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1、2 2Journey through the odyssey yearsUnit 3 Section AUnit 3 Section AFOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING AND RESEARCH PRESS FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING AND RESEARCH PRESS AIR FORCE ENGINEERING UNIVERSITYAIR FORCE ENGINEERING UNIVERSITYParents can only give good advice or put their children on the right paths,but

2、 the final forming of a persons character lies in their own hands.Anne Frank(German diarist)2 23UnitDiscovery of a new life stageSection A 2 23UnitJourney through the odyssey yearsObjectivesObjectivesTo talk about odyssey yearsTo further understand the textTo apply the phrases and patternsTo master

3、the essay writing skillDiscovery of a new life stageContentsJourney Journey through through the othe odyssey dyssey y yearsearsSection AWarming-up activities Text study Language application SummaryWarming-up activitiesLead-inLead-inPre-reading activitiesPre-reading activitiesCultural backgroundCultu

4、ral backgroundJourney Journey through the odyssey through the odyssey y yearsearsSection A1.What major stages does ones life include?Childhood,adolescence,adulthood,and old age2.Which stage are you at now?The stage between adolescence and adulthood.The odyssey years.Cultural backgroundCultural backg

5、round1.What are the so-called“odyssey years”?The term odyssey years is originated from The Odyssey,a long poem by the Greek author Homer,which is a sequel(续集)to the Iliad,and mainly centers on the story of the Greek hero,Odysseus.It described Odysseus long journey trying to return home from adventur

6、es and war.Cultural backgroundCultural background1.What are the so-called“odyssey years”?For English speakers,as many other cultures,the odyssey has become a special term for an epic journey and great struggle.The odyssey years in this text refers to a newly added life phase,which appears between ad

7、olescence and adulthood.its the decade when young people are wandering and going through life,exploring and discovering themselves.2.Special terms for different generationsGeneration Jones(after World War II in 1945 through 1965):baby boomers;less optimism,distrust of government,and general cynicism

8、Generation X(from the 1960s to the early 1980s):the period of birth decline;be pushed toward adulthood at an age earlier;better educated than baby boomersCultural backgroundCultural background2.Special terms for different generationsGeneration Y(from the mid-1980s to the early 2000s):the Millennial

9、Generation;an increased use and familiarity with communications,media,and digital technologiesGeneration Z(from the mid-1990s or the early 2000s to the present):the Net or the Internet Generation;spend their entire life with the World Wide Web and high-tech gadgetsCultural backgroundCultural backgro

10、undMain idea&structureMain idea&structureLanguage focusLanguage focusCritical thinkingCritical thinking Text studyJourney Journey through the odyssey yearsthrough the odyssey yearsSection AMani idea of the textMani idea of the textMain idea&structureMain idea&structureThe text mainly talks about wha

11、t“the odyssey years”means and how this particular phase is characterized.Previous phases in lifeTransitionA newly added phase in life:the odyssey yearsCharacteristics of the odyssey yearsAdvice to young peopleStructure of the textStructure of the textMain idea&structureMain idea&structureExplains ho

12、w the traditional way labeled previous life stages:_and old age.Part I (Para.1)Previous phases of lifechildhood,adolescence,adulthood Main ideas of the partsMain ideas of the partsMain idea&structureMain idea&structure我们把这些阶段想象为婴儿期在童年之前,中年在老年之前,每个阶段都会面临一系列特有的挑战。原句译文原句译文逆译练习逆译练习We think of infancy be

13、fore childhood and middle age before old age,with each unique phase bringing its own peculiar set of challenges.(Para.1,L2-4)句型提炼句型提炼Language focusLanguage focusFunctional patternsLanguage focusLanguage focusFunctional patternswith+n./pron.+v-ing.句型提炼句型提炼应用提示应用提示构成with独立结构,主要用作状语,可以表示伴随、方式、原因、时间等。wi

14、th之后的名词和其后的现在分词构成主谓关系,其中现在分词表示主动并正在进行的动作。句型应用句型应用(with each dish emitting)典型例句她在餐桌旁坐了下来,每道菜都散发出扑鼻的香味。(状语表示伴随)意群提示She sat down at the table,with each dish emitting a delicious smell.Language focusLanguage focusFunctional patterns(with her eyes fixing)典型例句女孩坐在那里一言不发,眼睛直挺挺地盯着墙壁。(状语表示方式)意群提示The girl sat

15、 there quite silent,with her eyes fixing on the wall.Language focusLanguage focusFunctional patterns(with our food running out/walk to a village)典型例句由于我们的食物即将吃完,我们不得不步行到一个村子寻求帮助。(状语表示原因)意群提示With our food running out,we had to walk to a village for help.Language focusLanguage focusFunctional patterns

16、(with summer coming)典型例句随着夏季来临,天气正变得越来越热。(状语表示时间)意群提示With summer coming,it is becoming hotter and hotter.Language focusLanguage focusFunctional patterns使了解;使熟知使了解;使熟知Please acquaint us with your plans as soon as possible.acquaint sb/oneself with sth短语逆译短语应用请尽快将你的计划告诉我们。Language focusLanguage focusPr

17、actical phrases This transitional paragraph claims that _ is changing.Part II (Para.2)Transitionthe way of viewing different life stages Main ideas of the partsMain ideas of the partsMain idea&structureMain idea&structure Part III (Paras.3-5)Introduce a newly added life stage:the odyssey years Main

18、ideas of the partsMain ideas of the partsMain idea&structureMain idea&structureWhat did young people used to do after college?(Para.3)TipsTipsTipsTipsThey would find a job leading to a career and then start a family.Main ideas of the partsMain ideas of the partsMain idea&structureMain idea&structure

19、Based on the reading,what are the so-called“odyssey years”?(Para.4)TipsTipsTipsTipsThey are recognized as a new life stage that comes after high school graduation,continues through college and leads to starting a family and having a career.Main ideas of the partsMain ideas of the partsMain idea&stru

20、ctureMain idea&structure由于年轻人正按照一种不同的模式生活,最近的趋势出现了根本性的变化。原句译文原句译文逆译练习逆译练习Recent trends show radical changes as young people are following a different agenda.(Para.4,L3-4)句型提炼句型提炼Language focusLanguage focusFunctional patternsRecent trends/tendencies/fashions show句型提炼句型提炼应用提示应用提示用于描述“近来的一种态势”。句型应用句型应

21、用Language focusLanguage focusFunctional patterns(recent.show/benefit from)典型例句最近的趋势表明,可以通过放松的锻炼方式使身体受益。意群提示A recent tendency shows that it is possible that body benefits from exercises through a relaxing way.Language focusLanguage focusFunctional patterns中断;暂停中断;暂停(take a break from/make herself som

22、e coffee)She took a break from her work to make herself some coffee and then resumed a few minutes later.take a break from短语逆译短语应用她暂停了一会儿工作,给自己泡了一点咖啡,然后几分钟后继续工作。意群提示Language focusLanguage focusPractical phrasesHow is young peoples assumption of adulthood in the past different from that at present?(P

23、ara.5)TipsTipsTipsTipsPreviously,young people would move away from home,become financially independent,find the right spouse and start a family;whereas young people today are different because they delay marriage,child bearing,and even employment.Main ideas of the partsMain ideas of the partsMain id

24、ea&structureMain idea&structureFocus on a comparison/contrast essayTo compare means to show the similarities and to contrast means to show the differences.There are some important points to remember when you write a comparison/contrast essay:to be continuedto be continuedWriting devicesWriting devic

25、esTo be comparableTo mention the pointsTwo basic patterns:point-by-point and subject-by-subjectto be continuedto be continuedWriting devicesWriting devicesEssay writingEssay writingMoving away from home;Becoming financially independent;Finding the right spouse and starting a familyWriting devicesWri

26、ting devicesDelaying marriage,child bearing,and even employmentOlder generationYounger generation倾向于;往往会;倾向于;往往会;易于做某事易于做某事(tend to do sth./need less sleep)People tend to need less sleep as they get older.tend to do sth.短语逆译短语应用人们随着年纪的增长往往不需要那么多睡眠。意群提示Language focusLanguage focusPractical phrasesInt

27、roduces a new life stage,the odyssey years,using comparison and contrast.Specifically,Paragraph 3 describes _Paragraph 4 presents _.Paragraph 5 compares _ in the past and present.Part III (Paras.3-5)A newly added phase in lifewhat young people used to do after college.young peoples concept of adulth

28、ood the image of young people todayMain ideas of the partsMain ideas of the partsMain idea&structureMain idea&structure Part IV (Paras.6-10)Characteristics of the odyssey yearsMain ideas of the partsMain ideas of the partsMain idea&structureMain idea&structureHow do some young people in their odysse

29、y years react to their parents?(Para.6)TipsTipsTipsTipsThey often resent the pressure theyre feeling and keep a distance from their parents or even run away from home.Many also resort to computer games,iPods,iPhones,or iPads.Main ideas of the partsMain ideas of the partsMain idea&structureMain idea&

30、structure使承担苦差事;使承担苦差事;使负重担使负重担(saddle sb.with sth./due to/an increased cost)The company is saddled with debt due to the consequence of an increased cost of production.saddle sb.with sth.短语逆译短语应用由于生产成本的提高,该公司陷入了债务。意群提示Language focusLanguage focusPractical phrasesHow did parents feel toward their gro

31、wn children whose lives are moving away from their expectations?(Para.7)TipsTipsTipsTipsThe parents feel more anxious.They get upset to see their grown childrens lives are moving away from their own expectations and they dont even detect a clear direction in their childrens lives.Main ideas of the p

32、artsMain ideas of the partsMain idea&structureMain idea&structure体体谅谅;原;原谅谅You should make allowances for him;hes been quite ill recently.make allowances for短语逆译短语应用你应该体谅他,他最近身体相当不好。意群提示Language focusLanguage focusPractical phrasesWhy does everything during this stage remain temporary?(Para.8)TipsTi

33、psTipsTipsBecause new guidelines for this new phase havent been established yet.Main ideas of the partsMain ideas of the partsMain idea&structureMain idea&structure被代替被代替(give way to sth./give one a pay raise)He was greatly disappointed over his boss decision against giving him a pay raise,and soon

34、his disappointment gave way to anger.give way to sth.短语逆译短语应用他对老板不给他加薪的决定感到非常失望,很快他的失望变成了愤怒。意群提示Language focusLanguage focusPractical phrases别的不说,这对择偶产生了不言而喻的影响。原句译文原句译文逆译练习逆译练习Apart from anything else,this has had an implicit effect on courtship.(Para.9,L1)句型提炼句型提炼Language focusLanguage focusFuncti

35、onal patternsApart from anything else,sth.has an effect on句型提炼句型提炼应用提示应用提示用于强调“某种因素的影响某种因素的影响”。句型应用句型应用Language focusLanguage focusFunctional patterns(apart from anything else/rumors/negative effect)典型例句撇开别的不说,仅仅这些谣言对他的形象已经产生了负面的影响。意群提示Apart from anything else,these rumors alone have had a negative

36、effect on his image.Language focusLanguage focusFunctional patternsWhat are some of the characteristics of this phase?(Para.10)TipsTipsTipsTipsCharacteristics of the phase include delaying marriage and spending more years independently before settling down with a career and family.Main ideas of the

37、partsMain ideas of the partsMain idea&structureMain idea&structureThis part exclusively deals with the characteristics of the odyssey years such as young peoples _,parents feelings toward the growing children,no new guidelines,young people s holding _ and so on.Part IV (Paras.6-10)Characteristics of

38、 the odyssey years rebellious reaction traditional aspirationsMain ideas of the partsMain ideas of the partsMain idea&structureMain idea&structure Part IV (Paras.11-12)Advice to young peopleMain ideas of the partsMain ideas of the partsMain idea&structureMain idea&structureWhat advice is offered to

39、the young people?(Paras.11-12)TipsTipsTipsTipsCollege graduates shouldnt easily give up in face of competitions.Success will only come to those who know that they must have the strength,capacity and confidence to pass through the odyssey years.Main ideas of the partsMain ideas of the partsMain idea&

40、structureMain idea&structureDo you think the odyssey years could lead to self-discovery?Why or why not?(Para.12)TipsTipsTipsTipsYes,because sufficient time is provided to speculate on and experience life.No,that period of time only brings in more stress and frustration but no self-awareness.Main ide

41、as of the partsMain ideas of the partsMain idea&structureMain idea&structureEncourage young people never to give up when facing any difficulties.They must have _.Part IV (Paras.11-12)Advice to young peoplethe strength,capacity and confidence to successfully pass through the odyssey yearsMain ideas o

42、f the partsMain ideas of the partsMain idea&structureMain idea&structure放弃;退出放弃;退出(be intimidated by/competition/inner confidence)Do not be intimidated by people who think they are smarter than you,and dont back off when facing competition;inner confidence is important.短语逆译短语应用别在那些自认为比你聪明的面前露怯,而且在竞争

43、面前不要退缩;内在的自信很重要。意群提示back off Language focusLanguage focusPractical phrases对某事感到惊对某事感到惊讶,感到诧异讶,感到诧异(wonder at/visitors to mountainous areas)Visitors to mountainous areas tend to wonder at the speed with which the weather can change in such areas.短语逆译短语应用去山里观光的游客对这个地区天气变化之快感到诧异。意群提示wonder at Language

44、focusLanguage focusPractical phrasesPrevious phases in lifeTransitionA newly added phase in life:the odyssey yearsCharacteristics of the odyssey yearsAdvice to young peopleStructure of the textStructure of the textMain idea&structureMain idea&structurePrevious phases in lifeTransitionA newly added p

45、hase in life:the odyssey yearsCharacteristics of the odyssey yearsAdvice to young peopleStructure of the textStructure of the textMain idea&structureMain idea&structureThere were childhood,adolescence,adulthood,and old age,with each unique phase bringing its own peculiar set of challenges.(Para.1)Pr

46、evious phases in lifeStructure of the textStructure of the textMain idea&structureMain idea&structurePrevious phases in lifeTransitionA newly added phase in life:the odyssey yearsCharacteristics of the odyssey yearsAdvice to young peopleStructure of the textStructure of the textMain idea&structureMa

47、in idea&structureTransitionThe way of viewing different life stages is changing.(Para.2)Structure of the textStructure of the textMain idea&structureMain idea&structurePrevious phases in lifeTransitionA newly added phase in life:the odyssey yearsCharacteristics of the odyssey yearsAdvice to young pe

48、opleStructure of the textStructure of the textMain idea&structureMain idea&structurePreviously,young people would move away from home and start a family;which is different from today.(Para.5)A newly added phase in life:the odyssey yearsToday,young people are following a different agenda:the odyssey

49、years.(Para.4)Previously,young peoples induction to adulthood was completed once they graduated from college.(Para.3)Structure of the textStructure of the textMain idea&structureMain idea&structurePrevious phases in lifeTransitionA newly added phase in life:the odyssey yearsCharacteristics of the od

50、yssey yearsAdvice to young peopleStructure of the textStructure of the textMain idea&structureMain idea&structureNew guidelines for this particular phase havent been established.Every change remains temporary.(Para.8)Characteristics of the odyssey yearsBecause of enormous pressure,young people react

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