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1、 外文翻译:国有企业会计监督体系的构建 By Ron Kasnik 国有企业改革的基本方向是建立现代企业制度,公司制企业是现代企业制度的一种有效形式,公司法人治理结构是公司制企业的核心。中国国有企业改制后,国有企业虽然建立了公司制,但国有企业法人治理结构尚存在诸多问题。改制的国有企业治理结构不完善,导致了企业行为短视和不规范,不仅如此企业经营者还出于各种目的操纵会计工作,屏蔽财务会计真实信息,使得国有企业存在严重的会计信息失真问题。企业会计信息失真造成国有资产大量流失,证券市场发育不良等,严重降低了会计信息质量,影响了会计信息使用者的正确决策,进而在客观上影响了国民经济运行秩序。在当前会计信息



4、众多其它性质的企业能够发展的关键。纵观近几年很多企业,有过辉煌的成绩,但都只是昙花一现,从中不难发现具有共同的特点,就是在构建现代企业制度过程中,缺乏应有的财务监督。我国最早由深圳市政府为维护国有企业所有者利益,防止国有资产流失,用会计委派制的财务监督模式率先在部分国有企业中实行了财务总监制度或财务部长逐级委派制度。目前,在一些国有企业中,特别是大中型集团化经营企业中,陆续建立了会计委派制度;另外,在一些非国有企业和公司制企业中,也尝试着建立会计委派制度。 中国有企业的财务监督体制经历了三个阶段,日趋达到完善。第一阶段:80年代初-1988年。这一阶段探索的结果表明,仅仅从企业层次着手是建立不



7、监督机构专职人员的地位与归属不一致。财务监督评价系统划分为系统管理、个性工具、财务管理、客户服务、企业运营、企业发展、系统评价等7个子系统,系统管理包括部门管理,职务管理,人员管理,用户管理,用户组管理,菜单管理等功能;个性工具提供个人信息维护功能;财务管理、客户服务、企业运营、企业发展分别是针对企业财务状况、客户数据及关系、企业主营业务及增值业务、企业文化及人员方面的指标的编辑和评分;系统评分是显示系统的总得分,并且根据规定将当前财务监督水平划分到具体的等级。 国有企业会计监督失效是由诸多原因造成的,以公司治理为理念,对国有企业会计监督体系重新构建,建立了多元化、多层次的国有企业会计监督体系


9、。单位内部会计监督即公司治理结构中的会计监督,不仅应满足经营者对经营管理的需要,同时还应满足各派利益相关者为维护自身经济利益而对经营者进行再监督的需要。此外,由于中国国家所有者对国有企业会计监督的好坏是国企改革的重要问题之一,所以对于国有企业的会计监督还应能满足国家所有者对经营者加强监督的需要。 国有企业的会计监管模式是多方面的。全面实施这些模式将会浪费资源,提高会计管理的难度。针对性的选择两个或两个以上的会计监管模式来实现会计监督根据运行特点监督国有企业是非常必要的。笔者认为,一般来说,内部审计系统是一个传统的系统。如果你想选择系统分配的会计系统中,分配的监事会制度和外部董事系统,系统数量的




13、其法律法规的范围。为了做好会计监督工作,首先,一个鼓励和支持任命人员履行职责应的法律应该被协调。各种形式的激励机制,如发展优先就业,期权激励和回报之间的区别。其次,应加强责任感,约束机制,比如职业禁令,行政处罚,和法律责任问责应该被建立,应加强问责制。 正确的财务管理目标,是企业财务管理系统良性循环的前提,也是财务管理机制赖以建立的基础。根据利益兼顾原则,提出了公司财务管理目标的分层确定观点,即国有公司财务管理目标分为总体目标和具体目标两个层次。总体目标分为实现公司价值最大化的经济目标和承担一定社会责任的社会目标两个层次。具体目标中的经济目标包括公司在筹资、投资和分配管理方面的目标,具体目标的


15、合理的评价机制具有创新性。原文正文:Construct of accounting supervision system of state-owned enterpriseBy Ron KasnikThe modern enterprise mechanism is the basic reform direction of state-owned enterprises in China. Corporation is one kind of effective form of modern enterprise mechanism, and corporate governance is

16、the core of corporation. There are many problems in corporate governance of the state-owned enterprises, which make the operators manipulate the fiscal work and results in distortion of fiscal information. The distortion of fiscal information of enterprises can result in large quantities of state-ow

17、ned assets leak, and then affect the right decision-making of the user. It is the popular phenomena that the accounting information can not reflect enterprises true financial condition. Under this position, enterprise generally faces two basic problems: One is to develop the accounting process; the

18、other is to strengthen the accounting monitoring. These two functions must be carried out under some internal control condition. Internal control environment is the foundation of internal control system. When internal control environment being developed, internal control system should run smoothly,

19、and accounting measures should be effectively carried out. However, when discussing the problem of false accounting information, scholars pay more attention on developing accounting system; neglect the function of the internal control environment on accounting. Thus this article will integrate the i

20、nternal control environment and accounting monitoring to find some practicable measure to improve the accounting quality.Accounting supervision is used as the system of guaranteeing the quality of fiscal information. The deficiency of accounting supervision is the direct factor resulting the distort

21、ion of fiscal information. Accounting supervision system is important to reforming state-owned enterprises. In the process for our countrys economy translation from planned economy to market economy, the internal control problems of external supervision and intermediary organization lead to the exis

22、tence of the accountant appointment system. But running accountant appointment system separately cant meet the needs of modern management. We must combine the accountant appointing system with the internal auditing so as to promote the realization of the overall target of business management.Reformi

23、ng the financial supervision system is the key to establishing the modern enterprising system. A lot of enterprises, which made brilliant achievements years ago, disappeared now, due to the lack of financial supervision. To secure the state-owned enterprise owners interests, to avoid the loss of sta

24、te-owned assets, accountant appointment system of financial supervision mode was applied in some state-owned enterprises in Shenzhen. At present, accounting appointment system has been established or being established in some state-owned enterprises, especially large and medium-sized ones. The finan

25、cial supervision system of state-owned enterprises has experienced three stages in our country, and to achieve perfect increasingly. The first stage: the early 80 s to 1988. The results of exploration in this stage show that it cant afford to establish modern enterprise system only from the enterpri

26、se level, but also proceed from the macroscopic and establish a sound management system for state-owned assets. The second stage: 1988 to 2003, In the operation this stage, each department dont give up the right, for example, the assets of the rights owned by the ministry of finance, the state-owned

27、 assets investment of the rights owned by the State Development Planning Commission, the day-to-day operations of the rights owned by the economic and trade commission, the staffing of the rights owned by the enterprise work committee, multiple departments can give orders to the same enterprise, So

28、there were many disadvantages in this stage. The third stage: 2003 to now. The core task of this stage is to establish a new state-owned assets management system, establish and improve the modern property right system, make the joint stock system becomes the main form of public ownership. In early 2

29、003, state-owned assets supervision and administration commission was set up, after three years, around the adjustment of state-owned economic layout structure, deepen the reform of state-owned enterprises, strengthen the supervision of state-owned assets of many trials were carried out in three asp

30、ects. Perfect the corporate governance structure, strengthening the scientific and technological innovation of enterprises as the mainstay, standardization of state-owned enterprise restructuring, strengthen the daily supervision in state-owned enterprises has obtained the remarkable effect. Our cou

31、ntry still exist many unsolved problems in state-owned enterprise governance, mainly has the following several. The first item: the state-owned enterprises lack of competitiveness and innovation spirit. The second: problems for state-owned enterprises to establish diversified property rights structu

32、re. The third: the board of directors and managers of state-owned enterprises on the configuration of control is difficult to form a reasonable distribution. The fourth: basic management of state-owned assets law system is still imperfect. The fifth: the restructuring of state-owned enterprises forw

33、ard is still slow, SASAC directly manage the number of state-owned enterprises is still too much. These problems caused the defects in the financial supervision system of state-owned enterprises. First of all, lack of enterprise operators and managers major financial decisions effective supervision

34、of the industry. Secondly, lack of state-owned enterprises operation and management of high-level personal supervision of the state of the economy. There is lacking of effective supervision about the false and hiding financial information. Financial supervision and intermediary organization also did

35、 not deal with the responsibility. The final status of internal financial supervision institution full-time personnel does not agree with attribution. Financial supervision and evaluation system is divided management, personalized tools, financial management, customer into 7 sub-systems such as serv

36、ice, business operations, systems business development and system evaluation. System management includes sector management, job management, personnel management, user management, user group management and menu management; personalized tools provide personal information to maintain; the system consis

37、ts of four sub-modules, namely financial management, customer service, business operations and business development, and respectively edits and rates for financial position, customer data and relationships, the main business enterprises and value-added services, corporate culture and personnel indic

38、ators; system score is the total score of system, and in accordance with the provisions of the current level of financial supervision divided into specific grades.There are many factors causing the deficiency of accounting supervision in state:-owned enterprises. The thesis points out the present de

39、ficiency of accounting supervision in state-owned enterprises concentrated on the research of accounting supervision system in state-owned enterprises, and establishes multiple accountant supervision systemThe thesis suggests that the dividing between exterior accounting supervision and internal acc

40、ounting supervision in state-owned enterprise should be based on corporate Corporation The accountant supervising of internal corporation should satisfy the needs of both the operators management and protecting the individual interest of each interest group.Accounting supervision modes of state-owne

41、d enterprises are various. Full implementation of these modes would be a waste of resources, increase the difficulty of accounting management. Its necessary to targeted select two or more accounting supervision modes to implement accounting supervision according to operation characteristics of the s

42、upervised state-owned enterprises. The author believes that, generally, the internal audit system is a conventional system. If you want to select systems among the assigned accountant system, assignment board of supervisors system and outside director system, the number of systems chosen is better n

43、o more than two. At the same time, its no need to implement assigning accountants system and dispatching board of supervisors system in the same enterprise, and its inappropriate to promote outside director system in a large scale.Asymmetric information theory suggests that private information posse

44、ssed by agents is unobservable, hidden action is unverifiable, thus the biggest problem brought is the opportunistic behavior. Therefore, its not necessary to emphasize the diversified forms of accounting supervision of state-owned enterprises, but necessary to emphasize the actual results, the effi

45、ciency of the accounting supervision, and limit opportunistic behavior of agents. Firstly, the appointment and assignment personnel should quickly master financial information of the enterprise such as financial results, operating results and cash flow, and be familiar with production and business a

46、ctivities of the enterprise. Secondly, the responsibilities must be assigned to individuals, safeguard mechanisms for implementation should be established, and someone should be assigned to track, supervise, inspect and evaluate the implementation of the system .Thirdly, establish a national account

47、ing supervision experts database of state-owned enterprises, strengthen job training, and build a professional team of high-level and rich experience in business management. Finally, the information acquired in implementation of a variety of accounting supervision modes should be shared. State Asset

48、 Supervision and Administration Commission should organize a variety of communication meetings, on-site meetings and seminars which can attract a lot of appointment and assignment personnel to participate in, to consult problems appearing in accounting supervision and communicate measures against th

49、e problems.In the case of separation of ownership and management, insider control theory tells us that directors of enterprise in fact or in law control the enterprise, and make use of available information and the facility of management to gain more interests in enterprise management and decision-making. Accounting supervision is to maintain the economic order and prevent insider control to ensure normal economic activity of state-owned enterprises. State Ass

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