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1、STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURESPOLICY NO.SUBJECT项目HSKP 001Standard Of Cleanliness清洁标准HSKP 002Lost and Found失物招领HSKP 003Entering Guest Rooms进入客房HSKP 004Floor Attendant Services客房服务HSKP 005Shoe Shine Service擦鞋服务HSKP 006Guest Request Items客人需求项目HSKP 007Babysitting 托婴服务HSKP 008Guest Belongings客人财产HSKP 009

2、Room Wait Requests等候要求HSKP 010Shift Briefing班会HSKP 011Work Orders客房维护HSKP 012Allowing Access To Guest Rooms允许进入客人房间HSKP 013Gratuities / Tips赠物、小费HSKP 014Attending To Guests In Public Restrooms做好客用休息区卫生HSKP 015Chain Of Command行政管理 HSKP 016Holding Open And Securing Guest Room Door 客房安全HSKP 017Reasonab

3、le Job Requests 合理的工作分配HSKP 018Key Control Procedure钥匙控制程序HSKP 019Leaving Work Area Without Authorization未经批准擅离工作区域HSKP 020Telephone Skill电话技巧HSKP 021Cleaning The Public Telephone公用电话清洁HSKP 022Cleaning Furniture家具清洁HSKP 023Cleaning The Guest Corridors楼层过道清洁HSKP 024Providing Turndown Service夜床服务HSKP

4、025Cleaning Service Areas And Emergency Stairway服务区和应急区的清洁HSKP 026Sweep Log清洁记录HSKP 027Handling Guest Laundry处理宾客洗衣HSKP 028Uniform Room Procedures制服程序HSKP 029Handling Guestroom Trash客房垃圾处理HSKP 030Empty the Wastebasket清除垃圾HSKP 031Vacuuming of Public Areas公共区域吸尘HSKP 032AM/PM Discrepant Rooms Report早中班

5、房态差异报告HSKP 033Definition of a Guest宾客诠释HSKP 034Handle Guest Complaints处理客人投诉HSKP 035Job Safety岗位安全HSKP 036Personal Safety个人安全HSKP 037Priority Cleaning优先清洁HSKP 038Do Not Disturb请勿打扰HSKP 039Guest Room Security房间安全HSKP 040Room Service Trays Removal送餐餐盘撤出STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDUREPOLICY NO.SUBJECT项目HS

6、KP 041Housekeeping Department Hygiene and Grooming Standard房间清洁和卫生标准HSKP 042Guest Room Cleaning房间清洁HSKP 043Make A bed做床HSKP 044Bathroom Cleaning卫生间清洁HSKP 045Proper Behaviour for Housekeeping Staffs客房员工正确行为举止HSKP 046Use A Vacuum Cleaner吸尘器的使用HSKP 047Handling baby Crib / Cot处理婴儿床HSKP 048Regular Turndo

7、wn Service夜床服务规范HSKP 049Executive Floor Lounge Cleaning Hours行政楼层工作时间HSKP 050Flower Ordering /Arrangements鲜花订购、安排HSKP 051Executive Floor Guests / VIP Flower Ordering/ Arrangements行政楼层客人/VIP 鲜花订购安排HSKP 052Executive Floor Guests / VIP Turndown Service行政楼层/VIP开夜床服务HSKP 053Cleanliness & Hygiene清洁及卫生HSKP

8、 054Daily Check List每日检查表HSKP 055Equipment Usage设备使用HSKP 056Newspaper & Magazines报纸和杂志HSKP 057Reception Service迎宾服务HSKP 058Towels毛巾HSKP 059Administration管理HSKP 060Quality Control质量控制HSKP 061Normal, Express and Pressing Service一般,特殊和熨烫服务HSKP 062Guest Laundry Pick Up & Distribution收送洗衣服务HSKP 063Handli

9、ng Clean Linen干净布草的处理HSKP 064Soiled Linen Handling脏布草的处理HSKP 065Room Linen Discard Procedures布草报损程序HSKP 066Receiving of Uniform & Linen from Supplier更换制服,补充布草HSKP 067Storage of Chemicals药水储存HSKP 068Machinery机器HSKP 069Linen Room attendant & Its Function布草服务员及其职能HSKP 070Floor Linen Control 楼层布草控制HSKP

10、071Linen & Uniform Inventory布草制服盘存HSKP 072Uniform Control制服控制HSKP 073Receiving of Uniform 换制服HSKP 074Issue Uniform to Banquet 发放宴会制服HSKP 075Issue F & B Linen发放餐饮布草HSKP 076Processing Linen布草处理STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURESSubject项目STANDARDS OF CLEANLINESS 清洁标准 Effective Date有效日期16、JULY 2004Policy No 序

11、号HSKP-001 Issued by发出者 RDMPage页码 1 of 4Approved by批准人HOTEL MANAGER酒店经理Distribution描述 All Associates全体员工部门经理Objective: 目标 To ensure consistent quality standard of cleanliness at Hotel are meet at all times.随时保证酒店的清洁质量标准。Policy Statement: 政策It is the policy of Hotel that cleanliness standards must be

12、established to identify the level and quality of cleanliness expected after an area or object has been cleaned. All employees engaged in providing cleaning services throughout Hotel guest rooms will be trained on how to perform their cleaning assignment to meet and exceed following STANDARDS OF CLEA

13、NLINESS.根据酒店制定并确定的清洁质量标准政策来做好区域清洁卫生,所有员工在从事工作之前必须得到培训如何履行清洁工作并超越我们的清洁服务标准。Procedure: 程序ITEM STANDARDS OF CLEANLINESS条款 清洁标准ROOM SCENT 房间气味No smoke odor or any other type of smell. It should be smell nice and clean, “fresh scent”.没有烟味或其它味道。空气清新,干净ALL LINEN/TOWELS所有布草Fresh smelling, free of stains and

14、 tears.干净,没有污点和破损。CARPETS地毯Clean-no odors, stains or spots. Free of any visible dirt or soil。Edges clean/no dust build-up, free of rips and strings.没有气味、污迹和油污,没有明显的污渍,边缘干净,无灰尘和虚边。TILE FLOORS瓷砖Clean- no scuff marks, dust, dirt or soil. No wax build-up, edges and corners clean.清除无擦伤,灰尘,泥土或污渍。边缘和角落保持洁净

15、。DESK/CREDENZAS书桌/书柜Clean- no dust, dirt or soil. No oily appearance and no lint. Drawers slide evenly.干净无灰尘,泥土或污渍。表面无油污。抽屉滑动平稳。DESK CHAIRS/EASY书桌椅Clean-no spots or dirt. Legs clean/all wooden or metal parts 桌腿和所有木质、金属部分要求无污点无灰尘,泥土或污渍。CHAIRS & SOFAS 椅子沙发in proper working order. Paint and finish inta

16、ct. Upholstery clean and spotless, legs and backs of chairs dusted and free of marks. 按照正确的工作方法,油漆面完整无损、装饰部分干净无斑点,椅子背后、脚无灰尘和划痕。CHAIRS & SOFAS椅子沙发in proper working order. Paint and finish intact. Upholstery clean and spotless, legs and backs of chairs dusted and freeof marks.按照正确的工作方法,油漆家具完整无缺、室内清洁干净

17、,椅子背后、脚无灰尘和赃物。HEADBOARD床头板Clean-no dust, dirt or smudges. Finish is intact干净无灰尘、污迹完好无损。STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURESSubject : STANDARDS OF CLEANLINESSPages: 4 of 4 主题 清洁标准 页码Policy No序号 : HSKP-001 BED床Fresh, crisp appearance. Clean mattress pads, sheets and pillowcases. Duvet and duvet cover neat, c

18、lean, no arette burns or holes.崭新的外观,垫褥,床单、枕套、棉被及其套子要求干净无发丝和破洞。MIRRORS镜子No smudges, lint, dust, dirt or fingerprints. No cracks or chips. Hangs securely on wall.无污迹、毛尘、灰尘或手印,无裂缝和缺口,稳固墙上。NIGHTSTANDS床头柜Clean-no dirt, dust or soil. Wood not chipped or ratched.High polished appearance. 干净无灰尘、或油污,木质部分没有裂

19、口和突出的木钎,外观亮丽。TELEPHONE电话Clean- free of earwax or soil on ear and mouthpiece. Information on phone is easy to read/clean. Phone in proper working order Stickers not dog-eared.干净无耳垢和油脂,电话音量清楚,电话工作正常。TELEPHONE BOOKS电话本Clean ,updated and in good condition纸张干净,保持良好状态。LAMPS/SHADES灯/灯罩Clean-no dust, dirt o

20、r smudges. Bulbs correct wattageand clean. No dust on bulb. Lampshade clean-no hair. Finial secure on top of light fixture. 干净无灰尘、或污迹,灯泡干净无灰尘,瓦数适当,灯罩干净无头发,顶部安全稳固。TELEVISON电视Clean-no dust or dirt on screen, top or sides. Back securelylocked upon dresser.荧屏干净无灰尘、顶部或侧面无灰尘,放置稳固。SERVICE DIRECTORY服务指南Comp

21、lete and in good condition-no rips and tears. All intact.完整并保持良好状态,无裂口和破处,一切完好。ROOM LITERATURE房间读物All magazines present. No rips/tears, not dog-eared. Issues are current.所有的杂志,干净没有裂口/裂缝,没有卷角,并且是最新版。WINDOWSILLS窗台Clean-free of dirt and soil. No fingerprints. No dead insects in window sillsor ledges.Tr

22、acks spotless.干净没有灰尘和尘土,没有手印、死虫在窗台或壁架上爬过的痕迹。DRAPES窗帘Clean-free of watermarks, dirt, soil or dead insects. No rips/tears. Pulls freely in tracks.Hooks intact/batons not missing. No debris/dead insects on floor behind drapes.干净无水印、污垢、油渍或死虫,没有破裂,轨道滑动正常,挂钩完整无缺,无碎片/死虫在窗帘后的地上。WALLS墙Clean - no cobwebs. No

23、glue bleeding through wallpaper. Vinyl intact-rips/tears, not Dusting at seams & not ming unglued.干净无蜘蛛网,无溢出的墙纸胶,无裂口、和脱胶。PICTURE FRAME画框Clean - not dusty on front or top.上面和前面都要干净,无灰尘。STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURESSubject: STANDARDS OF CLEANLINESS Pages: 3 of 4主题清洁标准页码Policy No: HSKP-001序号 HANGERS衣架C

24、lean-no dust. Hooks not broken, hanger not chipped Correct number present. 干净无灰尘、挂钩无断掉,衣架无裂口,正确的数量。WASTEBASKET废纸篓Clean-no trash, dirt, soil or hair. In good condition, no marks or scuff marks. 干净无垃圾、泥土、油渍或头发,状况良好,无擦伤痕迹。VENTS通风口Clean - free of dust/dirt build-up. Secure.DOORS Clean-free of dust /dirt

25、 build-up. No dust inside door jam. Number clean and visible. Doorknob not loose. Finish intact. Thresholds are clean on all room doors, includingconnecting doors.干净无灰尘/污垢,安全门无灰尘、污垢。门把手无松动,连接门干净CUPBOARDS橱柜Thoroughly dusted and clean inside. No fingerprints or(WHERE APPLICABLE) marks on outside surfa

26、ces, including handles. 干净无灰尘,外表无手印(适用任何地方)或污渍,包括把手。SINKS水槽Clean, all chrome is shining(WHERE APPLICABLE) 干净、镀珞部分光亮。REFRIGERATORS电冰箱Defrosted and thoroughly clean inside “fresh smelling”. (WHERE APPLICABLE) Make sure door is closed. 除霜彻底里外清洁,确保门关闭。ASHTRAYS烟灰缸Clean-free of dirt, trash, ashes and smok

27、ing debris. Not cracked or chipped, high polished appearance. 干净无泥土、垃圾、灰烬和烟头,无破裂,外观明亮CLOCK/RADIOS闹钟收音机In proper working order, not broken. Clean-free of dust。Clock works, set to correct time and alarm is off工作正常,无坏掉,无灰尘,时间正确,闹钟关闭。LIGHT SWITCHES电灯开关Clean-free of fingerprints and soil. Screws are inta

28、ct. 干净无手印和油污,旋钮正常。CLIMATE CONTROL BOX空调箱Clean-no dirt or dust on top or sides of control unit. In proper working order.顶部或控制部分干净无灰尘或污垢,工作正常。ICE BUCKETS冰桶Clean-no dirt, soil or water inside. No tears/rips on lid or ice bucket. Tray is clean. 外无污垢、油渍或水,冰桶或盖子无破损,托盘干净。LUGGAGE RACKS行李架Clean-free of dust.

29、 Sturdy, straps secure, no hanging tring or threads. 无灰尘,皮带安全,结实安全,无悬吊的线绳。ROOM SUPPLIES房间补品Properly placed in room.放置正确的地方。SINK/COUNTERS水槽及台面Clean-free of dust, soil soap scum and no body hair.干净无灰尘、皂垢、肥皂泡和体毛。BATHTUB浴缸Clean free of hair, body oils, no soap scum build-up. Grout Clean, no bacteria bet

30、ween grout. Grab bar is spotless. Tile is clean and gleaming. Tile routing is clean and white. 干净无头发、身体油脂、,无皂垢,无细菌,瓷砖干净靓丽,接缝处无干净。FIXTURES 固定设施Clean-no soap scum, hair, oil or dirt. Chrome is shiny and sparkling干净无皂垢、头发、油渍或污垢,镀珞外表金属光亮。STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURESSubject: STANDARDS OF CLEANLINESSPage

31、s: 4 of 4主题: 清洁标准 页码Policy No编号: HSKP-001TOILET BOWL抽水马桶Clean-no body waste visible. Free of urine spots, dirt, soil. All parts clean, no hair. No hard-water rings or build-upinside bowl. No soil in between toilet lid and seat (atjunction ). In proper working order. Basin is clean, toilet seat and l

32、id is down, toilet in good working.干净无明显的排泄物。无尿渍及污垢、所有部分都干净,无头发。无长流水,盖子和座位无污渍马桶正常工作,便池干净,马桶座与盖营放下。GRAB BAR把手Clean-smudge free and polished dry. 干净有光泽。FAUCETS水龙头Clean and shiny. No residual or build-up. Fixtures intact, Easy to turn water on and off. 干净有光泽,无残余物,使用开关水正常。HEAT LAMP浴霸灯Clean-free of spots

33、. In proper working order. 干净并正常工作。STAINLESS STEEL COVERPLATE不锈钢Spotless and smudge-free.无污物亮洁BOTTLE OPENER开瓶器Spotless and smudge-free. 无污物TOWEL RACKS毛巾架Secured to wall, not loose or falling. Clean and shiny.安全不会掉落,干净有光泽.AMENITIES低耗品Neat and in proper place. Correct number present of each item. Boxe

34、s and bottles clean. 必须整洁的放在指定的地方,每种物品数量准确,包装干净.GLASSES杯子Clean-free of watermarks and topped with glass caps. 杯子所有部分没有水迹.AMENITY TRAY低耗品拖盘Clean and spotless. 干净无污点HALLWAY CARPET过道地毯 Spotless-free of debris and lint. 无污点,碎片,毛尘。 HALLWAY VINYL过道Clean- free of scuff marks or black marks. 干净无破损,污渍。STANDA

35、RD OPERATING PROCEDURESSubject主题: LOST AND FOUND 失物招领Effective Date 有效日期: SEP.1,2004Policy No编号: HSKP-002Issued by发出者: RDMPage页码:: 1 of 4Approved by接收人:HOTEL Manager酒店经理Distribution描述: All Associates全体员工Objective:项目To ensure Lost And Found procedure are followed properly in order to response to all

36、guest inquires in a timely manner.确保失物招领程序完全被执行,以便客人及时查找。Policy Statement: 政策It is the policy of Hotel that Employees are expected to check-out rooms thoroughly for items left behind from the Previous guest. Any Lost & Found items are required to be properly logged and bagged. Employees should recor

37、d information including their name, the room number and the date the item was found. Then, they should turn it into the Lost & Found Office in a timely manner for further tagging purposes.:酒店政策规定酒店员工应彻底检查客人已退房的房间。所有财物需要妥善保管,员工应有效的记录相关信息,包括他们的姓名,房间号和在遗失物品的日期和物品的项目,然后,他们应将物品及时递交到失物认领处。Procedure1、LOST

38、ITEMS 失物项目Should any item be reported lost within the confines of the hotel, all inquires are to be directed to the Housekeeping Department which is responsible for the recording and storage of all unclaimed items. 在酒店范围内任何失物都应报告,所有的都要求直接交到客房部办公室,客房部有责任登记和保管所有失主不明的失物。2、These items must be logged and

39、 include: 这些项目必需记录写下来:Name & Address 姓名和地址Item description 物品描述Where lost, when and time 丢失地点和时间Contact telephone number 联系电话3、Should it be found that Housekeeping has no record of the item in question, then further inquires should be directed to security and/or Guest Service Manager on duty. Should

40、 the request be after hours then the information is to be passed the Guest Service Manager who will follow up with Housekeeping at the earliest opportunity.那些客房部没有记录的项目,应进一步地去向报告保安部和客服经理询问,几小时后报告客服经理,客房部经理将跟踪此事。STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURESSubject : LOST AND FOUND Pages: 2 of 4主题: 失物招领 页码:Policy No:

41、 HSKP-002序号 4、FOUND ITEMS 建立项目All items regardless of their apparent value (or lack thereof) will be handed into the Housekeeping Department for Safekeeping and recording purposes. The items in question will be held in storage for a period of ninety (90) days or if recognized as a valuable and attra

42、ctive item, one hundred and eight (180) days in the Front Offices safe.所有的物品不管它是否有价值都要安全的保管并记录下来.如果没人来认领一般物品将保存90天,贵重物品将存在前厅保险箱内,保存期180天.At the end of these periods the items, if not claimed, will be returned to the finder for removal from Hotel or, if not wanted, passed to a recognized charity or destroyed.在最后周期如果客人没有回来认领,则返回给拾物人,如果失物人不要则转给慈善机构或销毁。3、FOUND ITEM(S) 所失物品the item is conveyed to Office Clerk in Housekeeping office.服务员把失物交到办公室The item and details surrounding its discovery are logged into

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