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1、八下,Unit4词汇语法复习练习一、用方框内的词适当形式填空comfortable quick bad cheap careful big good1. Tom listens in his class.2. Grey has eyes of all the boys in the club.3. You can sleep the there because they have the bedsof all.4. You can buy the ticket because they have (he best service.1. 1 think Town Cinema is becaus

2、e it has the smallest screensYou can buy the fruits in this supermarket. their prices are low.6. Davy did the in the math test because he worked really hard.二、用所给词的适当形式填空My father is much(busy) (han my mother.1. He is the(thin) in our class.2. Kitty has the(little) milk of the three.3. Lin Ping jump

3、s(far) of all.4. Mike is(true) talented. He always gets the first prize.5. This city is much(beautiful) than (hat one.6. Thanks for(choose) a song for me.7. My mother is sitting(comfortable)That story is quite(funny).8. Zhou Yan was the best(perform) al the party. She played the piano very well. 11.

4、 Keep(quiet), please. The students in Class2 are(quiet) than you.12. Which do you think of the(creative) of all the music videos?13. You should cat(many) vegetables and(little) meat.14.1 think Jackie Chan is (he most successful(act).15. This apple is(big) and(red) than that one.16. Helen is(young) i

5、n our class.17. Which country is(large). Canada, America or China?18.When people watch the show, they play an important role in(decide) the (win).三、语法填空(健康)is very important fbr us. Can you look after your health? Do you have a healthy habit? Do you know(如何)to keep in good health? Here some advice f

6、or you. First, you need to have some good e habits. You should eat fruit andvegetables four or five t a week. And you need to eat tofu or drink milk every day. Oh,dont forget to sleep nine hours every night. Having e sleep can make you f much better. Doing some exercise is also necessary fbr you. Wc think the best way to relaxis(通过)exercise. It is healthy for the(头脑)and the body. Exercise such as(玩)sports is fun. But dont make yourself too tired. Youd belter (保持)happy and be friendly to others. Tm sure you can be strong.

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