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1、中国医疗美容第14卷 第1期(总第125期)2024年1月中国医疗美容第14卷 第1期(总第125期)2024年1月中国医疗美容中国医疗美容第14卷 第1期(总第125期)2024第14卷 第1期(总第125期)2024年1月年1月China Medical Cosmetology China Medical Cosmetology Vol.14 No.1(Total No.125Vol.14 No.1(Total No.125)JanJan.20242024China Medical Cosmetology China Medical Cosmetology Vol.14 No.1(Tota

2、l No.125Vol.14 No.1(Total No.125)JanJan.20242024整形手术是临床治疗烧伤后皮肤、组织、肌肉等整形手术是临床治疗烧伤后皮肤、组织、肌肉等损伤的主要方法损伤的主要方法11,尤其对面部烧伤患者,有效的整,尤其对面部烧伤患者,有效的整形手术不仅可促进创面愈合,减少瘢痕形成,还可形手术不仅可促进创面愈合,减少瘢痕形成,还可改善患不良心理状态,提高生活质量改善患不良心理状态,提高生活质量22。既往研究发。既往研究发现,随着时间推移,患者术后治疗依从性逐渐下降,现,随着时间推移,患者术后治疗依从性逐渐下降,抑郁、焦虑等不良心理状态逐步增加,甚至在随访过抑郁、焦虑


4、心理状态及外观满意度的影响,以期为面部烧伤整形患者提供更多可借鉴的护理响,以期为面部烧伤整形患者提供更多可借鉴的护理管理模式,具体报道如下。管理模式,具体报道如下。1 资料与方法1 资料与方法医疗美容护理基于个体化需求的护理随访对面部烧伤整形患者心理健康、基于个体化需求的护理随访对面部烧伤整形患者心理健康、外观满意度的影响外观满意度的影响何军霞何军霞1 1,王爱环,王爱环1 1,许 洪,许 洪2 2(1.1.开封市中心医院烧伤整形与创面修复外科,河南开封市中心医院烧伤整形与创面修复外科,河南 开封,开封,475000475000;2.2.开封市中心医院门诊部,河南开封市中心医院门诊部,河南 开

5、封,开封,475000475000)【摘【摘 要】要】目的目的 分析基于个体化需求的护理随访对面部烧伤整形患者心理健康、外观满意度的影响。分析基于个体化需求的护理随访对面部烧伤整形患者心理健康、外观满意度的影响。方法方法 收集 2022 年 6 月 收集 2022 年 6 月2023 年 6 月期间于我院接受治疗的 86 例面部烧伤整形患者分为对照组(n=43,实施常规临床试验的随访)与观察组(n=43,2023 年 6 月期间于我院接受治疗的 86 例面部烧伤整形患者分为对照组(n=43,实施常规临床试验的随访)与观察组(n=43,接受基于个体化需求的护理随访),均随访6个月。比较干预前、干

6、预6个月后两组患者心理状态心理症状自评量表(SCL-90)、接受基于个体化需求的护理随访),均随访6个月。比较干预前、干预6个月后两组患者心理状态心理症状自评量表(SCL-90)、应对方式 医学应对方式问卷(MCMQ),记录两组患者创面愈合情况、术后并发症发生情况及外观满意度。应对方式 医学应对方式问卷(MCMQ),记录两组患者创面愈合情况、术后并发症发生情况及外观满意度。结果结果:干预 6:干预 6个月后,两组患者 SCL-90、回避和屈服量表评分均低于干预前,且观察组低于同期对照组(个月后,两组患者 SCL-90、回避和屈服量表评分均低于干预前,且观察组低于同期对照组(P P 0.05);

7、两组患者面对量表 0.05);两组患者面对量表评分高于干预前,且观察组高于对照组(评分高于干预前,且观察组高于对照组(P P 0.05)。观察组患者创面愈合时间、肉芽生长时间及术后并发症总发生率低于 0.05)。观察组患者创面愈合时间、肉芽生长时间及术后并发症总发生率低于对照组,创面愈合率、外观总满意度高于对照组(对照组,创面愈合率、外观总满意度高于对照组(P P 0.05)。0.05)。结论结论 基于个体化需求的护理随访可改善面部烧伤整形患者不 基于个体化需求的护理随访可改善面部烧伤整形患者不良心理状态,提高自我效能和术后外观满意度,减少术后并发症的发生。良心理状态,提高自我效能和术后外观满

8、意度,减少术后并发症的发生。【关键词】【关键词】烧伤;整形;个性化;随访;心理状态;外观满意度烧伤;整形;个性化;随访;心理状态;外观满意度DOI:DOI:10.19593/j.issn.2095-0721.2024.01.02110.19593/j.issn.2095-0721.2024.01.021Effect of nursing follow-up based on individualized needs on psychological health and Effect of nursing follow-up based on individualized needs on p

9、sychological health and appearance satisfaction of patients with facial burn plastic surgeryappearance satisfaction of patients with facial burn plastic surgeryHE Jun-xia1*,WANG Ai-huan1,XU Hong2HE Jun-xia1*,WANG Ai-huan1,XU Hong2(1.Department of Burns,Plastic Surgery and Wound Repair,Kaifeng Centra

10、l Hospital,Henan Province,475000,China2.Department of 1.Department of Burns,Plastic Surgery and Wound Repair,Kaifeng Central Hospital,Henan Province,475000,China2.Department of Outpatient,Kaifeng Central Hospital,Henan Province,475000,ChinaOutpatient,Kaifeng Central Hospital,Henan Province,475000,Ch

11、ina)ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Objective Objective To analyze the effect of nursing follow-up based on individualized needs on psychological health and To analyze the effect of nursing follow-up based on individualized needs on psychological health and appearance satisfaction of patients with facial burn pla

12、stic surgery.appearance satisfaction of patients with facial burn plastic surgery.MethodsMethods A total of 86 patients with facial burn plastic surgery A total of 86 patients with facial burn plastic surgery who were treated in our hospital from June 2022 to June 2023 were divided into control grou

13、p(n=43,routine clinical trial follow-who were treated in our hospital from June 2022 to June 2023 were divided into control group(n=43,routine clinical trial follow-up)and observation group(n=43,nursing follow-up based on individualized needs)based on the principle.Patients in both groups up)and obs

14、ervation group(n=43,nursing follow-up based on individualized needs)based on the principle.Patients in both groups were followed up for 6 months.The psychological status Symptom Check List-90(SCL-90)and coping styles Medical Coping were followed up for 6 months.The psychological status Symptom Check

15、 List-90(SCL-90)and coping styles Medical Coping Mode Questionnaire(MCMQ)were compared before intervention and after 6 months of intervention,and the wound healing status,Mode Questionnaire(MCMQ)were compared before intervention and after 6 months of intervention,and the wound healing status,occurre

16、nce of postoperative complications and appearance satisfaction were recorded in the two groups.occurrence of postoperative complications and appearance satisfaction were recorded in the two groups.ResultsResults After 6 months of After 6 months of intervention,the scores of SCL-90 scale,avoidance sc

17、ale and yielding scale of the two groups of patients were lower than those before intervention,the scores of SCL-90 scale,avoidance scale and yielding scale of the two groups of patients were lower than those before intervention,and the scores in observation group were lower during the same period(i

18、ntervention,and the scores in observation group were lower during the same period(P P0.05).The score of facing scale in the two 0.05).The score of facing scale in the two groups was higher than that before intervention,and the score was higher in observation group(groups was higher than that before

19、intervention,and the score was higher in observation group(P P0.05).The wound healing time,0.05).The wound healing time,granulation growth time and total incidence rate of postoperative complications in observation group were lower while the wound granulation growth time and total incidence rate of

20、postoperative complications in observation group were lower while the wound healing rate and total appearance satisfaction rate were higher than those in control group(healing rate and total appearance satisfaction rate were higher than those in control group(P P0.05).0.05).Compared with the control

21、 group,the observation group had lower 0.05).Compared with the control group,the observation group had lower anxiety scores,depression scores,and total scale scores after intervention,with statistically significant differences(anxiety scores,depression scores,and total scale scores after interventio

22、n,with statistically significant differences(P P0.05).The 0.05).The observation group had higher scores for post-traumatic growth,such as interpersonal relationships,personal abilities,and mental observation group had higher scores for post-traumatic growth,such as interpersonal relationships,person

23、al abilities,and mental changes after intervention,with statistically significant differences(changes after intervention,with statistically significant differences(P P0.05).The SPBS score of the observation group after intervention 0.05).The SPBS score of the observation group after intervention was

24、 lower,and the difference was statistically significant(was lower,and the difference was statistically significant(P P0.05).0.05).ConclusionConclusion The focused solution model can effectively alleviate The focused solution model can effectively alleviate the negative emotions of facial burn patien

25、ts,reduce their self perception burden,and promote post-traumatic growth.the negative emotions of facial burn patients,reduce their self perception burden,and promote post-traumatic growth.KEY WORDSKEY WORDS Focused solution mode;Facial burns;Posttraumatic growth;Self perceived burden Focused solution mode;Facial burns;Posttraumatic growth;Self perceived burden

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