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1、Carefully Select Which Sales Carefully Select Which Sales Presentation Method to UsePresentation Method to UseChapterChapter9ChapterChapter9Main TopicsMain TopicsThe Tree of Business Life:PresentationSales Presentation StrategySales Presentation MethodsSelect One CarefullyThe Group Presentation Nego

2、tiating So Everyone WinsSales Presentations Go High-TechSelect the Presentation Method,Then the ApproachLets Review before Moving On!ChapterChapter9The Tree of Business Life:PresentationGuided by The Golden The Golden RuleRule:Master the art of creating effective sales presentationsHave fun presenti

3、ng your productSelect your presentation method based on:Sales call objectivePrior knowledge of customerCustomer benefit planYou will see that ethical service builds true relationshipsITCEthicalServiceBuilds T r u eRelationshipsTT TT T T TT TT T The Sales PresentationCompletely and clearly explains a

4、ll aspects of the salespersons proposition as it relates to a buyers needsThere are Several Sales Presentation Methods and You Must Select One According to Your:Sales call objectivePrior knowledge of the customerCustomer benefit planExhibit 9-1:The Third Step in the Sales Process is the First Step i

5、n the Sales PresentationThe sales presentation method determines how you open your presentationSales Presentation StrategySalespeople face numerous situationsSalesperson to buyerSalesperson to buyer groupSales team to buyer groupConference sellingSeminar sellingSales Presentation MethodsSelect One C

6、arefullyThe four sales presentation methods are:MemorizedFormulaNeed-satisfactionProblem-solutionThe basic difference between the four methods is the percentage of the conversation controlled by the salespersonExhibit 9-2:The Structure of Sales PresentationsSalesperson talking timeCustomer talking t

7、imeExhibit 9-3:Participation Time by Customer and Salesperson During a Memorized Sales PresentationExhibit 9-4a:Dyno Electric Cart Memorized PresentationExhibit 9-4b:Dyno Electric Cart Memorized PresentationWhy to Choose the Memorized(Canned)Sales Presentation MethodBecause it:Ensures the salesperso

8、n gives a well-planned presentationEnsures all of the companys salespeople discuss the same informationBoth aides and lends confidence to the inexperienced salespersonIt is effective when:Selling time is short,as in door-to-door or telephone sellingThe product type is nontechnical such as books,cook

9、ing utensils,or cosmeticsBecause it:Presents FABs that may not be important to the buyerAllows for little prospect participationIs impractical to use when selling technical products that require prospect input and discussionRequires the salesperson to proceed quickly through the sales presentation t

10、o the close,resulting in several closes or requests for the order,which may be interpreted by the prospect as high pressure sellingWhy Not to Choose the Memorized(Canned)Sales Presentation MethodSalesperson talking timeCustomer talking timeExhibit 9-5:Participation Time by a Customer and Salesperson

11、 During a Formula Sales PresentationPresentationApproachCloseAIDCAStep Number 1.Plan the call 2.Review plans 3.Greet personnel 4.Check store conditions 5.Approach 6.Presentation 7.Close 8.Merchandising 9.Records and reports10.Analyze the call.The 10-Step Productive Retail Sales CallExhibit 9-6:The 1

12、0-Step Productive Retail Sales CallExhibit 9-7:A Formula Approach Sales PresentationWhy to Choose the Formula Sales Presentation MethodBecause you:Are contacting similar prospects in similar situationsKnow something about the prospectHave called on the prospect in the pastWant to ensure all informat

13、ion is presented logicallyWant to have reasonable amount of buyer-seller interactionWhy to Choose the Formula Sales Presentation Method,contBecause it allows for smooth handling of anticipated questions and objectionsExamples of product types that work well with this method are:Consumer goodsPharmac

14、eutical goodsWhy Not to Choose the Formula Sales Presentation MethodBecause you:Do not know the prospects needsSee a need for the prospect to talk more Have a complex selling situation such as:Selling a technical productSelling to a groupSalesperson talking timeCustomer talking timeExhibit 9-8:Parti

15、cipation Time by Customer and Salesperson During Need-Satisfaction and Problem-Solution Sales PresentationsThe Need-Satisfaction Presentations PhasesNeed-development phaseNeed-awareness phaseNeed-fulfillment phaseWell,it does,but its only one mile.How do your executives get to the plant area?They wa

16、lk through our underground tunnel.Some walk on the road when we have good weather.When they get to the plant area,how do they get around the plant?Well,they walk or catch a ride on one of the small tractors the workers use in the plant.Have your executives ever complained about having to do all that

17、 walking?All the time!Mr.Pride,you really have a large manufacturing facility.How large is it?We have approximately 50 acres under roof,with our main production building almost 25 acres under one roof.We use six buildings for production.How far is it from your executives offices to your plant area?I

18、t looks like it must be two miles over to there.Exhibit 9-9a:A Need-Satisfaction PresentationSalesperson:Buyer:Salesperson:Buyer:Salesperson:Buyer:Salesperson:Buyer:Salesperson:Buyer:What dont they like about the long walk?Well,I hear everything from“It wears out my shoe leather,”to“Its hard on my p

19、acemaker.”The main complaints are the time it takes them and that some older executives are exhausted by the time they get back to their offices.Many people need to go to the plant but dont.It sounds as if your executives are interested in reducing their travel time and not having to exert so much e

20、nergy.By doing so,doesnt it seem they would get to the plant as they need to,saving them time and energy and saving the company money?I guess so.Mr.Pride,on the average,how much money do your executives make an hour?Maybe$30 an hour.If I could show you how to save your executives time in getting to

21、and from the plant,would you be interested?Yes,I would.Now the salesperson moves into the presentation.Exhibit 9-9b:A Need-Satisfaction PresentationSalesperson:Buyer:Salesperson:Buyer:Salesperson:Buyer:Salesperson:Buyer:Why to Choose the Need-Satisfaction Sales Presentation MethodBecause you:Need a

22、flexible,interactive sales presentationNeed to uncover needs by asking questionsNeed the prospect to talk about his needsUse this method the first time you call on a prospectShould you have to come back a second time,you would use the formula sales presentation methodWhy to Choose the Need-Satisfact

23、ion Sales Presentation Method,contExamples of product types that work well with this method are:Financial servicesSystemsHigh priced goods/services such as vehicles,real estate,computer systems,industrial equipmentWhy Not to Choose the Need-Satisfaction Sales Presentation MethodBecause you:Need more

24、 control over the conversationFeel should not ask too many questionsAre new to the sales professionExhibit 9-8:Participation Time by Customer and Salesperson During Need-Satisfaction and Problem-Solution Sales PresentationsThe Problem-Solution Presentations Six StepsStep 1-Convincing the prospect to

25、 allow the salesperson to conduct the analysisStep 2-Making the actual analysisStep 3-Agreeing on the problems and determining that the buyer wants to solve the problemStep 4-Preparing the proposal for a solution to the prospects needsStep 5-Preparing the sales presentation based on the analysis and

26、 proposalStep 6-Making the sales presentationWhy to Choose the Problem-Solution Sales Presentation MethodBecause you:Are selling highly complex or technical productsAre required to make several sales calls to develop a detailed in-depth analysis of a prospects needs Need a flexible,customized presen

27、tation based on findingsEach of these methods can be the best one when properly matched with the situationWhat Is the Best Presentation Method?MemorizedFormula Need-satisfactionProblem-solutionThe Group PresentationMay be less flexible than a one-on-one meetingThe larger the group,the more structure

28、d your presentationThe Group Presentation,contGive the proper introductionEstablish credibilityProvide an account listState your competitive advantagesGive quality assurances and qualificationsCater to the groups behavioral styleNegotiating So Everyone WinsMany salespeople negotiate during the confi

29、rming phase of the salePhases of negotiationPlanningMeetingStudyingProposingSales Presentations Go High TechVideosCD-ROMsSatellite conferencingComputer hardware and softwareSelect the Presentation Method,Then the ApproachKnow which method to use before developing the presentation Plan the presentati

30、on Select the approach/openingPresentationDiscuss ProductPresent Marketing PlanExplain Business PropositionSuggest Purchase Selling ProcessBuyers Mental Steps Prospecting PreapproachFollow-up&Service ApproachPresentationTrial CloseDetermine Objections Meet Objections DesireConvictionPresent Marketin

31、g PlanAvailability,Delivery,Guarantee,Merchandising,Installation,Maintenance,Promotion,Training,WarrantyExplain Business PropList Price,Shipping Cost,Discounts,Financing,ROI,Value AnalysisSuggest PurchaseProduct,Quantity,Features,Delivery,Installation,PriceMoneyAuthorityDesire Action (Purchase)Atten

32、tionDiscussion SequenceDiscuss ProductShow FeatureExplain AdvantageLead into BenefitLet Customer TalkInterestTrial CloseCloseThe Parallel Dimensions of Selling*The Golden Rule Makes SenseIts use sets you apart from all of the other salespeople who only want to make a sale and a fast dollarTreat your

33、 prospects and customers as your business neighbors Lets Review Before Moving On!Its important to know that:Parallel dimensions interactDiscussion sequenceSelling processBuyers mental steps Summary of Major Selling IssuesYou must master the art of giving a good sales presentationThe sales presentati

34、on method selected should be based on prior knowledge of the customer,your sales call objective,and your customer benefit planShow that you have a right to present your product because it has key benefits for the prospectMany different presentation methods are availableThere is no one best method;each one must be tailored to meet the particular characteristics of a specific selling situation or environment

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