000 zone, air in a grade 100 zone and water for injection belong to medium risk factor, while personnel contamination belong to high risk factor.Adopting aseptic isolator technology can effectively reduce the microbiological contamination introduced by personnel.It is

37、 effective in controling microbiological risk by making use of risk management process and tools and ways in the production of aseptic preparations of injection and can cover the Shortage of GMP in quality control tools and ways.【关键词】无菌生产工艺 注射剂 微生物 风险 控制【英文关键词】Aseptic prepareration Injection Microbe

38、 Risk Control【目录】注射剂生产过程中微生物质量风险控制汉字摘要8-11Abstract11-14序言16-20第一部分 洁净区沉降菌和悬浮粒子监控数据汇总分析20-341.1 数据起源201.2 搜集数据方法20-211.3 搜集数据21-301.4 数据分析和讨论30-321.5 小结32-34第二部分 人员微生物污染监控数据汇总分析34-382.1 数据起源342.2 搜集数据方法34-352.3 搜集数据35-362.4 数据分析和讨论36-372.5 小结37-38第三部分 物料微生物监测数据汇总分析38-413.1 数据起源383.2 搜集数据方法383.3 搜集数据3

39、8-403.4 数据分析和讨论403.5 小结40-41第四部分 注射用水微生物监控数据汇总分析41-444.1 数据起源414.2 搜集数据方法414.3 搜集数据41-434.4 数据分析和讨论434.5 小结43-44第五部分 压缩空气和氮气微生物和悬浮粒子监测数据汇总分析44-485.1 数据起源445.2 搜集数据方法445.3 搜集数据44-475.4 数据分析和讨论475.5 小结47-48第六部分 各原因微生物监控数据平均结果汇总分析48-496.1 数据起源486.2 计算结果486.3 结果分析和讨论486.4 小结48-49第七部分 各原因微生物风险分析49-517.1 分析方法497.2 失败模式和影响原因分析(FMEA)表格497.3 风险排序和分析49-507.4 小结50-51第八部分 提议及方法51-548.1 提议518.2 方法论证51-538.3 小结53-54第九部分 全文总结54-55附图55-64参考文件64-65致谢65-66攻读学位期间发表学术论文目录66-67学位论文评阅及答辩情况表67

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