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1、Mid-term Examination Review1-Unit 1 Whats the matter?1.提问某人怎么了?Whats the matter with.?Whats wrong with.?Whats the trouble/problem with.?2.患.病(have a+疾病名)患感冒 have a cold 胃疼 have a stomachache 发烧 have a fever 头疼 have a headache 牙疼 have a toothache(tooth-teeth)咳嗽 have a cough 喉咙疼 have a sore throat 背疼

2、have a sore back 2-3.重点句型a.询问建议及提建议-What should I/she/he do?-You/She/He should+V.原形。(should是情态动词,should/shouldnt+V.原形)b.你下次不应该吃这么多。You shouldnt eat so much next time.c.-我应该量体温吗?-是的。/不是。Should I take my temperature?Yes,you should./No,you shouldnt.4.too much VS.much too too much+不可数名词 too much homewor

3、k/pressure much too+adj./adv.much too heavy/fastEg.He eats _ food,so he is _ fat.too muchmuch too3-5.enough 的用法a.修饰n.,放在n.的前面 enough time/water/moneyb.修饰adj./adv.,放在adj./adv.的后面old/fast enough6.重点短语 躺下休息 喝蜂蜜热茶 量体温 看牙医/医生 休息 下车 使.惊讶的 立即,马上 用尽 掌管 做决定 坚持做某事 习惯于.;适应于.过去常做某事 4-5.enough 的用法a.修饰n.,放在n.的前面

4、enough time/water/moneyb.修饰adj./adv.,放在adj./adv.的后面old/fast enough6.重点短语 躺下休息 lie down and rest 喝蜂蜜热茶 drink hot tea with honey 量体温 take ones temperature 看牙医/医生 see a dentist/doctor 休息 take a break,take breaks,have a rest 下车 get off;使.惊讶的 to ones surprise 立即,马上 right away=at once 用尽 run out(of);掌管 be

5、 in control of 做决定 make a decision,make decisions 坚持做某事 keep on doing sth.习惯于.;适应于.be used to(doing/n.)过去常做某事 used to do sth.5-U1 目目标标1、情、情态动词态动词2、反身代、反身代词词6-考点一:情态动词基本含义can(could)能,会能,会 may(might)可以,可能可以,可能 will(would)将,会,愿意将,会,愿意 must 必必须have to不得不不得不 need 需要需要 sb need to do sth,sth need doing.sho

6、uld应该had better 最好最好 had better(not)do sth7-考点二:表猜测语气的情态动词表猜表猜测性的情性的情态动词有:有:may,cant,must。may表没把握的猜表没把握的猜测。cant 表有把握的否定猜表有把握的否定猜测。must 表有把握的肯定猜表有把握的肯定猜测8-考点三:情态动词开头的疑问句的答语 句型句型肯定回答肯定回答否定回答否定回答Can IYes,you can.No,you cant.May I Yes,you may.No,you mustnt.No,you cant.Must IYes,you must.No,you neednt.No

7、 you dont have to Need IYes,you must.No,you neednt9-考点四:易混词的辨析(一)一)must 与与have to We _study hard.We _stay at home because it is raining.提示:must 表主观看法,意为“必须”。have to表客观需要,意为“不得不”(二)(二)maybe与与may be _he is right.It_ rainy tomorrow.Maybe为副词意思为“大概,也许”musthave toMaybemay be10-考点总结 1,单词的意思的意思2情情态动词的答的答语3表

8、猜表猜测的情的情态动词may,cant,must.4易混淆的情易混淆的情态动词 can与 be able to;have to与 must;maybe与 may be;cant mustnt注意注意:need的用法;had better 的用法。11-Unit 2 Ill help to clean up the city park.1.could 表示提建议 Eg.You could help to clean up the city parks.2.短语动词 cheer up(cheer them up)hand out(hand them out)give out,clean up,co

9、me up with,put off,put up,call up,give up,care for,try out,give away,take after,set up,fix up在V.+adv.的结构中,代词作宾语,应放在V.与adv.中间12-3.动词不定式 to+V.原形a.动词不定式作宾语三个希望(hope,wish,expect)两需要(need,want),设法(try)同意(agree)做准备(prepare),开始(begin)计划(plan)莫忘记(forget),记着(remember)决定(decide)能学会(learn)b.动词不定式作宾语补足语advise/a

10、sk/want/tell/allow/encourage/invite/would like/expect/need/wish sb.to do sth.c.动词不定式作宾补省略不定式符号to一感二听三让四看半个帮助feel;listen to,hear;let,make,have;see,watch,notice,look at13-d.与特殊疑问词连用,特殊疑问词+to dohow to care for,what to do,where to go4.alone VS.lonelyalone 独自地 live alonelonely 孤独的,寂寞的 feel lonely5.重点短语推迟

11、做某事帮忙解决放弃做某事满足感愉快的表情 四岁时 有影响,作用 花费时间/金钱 14-d.与特殊疑问词连用,特殊疑问词+to dohow to care for,what to do,where to go4.alone VS.lonelyalone 独自地 live alonelonely 孤独的,寂寞的 feel lonely5.重点短语推迟做某事 put off doing sth.帮忙解决 help out;(help sb.out)放弃做某事 give up doing sth.满足感 a feeling of satisfaction愉快的表情 the look of joy四岁时

12、 at the age of four有影响,作用 make a difference花费时间/金钱 Sb.spend time/money on sth.Sb.spend time/money(in)doing sth.It takes sb.some time to do sth.15-U2 目目标标1、to do不定式不定式2、动词动词短短语语16-关于小品词to (1).不定式中的动词上文已出现过,下文要 省略该动词.eg:Would you like to go with me?Id like to.(2).不定式是to be 结构,be 不可省.eg:Would you like

13、to be a teacher?Id like to be.17-(3).非谓语动词(动词不定式和动词-ing形式)中考考查重点讲解e.g.1.He has promised to behave better later.2.The boy decided not to become a sailor.3.I hope to go to college.promise,decide,hope,agree,choose,fail,wish,learn+to do sth.I.18-I made him do his work.He was made to do his work(by me).(

14、4).不定式用在介词but,except,besides后时,如果这些介词前有行为动词do的各种形式,那么介词后的不定式不带to,相反则带to.(1).She could do nothing but cry.(2).I have no choice but to go.(3).What do you like to do besides sleep.19-The teacher told me to clean the blackboard.I expect you to give me some help.(5).宾补二看 watch see look at 三使 let make hav

15、e 一听 listen to hear四注意:feelwarn,tell,allow,help,ask,force等notice五感觉:20-(6).固定句型固定句型:1.had better/had best+(not)do sth.最好(不)做某事2.Why(not)do sth.?3.prefer to do/prefer doing4.prefer+n./doing A+to+n./doing B5.prefer+to do A rather than (to)do B6.would rather(not)do sth.7.would rather do A than(do)B8.wo

16、uld rather+句子(过去式)(虚拟语气)要做21-1._ a living,she had to work from morning till night.A.To make B.MadeC.Making D.To have made2.I would rather starve to death than _ for food.A.beg B.begging C.begged D.to beg3.The boy pretended _ when his mother entered.A.reading B.to read C.to be reading D.being read22-

17、Unit 3 Could you please clean your room?1.Could you please+v.?(polite requests)肯定回答:Yes,sure./Of course./Certainly./All right./No problem.否定回答:Sorry,I cant.I have to.Could I do sth.?(ask for permissions)肯定回答:Sure./Of course./Yes,you can.否定回答:Sorry,you cant./No,Im afraid not./Im afraid you cant./Youd

18、 better not.2.borrow VS.lend 看主语与物品的所属关系borrow“借入”把本来不属于自己的东西借来使用 borrow.from.lend“借出”把属于自己的东西借给别人使用 lend sth.to sb.=lend sb.sth.23-3.neither 的用法a.作adv.“也不”他不喜欢音乐。我不喜欢。He doesnt like music.Neither do I.b.作pron.“两者都不”我们俩都不喜欢音乐。Neither of us likes music.4.重点短语做家务 外出吃饭 在外待得很晚遛狗结束做某事 和.一样 as.as;浪费时间 为了,

19、目的是 照顾 结果是依靠,依赖 一.就.越.,就越.24-3.neither 的用法a.作adv.“也不”他不喜欢音乐。我不喜欢。He doesnt like music.Neither do I.b.作pron.“两者都不”我们俩都不喜欢音乐。Neither of us likes music.4.重点短语做家务 do chores(do the dishes,take out the rubbish,fold the clothes,sweep the floor,make the bed,clean the living room)外出吃饭 go out for dinner;在外待得很

20、晚 stay out late遛狗 take the dog for a walk;结束做某事 finish doing sth.和.一样 as.as;浪费时间 a waste of time为了,目的是 in order to;照顾 take care of=look after结果是 as a result;依靠,依赖 depend on一.就.as soon as/the minute/the moment越.,就越.the+比较级,the+比较级越早越好 the earlier,the betterEg.The more we get together,the happier we w

21、ill be.25-U3 目目标标情情态动词态动词倒装倒装26-Inversion 倒倒 装装 27-基本基本语序序主主 +谓 +宾 I love English.28-倒装倒装语序序部分倒装部分倒装完全倒装完全倒装29-谓语+主主语助助动词/情情态动词完全倒装完全倒装部分倒装部分倒装+主主语+vIn came the headmaster.Did Einstein care for money?30-完全倒装完全倒装Here,there,then,now,或或 out,in,up,down,away,off 等副等副词开开头的句子的句子There goes the bell.Out rush

22、ed the teacher.31-Then came a new difficulty.Now comes your turn.主主语是人称代是人称代词,语序不序不变。Here you are.Out it comes.完全倒装的句子只有两种完全倒装的句子只有两种时态:一般一般现在和一般在和一般过去去32-Hearing the dog barking fiercely,away _.(2009 上海上海)A.fleeing the thiefB.was fleeing the thiefC.the thief was fleeingD.fled the thief33-部分倒装部分倒装当句

23、首出当句首出现以下以下词so/such否定否定词only+助助动词+主主语+谓语34-So+be/can/助助动词+主主语35-1.He can swim and I can swim,too.He can swim and so can I.他他会会游泳,游泳,我也我也会会。相同相同时态的情的情态动词主主语不指同一人不指同一人2.He is a student and I am a student,too.He is a student and so am I.他他是是学生,学生,我也我也是是。相同相同时态的的be动词一、so+be/can/助动词+主语主主语不指同一人不指同一人36-一、s

24、o+be/can/助动词+主语3.I will go there and he will go there,too.I will go there and so will he.我打算去那儿,我打算去那儿,他也要去他也要去。用相同用相同时态的助的助动词4.Mike has been to Japan and I have been to Japan,too.Mike has been to Japan and so have I.Mike去去过日本,日本,我也我也去去过。用相同用相同时态的助的助动词主主语不指同一人不指同一人主主语不指同一人不指同一人37-一、so+be/can/助动词+主语5

25、.He likes English and I like Englih,too.He likes English and so do I.他他喜喜欢英英语,我也我也喜喜欢。用相同用相同时态的助的助动词6.I like English and he likes English,too.I like English and so does he.我喜我喜欢英英语,我也我也喜喜欢。用相同用相同时态的助的助动词主主语不指同一人不指同一人主主语不指同一人不指同一人38-精精选中考中考练习试题1.I hope to visit the Summer Palace.-.A.So do I B.So I do

26、 C.Yes,I do2.Ann has made great progress recently.-and .A.So has sheso have you B.So has sheso you have C.So she hasso you have D.So she hasso have you3.Im going to the City Central Park.-.A.So am I B.So are you C.So you are D.So I am4.How well Anna dances!I cant believe my eyes.-.A.So he does B.So

27、does she C.Neither can she D.S can I5.Jim works hard on his Chinese and .A.So Lucy does B.So is Lucy C.So does Lucy D.So Lucy is6.Jim does well in Chinese in our class.-.Nobody does better than him.A.So he does B.So do I C.So I do D.So does heADAACA39-Unit 4 Why dont you talk to your parents?1.提建议的方

28、式a.You should/could/shouldnt do sth.b.How/What about doing sth.?c.Shall we.?d.Lets do sth.?e.Would you mind doing sth.?f.Youd better(not)do sth.g.Why dont you+V.原形?=Why not+V.原形?40-2.unitl 的用法a.与延续性动词连用,动词用肯定形式,“直到.为止”Eg.I waited until he came back.b.not.until“直到.才”Eg.I didnt go to bed until midnigh

29、t.3.重点短语允许某人做某事 和某人争吵 发现某人正在做某事归还某物给某人 以便 解决,计算出 它不是大事与某人相处愉快 与某人交流介意(某人)做某事 害怕做某事 与某人竞赛 比较 继续做某事 41-U4 目目标标连词连词42-作作 用用主主 要要 连 词并并列列连词表并列关系表并列关系and,bothand,not onlybut also,neithernor等等表表选择关系关系or,eitheror等等表表转折关系折关系but,however,while(而而),only(只不只不过)等等表因果关系表因果关系for,so,therefore(因此因此),then(那么)等(那么)等从从

30、属属连词引引导时间状状语从句从句after,before,when,while,as,until,till,since,as soon as等。等。引引导条件状条件状语从句从句if,unless等等引引导原因状原因状语从句从句because,as,since等等引引导目的状目的状语从句从句so that,in order that等等引引导让步状步状语从句从句though,although,even if等等引引导结果状果状语从句从句so that,sothat,suchthat等等引引导比比较状状语从句从句than,asas等等引引导名名词从句从句that,if,whether等等43-考点

31、一:考点一:1 1)判断改判断改错:They sat down and talk about something.They started to dance and sang.I saw two men sitting behind and ate there.FFFeatingsingtalkedand(“和,并且和,并且”)与与 or(“否否则”)“and”连接接平行平行结构。构。44-(1)肯定句中用)肯定句中用“and”表表“和和”;(2)否定句中用)否定句中用“or”表表“和和”。2 2)翻翻译:我喜我喜欢英英语和和数学。数学。我不喜我不喜欢英英语和和数学。数学。I like Eng

32、lish _ math.I dont like English _ math.and or45-=Study hard,_ your math will be worse.3 3)用)用 “andand”或或“or or”填空:填空:Study hard,_ your math will be better.and or “and”意意为“这样,那么,那么”;“or”意意为“否否则”。46-either A or B “或者或者A或者或者B”neither A nor B “既不既不A也不也不B”not only A but also B “不不仅A而且而且B”-连词词组:Either you

33、 or I _ going to the party.Neither I nor he _ seen the movie.Not only you but also he _ French.【连接主接主语 时,谓语“就近原就近原则”】amhasspeaks考点二考点二 47-表表转折折的的连词butbut 和和howeverhowever:e.g.(他努力工作,但以失他努力工作,但以失败告告终。)He worked hard,_ he failed at last.He worked hard._,he failed at last.区区别:but but 后后没有逗号,直接没有逗号,直接连接

34、分句;接分句;howeverhowever 后后有逗号相隔,可放句末。有逗号相隔,可放句末。butHowever考点三考点三:48-观察句子察句子:(1)Although he is over sixty,but he works as hard as others.改改为:Although he is over sixty,he works as hard as others.或或 He is over sixty,but he works as hard as others.(2)“Because John was ill,so I took him to the doctor.”*alt

35、hough/though*although/though 和和butbut这两个关两个关联词不能同不能同时用。用。?同同样,此句,此句错误,because because 和和 soso 等关等关联词都不能同都不能同时使用。使用。考点四考点四:49-Mr.White was taking a shower _ the UFO landed on the street.A.where B.while C.when D.whetherCWhile Mr.White was taking a shower,the UFO landed on the street.考点一考点一“when”和和“whi

36、le”when引引导的状的状语从句的从句的动作作多多为终止性止性动词,也也为可持可持续动词;但;但while只能只能是是可持可持续动词。50-考点二考点二 我父我父亲直到我直到我们吃完吃完饭时才回来。才回来。My father _ come back until we had supper.notuntil/till 直到直到才才till 直到直到为止止翻翻译:他直到他直到3岁才会才会讲话。He _get up until his mother wakes him up.didnt 他他经常等到常等到妈妈叫他才起床。叫他才起床。He _ speak until he was 3.couldnt

37、doesnt51-表示表示“一一”就的就的结构构hardly/scarcelywhen/before,no soonerthan和和as soon as都可以表示都可以表示一一就就的意思,例:的意思,例:I had hardly/scarcely got home when it began to rain.I had no sooner got home than it began to rain.As soon as I got home,it began to rain.注意:如果注意:如果hardly,scarcely 或或no sooner置于句首,置于句首,句子必句子必须用倒装用倒

38、装结构。构。Hardly/Scarcely had I got home when it began to rain.No sooner had I got home than it began to rain.考点三考点三 52-sothat,such.that区区别1)sothat中的中的so是个副是个副词,其后只能跟形容,其后只能跟形容词或或副副词,而,而such.that中的中的such是个形容是个形容词,后接,后接名名词或名或名词短短语。例如:。例如:Im so tired that I cant walk any farther.It was such a warm day tha

39、t he went swimming.2)如果在如果在名名词之前之前有有many,much,little,few时,用用so,不用不用such。例如:。例如:He has so little education that he is unable to get a job.53-He took the MP3 player with him _ he could enjoy music during the trip.A.because B.so that C.whenB他起早是他起早是为了了赶上早班赶上早班车。(表目的表目的)He got up early so that he could

40、catch the early bus.He got up early so that he caught the early bus.他起早,他起早,结果果赶上了早班赶上了早班车。(表。(表结果)果)He got up so early that he caught the early bus.sothatso that:为了;了;所以,所以,结果果如此如此以致以致54-Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came?1.The past progressive tense 表示过去某个时间点或时间段正在发生或存在的动作肯定形式:主+wa

41、s/were doing sth.否定形式:主+wasnt/werent doing sth.一般疑问句:Was/Were+主+doing sth.?特殊疑问句:What were you doing.?What was he/she doing.?时间状语:at this time yesterday,at that time,from 6 to 9 last night,when+一般过去时55-2.when VS.whilea.when 既可指时间点,也可指时间段,引导的时间状语多用一般时态。when+一般过去时,主句为过去进行时Eg.I was reading when he came

42、 in.When he was a boy,he was always making trouble.b.while 仅指时间段,与延续性动词连用while+过去进行时,主句一般过去时 主句过去进行时(表示两个动作同时发生)Eg.While I was reading,he came in.While mom was cooking,dad was watching TV.56-U5 目目标标过过去去进进行行时时秒秒杀动词时态杀动词时态57-(1)用法:用法:说话时正在正在进行的行的动作或当作或当 (2)常用)常用时间状状语:now,these days (3)动词构成构成:am/is/are+现在分在分词(-ing)(4)否定构成)否定构成:am/is/are+not+现在分在分词 注意:注意:go,come,leave,arrive,return,die等的等的进 行行时可表可表示即将要示即将要发生的生的动作作.58-59-this morning,the whole morning,all day yesterday,from nine to ten last evening,when,while,at that time,just nowa moment ago 常用的时间状语60-

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