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1、(完整版)雅思阅读UNIT 1 FoodUNIT 1 FoodWarm upThinking about the TopicLook at the two pictures below。 Talk about them with your partner. 1 What type of environment do these people and these plants live in? 2 Match these descriptions to the right picture: a. 。 。. look like a cactus, but are not related。 b。 。

2、 。. grow in dry sandy or rocky areas. c. 。 。. move around the Kalahari desert in search of food。 d。 . 。. walk long distances on the hot sand. e。 。 。 only grow about 400 cm tall。 f . have flowers which are 3 - 4 cm across. g. 。 .。 are traditional huntergatherers, who do not grow food. 3 Now, work tog

3、ether with a partner to make some sentences about the San people and the hoodia plant。 Speak, do not write。 “The san Hoodia plantsTIPFor IELTS reading, you need to be able to read QUICKLY to find main ideas and the structure, or organisation, of the reading passage。Beginning to readSkimming-Finding

4、the Passage Structure and the Main IdeaComplete the activities below to practice how to do this。 Keep to the time limit! HoodiaAThe San live in that part of Africa called the Kalahari Desert。 Life there is hard, and nature can be harsh. There are somewhere between 45,000 and 100,000 of them living i

5、n countries like Zambia and Zimbabwe. Theyre not rich and they dont live in expensive houses. There are no roads or schools or hospitals near them. They dont have many material possessions like cars or computers, things that people in the developed world cant do without。 In fact, they have many prob

6、lems such as unemployment and poverty. On top of this, they also suffer from alcoholism, drinking to forget their problems。 Theyre the San, a tribe of traditional huntergatherers, who used to travel in search of food for their families instead of growing it or keeping animals. They have a culture th

7、at is 20,000 years old, but their old way of life is disappearing fast and has nearly gone forever。 So yes, theyre poor, and yes, their lifestyle is not attractive to outsiders, but they do have one thing that certain people in the developed world are very, very interested in and want to have, and t

8、hat may make them some money. Its called hoodia. BMany countries have basic, common crops that . people plant for food, such as rice or potatoes。 Potatoes are grown in many European countries as well as South America (They originated there!), and rice is a staple food in Asia。 But not all plants are

9、 grow just for food; some of them can also be used as medicine. A few examples are garlic, which is said to help with colds or high blood pressure, ginger to help with headaches or toothache, or the magnolia tree which is used in Chinese traditional medicine to treat some forms of cancer and heart d

10、isease。 Hoodia, a cactuslike plant, only grows in the area where the San live, and they know where to find it and the best time to use it. They have known about it for centuries and they understand how to use it, but they dont use it for food, and they dont use it to cure disease either. They use it

11、 to fight hunger. CIn the old days when the San had to travel in search of food, they and their children sometimes had to go without food for several days。 This was even longer in times of famine or when the rains failed. They ate the hoodia plant when they were starving, to help them survive until

12、they found food, to stop their children from crying, and to give them the strength to continue their search. However, it didnt give them energy like normal food would. Instead, the chemicals in the hoodia plant killed the feeling of hunger and stopped them wanting food。 They didnt know exactly how i

13、t worked; the only thing they knew for certain was that it did work. DScientists have now discovered that the plant contains a substance which they have called P57。 This chemical makes the brain believe that the stomach is full and that the body doesnt need food. That is why people in the developed

14、world, especially those in pharmaceutical companies, are extremely interested in this very promising plant. EObesity in the developed world is a huge and growing problem, not only among adults, but increasingly among children。 It has been estimated that up to 50 of people in the developed world are

15、overweight and 20% of these are obese; at the time of writing, for example, 30 of Chinese children were considered to be too heavy for their age。 One cause of obesity is eating too much, too often, and another is eating the wrong kind of food. Our grandparents had the time to prepare simple yet nour

16、ishing meals, and they didnt have money to afford expensive food。 They didnt eat as much meat or fatty foods as we do nowadays, and thats one reason why they were slimmer and healthier than their descendants。 Today we have less time to cook, and we have more money, so the easiest thing to do is to b

17、uy readymade meals. They may be convenient and taste good, but theyre often high in fat, salt and sugar. Too much of these make people unhealthy and fat. They need to lose weight, and thats where hoodia comes in。 FIt seems to be the perfect solution。 People in the West want to lose weight and hoodia

18、 is ideal. Western companies pay for the right to use the secrets of the hoodia plant; by selling these rights to the West, the San make money and can then help themselves. Obese people lose weight and the San people make a profit, so everyone is happy。 Read the first and last sentence ONLY of each

19、paragraph in the reading passage. Take NO MORE THAN FIVE minutes to do this。 4 Put these simple headings into the same order as the passage itself。 Write the number of the paragraph beside each one. a. _ Hoodia may help people to lose weight。 b。 _ Some children have a weight problem in the developed

20、 world。 c. _ Most places have a staple food。 d. _ The San can be found in Kalahari desert in Africa. e. _ The San learnt to survive without food for days on end。 f 。_Hoodia contains P5 7。 Skimming to Summarise the Reading Passage1 Now, work with a partner to complete a brief summary of this reading

21、passage. Speak, do not write。 This passage is about .。 It describes .。 The main idea is that .。 IELTS Type Question: Reading for Details and for Main IdeasNow, you should be able to read this passage quickly to find details and answer the following questions。 Multiple Choice QuestionsCircle the corr

22、ect letter。 Some questions may have more than one correct answer; and this will be indicated in the instructions。 1) The San: a. herd cows and collect plants b。 hunt animals and grow plants c. hunt animals and collect plants TIPThese questions usually follow the order of the passaged。 herd cows and

23、grow plants 2) Which problem is NOT mentioned in the passage? a。 they cant find jobs b。 they have family problems c. they drink too much alcohol d. they are very poor 3) Examples of staple foods are: a。 rice and potatoes b。 garlic and ginger c。 magnolia and hoodia d。 all of the above 4) In the old d

24、ays, the San: a。 ate hoodia every day b。 ate hoodia when they were hungry c. ate hoodia when there was a famine d. ate hoodia when they wanted to diet 5) In the West: a。 most people are overweight b。 30% of people are overweight c。 20% of people are overweight d。 the majority of people are not overw

25、eight Locating Information The passage has six paragraphs, A F Which paragraph contains the following information? Write the correct letter, AF, beside the statements below。 NOTE: you may use any letter more than once. You may not need to use all the letters。 6) _Some foods are used to cure health p

26、roblems。 7) _ Many modern people do not eat well and have weight problems. 8) _The San have something that people in the West want. 9) _The sale of hoodia from Africa to the West might help everyone. 10) _Hoodia was used by the San to control hunger when food was scarce. Short AnswersAnswer the ques

27、tions below。 Choose NO MORE THAN FOUR WORDS from the passage for each answer. 11) What do the San not have that people in developed countries mostly have? _ 12) How long have the San people known about hoodia? _13) What does hoodia have that makes it so useful for western people? _14) What sort of m

28、eals does the writer say our grandparents prepared? _15) What did our grandparents eat less of, compared to people these days? _ TIP Watch carefully for word endings and grammar clues to help you with this。 Summary CompletionComplete the summary of the passage using words from the box below. There a

29、re more words than gaps。 nourishingobesityidealhoodiadesireunemploymentcactusmaterialovercomeattractiveoriginatetraditionalThe San are a tribe of huntergatherers in the Kalahari desert whose 16)_ lifestyle is changing fast. They now suffer from modern problems such as alcoholism, poverty and 17) _。

30、Since ancient times they have used a cactuslike plant, hoodia, to help 18) _hunger when food was scarce. In the West, where 19)_ is becoming a major health issue, hoodia is seen as a solution as it appears to control the 20)_ to eat. Circle the Letter for the Correct Answer: Global MultiChoiceTIP 1Y

31、ou will usually find the answer to this question in the final and / or the first paragraph.TIP 2Some or all of the four choices will be ideas from the passage. You job is to choose the main, or most important one21) The writers main idea is that: a) The ancient practice of using hoodia when food was

32、 scarce may lead to an improvement in the Sans financial situation. b) Obesity, a growing problem all over the developed world, is spreading to the less developed countries as well。 c) The ancient culture and lifestyle of the San is changing rapidly now. d) The pharmaceutical companies want to get c

33、ontrol of supplies of hoodia. After You ReadThis section of the reading units will include some activities to help you to understand and practice reading skills that you will need in the IELTS test.Vocabulary harshmaterial possessionsunemploymentpovertyalcoholismtraditionalattractivesubstancesurvive

34、cactusfamineobesitynourishingstaple6 Match the words above to the meanings below。 a。 an addiction to strong drinks _b. a basic item, in widespread use _c. to be cruel or unkind _d。 pleasant or looking good _e. things such as mobile phones, cars _f. a time when there is no food _g。 a lack of money, f

35、ood or possessions _h。 to manage to stay alive _i. providing for growth and health _j。 the state of being without a paying job _k。 a prickly desert plant _1. in the old way, not modern _m。 the state of being overweight _n。 a solid, powder or liquid _ 7 Complete the following sentences, using the tar

36、get vocabulary. a。 Food that is_ is healthy and helps us grow。 b。 Hoodia looks like a_ , but is not actually related。 c。 In recent times, the San people have begun to suffer from _because they drink too much. d. They have few _ _ as they live simply and move around a lot。 e。 As they also have proble

37、ms such as poverty and unemployment, the San lifestyle is not very _ to outsiders。 f。 These days, it is difficult for the San to maintain their _lifestyle and culture. g. In the old days, the San people used hoodia to help them _when food was difficult to find。 h. A_ in hoodia seems to stop people f

38、eeling hungry. 1。 A major problem in many countries is_ , as people eat too much fatty food and do not exercise enough. Text StructureThis reading passage has four main parts. It describes the San people and their lifestyle, now and in the past。 It discusses the use of food plants for medicine. It d

39、escribes the problem of obesity in the West。 It describes how people hope hoodia might provide a solution。 8 Read carefully through the passage again, and highlight or underline those sentences which introduce the San and their way of life. In a different color, mark all the sentences which discuss

40、plants, including hoodia, as medicine。 In a third color, mark the sentences which discuss obesity。 Finally, mark all the sentences which discuss how hoodia can solve obesity in the developed world. Note: There may be some overlap. 9 Now, complete these notes. The San - Live in the Kalahari _. Lifest

41、yle: traditional hunter-gatherers,_ year old culture Problems: _, poverty, unemployment Old way of life: _fast Plants Grown for Eating e。g. rice, _ _e.g。 。 garlic ,_, magnolia Hoodia Grows where _ live Used for _during _or drought。 Contains_ - brain thinks _is full Therefore -_ countries want it _ in developed countries - Big _, for adults, _ Numbers: up to 50% overweight _ 30 _children heavy Causes Too much food, _food。 Past time food-simple. _,less_ Today _。more money_foods high_ Soluti

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