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1、鲁科版四年级下册期中测试题班级: 姓名: 成绩:第一部分 听力部分一、 Listen and choose.(听录音,选出你所听到的单词) (10分) ( ) 1. A. Canada B. computer C .China ( ) 2. A. window B. wash C. watch( ) 3. A. football B. flower C. fish ( ) 4. A. noodles B. meal C. make( ) 5. A. want B. what C. wait二、 Listen and tick or cross.(听录音判断,和听到的内容一致打“”,不一致的打“

2、”)(10分) ( ) 1.Where are you from? ( ) 2. What would you like? ( ) 3. She is washing the dishes . ( ) 4. Would you like something to drink? ( ) 5. I can clean the floor.三、 Listen and choose.(听问句选答句)(10分) ( ) 1.A. I live in London. B. Im from China. ( ) 2.A. I like noodles. B. I want to eat rice. ( )

3、3.A. Yes, I do. B. No, I dont.( ) 4.A. I d like some fish. B. I want to eat potatoes.( ) 5. A. She is cleaning the kitchen. B.I am washing the dishes. 四 Listen and number.(听录音标序号)(10分) ( ) A Is she from India? ( ) B Where do you live, Mary? ( ) C Are you cooking the meal, dad? ( ) D Would you like s

4、ome soup? ( ) E Yes, Id like some pear juice. 第二部分 笔试部分 四、 Look and choose.(看图选择,把正确序号填写在相应的括号中)(10分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) A. tomato soup B. wash the clothes C. clean the window D. Britain E. water the flowers 六、Find and circle.(选出不同类的一项)(10分) ( )1.A. draw B. China C. read( )2.A. he B. she C. book (

5、)3.A. shoes B. meal C. coat ( )4.A. potato B. tomato C. cake ( )5.A. apple B. noodle C. pear 七、Choose the best answer.(选择最佳答案)(10分) ( ) 1. Im from Britain. I live in _. A. London B. Beijing ( ) 2. Wheres he from ? A. Shes from China . B. Hes from China . ( )3. Can you clean the windows? _. A. Yes, I

6、 can. B. Yes, I do. ( ) 4.What are you cooking? Im _ bread . A. makes B. making ( )5. Would you like something to drink? _. A. I like rice and vegetables. B. Id like some pear juice. A. Yes. I am cooking the chicken. B. Yes, tomato soup please. C. I live in Taian. D. I am watering the flowers.E. I w

7、ant to eat rice and jiaozi. 八、Read and match.(情景匹配)(10分) ( ) 1.Where do you live? ( ) 2.What are you doing? ( ) 3.What do you want to eat?( ) 4.Would you like some soup?( ) 5.Are you cooking the meal? 九、 连词成句1. is, Where , from, she (?)2. clean, you, Can, shoes, the (?)3. you, playing, Are, games, c

8、omputer (?) 4. washing, She, the, dishes, is (.) 5. something, Would, like, you, drink, to (?)十、 阅读理解。将正确答案写在题前括号,正确的写T,错误的写F。Hi,Im Jack. Lucy and Ken are my good friends. Ken is from London. He is very tall and thin. Lucy is from Ottawa. Shes thin and short. We are in our school now. Im playing foo

9、tball. Ken is playing basketball. Lucy is watering the flowers. Tomorrow is Saturday. They will go to my home. We will play computer games. My father will cook the meal. My mother will wash the clothes. We will have a good time.( ) 1. Ken and Lucy are from Britain.( ) 2. Jack is playing football.( )

10、 3. Lucy is reading books.( ) 4. Ken and Lucy will go to Jacks home tomorrow.( ) 5. Jacks father will wash the clothes.听力材料一、Listen and choose.(听录音,选出你所听到的单词) (10分) 1. Canada 2. wash 3. flower 4. noodles 5. wait 二、 Listen and tick or cross.(听录音判断,和听到的内容一致打“”,不一致的打“”)(10分)1. Where is he from? 2. What

11、 would you like? 3. She is washing the clothes 4. Would you like something to eat ? 5. I can clean the floor.三、 Listen and choose.(听问句选答句)(10分)1、Where do you live? 2、What do you want to eat? 3、 Can you clean your shoes?4、What would you like? 5、 What are you doing ? 四、Listen and number.(听录音标序号)(10分) 1. Are you cooking the meal, dad? 2. Yes, Id like some pear juice. 3. Is she from India? 4. Would you like some soup? 5. Where do you live, Mary?

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