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1、思维导图法高考英语书面表达训练1调查对象100高中生5所中学市内访谈调查内容最喜欢阅读新闻-53%故事-26%科普14%学习方法-7%自己的观点反对的观点支持的观点2One hundred senior middle school students3Five schools4In our city5interview6One hundred senior middle school studentsFive schoolsIn our cityinterviewOne hundred senior middle school students from five schools in our

2、city were interviewed.7They like reading mostAmong the four kinds(sorts)of english articles853%More than halfLike to read news mostMore than half of the students like to read news most.926%English stories26%of the students say that english stories are their favorite.1014%Popular scince articles14%of

3、 the students enjoy reading popular scince articles.117%Articles about learning methods7%of the students are most interested in the articles about learning methods12More than half of the students like to read news most.26%of the students say that english stories are their favorite.14%of the students

4、 enjoy reading popular scince articles.7%of the students are most interested in the articles about learning methodsThe survey shows that more than half of the students like to read news most.26%of the students say that English stories are their favorite and 14%of the students enjoy reading popular s

5、cience articles.Only 7%of the students are most interested in the articles about learning methods13In my opinionThey likeThey can readWe dont force themIn my opinion,students can read whatever they want(like)to read.There is no need to force(or require)them to read if they wouldnt like to.14 One hun

6、dred senior middle school students from five schools in our city were interviewed.They were asked which they liked reading most among the four sorts of English articles:news,stories,popular science articles and articles about learning methods.The survey shows that more than half of the students like

7、 to read news most.26%of the students say that English stories are their favorite and 14%of the students enjoy reading popular science articles.Only 7%of the students are most interested in the articles about learning methodsIn my opinion,students can read whatever they want(like)to read.There is no need to force(or require)them to read if they wouldnt like to.15

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